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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Always thought Kashyyk was missing, a huge forested world with the dangers on the forest floor, with great tree house cities would be fantastic.


Manaan was an epic world from Kotor that I enjoyed. City of the deep.


Felucia - planet of mushroom trees and Rancors etc, Always liked this planet, its depiction in the Clone wars cartoon or that of Force Unleashed computer game. I suppose for that reason its probably the least likely to show up.


Nyssa/Pelagia - Both Tapani sector worlds, one the heart of the jedi, the other the Heart of the Mecrosa Order. Very little on both planets (Pelagia being a beautiful waterworld) which would give a lot of creative juices as well as depicting the distinct culture of the tapani sector with fantastic embroidered and patterned and outrageous costumes bringing a lot of creativity to not just the planets but the people as well.


Gree - The planet Gree is interesting with alien architecture of lost machines with Gree laboriously looking after them with many of the machines unknown to the gree of their use. You have wild areas and civilised areas and a lot of creativity could be used by the designers here. Hypergates! omg omg, introducing certain ways to get about the galaxy instead of jumping on shuttles all the time.

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I'd like to see Khoonda on Dantooine again. And I would really like it if the map was immediately recognizable as the one from Kotor I & II. I realize that the valley of the dark lords had to be expanded and changed for gameplay purposes, and to reflect all the additional excavation, but Khoonda was a tiny rural settlement. Probably wouldn't change too much.


I would love to be able to explore the maps I remember (upgraded for proper scale obviously). The combined dantooine maps from I & II should be plenty big for a planet, especially if you expand the kinrath caves and add more area outside, and make everything bigger.


I would also love to visit the kinrath caves (make it a special heroic 4 or something) to get a crystal that reflects your alignment like Kotor II had. I would love to see a level 50 crystal that has different (but all equally powerful) effects at the various LS/DS levels.


Making a pilgrimage to the Jedi enclave ruins and the Star map would be great as well. It would be cool to see a Jedi rebuilding project to use the enclave as a new outpost, with the Sith presence on the planet trying to halt their efforts like on Taris.


Other planets I would like to see make a return are anything we haven't seen from the Kotor series (manaan and Telos especially) as well as Yavin IV, Ziost, and opening up Republic and Empire starter planets to the opposite faction for special infiltration quests (with pvp disabled on those planets to prevent griefing).

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In order of what I would want most to least…


Hapes – The splendor and beauty not to mention the riches!

Ithor – The world ships floating around above the jungles that you’re not to set foot on without completing a rite, sounds cool to me!

Csilla – Very Hoth like with lots going on underground. Would be cool to see the home world of the Chiss.

Kuat – Super industrialized, lots of orbiting stations which could provide some unique “zones” not to mention all the nobility owning lad down below with well landscaped gardens. Could be some very, very pretty architecture.

Sullust – all rock and replace water on most planets with lava on this one? Underground habitats, tunnels, etc… Sounds cool to me!

Bothawui – Always wondered how Bothawui would look…

Ziost – Potential for some very cool Jedi / Sith stories on this planet.

Kashyyyk – Right along with Ithor, natural beauty, and exploring the Shadowlands!

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In my opinion the Chiss homeworld Csilla would be a thrilling planet ot visit. ( I want to explore it's frozen land since i firstread about it)

That would be interesting to put a planet with underwater locations in the game e.g. : Manaan; Mon Calamar ; Naboo

would be funny to get a gungan, quarren or selkath companion too :D

Kashyyyk / Trandosha or Onderon / Dxun . Treetop areas above the dark shadowlands sounds really great.

Planet of : Myrky , Wayland , Prakith, Sili, Mustafar , Mygeeto or Cato Neimoidia would be a good choice. :cool:

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Here is my planetary wish list:



The Cloud City, This planet (city) is the "Tasha Yar" of the StarWars Gaming universe .. Why there has been no love for this planet in the past is beyond me ??



Ohh yes Lets bring on the Death watch .. and the Return of Death watch bunker. This would totally rule .. make it a pure PvP area .. im getting excited in ways that only my wife would know, just thinking about it.



Havent noticed anyone mention this planet. I for one think It would be very cool, and artistically gorgeous to be done.

