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If you guys are serious about the mercenary quality of life...(plea)

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We need to set up a day, that from there on out, we will commit to NOT play mercenary (regardless of how much time we've invested into it, I have about 20+ days played on mine, but i'm ready to make a stand).


No need really. On our server there was never really an overabundance of people playing merc healers anyway. Hardly saw any from one warzone to the next, I was usually the only one in any given warzone. Don't really see any anymore.


For myself, I've stopped playing my merc unless the guild wants it for a HM run or such. Cancelled my account and just waiting for the sub to run out. Enjoying the various stories of the other classes while I putter about but the sour taste left in my mouth from 1.2 overshadows everything and I'm unlikely to resub.

Edited by Stercogburn
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personally im tired of being called bad because people are carried by their class and im working my *** off to stay mediocre. some classes just have more tools and are on better ground than others. if you wanna stay with a bad class then by all means go for it, ill hop on a better class and stay competitive with everyone else whos class didnt get nerfed into unplayability.


I'll give you that. BH healers are a good bit behind other healing classes but they can be and thats fine (for pve purposes), because this game doesn't offer hard enough content that requires you to min/max to the point of bringing the most OP classes to down the content. Yes it's rough if you were used to pre 1.2 but it's very doable for every encounter they offer right now.

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Yes it's rough if you were used to pre 1.2 but it's very doable for every encounter they offer right now.


You're right, mercs won't start being benched for more capable classes until EC NmM is released. Of course, that is assuming that by the time they release it, there are still mercs left playing the game.

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Yea so we just cant adapt play as weakest class in game really clever NEXT



I'm not one for digging into stats and all that, but I don't see what the big issue is for the merc. I have a lvl 50 and I feel extremely powerful, adding a lot of dmg towards the group. Sure, we aren't the most mobile class in the game, but heat sig X5 followed with hsm then RS feels so good at the end of a long fight. ;)


Could someone explain to me what they see as wrong with the merc? I'm sure there are threads out there, but i'd rather have someone calmly explain it to me rather than reading someone's rant.


To be clear, I'm not saying you guys are wrong, I'm just asking for a well thought out and calm explanation. Who knows, I might actually end up agreeing. :)

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I'm not one for digging into stats and all that, but I don't see what the big issue is for the merc. I have a lvl 50 and I feel extremely powerful, adding a lot of dmg towards the group. Sure, we aren't the most mobile class in the game, but heat sig X5 followed with hsm then RS feels so good at the end of a long fight. ;)


Could someone explain to me what they see as wrong with the merc? I'm sure there are threads out there, but i'd rather have someone calmly explain it to me rather than reading someone's rant.


To be clear, I'm not saying you guys are wrong, I'm just asking for a well thought out and calm explanation. Who knows, I might actually end up agreeing. :)

Try pvp then come back.

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There will always be, numbers wise, a "weakest class" in the game. If there wasn't everyone would do the same dmg and same healing and nothing would be interesting.


If you use "weakest" to mean "lowest DPS" then yes there should always be a "weakest class". I think most mercs would agree with you there. The issue is that our lowered DPS comes with no other utility. Merc (especially arsenal) has become a class which brings less to the table than other classes. DPS, Mobility, Utility, and Survivability in Merc are all low enough that its space in a WZ would be better filled by almost any other class. That is a problem.


Class homogenization is boring, but class parity is a good thing. All classes should be within a certain range of damage and utility, with each making sacrifices for specific games. When all classes have a role and are more or less equally good choices in PvP games aren't boring, Skill becomes the deciding factor and they are competitive and fun.

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I'm really tempted to cancel my sub as well. I was holding out a bit of hope that our class had something left in it but it just feels weaker and squishier. Between that, the CTD issues post 1.2, and the lack of communication of any sort from the Devs (and I thought Rift was bad) the game has lost a lot of it's luster. I've been playing my Sin a lot more and enjoy tanking and I'm even leveling a couple of repub toons, but it's getting harder and harder to even want to login anymore.
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WIll probably cancel my account after free month is over in May unless Bioware shows some love to Merc Pyros and balances pvp.


