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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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I am really curious how they are going to spin 'targetted server transfers' when they need to have a 5:1, source:destination ratio, and what they are going to do when people refuse to leave the dead servers, because 'this is not a merger'.


Same as WAR did. You have "x" amount of time to move, after that when you log in, you have to move.

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When will the transfers happen??? Sometime in June it says, maybe? I will give it one more monthly subscription payment, but I will be cancelling before another subscription charge in July if 1.3 still hasn't come out. As is, I have hardly played in a couple months due to nothing to do. This game has already lost way too many players, before we know it, it will be a dead game at this rate. Come on Bioware!
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When will the transfers happen??? Sometime in June it says, maybe? I will give it one more monthly subscription payment, but I will be cancelling before another subscription charge in July if 1.3 still hasn't come out. As is, I have hardly played in a couple months due to nothing to do. This game has already lost way too many players, before we know it, it will be a dead game at this rate. Come on Bioware!


No, it's going into the testing phase in June. We will probably be waiting until July.

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I am pretty sure they didnt plan on merging initially, but even they realize things have gotten so tragically bad they no longer have any choice but to do so, and in a major, major way.


they should merger the servers into a lowered number higher population grouping of servers.. then open the floor up to transfers be them paid or not . to a server of your choice..


that way you get time to try the new community ( theo ne you would be merged into ) then you have the ability to make a concious choice to move to a different server. already with a fairly established new community

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well, didnt want to read all 74 pages but today I canceled my subscirtion due to low server populations..the game doesnt feel like an mmo when no one else is playing..let me know when server tranfers are available and I'll be back..this game definetly has potential, but population issues need to be fixed ASAP..until then..back to WoW and Diablo
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My guild on Black Vulkars officially disbanded because of low server population. I really, really hope that transfers are up and running soon, because the ever-shrinking populations are only going to accelerate the number of de-subs. Edited by plethaus
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My guild on Black Vulkars officially disbanded because of low server population. I really, really hope that transfers are up and running soon, because the ever-shrinking populations are only going to accelerate the number of de-subs.


My guild is still going on Black Vulkars although I think we may be one of the last. Some of us made Republic toons to keep ourselves busy until the next patch. You know it's bad when you're in a Huttball match and 3/4 players on both sides are from you're own guild....lol. Makes for some interesting matches though. :D

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Here is my concern... Girrada the Hutt is a low pop server However My guild is currently one of the biggest and most active on the server. If and when these "server transfers" ~ or ~ " server merges" happens what becomes of our server/guild. We have made what we have work and are working on the current end game content, but when the time comes and folks decide to move to a high pop server then the guild falls apart and we lose all progress.

IMO if they make it so a full guild can move to a med pop server it would be beneficial to save subs. However if they don't and what is already a low pop server becomes barren they lose subs. I personally do not want to lose the great guild and guildies I currently have due to the fact that they created too many servers at game launch and I don't feel like paying for transfers of all my toons to another server just so they can generate population. Free is good. Free with guild and guildies would be fabulous!

So if your looking for some great folks to run with feel free to join us!! Server Girrada the Hutt Empire Guild <Atrum Dominatio> GM Starri (Sith Marauder) Look us up anyone can join!!

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I don't really understand how this is going to work... I'm on a Light population server, been that way for a while now (not a total ghost town, though; pvp isn't dead and guilds can pull together raids - but some guilds are disbanding due to lack of member activity), so will I be transferred to a higher population server or a lower one? Or will I not be transferred at all and other people would join the server I'm on? Will server X have the option to stay on server X or go to only server Y or will there be tons of options (X to X, Y, Z, Q, W, 5679sdhflksdgjl) orrr?


I'm not really getting it, and people on my server keep saying really different, contradictory things about what's going to happen. And as a guildmaster I'd really like to know if my guildies and I are going to all have to agree on which server to move to or if it's just decided for us (which I think would be the nicer, cleaner option that would make a lot more sense). And I like the community I'm in - I just wish there could be more of us, haha.


Sorry if I'm maybe missing something that was already clearly explained to everyone? xD :p

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Can't believe we don't have anything more substantial from BW on this.


BW should be ashamed. While they build bridges with additional content for the ME3 ending they burn bridges here with snippets of vague information with their SUBSCRIPTION PAYING customers who are invested in making this MMO work as much as they hopefully are.


Mergers/transfers needed to be done month(s) ago, and while the E3 video got me excited for what content they have planned, the thought of "putting up" with the poor communication in what is a crisis is sucking my enthusiasm up almost completely.


Subs will continue to bleed, guilds will continue to crumble. People need something to hold onto, BW, please tell us exactly what you're planning right now and when we can expect to see it happen.

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You all do realize by August there will not be enough subscribers for this game that it will matter about transfers.


I'm willing to bet you that you are wrong if you are willing to put your money where your mouth is, so to say.

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Bioware, If you can't tell us exactly when we are getting server transfers/merges can you at least have the decency to tell us why you cant tell us? No wonder ray only received a golf clap from a couple of obligated employees during his presentation at E3.
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Oh, this is interesting. Let's take a bet about this one.


Sure. I bet you $100 that on August 31, Star Wars the Old Republic will (a) still have servers running and be available for play; (b) still be subscription based ("p2p"); © and that there will not have been any announcements by EA or BioWare that the game will be shut down or converted to payment by microtransactions ("f2p"). If any of these conditions do not apply, I will pay you $100, else you pay me $100. If you are game, PM me, and we will exchange contact information. The offer applies to Kryana too.

Edited by Kthx
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Sure. I bet you $100 that on August 31, Star Wars the Old Republic will (a) still have servers running and be available for play; (b) still be subscription based ("p2p"); © and that there will not have been any announcements by EA or BioWare that the game will be shut down or converted to payment by microtransactions ("f2p"). If any of these conditions do not apply, I will pay you $100, else you pay me $100. If you are game, PM me, and we will exchange contact information. The offer applies to Kryana too.


I'll join your side of the bet :D And the p2p would disqualify the f2p-to-15 and free trial aspects.

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Bioware, If you can't tell us exactly when we are getting server transfers/merges can you at least have the decency to tell us why you cant tell us? No wonder ray only received a golf clap from a couple of obligated employees during his presentation at E3.


thank you for the new signature my friend :D

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This has to happen. Last night the number of people on each planet I visited was no more than seven. Planet-wide. Come on, Bioware. Please.


I'm this close to unsubscribing and I'm one of your hard-core never going to quit Star Wars customers.


I appreciate it was a hard call on week one with so many people giving it a try and then walking away. You would have been damned if server queues had been massive (or more massive than they were) but right now, you're bleeding out. Fall back and re-gather the troops. You've still got a great chance to make a great MMO that could truly rival the giants of the genre.

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I absolutely love this game, I've been playing since launch. I have a character that I invested a lot of time in that I cannot play. My server is dead and it isn't even the worst one. It is complete ******** that I am paying 15 dollars a month for a game I cannot play. BW needs to implement transfers and they need to do it now. They should be working on a fix 24/7 because it is the one thing that can save this game. Get your damn heads out of your asses and make this game playable again. It is completely broken as it is now.
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