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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Don't get me wrong here, I'm pissed off ye, but I like this game. It beats the living things out of their current competadors and I love to do end game PVE content, but it seems like every progressing guild at my server is dieing and colapsing slowly and moving on to other games. Please help us to help yourselves.

Edited by Sireene
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Server transfers is the worst idea ever before merges, since due to the fact for an example which will also come true is that everyone knows fatman is always busy so when transfers come in everyone will either pick 1 server or 2 servers at the most and all head to those 2 which then in turn will leave more servers DEAD and that is why they should do merges , since they have the active numbers infront of there faces and the population of those servers so they can merge them and have a multiple servers all with high numbers instead of 1 or 2 and also have a pretty even pub to empire ratio.

Also wouldn't it save money closing down servers that are dead?


Also they are worried about bad press with merges???? That is the most stupid thing I've heard , due to the fact everyone already knows SWTOR is dieing so what is there to lose with a merge? You are just making more people leave the game with your slow reaction time on handling the problem and will hurt you even more trying to save face, instead of fixing the issue now. You failed at launch everyone knows that so you have nothing to hide just do the merges and be done with it.

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Finally. Someone else understands this. The lack of this kind of thought process has helped put the game in the situation it is in. everyone was saying: "why would i transfer to a light to standard population server?" "TO THE FATMAN, TO THE TOMB OF FREEDON NADD, TO THE HARBINGER," instead of saying:


Person 1: "Lets try to get a group of about X people on the forums and what is left of our dead server to pick one light to standard server and all move over there within the same time frame."

Person 2: "Ok, i'm in. and once we all move over there, that server will become more populated, and therefore draw more people over there and that server will end up being heavy."

Person 1: "That's what I was thinking."


Now we have about 4-6 decently populated servers and the rest,,,,,,,,,,,,:(


Is it BW's fault of the low pop servers? for the most part, yes. they should have come out with transfers and/or merges earlier. maybe they should have focused on that instead of 1.2 because that made the game really awesome:rolleyes:


Is it completely 100% BW's fault? No. If more people would have taken the time to plan a successful move with X number of people had not acted like sheep and follow the herd, then the problem would not be as bad as it is right now. It would still be there for some, but not as many as right now.


Remember tho if you got people playing on going to a stander server together from one server remember this you are going to a server that has people that will be transferring out also , so you are going in and the same amount are going out due the transfers, so that leaves you in a server with no pop change and you with no transfer options , which means merges are the best idea , SINCE THEY can control who goes where and evenly make each server close to the same pop's and have multiple servers with good lvls of pop, instead of relying on people to make a logical choice and do what you said which will never happen, and that is the main reason why they should to the merges and soon , 2 months is the max and that is still to long , any longer then that and they will be hard pressed to keep subs.

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It is NOT a victory if the server that you transfer to is rated as Standard population... That's part of the issue here. There are currently two servers that resemble or feel like a MMO and that's it. This game does not have the luxury or time to sit on their hands and be cautious, they need to take decisive action NOW to keep their already shrinking playerbase around until atleast 1.3. I'm a pessimist yes, but there have been far too many MMO released in the recent history that have failed to be sitting here with a smile on my face.


This game has allot of long term potential but the absolute first thing they need to do is to get the game more interactive for the players and that means merges and/or transfers preferably both VERY quickly. Not mid-summer..immediately.


They are taking decisive action now. They have to build and test the system. they said early summer. if you cant wait then quit and come back when they go through with it. You guys have to stop. anging you head against the wall over this. This is the plan and it will happen. Sorry its not as fast as we would all like it. but i would rather have it done right then half assed. Dont know what else there is to say. Bioware has made it clear that they wilmdo their best to give confirmed news and to avoid at all cost give progress updates on features.


If yu havent done so already make an alt. im lucky that my guild is active on my server so im getting all the end game goodness i can. But i am also leveling my alt with some guildies. Another suggestion is make an alt on a server that is not fatman in the hopes that you can transfer your other chars there if you are guildless.

Edited by SvnStrSlm
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Is it completely 100% BW's fault? No. If more people would have taken the time to plan a successful move with X number of people had not acted like sheep and follow the herd, then the problem would not be as bad as it is right now. It would still be there for some, but not as many as right now.


I'm sorry.


I must have missed the part where I purchased this game and signed up for a subscription and was informed that I would have to police the game, improve server population, and make sure that other players are correctly distributed across the overwhelming number of servers that BW flooded us with. You know, things that developers, programmers, community administrators, and brainstormers are paid to do for this company.


No. I didn't miss that part. Because it wasn't there.

Edited by Celebrus
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Server transfers is the worst idea ever before merges, since due to the fact for an example which will also come true is that everyone knows fatman is always busy so when transfers come in everyone will either pick 1 server or 2 servers at the most and all head to those 2 which then in turn will leave more servers DEAD and that is why they should do merges , since they have the active numbers infront of there faces and the population of those servers so they can merge them and have a multiple servers all with high numbers instead of 1 or 2 and also have a pretty even pub to empire ratio.

Also wouldn't it save money closing down servers that are dead?


Also they are worried about bad press with merges???? That is the most stupid thing I've heard , due to the fact everyone already knows SWTOR is dieing so what is there to lose with a merge? You are just making more people leave the game with your slow reaction time on handling the problem and will hurt you even more trying to save face, instead of fixing the issue now. You failed at launch everyone knows that so you have nothing to hide just do the merges and be done with it.


They won't let you transfer to a heavy server for "free". That will only make the problem worse. They will let you transfer off of heavy servers like The Fatman or from the deadest servers to a more average one to help fill up the mid-pop servers.

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I'm sorry.


