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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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I understand what you're saying in the first paragraph of your post, but I'd like you to consider an alternative.


If the search isn't limited by server and it has all the other features you suggest, why can't a RP player and a PvP player who meet randomly via X-LFG and find they're compatible friend each other and continue to run X-LFG content together? At some point, the RP player might want to try PvP or the PvP player might get bored or frustrated of it and want to "settle down" to RP and then the server move and guilding up could happen. (BTW, in my former RP guild in WoW, we had a lot of former PvP denizens and they were awesome so it does happen.)


Bigger pool = more potential to meet cool people, right?


I can't say that wouldn't be the case, but do you honestly think it would be that common? In my experience, over 12 years of playing these games, such things happen extremely infrequently.


The idea behind the suggestions I offer was to maximize the chances for people to meet and play with like-minded others, to form friendships, and to build guilds and communities in the process. Players of modern MMOs clearly want and expect servers identified by type (rp, pve, pvp, rp-pvp) so it stands to reason they would vastly prefer friends and guildmates who share that very broad general playstyle at a minimum. To maximize the probability that any given group will have people who they might like or want to form or build a community with it therefore follows the best course of action is to keep the queues segregated by server type.

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Again, take China out of the equation and you have what? 3 maybe 4 million?

Which is still far more than this game has. (criminy, I'm defending WoW now...who would have thought)


Not to mention what other games were out at that time? EQ 2, which ran and still runs like crap. Plus the fact that WoW can run on a toaster, not every goes out and buys a brand new computer to play the next big thing


Not sure what that has to do with this argument...a xserver LFD tool certainly had no effect on what hardware the game was capable of playing on lol.

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Ummmm, no. We do not want them because they do nothing but destroy the games that they are put in.


I asked about 20 pages ago when this was being spouted by others... I will ask it again... where is your proof of this?

Where is a developers post saying LFG destroyed any game ever?

Where is a earnings report linking LFG to lost revenue or a drop in stock prices?

Where is the report from gaming designers or even gaming magazines that even remotely suggests this.

Where is the proof of you assertions?


Please link me something, anything that backs up your sensationalistic claims!


I will prove that it doesn't though... Feb 9, 2012... Blizzard reports 10.2 million active subscriptions to World of Warcraft... You know the game that got DESTROYED by LFg???? You know the most popular MMO by FAR.. the one that has 10 times the subs that Swtor does? Ya it really seems it was destroyed! In fact they are adding MORE options to the LFG in MoP...


We enjoy actually playing the game and talking and making friends, not having the game do all of that for us.


You go right on enjoying actually playing and talking... no one is stopping you or saying that you cant... so stop saying I cant enjoy actually getting a group without spamming /1 for 8 hours...


See how that works? I wont tell you how to play the game you pay for... and you dont tell me how to play the game I pay for... fair is fair...

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Yes, WoW going from 12 million to 10 million subs really destroyed it. I'm one of those 2 million that left after Cata btw and have no intention of ever returning but I still aknowledge it's the most successful MMO which means at least SOME of the things they did were good.


I'm one of the 2 million too. I didn't leave because of the LFG tool or because the community became horrible. The LFG tool was awesome and the community on my server was great.


I left... to play this game. Sigh.

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You go right on enjoying actually playing and talking... no one is stopping you or saying that you cant... so stop saying I cant enjoy actually getting a group without spamming /1 for 8 hours...


See how that works? I wont tell you how to play the game you pay for... and you dont tell me how to play the game I pay for... fair is fair...


Main difference between us is that fact that you have other MMOs to choose from which offer this option. We do not have any good options to choose from. You want something specific that is already in other games, go to those and stop whining that other games should conform to your standards simply because you want to play it in exactly the same manner as your last game.

Edited by Sireene
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The only reason it is tedious is because you and other people are making it so. It took me from early access to April to "complete" my first character because I was doing EVERYTHING. When I got a flashpoint mission, I did it. No wait time, just pop up LFG, ask, and BOOM, group. I did every single heroic on every single planet.


