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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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You want to see a fast way for guilds to fall apart? Players wouldn't need to log on at scheduled times anymore and do guild activities because they can now do them whenever they feel like. And if you say this never happened I will be the first to call you a liar


That's patently false. My guild will continue to schedule its raid and other events and players will continue to participate.


Now if the basis of the guild was a simple loot grab rather than being formed for all the "right" reasons, yes, I can see that happening. But I hold little pity for them. They got what they asked for and can continue to do so through the LFR tool. After all, they only got together to chase phat purple pixels, right?

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You want to see a fast way for guilds to fall apart? Players wouldn't need to log on at scheduled times anymore and do guild activities because they can now do them whenever they feel like. And if you say this never happened I will be the first to call you a liar


My WoW guilds flourished after LFD was released. We had more people get raid geared faster which gave us a bigger pool to choose from so if someone wasn't feeling well or not in the mood one night, a replacement was quickly found without drama. And we had multiple raid groups where before the tool we had one A-team and lots of drama. The only guilds that 'suffered' were the LEET ones who were used to being among the few on their realms who cleared content. Suddenly they weren't so special anymore because others could clear content without their permission. That, IMHO was a good thing! It wasn't until after Cata, long after lfd was released, that many of us quit the game for reasons that have nothing to do with LFD.

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Please stop calling it an LFG Easy button. Scrap the Easy. It won't make anything easier. It will make things less tedious and boring, but that's not easier..


Welcome to MMORPG's. They are called timesinks for a reason. One thing that none of you have admitted is that all you want the tool for is to chain run your way to 50 while collecting your precious loot along the way.

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That, IMHO was a good thing! It wasn't until after Cata, long after lfd was released, that many of us quit the game for reasons that have nothing to do with LFD.


You quit because you couldn't cake walk through the raids anymore

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So you only want things because they make life easier and more convenient for you, then try and claim you are not lazy? Does anyone else see the irony in this?


Not being lazy and not waiting to stand around doing nothing are two completely different things.


In fact, wanting to stand around doing nothing (while waiting for someone to answer your LFG spam) is the very definition of laziness, isn't it?


I want to get into the game and get stuff done! I do not want to wait around to start getting stuff done. That's the opposite of lazy.

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Please stop calling it an LFG Easy button. Scrap the Easy. It won't make anything easier. It will make things less tedious and boring, but that's not easier.


So making something easier is not making something easier?


The game is a very good game with the exception of its lack of quality of life features. Speaking for myself, I have already cancelled my subscription. Between stupidly signing up for 6 months and the free month BioWare gave me to pad their subscription counts for their end of fiscal year reporting, I'll have the chance to play all the class stories I'm interested in. After that point, I'll be mainly interested in running flashpoints. If it remains as tedious to get a group when that time comes as it is now, I simply won't renew my subscription.


So you are also in that boat and think a game is only good if it caters to you and makes your life easier. Seeing how many people here just want everything handed to them on a silver platter, it is of no wonder why Demon and Dark Souls were not huge successes.

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You want to see a fast way for guilds to fall apart? Players wouldn't need to log on at scheduled times anymore and do guild activities because they can now do them whenever they feel like. And if you say this never happened I will be the first to call you a liar


Because most people are happiest if they have a second job in a online game during their free time, instead of being able to decide themselves when to play? Not sure how long these job guilds last anyway. Those I have seen seem to change lineup all the time when people burn out or get bored or get a life.

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So making something easier is not making something easier?




So you are also in that boat and think a game is only good if it caters to you and makes your life easier. Seeing how many people here just want everything handed to them on a silver platter, it is of no wonder why Demon and Dark Souls were not huge successes.


Again I ask you, how is removing tedium and boring, valueless stuff making the game easier?


Say I'm going to climb a rock wall at my gym. If I stand in line for 20 minutes before I get to do that, that won't make climbing the wall any harder than if I get to walk right up to it, right?

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Not being lazy and not waiting to stand around doing nothing are two completely different things.


In fact, wanting to stand around doing nothing (while waiting for someone to answer your LFG spam) is the very definition of laziness, isn't it?


I want to get into the game and get stuff done! I do not want to wait around to start getting stuff done. That's the opposite of lazy.


Lazy is wanting to have the game create the group for you.

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It doesn't matter what you PLAN to do. Because you have stated that you are only going to stay if they put in a LFG easy button, this means that you see this game as being garbage only because it does not have one. Why stay paying for a game that you are going to quit anyway?


Nope that's not what I said, but at this point, believe what you want. If you want to believe I'm in a corner jumping up and down crying and throwing a temper tantrum, go ahead if it makes you feel better. My wife and I are having a good laugh at that one btw.

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Are you saying that you wouldn't purchase or drive a car simply because it did not have power windows? Or that if suddenly every car ever made went back to manual windows that you would stop driving at all?


I am saying that I would not purchase a car if it did not have power windows, yes. Because it has become a standard, expected feature of cars because it improves the quality of life of the driver and passengers.


I am also saying that auto manufacturers would be downright stupid to remove that feature from cars.

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Because most people are happiest if they have a second job in a online game during their free time, instead of being able to decide themselves when to play? Not sure how long these job guilds last anyway. Those I have seen seem to change lineup all the time when people burn out or get bored or get a life.