I must have missed the part where I purchased this game and signed up for a subscription and was informed that I would have to police the game, improve server population, and make sure that other players are correctly distributed across the overwhelming number of servers that BW flooded us with. You know, things that developers, programmers, community administrators, and brainstormers are paid to do for this company.


No. I didn't miss that part. Because it wasn't there.


so it is 100% BW's fault that you just happened to land on a server that alot of people left and it is now dead? It is not the players', that left the game entirely, fault? or the players' that re-rolled, without trying to plan anything to maybe HELP others and make the game more enjoyable, fault? I am not saying your sitituation doesn't suck, because it does if you are on a dead sever, but BW is not the scapegoat for 100% of the problems with this game, maybe 98-99%, but not 100%. I do agree with the last part of your post which was what i was getting at in the part before the part you quoted. you know, that server transfers and/or merges should have been here awhile ago. did you read that?

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so it is 100% BW's fault that you just happened to land on a server that alot of people left and it is now dead? It is not the players', that left the game entirely, fault? or the players' that re-rolled, without trying to plan anything to maybe HELP others and make the game more enjoyable, fault? I am not saying your sitituation doesn't suck, because it does if you are on a dead sever, but BW is not the scapegoat for 100% of the problems with this game, maybe 98-99%, but not 100%. I do agree with the last part of your post which was what i was getting at in the part before the part you quoted. you know, that server transfers and/or merges should have been here awhile ago. did you read that?


They left for a reason, the reason is probably "the game is not fun" or "the game is not worth my $15/month". That is Bioware's fault.


Servers need to merge, not transfer.

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so it is 100% BW's fault that you just happened to land on a server that alot of people left and it is now dead?


That's pretty much every server. With one exception, which I believe everyone is beginning to figure out. So if EVERY server with ONE exception ALWAYS has a light population, I think it's safe to say that this lies completely outside of the players' responsibility. So, to answer your question: Yes, it IS 100% BW's fault that they and I and nearly everybody else just happened to land on a server that a lot of people left and is now dead.

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They left for a reason, the reason is probably "the game is not fun" or "the game is not worth my $15/month". That is Bioware's fault.


Servers need to merge, not transfer.


Mergers are messy, complicated, and do nothing but generate bad press (yes, much more than a few whiny forum posters could ever generate). Period. It isn't rocket science.


Transfers are coming. If this is not enough for you, cancel your sub now. There will be no mergers.

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That's pretty much every server. With one exception, which I believe everyone is beginning to figure out. So if EVERY server with ONE exception ALWAYS has a light population, I think it's safe to say that this lies completely outside of the players' responsibility. So, to answer your question: Yes, it IS 100% BW's fault that they and I and nearly everybody else just happened to land on a server that a lot of people left and is now dead.


Except there are several servers that have decent population. It isn't "every server but one." You only hear about the Fatman because it is a PvP server and PvPers are chronic complainers.

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1. Except there are several servers that have decent population. It isn't "every server but one." 2. You only hear about the Fatman because it is a PvP server and 3. PvPers are chronic complainers.


1. Hardly true, if at all, based on seeing every server except that one having a light population nearly all the time

2. Definitely not true

3. Many are, but not all... then again I didn't really care to PvP much until I recently hit 50, at which point the population plummeted; but who is to judge where the correlation occurs: my becoming a PvPer and as such a complainer, or the population dropping and as such becoming a complainer?

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Merges would be better than transfers. Transfers mean you gotta coordinate with the Guild and all that crud where merges just do it for you. Also, even more people would go to Fatman instead of different servers


Not necessarily. Before the game even launched, BioWare was able to transfer entire guilds into servers. What's to say this software they're building won't have that option for guild leaders?

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yea is like bioware and EA lest wait and let the game die some more cuz hey WE WANT TO MAKE SOME $ OUT OF THE PLAYERS THE WILL PAY TO MOVE

Ignorance is Bliss yes? Hahaha, NO.


Early summer is as quick as it's going to get. Stuff like takes time and simply can't occur over night.

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It should be server merges not transfers and it won't hurt the community. I say merge RP-PvP servers together, some of the PvP servers and same for the PVE servers. I could care less for my legacy name or my characters name. I want to PvP against a new group of people and wider crowed as well as playing on a RP-PvP server with like minded folks.
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It should be server merges not transfers and it won't hurt the community. I say merge RP-PvP servers together, some of the PvP servers and same for the PVE servers. I could care less for my legacy name or my characters name. I want to PvP against a new group of people and wider crowed as well as playing on a RP-PvP server with like minded folks.


Merging servers is not as simple as you think. What are you going to do if you have all 8 character slots filled on 2 seperate servers that end up being merged. You can't have 16 characters on 1 server, so now what?

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My two cents.....


I have all ready unsubscribed, and it came a lot faster than I expected because the population on my server went from low but action, to not enough lvl 50's in game to run an op, at any given time of the day. I will not wait until early summer to play a game with people


M=Massive (small content at 50 with an even smaller population)

M=Multiplayer (not on my server, Black Hole Sun wont ypou come)

O=Online (I have soloed for two weeks now, I can do that without internet on 100's of games)


I do not understand why they would let people quit the game because they have such low populations that you cannot get any type of multiplayer game going. I am not exaggerating, it is that bad every time I log on.

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People are PvP'ing because there isn't anything else to do. If they do something stupid, they'll over-do it and push too hard to focus on that because their "metrics" say that is what is popular, this game will suffer.


They did really panic and launch too many servers. Transfers will only help some people get a head-start on server merges. Meaning they want people to shift around, to see what servers really are going to be popular, and then they'll start shutting down and merging the less popular ones.


Of course, they could just go and make it Free-to-Play now, and fill the servers. It'll happen eventually anyway.

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