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Load times SUCK!


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SATA 3 can mean HDD as well...:confused:


What about the rest of your specs? A slower GPU/CPU/RAM can also contribute to a difference even if you are referring to 3rd gen SSD. And even if you have a 3rd gen SSD you may have one of those cheaper budget SSDs with significantly slower speed than the other of 3rd SSDs, so provide a clear name.


i did earlier in thread...

force gt r/w 555/505

Edited by smilefunk
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ADD: I notice that your Write speed is not impressive. I lack evidence on this and have not investigated, but here is a possibility: is it not possible that during loading certain cache files have to be created? If that's the case then a significantly slower writing time will have an effect.


I'll look into setting up a RAM disk for SW:TOR's temporary files if I can and see if that brings any different results. In any case, I am not arguing that using 3rd generation SSD's (my Rampage II Extreme won't take advantage of that, 3GB/s SATA and all). However, do you think that the solution to every problem should be to throw massive amounts of hardware at it? There's mounting evidence that SW:TOR's engine is horrendously optimized and all of these issues could be solved with properly optimized disk and network I/O code.


EDIT: Testing on an independent drive, my lower write performance is likely due to RAID-0 overhead.

Edited by ironix
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Already explained earlier. The content (in terms of size of data, not size of area or playable time) contained within a single planet rivals that of an entire continent in WoW. Without SSD you'd spend around 40-50 seconds loading a continent like Northrend, more so for EC or Kalim, without addons. Extra addons then slow down the loading time even more.


I can imagine that the loading time may feel long for the average player with regular HDDs, but there is nothing that can be done about it for content that has already been created. There is no magical solution to simple raw massive size with the current infrastructure.


Well..then why did the load times increase a lot after 1.2? I can see if a lot of new content was added. But there was'nt. Atleast none I could see except the addition of the legacy and UI . None of which I would think would add that much more data. I am not a programmer tho and can only go by experence from other MMO's. And sence WoW seems to feel a lot more open and with less zoning going on..I cannot see how the load times would be more in TOR. And as far as amount of content...I still think WoW has TOR beat by a large amount. Sure TOR has the voice overs which does add a lot to the total size of the client.

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I love when people call others a liar.


I don't have that good performance, but my load times are never more than 30-45 seconds.


So... am I a liar too?


I bet you think that's a good thing too... :rolleyes:



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yea the Load Times are horrendous...only way around it is to log off in your ship. If you do not log off in your ship...you will be staring at a screen for ten minutes loading to get into the game....FACT. This game is horribly coded....its the game engine...we prisoners of this engine that takes a loooooooong time to load the planet you on.


Little things like this that drive people away. My pet peave is the fights...take waaaaay too long. Combat is waaay too long...so i cancelled

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LOL 30 to 45 secs is horrible just like this game overall.

Think about it..zone from fleet to your ships hangar, zone into your ship, zone out of your ship to the destinations hangar, zone into the spaceport, zone onto the transport to take you to the planet surface.

Games a joke...besides the boring as all h**l voice over crap (which also takes 30-45 secs per chat choice/response/selection if your in a grp) you have to spacebar thru while repeating the same hardmodes over and over and over.

I unsubbed after falling asleep WAITING TO ZONE OR FOR THE STUPID VOICE OVER CRAP TO ADVANCE on many occasions.

The ultimate waiting was just logging in game, that took forever.

Edited by kiddynomite
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ADD: I notice that your Write speed is not impressive. I lack evidence on this and have not investigated, but here is a possibility: is it not possible that during loading certain cache files have to be created? If that's the case then a significantly slower writing time will have an effect.


I just set up a RAM Drive for SW:TOR's DiskCacheArena (1GB temp cache) using the following guide: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=154568


However, even with this RAM drive setup, my loading times remain unchanged. This would seem to indicate that the write performance on my RAID-0 setup is not to blame.


EDIT: Playing around with FancyCache. I will report back on those results.

Edited by ironix
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SATA 3 can mean HDD as well...:confused:


What about the rest of your specs? A slower GPU/CPU/RAM can also contribute to a difference even if you are referring to 3rd gen SSD. And even if you have a 3rd gen SSD you may have one of those cheaper budget SSDs with significantly slower speed than the other of 3rd SSDs, so provide a clear name.


Well in my case I have a I7 2600 cpu and a Radeon 6850. And with all the settings at max in video options the game plays smooth and with 60+ fps even on the Fleet. It is the load times which have increased dramatically sence 1.2. Not the actual game play is worse. I donot think it has anything to do with your cpu or gpu.