And as soon as the LFD became the norm in WoW, players burned out even faster. The turn around rate for players leaving because of boredom is phenominal

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Lazy is wanting to have the game create the group for you.


Because typing /invite JoeSchmoe is challenging?


I want the game to provide a quality of life feature so I can spend my time playing the game rather than waiting to play the game.


How can you not understand that concept?


I want to climb the rock wall instead of waiting in line to climb the rock wall.


Same thing.

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I am saying that I would not purchase a car if it did not have power windows, yes. Because it has become a standard, expected feature of cars because it improves the quality of life of the driver and passengers.


I am also saying that auto manufacturers would be downright stupid to remove that feature from cars.


So, if your car broke down and you had to take a bus you wouldn't because it would take longer?

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Because typing /invite JoeSchmoe is challenging?


I want the game to provide a quality of life feature so I can spend my time playing the game rather than waiting to play the game.


How can you not understand that concept?


I want to climb the rock wall instead of waiting in line to climb the rock wall.


Same thing.


Because there is nothing stopping you from playing the game

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Again I ask you, how is removing tedium and boring, valueless stuff making the game easier?


And again, it is only tedious because you and other people are making it tedious by not using the LFG tool that is already in the game. And if you are going to complain that your server doesn't have enough people, I already stated twice now that I think they should do a server merge.

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Because typing /invite JoeSchmoe is challenging?


I want the game to provide a quality of life feature so I can spend my time playing the game rather than waiting to play the game.


It is only a "quality of life feature" because you are used to it and think you can not live without it. And the fact that you would not drive a car simply because it does not have power windows, this shows just how pompous you are.

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And again, it is only tedious because you and other people are making it tedious by not using the LFG tool that is already in the game. And if you are going to complain that your server doesn't have enough people, I already stated twice now that I think they should do a server merge.


You realize a server merge won't solve the problem in the absence of X-LFG, right?


It won't solve the problem on standard population servers (I'm on one, I know). It won't solve the problem on heavy pop servers off primetime hours. It may not solve the problem for flashpoints below 50 at primetime on heavy servers.


We are going to have to agree to disagree on the current LFG abor--- I mean tool. I'm glad you think it's useful. That's just not the case in the vast majority of instance and if it were, BioWare wouldn't be investing what seems like a lot of resources to improve it.

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You realize a server merge won't solve the problem in the absence of X-LFG, right?


It won't solve the problem on standard population servers (I'm on one, I know). It won't solve the problem on heavy pop servers off primetime hours. It may not solve the problem for flashpoints below 50 at primetime on heavy servers.


We are going to have to agree to disagree on the current LFG abor--- I mean tool. I'm glad you think it's useful. That's just not the case in the vast majority of instance and if it were, BioWare wouldn't be investing what seems like a lot of resources to improve it.


Have you even searched the forums for servers that would fit your playstyle? Try it, it may even blow your mind what you can accomplish with some effort

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No, I want SW:TOR to remain SW:TOR and not have them implement all the crap that is in every other MMO simply because people whine for it.


Unfortunatly for you... change is coming to Swtor... many of them that the devs said they would NOT put into the game...

xserver PVP queues (in game 1.3)

same server PVE queues (in game 1.3)

Combat logs logs (in game 1.2)


Its funny that your sig says what it does... its like you need DBM to tell you the train that is change is coming to Swtor and no matter how long you stand in front of it... its not going to stop.

These changes are factual, not some prediction... they were NEVER to be implemented into Swtor per the devs... and less than 4 months after launch... here they are.

Its not rocket science to see the company is run by numbers... the numbers want what they want... and BIG SUPRISE, you (the vocal minority) are being ignored because the numbers that drive the game want what they want.


You have fought a good fight, but there are just too many that want these things in their games now days... the proof is in what BW has already done that they swore for years they would never do...

It doesn't take a physic to see that this trend will continue...


And as soon as the LFD became the norm in WoW, players burned out even faster. The turn around rate for players leaving because of boredom is phenominal


Really??? Even though 10 months after LFD was released WoW reached it highest subs numbers of all times...

When you tell a lie... make sure that the truth cant not be found out by a simple google search...

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It is only a "quality of life feature" because you are used to it and think you can not live without it. And the fact that you would not drive a car simply because it does not have power windows, this shows just how pompous you are.


Yep, you got me. It's a quality of life feature that I'm used to. However, you're also wrong. I know I can live without it, but I choose not to. Talking about X-LFG here. Why should I waste half the time I've allocated to gaming waiting to play the game? I have better things to do than that. For now, like I said, I'll do the class stories. But when I'm done with that, I certainly won't wait an unreasonable amount of time to run a flashpoint. Not when I know BW could implement a feature that removes that boring tedium. I'll take my money elsewhere, which is actually bad for BioWare, bad for the game, and bad for any other players who might want to experience group content with a skilled, friendly healer.


My demand for power windows shows that I have earned the ability to afford a car with power windows, I know it's a standard feature, and that I like the feature.


Is that pompous? dictionary.com says pompous is "characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance".


I don't think I'm ostentatiously displaying dignity or importance by demanding power windows in cars I buy, so nope, not pompous.

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Have you even searched the forums for servers that would fit your playstyle? Try it, it may even blow your mind what you can accomplish with some effort


Find me an RP server more highly populated than the one I'm on and I'll move.


Hint: I'm on the highest populated RP server.

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