The only thing that made any of this hard is that fact that people are anti-social in a MMO. I would be asking people for a group for a heroic on a planet, then see 2 people run right in there not paying any attention. The problem with this game is its community, and adding a x-server easy party former will do nothing but make the community even worse than it already is.


That's all well and good when the planets are populated and everyone is about the same level, working through the content at the same time.


It doesn't work so well now that few people are leveling through the zones. Whenever I take a group quest on a toon I'm leveling I spam out a LFG message for that quest. I watch planets for LFG requests for group quests I have. And somehow by the end of the planet, I wind up abandoning all of them.


X-server as an easy party former, assuming they implement it for planetary quests somehow, would actually help people see the group content. Single-server will not... because it doesn't work now. DUCY?


There's the vague "make the community worse"... The community is both good and bad right now and always will be. The only thing that X-LFG will do is make you encounter more people more often if you choose to use it. The community will still be X% douchebags and Y% great people. You'll just see more of each.

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I'm one of the 2 million too. I didn't leave because of the LFG tool or because the community became horrible. The LFG tool was awesome and the community on my server was great.


I left... to play this game. Sigh.


I don't regret leaving myself. And there's really nothing to go back for since both my alliance and horde guilds are dead and none of my RL friends still play. And for me the community outside those few good guilds was a cesspool, long before lfd came along. But in Vanilla, BC and Wrath, it was definitely a great ride :)

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I can't say that wouldn't be the case, but do you honestly think it would be that common? In my experience, over 12 years of playing these games, such things happen extremely infrequently.


The idea behind the suggestions I offer was to maximize the chances for people to meet and play with like-minded others, to form friendships, and to build guilds and communities in the process. Players of modern MMOs clearly want and expect servers identified by type (rp, pve, pvp, rp-pvp) so it stands to reason they would vastly prefer friends and guildmates who share that very broad general playstyle at a minimum. To maximize the probability that any given group will have people who they might like or want to form or build a community with it therefore follows the best course of action is to keep the queues segregated by server type.


I agree that it's rare, though probably not as rare as you think. Maybe more rare earlier in a game's life and less rare later?


I get what you're saying.


I believe that even with restricted server types, X-LFG would meet my desires so I wouldn't argue against it, I guess. Still, I do like to meet people with different approaches to the game. It can be quite the learning experience.


EDIT: Thanks for the thoughtful debate!

Edited by DarthTHC
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I couldn't care less for socializing in a MMO.


If the idea was to socialize, I'd go out with my friends instead of chatting with some overseas child talking about Chuck Norris or insulting everybody's mothers.



Honestly, I just want to run the *********** Flashpoints. If cross server, even better so I hopefully won't have to see any of the bastards I grouped ever again.




Yes, I don't like the MMO part of SWTOR. Only in it for Star Wars and the RPG part.


And yes I do hate the average MMOer.

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Main difference between us is that fact that you have other MMOs to choose from which offer this option. We do not have any good options to choose from. You want something specific that is already in other games, go to those and stop whining that other games should conform to your standards simply because you want to play it in exactly the same manner as your last game.


So, you selfishly want to keep the game the way YOU want it and at the same time deny others, who love Star Wars and MMO's, an OPTION that you can simply not use and still enjoy the game your way while they enjoy it their way?

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So, you selfishly want to keep the game the way YOU want it and at the same time deny others, who love Star Wars and MMO's, an OPTION that you can simply not use and still enjoy the game your way while they enjoy it their way?


No, I want SW:TOR to remain SW:TOR and not have them implement all the crap that is in every other MMO simply because people whine for it. If you have other options, use those. It is not like SW:TOR's montly fee is any less than every other MMO out there.

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No, I want SW:TOR to remain SW:TOR and not have them implement all the crap that is in every other MMO simply because people whine for it. If you have other options, use those. It is not like SW:TOR's montly fee is any less than every other MMO out there.


A feature isn't bad just because it's in another MMO. A feature is probably good if it's in the most successful MMO ever and it's being implemented into many MMOs.


Sort of like cars... name a feature. Power windows. These were brand new at one time. They save you the tedium of physically cranking a crank to roll the window up and down. What's more, the driver can roll down all the windows without leaning over the seat or stopping the car! I might imagine you or others like you arguing against this technological advancement.


