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Pyrotech fire damage OP!


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But..they are.


A PT that isn't being attacked isn't going to die. Or a PT with a Pocket Healer is harder to take down (But so is any class)


If you want to ruin a pyrotech's day, just crawl up his bum and don't lay off whenever he resses. You'll see how squishy he is. A few mauraders have figured this out on my server, and they are absolute terrors if they're in the same game with me.



On a side note, I noticed it was mention earlier someone saying snipers can do the same damage as PTs, except it's avoided more because they do white damage. Just so everyone knows, Railshot is white damage and so if affected by cover, and deflects and dodges etc.

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Good PvPers on my server know to focus on me when I'm in a match, if not, i can mow through people very quickly.


Marauders can do the same thing, but they have 5 abilities to save them from being focused fired, so they really don't have a counter.

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Good PvPers on my server know to focus on me when I'm in a match, if not, i can mow through people very quickly.


Marauders can do the same thing, but they have 5 abilities to save them from being focused fired, so they really don't have a counter.


Yeah, they have 2 abilities that essentiall prevent them from being focus fired. I want one :(

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If you want to ruin a pyrotech's day, just crawl up his bum and don't lay off whenever he resses. You'll see how squishy he is. A few mauraders have figured this out on my server, and they are absolute terrors if they're in the same game with me.



On a side note, I noticed it was mention earlier someone saying snipers can do the same damage as PTs, except it's avoided more because they do white damage. Just so everyone knows, Railshot is white damage and so if affected by cover, and deflects and dodges etc.


It was me who said that Snipers damage was white damage and I wasn't just comparing it to Railshot, I was using it as an example to make a point that PT's weren't the only ones that could do series burst damage. Which is why in that same post I said I wasn't sure what exactly was OP about PT DPS because Railshot is so similar to Ambush and you don't see too many people complaining about Ambush, however you also don't see people using ambush every 7.5 seconds or so jumping off ledges and turning around corners, so maybe it's the whole instant cast mobility part of it... I'm still not sure.

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I'm curious as to how a Smugler Gunslinger like me can survive the pyro or the lightning storms I get. It's annoying, but I'm willing to get better and learn how to deal with them. Because I have only a certain amount of interrupts after that I'm wide open for more attacks until cool down is over.


Any suggestions beside running? :D

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Raid mark DPS powertechs in warzones. They have poor defensive cooldowns and have no real response to being focus fired. All they can hope for is that someone heals them.


They do some ridiculously high damage I agree. However you can make your life a lot better by simply...well killing them.



What really sucks is when tanks put guard on them. Then it's extremely frustrating. Fortunately that doesn't happen often.

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Did some of you noticed the damage pyrotech can put on a single target or multiple targets only with that insane combustible gas? It put down a 16k HP player in less then 5 seconds only by that. They spin around and you get 30% HP short after. Is insane!


16k in 5 seconds with one fire dot alone? I don't think so.

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So, love this topic

Every War Zone i jump into starts yelling about me being over powered, so lets talk about what classes i have trouble fighting,

1. Ranged

So, Snipers, hate em as a Powertech, we are a melee class, they say 4m close, 10M mid , 30 far, 10m is close IMO

What attacks we use,

30m Rapid Shots (auto attack), Thermal Detonator, Rail Shot, incendiary missile, Death From Above, Unload

10m Flame Burst

4m Rocket Punch

(there are others but we don't use them often)

We don't have a charge so and to proc our rail shots we need to be with in 10m, so........ @ 30 its incendiary missle to set them on fire, thermal detonator to set up your burst, rail shot, now if your running your at 10m you flame burst (second dot), rail shot if it proc (most likely won't), rocket punch to make rail shot proc, rail shot, flame burst to reapply dot, rapid shots cause your well over 40 heat, now its all what's off cooldown or what procs,

