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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Books written by Star Wars characters that you wouldn't buy


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The Art of Altering the Deal, by Darth Vader

Prayers for Deal Alteration, by the Rev. Lando Calrissian


Slimming, yet Menacing, a Sith Guide to Black Robes, by Darth Fabulous

Surviving Shafts, a guide by Darths Maul and Sidious with a foreward by Luke Skywalker

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On the not to buy list:


-Dealing with Grief, by Carth Onasi

-The Hitchhiker's Guide to Most of the Galaxy, by Han Solo

-How to kill the Force, by Kreia

-A Gentleman's Guide to Galactic Politics, by Emperor Palpatine

-To Serve Jedi, by Khem Val

-My Memoirs, by Revan

-It was so Artistically Done: An Autobiography, by Grand Admiral Thrawn

-Tips for Public Speaking, by Anakin Skywalker

-A Farewell to Arms, and Legs, and Lungs, by Darth Vader

-The History of the Galaxy, From a Certain Point of View, by Obi-Wan Kenobi

-How to Get Rich Quick, by Languss Tuno

-On Meatbags, by HK-47



Books that I would by:


-10 Easy Steps to Self-Improvement, by Kyle Katarn (really, anything by Katarn)

-The Pilot's Handbook, by Wedge Antillies

-The Perfect Con, by Gault Rennow

-The History of the Republic!, an Audiobook by M1-4X

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The Art of Altering the Deal, by Darth Vader

Prayers for Deal Alteration, by the Rev. Lando Calrissian


Slimming, yet Menacing, a Sith Guide to Black Robes, by Darth Fabulous

Surviving Shafts, a guide by Darths Maul and Sidious with a foreward by Luke Skywalker


Rev. Lando? When did he become a reverand?

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On the not to buy list:


-Dealing with Grief, by Carth Onasi

-The Hitchhiker's Guide to Most of the Galaxy, by Han Solo

-How to kill the Force, by Kreia

-A Gentleman's Guide to Galactic Politics, by Emperor Palpatine

-To Serve Jedi, by Khem Val

-My Memoirs, by Revan

-It was so Artistically Done: An Autobiography, by Grand Admiral Thrawn

-Tips for Public Speaking, by Anakin Skywalker

-A Farewell to Arms, and Legs, and Lungs, by Darth Vader

-The History of the Galaxy, From a Certain Point of View, by Obi-Wan Kenobi

-How to Get Rich Quick, by Languss Tuno

-On Meatbags, by HK-47



Books that I would by:


-10 Easy Steps to Self-Improvement, by Kyle Katarn (really, anything by Katarn)

-The Pilot's Handbook, by Wedge Antillies

-The Perfect Con, by Gault Rennow

-The History of the Republic!, an Audiobook by M1-4X


I would buy anything Katarn as well. Now add a foreward to it by John Williams and your golden.

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Alderaan deserved it!! - By everyone who has ever quested on Alderaan. Ever.


But I thought I would get my dead boyfriend back, that makes it okay. Right? :A firsthand account of the murder of Giliad Pellaeon. - By Tahari Veila


A government guide: How to keep the Jedi in line - By Natasi Daala

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Alderaan deserved it!! - By everyone who has ever quested on Alderaan. Ever.


But I thought I would get my dead boyfriend back, that makes it okay. Right? :A firsthand account of the murder of Giliad Pellaeon. - By Tahari Veila


A government guide: How to keep the Jedi in line - By Natasi Daala


I agree with the alderaan one. Most definitely.

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Alderaan deserved it!! - By everyone who has ever quested on Alderaan. Ever.


It's funny because it's true. :D


After having to deal with those self-important, self-righteous, self-idiotic nobles on Alderaan, I would take credit for giving Tarkin the order to fire. He did the Galaxy a favor!

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How to Get Force Choked by Vader and Make Credits Doing It by Conan Antonio Motti


The part they cut from that scene was where the guy sitting next to him handed him a hundred creds chit under the table after Vader released him. He won the drunken bet. :p

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How to Get Force Choked by Vader and Make Credits Doing It by Conan Antonio Motti


The part they cut from that scene was where the guy sitting next to him handed him a hundred creds chit under the table after Vader released him. He won the drunken bet. :p


lol. "Hey. Bet you a hundred creds Tarkin tells him to release you."

"You're on. I'll go insult him."

Edited by Aurbere
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Around the Galaxy in 80 ppParsecs, by H Solo (umm, Mr. Han, a Parsec is a distance, not a measure of time. Did you really dump that load of Spice, or did you do something else with it?)


I've Got Big DeathStars, by D. Vader (it's hip, and you can dance to it).


Down the Trench, and Up the Exhaust Port, by L. Skywalker (Ummm, Master Luke, about that title...)

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dieting tips from a hutt. How to keep the pounds and look your flabbiest. By jabba the hutt

the necessity of caution: How to avoid an ambush. By tk-421


hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both !!!!!!!!!!!!

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