Yet here we are today and it's well nigh impossible to find a new car without power windows. And when you do, they're the bottommost car in cost, quality, and value.


Stop hating on the power windows, bro. Bootstrap yourself up into the modern autom... er, MMO world!

Edited by DarthTHC
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No, I want SW:TOR to remain SW:TOR and not have them implement all the crap that is in every other MMO simply because people whine for it. If you have other options, use those. It is not like SW:TOR's montly fee is any less than every other MMO out there.


So you DO want to selfishly have this game to remain YOUR way. Since other people have other options, they should use those, but if an option is added to this game that is completely optional it still somehow ruins your game for you...lol.

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So you DO want to selfishly have this game to remain YOUR way. Since other people have other options, they should use those, but if an option is added to this game that is completely optional it still somehow ruins your game for you...lol.


Seeing as you are going to leave anyway because this game does not have a LFG easy button, why are you still here?

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Yes, WoW going from 12 million to 10 million subs really destroyed it.


This is completely wrong... this is the numbers for Cata... The numbers for when LFG was put into the game are as follows:


LFGroup tool was released on December 8th 2009 in patch 3.3.0

WoW reached its highest sub numbers almost a full year later on October 7th 2010 over 12 million...


So... in the 10 months from release of the LFG tool WoW went to its highest sub numbers ever.


Main difference between us is that fact that you have other MMOs to choose from which offer this option. We do not have any good options to choose from. You want something specific that is already in other games, go to those and stop whining that other games should conform to your standards simply because you want to play it in exactly the same manner as your last game.


Why are you still beating this drum... LFG is dropping in 1.3... there is nothing you can do about it... Let... it.. go...

Edited by Sireene
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So you DO want to selfishly have this game to remain YOUR way. Since other people have other options, they should use those, but if an option is added to this game that is completely optional it still somehow ruins your game for you...lol.


No instead you take players out his pool that he could possibly choose from. Majority of players will take the least path of resistance. Also for those who keep claiming WoW is king, ya of course a game that gives everything to you on a silver platter will be popular and FYI, more people play farmville than WoW.

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Seeing as you are going to leave anyway because this game does not have a LFG easy button, why are you still here?


LOL, because as I said before, I'm still enjoying playing and leveling my alts. It's not until I finish their stories that I PLAN to leave (you do know what plan means don't you?). As I said earlier, it is possible that something can change that plan between now and then. It may take me 3 months, it may take me 6 months. I'm open minded enough to consider that something can happen in that time that could make me reconsider the plan. Do you really want to have that argument again where you refused to see what was obvious?

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A feature isn't bad just because it's in another MMO. A feature is probably good if it's in the most successful MMO ever and it's being implemented into many MMOs.


Sort of like cars... name a feature. Power windows. These were brand new at one time. They save you the tedium of physically cranking a crank to roll the window up and down. What's more, the driver can roll down all the windows without leaning over the seat or stopping the car! I might imagine you or others like you arguing against this technological advancement.


Yet here we are today and it's well nigh impossible to find a new car without power windows. And when you do, they're the bottommost car in cost, quality, and value.


Stop hating on the power windows, bro. Bootstrap yourself up into the modern autom... er, MMO world!


Are you saying that you wouldn't purchase or drive a car simply because it did not have power windows? Or that if suddenly every car ever made went back to manual windows that you would stop driving at all?

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No instead you take players out his pool that he could possibly choose from. Majority of players will take the least path of resistance. Also for those who keep claiming WoW is king, ya of course a game that gives everything to you on a silver platter will be popular and FYI, more people play farmville than WoW.


I don't take ANYTHING from him. If he suddenly finds less people willing to group with him the 'purist' way then maybe the 'purists' aren't as great as they thought they were. There's a reason why most of us use electricity, running water, cars and other modern conveniences instead of being like the very small few who live on a farm and do things the hard way (wish I could remember the name of the person who had that brilliant quote in another thread). BTW, I used to work on a ranch growing up so I don't look down upon those people. And to those who think I'm lazy, come with me to the ranch I used to work on and we'll see who's lazy lol.

