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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Have Op and Sniper. Like Sniper better for PvP. Able to draw fair conclusion at 25?


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I think operative kind of sucks and sniper is pretty cool. They are both 25.


Is this enough evidence and high enough level to shelve my operative?


The reason I ask is I was told that Operative isnt good until 40? and Sniper shines early?


Is this true or false and is there any reason to continue with my operative if I do not enjoy it and get totally owned in pvp with it so far at 25? Or am I not giving it a fair chance yet?


BTW I don't mind the operative playstyle of sneaking around and backstabbing it is just very weak in pvp for me right now compared to sniper...

Edited by Finrok
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Operative doesn't even have their opener till 36, which severely gimps them damage wise. Then at 40 you can get acid blade (concealment), which is icing on the cake. From then on you completely own all classes until level 50, when things get ridiculously difficult.
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Depends on what you mean by things.


PVP as a concealment spec operative at 50 is very difficult because our burst damage doesn't work on people that have top of the line gear (so 20k hit points, high defensive mitigators, and great damage reducers). PVE as a concealment operative is ok. Solo you will do pretty well, but we were severely nerfed in 1.2 and that changes things (pretty much every time there's a patch we get nerfed somehow). In flashpoints your stealth is a huge problem as stealth increases your aggro radius and champion mobs can see right though it. Also since most of your damage comes from stealth, the operatives key abilities will be used primarily for clearing trash mobs quickly. We aren't very useful on most bosses anymore. The other issue is that most groups don't work well with stealthed people in their group, so since many of the operatives abilities depend on stealth your role in most flashpoints and operations isn't needed.


Healing spec as an operative is really amazing right now and probably the only spec you can heal from effectively while running. Ops are probably the best healers in the game right now since sorcs and mercs got downed.


Lethality spec, I have no clue. That tree always seemed like a waste of time to me.


Snipers on the other hand do huge damage (AoE or single target, depending on spec) and have some really awesome group damage mitigation abilities.


I'd say for now play a sniper, unless you want to heal. Shelve your op until they un-nerf us somehow. Because otherwise we are just a huge disappointment, especially in the late 20's and 30's and especially at 50.

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Op healers start getting good at lvl 30.

Op scrapper start getting good at lvl 36, and really need lvl 40 to shine.

Op dotter start getting good at lvl 48 or so, when you can start getting a good hot&dot hybrid.


Sniper start getting good at lvl 12 (or 14 ? I don't remember. When you get the root.)


Both AC take a HUGE hit when they get to lvl 50. I don't fear to say they are the most gear dependant class to dps. However, the transition is smoother for Ops. Because of their healing tree.

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1. lethality flexablity less burst damage. but damaging the opponents to weaken them for your team. I think is a plus.

2. lethality can get high numbers ok not the point but the damage is to help your team with which you are working with killing a trooper in wz is just giving them free ammo.

3. based on the math the damage is nice but it takes awhile for it finish. dot run hide dot run hide so you can do more or you can just ignore them after the fact or focus on the ball handler or keep them from putting a bomb or capping a location because the dot resets there capping. that is working as a team 11/3/27 build I can also do some hots but I am also energy restricted and so far it has changed tides in wz.

4. healers who know what they are doing will remove the poisons the tier 6 poison effect means the healer will have to cast it twice to remove the total effects of the poison taking time to heal a ally. team playing again slow the healer down.


this might help explain things for me anyway and my decision.

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  • 1 month later...
I'd guess you know by now. I personally love my op healer and can't play my sniper in PVP worth anything. (I do recognize that it's me, though. Snipers get some awesome damage. Just...mine doesn't.) A lot comes down to whether you like healing, melee DPS, or ranged DPS. If you like ranged DPS, you're probably happiest with a sniper. (And if you like melee...maybe an assassin would be more to your liking...)
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