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i dont known what the hell they did in the last patch 1.2.2 but DAM load times got cut by like 2-3 times for me !


corelia, black hole, ilum , etc, all the monster load zones, all of them took ages like AGESSSS, now i can barely alt-tab to check the forums O.o


well, what can i say ? good joob bw ? XD


OH and companions finally get stats from ear/implants and i can farm mats from nodes without melting my pc everytime the loot window shows up. the loot lag is totally gone (crafters know what im talking about)


Best patch for me in a freaking long time, only crappy thingh was they nuked the GTN search again XD.

Edited by Omezawa
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I love when people call others a liar.


I don't have that good performance, but my load times are never more than 30-45 seconds.


So... am I a liar too?


No he should have not called the poster a liar, a simple reply of troll would have been all that is required as it would have hit the nail square upon its tiny head. None the less, load screens blow since 1.2. :wea_01:

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This is my biggest problem with the game. I have super long load times. The GW2 beta loaded in mere seconds and that game is still in beta and looks better than this game. It runs at a higher framerate on my older machine and runs more smoothly. I am gonna go out on a limb here and say that ToR isn't optimized properly yet. One can only wonder if it will ever be. I really like this game, but after playing that beta and not having to be partied to do whatever with whoever, this game may be losing my money for a good long time til ship combat comes out and even then, if the load times aren't fixed, I won't be returning.
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Sorry but thats a lie. Even with ssd disk and top notch PC loading times pain in this game


Quoted for truth.

I have a good PC, with TOR on an SSD, loading time is still slow.

The graphics suck. They certainly don't warrant long load time. I've said it before and I'll say it again, TOR's engine was old out of the gate. And the client ( namely, load times) is slow as hell.

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Its not the end of the world but if there was a contest for mmo with the longest load times, swtor would win it hands down.

AoC would be first. SwTOR second. The AoC loading time when they released the first addon were just outrageous. Taking up to 5m. Now they take about 1m if you are not using a SSD.

Still, SWTOR loading time are far too long.

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I wouldn't mind a really long loading screen at the start of each of my play sessions, similar to what games like Grand Theft Auto do. I'd gladly load for three, four, even five solid minutes at the beginning of my session if it meant I wouldn't have to go through six loading screens if I wanted to go from Planet A to Planet B with my Emergency Fleet Pass on cooldown.
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I usually don't do these type of hate posts, but I am so sick of these long loading times! Espcially when I have a good system!

I play many other MMO's and NONE of them take this long to load!


BioWare you really need to work on your loading times!!!


Flame me all you want, but most of you will agree with me!




Your not gonna get anywhere with crying about your load time problem. If you havent already, why not put your system specs on here so we can have an idea of whats going on? It's a good possiblility it's your computer, not the game.

Edited by Shonuff
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The fact of the matter is it seems that what causes these ridiculous load times is unknown...and not at all related to the quality of one's computer. I know people who have cutting edge systems and still have long loading screens...yet some people with older systems seem to have no problems at all.


My system is on the older side, but is far from a dud, and while fleet and some other things load with respectable times, almost all of the planets take LITERALLY 3+ minutes to load...and yes I have timed it. At least if we were given some information about WHAT we can improve that is most likely to bring these loading times even CLOSE to what is normally accepted in the genre, we could start addressing the issue.

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Your not gonna get anywhere with crying about your load time problem. If you havent already, why not put your system specs on here so we can have an idea of whats going on? It's a good possiblility it's your computer, not the game.


There is no point in posting specs, as if your experience with other players in game and reading this post should tell you, this is in fact a widespread issue that affects many different computer configurations and price points.


At least you are trying to be helpful, unlike the many uninformed and unknowledgeables who just spam "your system sucks" whenever someone complains about a performance issue. Given the many widespread issues SWTOR has presented over the months though, I wonder if the realize how dumb they look doing that. :rolleyes:

Edited by Cancrizans
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I don't have much to say about load times, as long as the progress bar keeps moving. I do get irritable when it sits there not moving at all for awhile.


Ya and what mine generally does is sit at about 1/5 progress for 3 minutes then suddenly you hear some background music and the game finishes loading after another 45 seconds or so...:mad:

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The fact of the matter is it seems that what causes these ridiculous load times is unknown...and not at all related to the quality of one's computer. I know people who have cutting edge systems and still have long loading screens...yet some people with older systems seem to have no problems at all.


The fact of the matter is that a lot of people don't know anything, or think they know everything but they don't, about software / hardware and how to set it up.

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