Bioware as it is has no sense of competence when it comes to PvP in MMOs.


Merc pyro right now is not so much a broken class, but is missing lots of skills to be en par with other classes. We have 1 knockback and 1 stun. I get cc'd heavily by most tank classes. I dont count concussion missile as one because it takes 2 seconds to cast unless you waste your power surge for such a garbage skill. It's strange that with heavy armor, you're still getting hit by a truck from light/med armored classes. Doesnt make any sense really.

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WIll probably cancel my account after free month is over in May unless Bioware shows some love to Merc Pyros and balances pvp.


Bioware as it is has no sense of competence when it comes to PvP in MMOs.


Merc pyro right now is not so much a broken class, but is missing lots of skills to be en par with other classes. We have 1 knockback and 1 stun. I get cc'd heavily by most tank classes. I dont count concussion missile as one because it takes 2 seconds to cast unless you waste your power surge for such a garbage skill. It's strange that with heavy armor, you're still getting hit by a truck from light/med armored classes. Doesnt make any sense really.


This is pretty much me. The armour thing is lower on my list but some utility or SOMETHING to make mercs useful is vital.

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I'm curious...


OP.. is this a concern about your Arsenal Merc in PvP or PvE? I can't vouch for it in PvP, but my arsenal merc in PvE routinely stands up with the big boys in dps and survivability. Heck, I just did a 2 BH (my arsenal and a guildies pyro) Heroic 4 on Alderran without any problems other than the pyro overheating all the time..lol


Just looking for some clarification here. I will say this though, either way, I won't be shelving my merc. Your more than welcome to however.. I figure if enough of you do it the equipment/armor/mods I need for mine will plummet in prices on the market and I'll be sitting pretty :)

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I'm curious...


OP.. is this a concern about your Arsenal Merc in PvP or PvE? I can't vouch for it in PvP, but my arsenal merc in PvE routinely stands up with the big boys in dps and survivability. Heck, I just did a 2 BH (my arsenal and a guildies pyro) Heroic 4 on Alderran without any problems other than the pyro overheating all the time..lol


Just looking for some clarification here. I will say this though, either way, I won't be shelving my merc. Your more than welcome to however.. I figure if enough of you do it the equipment/armor/mods I need for mine will plummet in prices on the market and I'll be sitting pretty :)


People in this thread are talking about max level mercs. Everything before level 50 is very easy and you could complete it without even using talent points. Duoing a heroic 4 is not all that great, my lvl 27 sorc solos the heroic 4 on alderaan for the armoring that is awesome at that level and my merc soloed the same heroic 4 while leveling up a few months ago.

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I'm curious...


OP.. is this a concern about your Arsenal Merc in PvP or PvE? I can't vouch for it in PvP, but my arsenal merc in PvE routinely stands up with the big boys in dps and survivability. Heck, I just did a 2 BH (my arsenal and a guildies pyro) Heroic 4 on Alderran without any problems other than the pyro overheating all the time..lol


Just looking for some clarification here. I will say this though, either way, I won't be shelving my merc. Your more than welcome to however.. I figure if enough of you do it the equipment/armor/mods I need for mine will plummet in prices on the market and I'll be sitting pretty :)


Clearly don't raid.

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Do people realize that a class that is designated as a Healing class (by which I mean that they have healing skills whether they spec for it or not) is just not supposed to be top-tier damage as a pure-damage class?


I think that the only way to really make the OP case would be to disable the base Merc healing skills while in any spec other than Bodyguard. Otherwise, you're being disingenuous with the "we're broken" argument since you simply cannot discount the added benefit of even minor heal optionality.

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Do people realize that a class that is designated as a Healing class (by which I mean that they have healing skills whether they spec for it or not) is just not supposed to be top-tier damage as a pure-damage class?


