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Married or Engaged?


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Soooo....my trooper's honey, Aric, popped the question over the weekend. (Lucky girl, he's a great guy and that voice! <swoon>) Are they married or engaged? Cause all the conversations have been had, plans have been made, but as far as I can tell, no ceremonies have happened.


Future expansion material?? I mean, to be honest, none of the companion stories feel finished so far which is great - leaves room for continuing the fun. (It would be a massive disappointment not to follow up on some of these stories...


We still need to talk to Mako's SIS contact guy and learn more about where she comes from, and there's that prison Zane talked about finding at the end of Aric's questline, for example.


Or maybe it's just this pair, my bounty hunter left jailbait Torian to Mako so this is the only one of my girls who has a man at the moment. Do any of the other sets actually get married all official and stuff?

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I'm kind of unsure of this too, I had the proposal convo on my fsmuggler last night and I'm not sure if she actually got married.



After Corso says she can perform her own marriage I picked the 2nd option and she said "ok let's skip to the honeymoon lol" and I am not sure if that means they got married or what. I thought it was kinda funny though.



I guess I will have to see if another convo comes up? Eventually there's supposed to be 1 more where you talk about kids, for all of the sets. But I do wish the game had made it more clear on whether or not I messed it up. I'll be pretty mad if I did.

Edited by elliotcat
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agent ones you kinda do unofficial agreements with temple or vector ( prolly to keep names out of databases )

i read up on mandolorian stuff on wiki, aperantly what torian says to you in mando is basically wedding vows, which the coupple do in secret, then reveal the news to thier pack soon after.

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If I remember right, when Jorgan proposes he says he's thinking about the future, once the war is over. So for him at least, you're probably engaged.


OMG, that would make this possibly the longest engagement ever!! Noooooooo!!!!! Eesh, you'd think a guy that waited over 30 levels before putting the moves on his girl would at least move a little quicker once his mind was made up!

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OMG, that would make this possibly the longest engagement ever!! Noooooooo!!!!! Eesh, you'd think a guy that waited over 30 levels before putting the moves on his girl would at least move a little quicker once his mind was made up!


Haha well you guys ARE kinda busy what with being the sweetest spec ops squad in the republic. Who knows maybe you've had time to stop in on Coruscant and get it on paper real fast? Honeymoon's on Ilum, unfortunately.

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Haha well you guys ARE kinda busy what with being the sweetest spec ops squad in the republic. Who knows maybe you've had time to stop in on Coruscant and get it on paper real fast? Honeymoon's on Ilum, unfortunately.


Havoc Squad is pretty sweet, isn't it? Poor, non-troopers just don't know :)


Well, I hope that the writers won't gloss over something as big as an actual ceremony (or paper grabbing on the way to Garza's office). I'm sure Garza won't be happy anyway (I'm pretty sure she secretly hates me), so she can just go suck a lemon while I curl up with my guy.

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Havoc Squad is pretty sweet, isn't it? Poor, non-troopers just don't know :)


Well, I hope that the writers won't gloss over something as big as an actual ceremony (or paper grabbing on the way to Garza's office). I'm sure Garza won't be happy anyway (I'm pretty sure she secretly hates me), so she can just go suck a lemon while I curl up with my guy.


haha kept on fighting with torian.. best honeymoon for a mandalorian ever <3

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Vette you get straight up married, Kira does some preparations and apparently its all hush hush (Similar to Anakin Padme situation). All done off screen of course.


Ashara refuses to be married without the Council's permission (One of the annoying things she seems to uphold as a Jedi is no marriage without approval) but expresses her wish to do it after the war.


No marriage with Risha immediately but its alluded to heavily and jokes about you being royalty etc etc.


Elara files some papers in her usual by the book manner where its a legal union of some sort between two members in service, but will get married eventually.

Edited by DeutschGamer
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Havoc Squad is pretty sweet, isn't it? Poor, non-troopers just don't know :)


Well, I hope that the writers won't gloss over something as big as an actual ceremony (or paper grabbing on the way to Garza's office). I'm sure Garza won't be happy anyway (I'm pretty sure she secretly hates me), so she can just go suck a lemon while I curl up with my guy.


I had to laugh at your comment about Garza - I agree, I think she secretly hates me too. Her face already looks like it is sucking on a lemon...haha. I am so glad to find another Aric fan! He's a sweetheart. My fav romance so far in game. :D

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I had to laugh at your comment about Garza - I agree, I think she secretly hates me too. Her face already looks like it is sucking on a lemon...haha. I am so glad to find another Aric fan! He's a sweetheart. My fav romance so far in game. :D


I adore him! He's just such a good guy, but practical and the back and forth between uber confident, flustered, and sweet is just delicious. And his voice...... ......... ......... and we'll leave it at that.

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Vette you get straight up married, Kira does some preparations and apparently its all hush hush (Similar to Anakin Padme situation). All done off screen of course.


Ashara refuses to be married without the Council's permission (One of the annoying things she seems to uphold as a Jedi is no marriage without approval) but expresses her wish to do it after the war.


No marriage with Risha immediately but its alluded to heavily and jokes about you being royalty etc etc.


Elara files some papers in her usual by the book manner where its a legal union of some sort between two members in service, but will get married eventually.


Jaesa from the Warrior story will play coy at first, then when she decides the time is right she just starts calling you her husband etc. this is of course assuming you go the dark side path with her as light side is non romanceable.

