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Marauder/Sentinel + Gunslinger/Sniper best sustained DPS right now - DPSMeter


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No offense but nobody uses DPSMeter.com at all right now. The logs that do get uploaded are likely just random test logs like the one I uploaded the other day to see what kind of output you guys have. Your site has a lot of potential but the mass majority of top guilds have never heard of it yet. Merc DPS is heavily dependent on Crit and since the mass majority of players don't remod gear to min/max your results will be skewed. Annihilation Maras, Sniper, and Sorcs don't have an extreme reliance on one specific stat so they will parse much higher with default modded gear. Merc heat management is tied entirely to crit and they scale extremely well with the stat and extremely poorly without it. Our top Merc is lightyears ahead of most mercs on our server and even most mercs in other top guilds because he min/maxes his gear perfectly. It's night and day between a merc that gears correctly and one that doesn't.


what is this Merc's crit chance at if you dont mind me asking?

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what is this Merc's crit chance at if you dont mind me asking?


The last time I saw his gear I noticed gets close to 40% crit when fully buffed which means his TM crits 55% of the time with the 2pc set bonus. He then goes into stacking power. I'm not sure exactly how much alacrity he has. His Aim is over 2100 fully buffed though.

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Marauder/Sentinel is the PvE DPS champ right now. Put 4 in a group, and get ready for Bloodthirst/Inspiration to hit a home run (when a guild does this, we'll see the first 2k DPS being surpassed on non-Heavy Fabricator fights).

Hi beardchef, love the site. I upload every log I get.


One thing I'm interested in is a comparison of different builds, in particular, the difference in parse results between Annihilation and Combat.


How are you going with those new features? I can't wait for more people to start using this !

Edited by jtsd
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A note about rankings

by Fwny » Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:59 am


So we have some ranking data now.... and some of it is ridiculously high...


The reason for this is that some people upload invalid log combinations. (doubling up your own logs from two separate raids in one event for example) This will be corrected very shortly when we add error detection into log merging and add statistical matching to pick out invalid rankings.


Stay tuned!!


You post this, with an announcement like this on your website?


I'd suggest, compiling data when your site is fully working as intended. As some of the rankings are still extremely broken, like the near 2k DPS Merc whose log shows him doing 1.1k.

Edited by Blyter
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The last time I saw his gear I noticed gets close to 40% crit when fully buffed which means his TM crits 55% of the time with the 2pc set bonus. He then goes into stacking power. I'm not sure exactly how much alacrity he has. His Aim is over 2100 fully buffed though.


We've 4 or 5 commandos with crit rates in excess of 45% and aim in excess of 2150. Still seeing numbers consistently below sents in the 10 - 12 percent range. If he has any alacrity hes doing it wrong -- very wrong -- and borking ammo/heat management.

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  • 1 month later...
That's not how balance works.


Yes, yes it is. Classes with no choice other than to DPS should, by all rights, be somewhat ahead of classes that actually have a say in the matter in terms of damage dealing. Logistically, just the presence of three DPS talent trees instead of one or two would assure that anyway. More of a pool to draw from, more ways to combine trees for a greater number of viable results.


As for primary spec, it's been my observation that annihilation seems to out perform carnage on the vast majority of fights. Carnage may (and rightfully should) pull ahead on fights with a lot of movement and target swapping. This is because of annihilation's ramp up time. But if an anni marauder really gets going, it's quite a sight to behold. I watched a group of them tear the Primal Destroyer apart before it even had the chance to really hurt any of them that much.

Edited by Essodu
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Yes, yes it is. Classes with no choice other than to DPS should, by all rights, be somewhat ahead of classes that actually have a say in the matter in terms of damage dealing. L


Not so much. If I choose to play a commando because I like the class concept and I want to kill stuff with a big gun, I shouldn't get forced into mediocrity. Plenty of people play AVs that can theoretically spec into healing or tanking but have absolutely no desire to do so. Failing to balance the dps specs is bad design because, in this case, you risk alienating roughly 3/4 the dpsers out there.


Heck, even Blizzard realized the "you have more options, so you should suck more at all of them" concept is a bad design plan.

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We finished 8 man HM EC and have it on farm. At this point, we don't allow anyone but Jedi Sentinels for DPS. Their DPS is too good. Even in the hands of an amateur player in half Rakata, Sentinel DPS is way too good (4 inspirations LOL), and with the class buffs, we don't have to worry about mixing and matching classes. Our makeup:


2x Jedi Shadow (tank)

2x Jedi Sage (heals)

4x Jedi Sentinels DPS


Zorn and Toth were a little tricky, but if you're careful, you can prevent a lot of damage.


I just went in with 3 commando dps 2 gunnery one assault and a gunslinger and breezed through all of ec hm not hitting enrage timers once

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Posting here since the OP appears to be the creator of DPSmeter.com.


The site's uploading process seems to have stopped working properly since around the time 1.3 hit. Are there any plans to continue working on the site?


Maybe somebody from the OP's guild (Tenacity?) can leave a response if Fwny has left the game.


It would be a shame to lose it, as no other ranking site has been as widely used and effective yet. Here's to hoping.

Edited by Trephination
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  • 2 weeks later...
We finished 8 man HM EC and have it on farm. At this point, we don't allow anyone but Jedi Sentinels for DPS. Their DPS is too good. Even in the hands of an amateur player in half Rakata, Sentinel DPS is way too good (4 inspirations LOL), and with the class buffs, we don't have to worry about mixing and matching classes. Our makeup:


2x Jedi Shadow (tank)

2x Jedi Sage (heals)

4x Jedi Sentinels DPS


Zorn and Toth were a little tricky, but if you're careful, you can prevent a lot of damage.


Sorry, but your raid group must be pretty poor if you rely on 4 sents. A good raid group which has something "on farm" means they bring whatever class they like, because they can manage it. If you can't, then I can't see how you can be in farm mode for HM EC.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Marauder/Sentinel and Gunslinger/Sniper should be the kings of single target DPS. Both mirrors are far more immobile than their other DPS counterparts.


I agree that Mercs do need a buff, but it should not be up to level of Sniper or Marauder.


If you do that, why take anyone but players of those two classes for DPS? You didn't think this through.

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  • 3 weeks later...
We finished 8 man HM EC and have it on farm. At this point, we don't allow anyone but Jedi Sentinels for DPS. Their DPS is too good. Even in the hands of an amateur player in half Rakata, Sentinel DPS is way too good (4 inspirations LOL), and with the class buffs, we don't have to worry about mixing and matching classes. Our makeup:


2x Jedi Shadow (tank)

2x Jedi Sage (heals)

4x Jedi Sentinels DPS


Zorn and Toth were a little tricky, but if you're careful, you can prevent a lot of damage.


Your raid leader need to learn more about the game... All dps classes can make the enrage timer on any boss in HM Ec even a dps scoundrel if he knows what he is doing. Beside that , ec hm is so easy that we 7 manned it, because one of our dps d/ced and we couldnt find a replacement. Also our commando is very close to dps sentinel on most of the fights.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Interesting to see Juggernaut/Guardian so high up, guess they're not as bad as everyone seems to think.


They aren't as bad as everyone seems to think. the individual parses I usually see in the forums (on the other site in addition to this one), consistently show Jugg's in the top 3 for DPS. These numbers are no different.


It just goes to show you how much people cling to ignorant, unsupported perceptions in spite of the data that's available. Juggs were posting in the top 3 since Bio started allowing log dumps. people just don't pay attention is all

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