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Thyferra - May or may not be possible due to kolto being our healing stuff, but I'd like to see the bacta word introduced :)


Bespin - May be hard to do since its basically one big city platform and a few mining rigs

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You already have the exisiting Kotor worlds to add if you want, and obviously have plenty of established story to work with.


For new ones? Dathomir (Nightsisters, Rancors, Clan Sisters), and Mandalore (Mandalore homeworld) would top my list.

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For me, number one would be Manaan. I'm picturing Ahto as a central hub with plenty of stuff to do under the waves though there'd have to be very little of the traditional questing model already seen in the game to make it work.


Probably too tall an order though, it would need to genuinely be different. So I'll throw in Dathomir, Geonosis and the moon of Endor.

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I already mentioned Honoghr, because it'd be great to see some Noghri action - and it could also include the battle that devastates the planet, allowing the Empire to hoodwink them. Not to mention playable Noghri, or even just a companion would be BA.


It would also be great to see Emberlene and some Mistryl storylines, possibly including the unknown cause of the destruction of Emberlene.


Dellalt would also be a good choice. While Xim the Despot died in 25000 BBY with the treasure from the Queen of Ranroon tucked away in the real vaults, content for SWTOR could include a raid on the fake vaults directly above them. This would cause them to be emptied by us players 3500 years before Han, Skynx, and Gallandro find the real vaults below.

Edited by Grimmig
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Kashyyk would be a great planet. Questing zones could keep descending until you get into the Shadowlands, lots of Wookies. Maybe the primary conflict could be like Empire wants to enslave the wookies and Republic is trying to save the Wookies.

Other planets:

Naboo(No gungans would make it better heh)



Bothatwui(there was that one conflict there that was during the last war, and spys)


Mandalore/Dxun(get some Mandalorian action)

Telos(would be cool to see the restoration from KoTOR II worked out)

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Manaan -- You don't yet have an aquatic world. Selkath are cool. So is Kolto. Could be some KOTOR tie-ins.


Bespin -- Something about traversing those platforms suspended in air is appealing. Kamino is another option.


Csilla -- After getting a taste in the Timothy Zahn books, I'd love to see Chiss society.


Geonosis -- You don't have a red, rocky world yet. Mustafar is another option.


Alpheridies --If possible during this time period. <3 the Miraluka


Yavin IV -- For your jungle world. NOT Kashyyyk.

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Hello everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is looking for your feedback on the game's development once again. This week he's looking out to the stars... and the planets of the Star Wars universe.


James takes feedback directly via his Twitter account (@JamesOhlen), but if you're not on Twitter, his question is below and you can give your feedback here which will be passed on to him.


As always, we ask you to limit your feedback to the question at hand and keep your feedback constructive as well as on-topic!


Here is James' question for this week:


"What planet in the Star Wars universe do you want to see in Star Wars: The Old Republic that is not currently in the game?"


You can name any planet you like, but remember, planets in The Old Republic can be fully explorable (like Coruscant, Tatooine, Hoth etc) and/or destinations that are seen as part of a Flashpoint or Operation (like Taral V, Denova, Kaon, etc).


As a reminder, you can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen. You can also follow our main account @SWTOR.


Utapaun, Umbara, Apatros, Naboo. Ryloth, Mon Calamari water planets

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Hello everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is looking for your feedback on the game's development once again. This week he's looking out to the stars... and the planets of the Star Wars universe.


James takes feedback directly via his Twitter account (@JamesOhlen), but if you're not on Twitter, his question is below and you can give your feedback here which will be passed on to him.


As always, we ask you to limit your feedback to the question at hand and keep your feedback constructive as well as on-topic!


Here is James' question for this week:


"What planet in the Star Wars universe do you want to see in Star Wars: The Old Republic that is not currently in the game?"


You can name any planet you like, but remember, planets in The Old Republic can be fully explorable (like Coruscant, Tatooine, Hoth etc) and/or destinations that are seen as part of a Flashpoint or Operation (like Taral V, Denova, Kaon, etc).


As a reminder, you can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen. You can also follow our main account @SWTOR.


Naboo, Ryloth, Umbara, Felucia Utapaun, Apatros, and water planets : MonCalamari,Green Ansemet etc:P

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