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I adore him! He's just such a good guy, but practical and the back and forth between uber confident, flustered, and sweet is just delicious. And his voice...... ......... ......... and we'll leave it at that.


IF you don't know so already, the actor who voices Aric is currently a main staple on USA's show Psych. I however can. It think of his name at the moment though.

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The thing I thought was particularly weird was the "legacy" conversation after marriage. Can anyone tell me if these conversations are the same even if you didn't romance your companion? It sounded to me like they basically gave you virtually the same conversation regardless of whether you romanced them or not, and the result is odd.


Both Corso and Vector said to me that they would defend/serve my legacy forever. And I was left there thinking, "Uh, you mean OUR legacy right?" Sheesh, do these guys really think my character's going to run off and have kids with other men after marrying them? Hey, I know Vector's not the jealous type and all - but even that's over the top. :p


At least with Corso my smuggler got the option to call him on his remark and have a tiny discussion about it. No such luck with Vector.


With my smuggler:



She said, "I hope you're talking about adoption, because the only babies I plan on having are yours." (She's a twi'lek.) I assume the conversation goes differently if you are human?


Edited by CloudCastle
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I turned Lt. Boyfriend's proposal down, but according to my friend who did not, he gushes that she can have whatever ceremony she wants and it's implied the ceremony will happen Eventually. He never refers to himself as your husband in his letters, so I think that's an engagement.


Doc straight up marries you before you can change your mind, essentially. It's a pretty funny scene. <3

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OMG, that would make this possibly the longest engagement ever!! Noooooooo!!!!! Eesh, you'd think a guy that waited over 30 levels before putting the moves on his girl would at least move a little quicker once his mind was made up!





Cute response.

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The thing I thought was particularly weird was the "legacy" conversation after marriage. Can anyone tell me if these conversations are the same even if you didn't romance your companion? It sounded to me like they basically gave you virtually the same conversation regardless of whether you romanced them or not, and the result is odd.


Both Corso and Vector said to me that they would defend/serve my legacy forever. And I was left there thinking, "Uh, you mean OUR legacy right?" Sheesh, do these guys really think my character's going to run off and have kids with other men after marrying them? Hey, I know Vector's not the jealous type and all - but even that's over the top. :p


At least with Corso my smuggler got the option to call him on his remark and have a tiny discussion about it. No such luck with Vector.


With my smuggler:



She said, "I hope you're talking about adoption, because the only babies I plan on having are yours." (She's a twi'lek.) I assume the conversation goes differently if you are human?


I'm waiting to have that conversation too and I am curious because I'm a Mirialan. Not sure if humans and Mirialans can have kids together.

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I'm waiting to have that conversation too and I am curious because I'm a Mirialan. Not sure if humans and Mirialans can have kids together.


If they can't have kids together, they talk about adopting. That's the way the femtrooper/Aric conversation runs.

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I adore him! He's just such a good guy, but practical and the back and forth between uber confident, flustered, and sweet is just delicious. And his voice...... ......... ......... and we'll leave it at that.


aric is the next on my MANagerie collection hit-list. i doubt his voice will top vector's, but he can try >:3

i used to own a bad***** orange cat that was all rough and tough, coming home from cat fights, bringing home football sized rats and even possums, one eye, half his tail missing, neutered, tattered ears, BB pellets imbedded in his flesh from when he was a kitten on a farm before he was rescued, one toe broken and set funny, but when it came to the ladies of the house, he was alllllll nose kissies and luffs. ohhh he gave the best nose kissies ( thats why i laugh at the fact she seems to kiss jorgan's nose... cats give good nose kissies )

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The thing I thought was particularly weird was the "legacy" conversation after marriage. Can anyone tell me if these conversations are the same even if you didn't romance your companion? It sounded to me like they basically gave you virtually the same conversation regardless of whether you romanced them or not, and the result is odd.


Both Corso and Vector said to me that they would defend/serve my legacy forever. And I was left there thinking, "Uh, you mean OUR legacy right?" Sheesh, do these guys really think my character's going to run off and have kids with other men after marrying them? Hey, I know Vector's not the jealous type and all - but even that's over the top. :p


At least with Corso my smuggler got the option to call him on his remark and have a tiny discussion about it. No such luck with Vector.


With my smuggler:



She said, "I hope you're talking about adoption, because the only babies I plan on having are yours." (She's a twi'lek.) I assume the conversation goes differently if you are human?


i know, right, i wish i had the chat option of my agent grabbing him by the collar, pulling him over so theyre brow-to-brow, and roaring " YOU GONNA GIVE ME BABIES! LOTS OF BABIESSSSSSS. NAO " and then drag him offscreen caveman style, whimpering.

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Cute response.


30 levels. So not kidding. Had him maxed on affection without hardly any gifts by about level 30, and I started getting paranoid that I'd missed a conversation somewhere, screwed something up. Nope. Mr. I'll Growl At Jonas But Won't Flirt With You was just biding his time, watching my back-side, and making up his mind.


I will say I was looking at what little info there is about Cathar, and they're one of those races that is one mate for life. So, I'm guessing that he wouldn't be too worried about getting official documents cause to him it's a done deal.


I rather like that there's a variety of ways different couples deal with a permanent relationship based on their story and personalities and such. But we're not doing this decade-long engagement crap!!

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