Snipers won't let you get closer than 20m you go through the first rotation and you wont get your rocket punch off cause they will blow you back and root you, nice time to pop your shield, if you don't have it off CD your boned your going to take a lot of damage so try to not freak out, good time to use Unload even though it does nothing for you its going to lower there health bar to your next TD and RS hopefully will crit and you can proc some mega damage, anyways your on the ropes with a sniper cause you can't get close enough to proc rail shots so if you do get in close jump over the top of them this will cause you to fly up in the air instead of getting blown back, also try to stun and grapple to get him to close, with all CD's up its a toss up fighting a sniper,

Merc's (non-issue), if you can get in close use your kicks to make sure they cant use tracer missile, locking down this class down is key, with all CD's up i rate PT>Merc

Sorcerer (non-issue,) only thing about this class that is good is that there stuck in light armor and do not have a shield generator, don't let them LOS you 1.5 seconds means the difference between a kill and a long fight, if you get stuck fighting two of them try to stun lock one and burn the other cause your going to get blown back rooted and worst case your going to get pickled between them and then your dead, 1v1 PT>Sorc, 1v2 your dead pretty much

2. Operative Healers, these are hard to kill cause they remove your dot's this is a huge part of your dps, so with out them your stuck trying to time your TD and RS to hit and kicking there heals so you can burn them down but it seams like you just end up spamming flame burst and rail shots overheating and just end up calling out for someone to help you kick his heals, hes going to run away and is removing your slow so your not going to be able to keep up with him your going to get LOS's and hes going to heal up gotta catch him in a stun lock and use all your cool downs and overheat yourself and if that doesn't kill him just annoy him, all CD's up PT=OPT (its going to be a long frustration fight)

3. Marauders, ouch..... well there's not much to say on this burn them down when they pop there invincibility stun them keep your dots on them and burst them when you can, With all CD's UP PT=Marauders keep your distance and watch our for there channeled attacks they will melt you down

4. Tankassins (tank/dps hybrid build assassins) the down right worst class to fight they absorb a ton of your damage, deflect your attacks, have lots of defensive cool downs can remove your dots and can heal themselves more than any other tank/dps class, your only hope is that you can catch them with your cool downs up your rail shot doesn't get deflected/mitigated and he doesn't pop his invincibility at a bad time when your TD goes off or your blah blah blah , all CD's up fighting a player with half a mind and can read other players Tankassins>PT,

5. The Rest, all depends on the players and the situations I've been attacked 5v2 with only me and a healer and lived, then I've attacked a assassin 2v1 and he wrecked us, just knew who to stun when to pop cool downs and how to heal doing good dps, i consider all classes not to be equal, in 1.2 it became more prevalent, i don't believe in nerf-ing Pyro anymore maybe a buff to unload so Mercs are on the same level and we powertechs have a little better ranged dps

Before 1.2 no one whined about Pyro, they complained about sorcerers, once they were taken down a notch then pyrotechs reared there ugly heads, before the patch in full battle master i had almost 700 power with 300 surge and could hit harder than i do now, i changed all my mods out and mashed peoples faces, got almost banned for harassment, cause i would take anyone one on and laugh as I did it,

Its Nothing Personal :D, but it was still the same as now where i kill someone and they flip out, i heal on my sorc and heal on my opt, and dps as a marauder and assassin(rouge style :p) i still go at it with a vigor, I would love to see a little more leveling out of the playing field, operative healers removing my dots is bad, LOL, but there great healers, PT have tough time getting OPT healers but a good time doing the others, and force users kill opt healers better, Merc healing needs a little boost, marauders need a little change and no class should be based on one attack, that needs to change, i use 5-6 different attacks in every person i kill where i see other spam one ability 5 times in a row, or one channeled attack doing massive damage, leveling those classes out with fun ways to play them would make everyone feel better than i come up kick your tracer, stun you, kick your tracer, stun you, your dead


Anyways that's my two cents playing your class well will make up for a lot of who is going to be on the top, leave a couple of comment on the table on ideas to make the classes more fun to play and equal them out don't be bias your class doesn't need to be on top i know i can't kill the OPT healers that's the beauty of it, that will mean more classes will be in rated WZ than a 8 man sorc team :)

k im out thanks for reading

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a bad player is still a bad player. The thing is : anyone can die really fast with the new expertise.