I think that the only way to really make the OP case would be to disable the base Merc healing skills while in any spec other than Bodyguard. Otherwise, you're being disingenuous with the "we're broken" argument since you simply cannot discount the added benefit of even minor heal optionality.


You can really tell the people who don't play a merc when they make posts like this. If you had ever played a dps merc before you would know how piitful your heals are and that if you are ever casting them in a pvp or pve situation the fight is already lost.

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Do people realize that a class that is designated as a Healing class (by which I mean that they have healing skills whether they spec for it or not) is just not supposed to be top-tier damage as a pure-damage class?


I think that the only way to really make the OP case would be to disable the base Merc healing skills while in any spec other than Bodyguard. Otherwise, you're being disingenuous with the "we're broken" argument since you simply cannot discount the added benefit of even minor heal optionality.


Um, last I checked, as Arsenal our healing sucks. Kolto Overload is a joke and our other heals are easily interuptable and they will blow up our Heat extremely fast. Using our healing as an excuse to say our damage shouldn't be on par with others is a pretty weak excuse. I suppose we should use this arguement for Sorcs and Ops as well then...

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You can really tell the people who don't play a merc when they make posts like this. If you had ever played a dps merc before you would know how piitful your heals are and that if you are ever casting them in a pvp or pve situation the fight is already lost.


Exactly. I heal myself and others between fights - to get the 2.5k healing medal. Or when we just have a short bit of time to regroup. But then I usually want to R&R to dump heat anyway!


If I'm healing during a fight, I am probably about to die. In the vast majority of situations, that last bit of life is better utilized burning down my opponent further.


Which reminds me - I need to buy more Warzone medpacks.

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Do people realize that a class that is designated as a Healing class (by which I mean that they have healing skills whether they spec for it or not) is just not supposed to be top-tier damage as a pure-damage class?


I think that the only way to really make the OP case would be to disable the base Merc healing skills while in any spec other than Bodyguard. Otherwise, you're being disingenuous with the "we're broken" argument since you simply cannot discount the added benefit of even minor heal optionality.


Maras are pulling in 300 hps in ops, do they get a damage penalty? Not only do they out dps us in our dps spec, they can do 25-35% of our healing trees output. Balanced.



Edited by polopopoo
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Do people realize that a class that is designated as a Healing class (by which I mean that they have healing skills whether they spec for it or not) is just not supposed to be top-tier damage as a pure-damage class?


I think that the only way to really make the OP case would be to disable the base Merc healing skills while in any spec other than Bodyguard. Otherwise, you're being disingenuous with the "we're broken" argument since you simply cannot discount the added benefit of even minor heal optionality.


BS. If you are not spec'd for healing you might as well not bother. This argument is a fallacy; BW have said all Dps classes should perform between 5% of eachother.

Edited by Diddley
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Already made my stand... by cancelling my account.


I just joined ya. Between the healing nerfs (3 way nerf if you count expertice), Arsenal being broke, the constant crashing between 1.2 and 1.2.2, and the various minor annoyances (DFA radius, dmg reduction shield dropped to 5%, jet blast CD increase, etc), it's hard to even want to play my BH. My sin is fun and I'm leveling a couple repub toons, but I think the previous CTD issues and BW dragging their feet on any kind of response put me over the edge.


Sad thing though is that I just got my FedEx tracking number for my new comp that I had built and there's not very many games coming up that are grabbing my interest. Don't like Tera. If I wanted to play a game where I was constantly aiming I'll play CoD. D3 surprisingly hasn't really jumped out at me. I've shown some interest in GW2, but the more and more I read into the reviews and such, the more I lose interest. Lack of PvE endgame, dungeons (not raids) that take 3-4+ hours, etc. There really isn't the "carrot" factor to keep people interested in doing the Dynamic Events over and over again. The PvP looks good, but if thats all the game has to offer I'll just stick to my FPS'ers...


Oh well, guess it was a fun, yet rather short run.

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