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LOL, because as I said before, I'm still enjoying playing and leveling my alts. It's not until I finish their stories that I PLAN to leave (you do know what plan means don't you?). As I said earlier, it is possible that something can change that plan between now and then. It may take me 3 months, it may take me 6 months. I'm open minded enough to consider that something can happen in that time that could make me reconsider the plan. Do you really want to have that argument again where you refused to see what was obvious?


It doesn't matter what you PLAN to do. Because you have stated that you are only going to stay if they put in a LFG easy button, this means that you see this game as being garbage only because it does not have one. Why stay paying for a game that you are going to quit anyway?

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No instead you take players out his pool that he could possibly choose from. Majority of players will take the least path of resistance. Also for those who keep claiming WoW is king, ya of course a game that gives everything to you on a silver platter will be popular and FYI, more people play farmville than WoW.


If the majority of players will use the tool, doesn't that make those arguing against the tool the (vocal) minority? If the majority of players will use the tool, why on Earth wouldn't BioWare make it happen?


Last time I played WoW, I didn't feel like stuff was handed to me. I still had to level up, figure out how to play my class and role, practice at that etc. The only thing WoW gave me was a moderately interesting setting and a great set of tools.


WoW and Farmville are different genres. Let's stick to MMOs please.

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I don't take ANYTHING from him. If he suddenly finds less people willing to group with him the 'purist' way then maybe the 'purists' aren't as great as they thought they were. There's a reason why most of us use electricity, running water, cars and other modern conveniences instead of being like the very small few who live on a farm and do things the hard way (wish I could remember the name of the person who had that brilliant quote in another thread). BTW, I used to work on a ranch growing up so I don't look down upon those people. And to those who think I'm lazy, come with me to the ranch I used to work on and we'll see who's lazy lol.


So you only want things because they make life easier and more convenient for you, then try and claim you are not lazy? Does anyone else see the irony in this?

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I don't take ANYTHING from him. If he suddenly finds less people willing to group with him the 'purist' way then maybe the 'purists' aren't as great as they thought they were. There's a reason why most of us use electricity, running water, cars and other modern conveniences instead of being like the very small few who live on a farm and do things the hard way (wish I could remember the name of the person who had that brilliant quote in another thread). BTW, I used to work on a ranch growing up so I don't look down upon those people. And to those who think I'm lazy, come with me to the ranch I used to work on and we'll see who's lazy lol.


You want to see a fast way for guilds to fall apart? Players wouldn't need to log on at scheduled times anymore and do guild activities because they can now do them whenever they feel like. And if you say this never happened I will be the first to call you a liar

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If the majority of players will use the tool, doesn't that make those arguing against the tool the (vocal) minority? If the majority of players will use the tool, why on Earth wouldn't BioWare make it happen?


Last time I played WoW, I didn't feel like stuff was handed to me. I still had to level up, figure out how to play my class and role, practice at that etc. The only thing WoW gave me was a moderately interesting setting and a great set of tools.


WoW and Farmville are different genres. Let's stick to MMOs please.


Again, well said. Yes, forming the group is easy, but you still have to actually run it to get any reward. And 5 people doing everything wrong won't finish the instance and therefore they won't get the reward.

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It doesn't matter what you PLAN to do. Because you have stated that you are only going to stay if they put in a LFG easy button, this means that you see this game as being garbage only because it does not have one. Why stay paying for a game that you are going to quit anyway?


Please stop calling it an LFG Easy button. Scrap the Easy. It won't make anything easier. It will make things less tedious and boring, but that's not easier.


It will actually make things more challenging by helping us get into on-level content as we level and getting more of us into the slightly tougher level 50 flashpoints.


The game is a very good game with the exception of its lack of quality of life features. Speaking for myself, I have already cancelled my subscription. Between stupidly signing up for 6 months and the free month BioWare gave me to pad their subscription counts for their end of fiscal year reporting, I'll have the chance to play all the class stories I'm interested in. After that point, I'll be mainly interested in running flashpoints. If it remains as tedious to get a group when that time comes as it is now, I simply won't renew my subscription.

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