A good sniper can kill me, every time. I have a 25 % shield, a 15% healing (in 15s) => +/- 2400hp/15s => 140hp/s. Heavy armor give me an extra 5% dmg reduction (but is is useless against internal/fire dmg)=> 30% dmg reduction. The sniper has 25% dmg reduction.


The sniper has also a shield, an other aoe 20% shield, a dodging bubble, 3 cover shields when in cover(15%), a 20% defense to dodge my RS when in cover. The sniper has also two bumps, a mezz and a dmg spell which doesn't break CC, two roots so I can't come to him to proc my RS.

Edited by SaulSerpine
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I was waiting for the day this QQ would come.

It was only a matter of time before people stopped blindly raging on Maras/Sents and looked at this.


I'm not suggesting any nerfs are needed, by the way. Just suggesting that I knew this day would come.

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I was waiting for the day this QQ would come.

It was only a matter of time before people stopped blindly raging on Maras/Sents and looked at this.


I'm not suggesting any nerfs are needed, by the way. Just suggesting that I knew this day would come.


Yep BH's own DPS... own it... but they are fine... just don't target me... :p

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Yep BH's own DPS... own it... but they are fine... just don't target me... :p


You see the final warzone numbers in matches.

BH/Troopers have their own subset of strengths and flaws. Just like every other class.


Consistent 'bad' behavior will get you killed by any class consistently.

Edited by islander
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You see the final warzone numbers in matches.

BH/Troopers have their own subset of strengths and flaws. Just like every other class.


Consistent 'bad' behavior will get you killed by any class consistently.


I really do mean they are fine... whatever pyrotechs can do... troopers can do... it's fine... folks need to quit with the nerf posts, and settle in to 1.2 and learn it. I was supprised by how much single target damage they do... but... it is balanced, however it is painfull.


The main thing I find that makes BH's balanced is alot of their stuff is casted, so now I just focus the hell out of em... nothing worse then my 17zillion interupts and average damage for a poor BH. Was a bad night for BH's on my server last night... lol... once my priority attack list changed... we won... alot... lol...


BH vs Sniper damage... not sure of the ins and outs but what I will say is that BH's have no magic antileap cover thingy... that means every Guardian/Sentinal can leap across the universe and start wailling on em... so... keep that in mind when saying class A should do more than class B in damage. I find Snipers/Gunslingers with good placement eat my lunch consistantly... and hats off to ya... gj... gg... actually leveling one right now and their a blast... litterally :D

Edited by VoidJustice
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I really do mean they are fine... whatever pyrotechs can do... troopers can do... it's fine... folks need to quit with the nerf posts, and settle in to 1.2 and learn it. I was supprised by how much single target damage they do... but... it is balanced, however it is painfull.


The main thing I find that makes BH's balanced is alot of their stuff is casted, so now I just focus the hell out of em... nothing worse then my 17zillion interupts and average damage for a poor BH. Was a bad night for BH's on my server last night... lol... once my priority attack list changed... we won... alot... lol...


I know you werent calling for nerfs.


LOL, I too love me some interrupting. It's actually what I have the most fun with on my mara. The ability to interrupt 7 or 8 times within 30 seconds, I just imagine how angry I'd be at the keyboard on the other end.

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I know you werent calling for nerfs.


LOL, I too love me some interrupting. It's actually what I have the most fun with on my mara. The ability to interrupt 7 or 8 times within 30 seconds, I just imagine how angry I'd be at the keyboard on the other end.


o god... shhh... don't say mara... /ducks

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