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Vigilance Burns

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Got a quick question about the burn talents in Vig. So a total of 4 points can be put into making Blade Storm and Overhead Slash put a DoT on the target. Looking at the description, both of those seem like such a tiny DoT that it doesn't even seem worth taking those skills. I've already got enough points in Vig to make it to the top, and so was planning on skipping these. What do you guys think, is it really worth spending 4 points on miniscule burn effects?
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Got a quick question about the burn talents in Vig. So a total of 4 points can be put into making Blade Storm and Overhead Slash put a DoT on the target. Looking at the description, both of those seem like such a tiny DoT that it doesn't even seem worth taking those skills. I've already got enough points in Vig to make it to the top, and so was planning on skipping these. What do you guys think, is it really worth spending 4 points on miniscule burn effects?


Dont look at them as small mini dots look at them as one large dot ticking..

It may seem small but they add up along with ur hard hits...Kind of like an Arms warrior in WoW with deep wounds its free damage.

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Got a quick question about the burn talents in Vig. So a total of 4 points can be put into making Blade Storm and Overhead Slash put a DoT on the target. Looking at the description, both of those seem like such a tiny DoT that it doesn't even seem worth taking those skills. I've already got enough points in Vig to make it to the top, and so was planning on skipping these. What do you guys think, is it really worth spending 4 points on miniscule burn effects?


The Overhead Slash does about 22% of Overhead Slashs max damage before armor is taken into account. That is a rather significant number. Same goes for the Blade Storm dot, comparing it to the damage from Blade Storm it is a nice damage increase.

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Got a quick question about the burn talents in Vig. So a total of 4 points can be put into making Blade Storm and Overhead Slash put a DoT on the target. Looking at the description, both of those seem like such a tiny DoT that it doesn't even seem worth taking those skills. I've already got enough points in Vig to make it to the top, and so was planning on skipping these. What do you guys think, is it really worth spending 4 points on miniscule burn effects?


They are better than you think, and shouldn't be looked at as single DOTs. Firstly they ignore most forms of protection so the numbers you see are actual raw numbers, secondly they will crit so get your critical chance to 30%, thirdly they are meant to be applied all at the same time and not on their own, at that point you turn your target into an oven cooked Sith.


The idea is that Plasma Brands DOT lasts longer than the cooldown on the skill, you apply Plasma Brand first, then follow up with your other two DOTs so the longer DOT on Plasma Brand is still ticking as you apply the two smaller DOTs.


And as people posted above, the damage isn't as small as people make out, when they apply they will sit at around 20% of your base attacks damage, that's significant and even more so when you have all 3 running.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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They are better than you think, and shouldn't be looked at as single DOTs. Firstly they ignore most forms of protection so the numbers you see are actual raw numbers, secondly they will crit so get your critical chance to 30%, thirdly they are meant to be applied all at the same time and not on their own, at that point you turn your target into an oven cooked Sith.


The idea is that Plasma Brands DOT lasts longer than the cooldown on the skill, you apply Plasma Brand first, then follow up with your other two DOTs so the longer DOT on Plasma Brand is still ticking as you apply the two smaller DOTs.


And as people posted above, the damage isn't as small as people make out, when they apply they will sit at around 20% of your base attacks damage, that's significant and even more so when you have all 3 running.


According to my combat log from last nights ops the dots from plasma brand, overhead slash and bladestorm did a total of 11.5% of my damage.

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Yeah, the dots are much better than some people give them credit for. It's a free damage boost, as you already heavily depend on the abilities the dots affect. The only dot we really need to manage is plasma brand, so we don't clip it early.
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The DOT's are horrible... :p (from a dps perspective)




there is no way they could have their damage increased cause that would be OP and,

I wouldn't want that damage front loaded cause the DOT itself has it's own advantages.


So.. IT"S HORRIBLE... but then IT'S PERFECT...

I know... very little sense made there.



(WARNING... horrible joke incoming)


It's a PAIR O DOTS!!!! (+comic snare)

Edited by VoidJustice
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Valor ranke 83 Vigilance Guardian with significant amount of war hero gear. I LOVE the DOT's. I would never spec out of them. It's essentially an extra 500 damage on Blade Storm and Overhead slash every time I use them. Considering that these are the two attacks you will be using more than anything then this is some serious damage you're giving up if you don't take these talents.
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