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Mercenary - great class story, but sucks horribly in PVP


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This is my feedback from playing a mercenary bounty hunter, I LOVED the bounty hunter storyline from start to finish.

However, both arsenal and pyro merc sucks HORIBBLY in pvp, they are terribad against melee classes. No interrupt (not stun) , very low survival in pvp, melee classes eat you alive in a couple of secs, mostly sentinels and guardians . . .


Think im gonna reroll a powertech I hope to Christ they are better in pvp that the lolmerc .


Umm no. L2play a better i guess. Pyrotech mercs while not as good as pyrotech PT's can put out some dps. Actually.. the dps is very good. Ive more often then not pushed 300k plus in wz's except for Huttball (because of all the running).

Whoever said not having the dps to get people down to half health... WTH are you even talking about.... Drop both dots on whoever... even juggs... then rail dart.. unload... rail dart... (dot explodes) . if thats not half health for you then you are terribly undergeared. Its funny how much people complain about a class sucking without even considering that the class is only as good as the person playing it..

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I love how you just throw out the insults. I think my class is bad at pvp so that means I'm automatically bad and don't have a clue how to pvp. I do well on my Commando, in Gunnery or Assault, but anyone capable of critical thought can see they don't have the tools they need to compete in pvp at the same level with every other class, especially if/when ranked warzones come out. If you want to discuss commando pvp then do it, but don't insult people just because their experiences have led them to a different conclusion than you about the state of a class.

umm... people dont understand especially if coming from a class than can take some punishment in melee how to play Pyros.... u cant have disregard for your position like you do as a bodyguard. Dont enter battles you know you cant win. Play from max range and keep moving. Rapid shot rapid shot rapid shot.. keep your gas dots up and keep slows on everyone... What do you mean you dont have a way to deal with melee.... If melee jump at you... drop shock dart... rapid shot kite drop dots rail shot rapid shot kite etc..... they may be able to jump to you again... thats when u drop the knockback. then rapidshot rail... when u get them down to 30-40ish percent health.. u can stop running and drop unload rail powershot...etc... i say we have excellent defense against melee classes.. Just dont try and be fkn superman

Edited by generaldizzle
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umm... people dont understand especially if coming from a class than can take some punishment in melee how to play Pyros.... u cant have disregard for your position like you do as a bodyguard. Dont enter battles you know you cant win. Play from max range and keep moving. Rapid shot rapid shot rapid shot.. keep your gas dots up and keep slows on everyone... What do you mean you dont have a way to deal with melee.... If melee jump at you... drop shock dart... rapid shot kite drop dots rail shot rapid shot kite etc..... they may be able to jump to you again... thats when u drop the knockback. then rapidshot rail... when u get them down to 30-40ish percent health.. u can stop running and drop unload rail powershot...etc... i say we have excellent defense against melee classes.. Just dont try and be fkn superman


That would never work against any average to decent melee class. Who exactly are you playing against?

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only melee class that ever gave me problems is the assassin/shadow. and ill admit, i feel pretty darn defeated when going up against one that knows what they are doing.


but you know what? id rather it be tough for us mercs because we used to be a fotm class.


less mercs = more room for me to shine.



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I love how you just throw out the insults. I think my class is bad at pvp so that means I'm automatically bad and don't have a clue how to pvp. I do well on my Commando, in Gunnery or Assault, but anyone capable of critical thought can see they don't have the tools they need to compete in pvp at the same level with every other class, especially if/when ranked warzones come out. If you want to discuss commando pvp then do it, but don't insult people just because their experiences have led them to a different conclusion than you about the state of a class.


Please do not put words in my mouth, not once did I insult you. My advice? Get over yourself.


You think Commando/Mercenary PVP is bad, I trying to figure out why you feel this way by suggesting things that could be the reason. I have plenty of friends who do just fine and own face in PVP as mercs.


Everything you have stated makes it sound like your upset with your nerf and refuse to adapt to your new class. I get that, but sitting on the forums crying about it is not going to make you better.


The fact is there are tons of people playing the class just fine, others absolutely owning with it. And the original point of this thread was "waaaah I cannot beat a Marauder/Sentinel in 1v1".


That should never happen if you let them in melee, also they should be beaten if they are kept at a distance.


Your class was a god in PVP not to long ago, we all understand it is hard that you actually have to play when in a warzone now, but again there is nothing wrong with your class after this nerf. Your just not a superman anymore.

Edited by Pesh
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That would never work against any average to decent melee class. Who exactly are you playing against?


WTH kind of question is that.. I doubt every person ive beat using this method hasnt been the best player in the entire game. I have beaten better geared players in warzones 1v1 from thinking they can just run up on me in melee range. they just get kited to death. end of story. I can tell you from experience it that it works... just work on your kiting... its that simple.

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Please do not put words in my mouth, not once did I insult you. My advice? Get over yourself.


You think Commando/Mercenary PVP is bad, I trying to figure out why you feel this way by suggesting things that could be the reason. I have plenty of friends who do just fine and own face in PVP as mercs.


Everything you have stated makes it sound like your upset with your nerf and refuse to adapt to your new class. I get that, but sitting on the forums crying about it is not going to make you better.


The fact is there are tons of people playing the class just fine, others absolutely owning with it. And the original point of this thread was "waaaah I cannot beat a Marauder/Sentinel in 1v1".


That should never happen if you let them in melee, also they should be beaten if they are kept at a distance.


Your class was a god in PVP not to long ago, we all understand it is hard that you actually have to play when in a warzone now, but again there is nothing wrong with your class after this nerf. Your just not a superman anymore.


The nerf to grav round changed nothing about the fundamentals of our class. We still do solid damage, and our "rotations/priorities" are still the same. The OP, however, is correct, the best of the best Commandos would not be able to kill an average Marauder in equal gear. We simply don't have the toolset. Its not a matter of "letting them in melee", if a Marauder wants to get into melee on a Commando he WILL. There is nothing the Commando can do unless the Marauder is completely out of cooldowns.


If you really thought Commandos were "gods" in pvp prior to 1.2 then I think you have serious learn to play issues. The recipe for killing Commandos hasn't changed, snare and interrupt = dead Commando.

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I own the supposed FOTM class on my sniper. Wanna know my secret? Do not let them in Melee range.


There is nothing wrong with the buff sent/mara got. They are the king of melee dps, and know their class reflects that. You are a ranged DPS, use those 30 meters to your advantage.


Dont let them in melee range? How many leaps and jumps do they have? you push them back , they leap back at you, snare you and ur dead.


Its very hard for mercs to keep them back, again I ask those of you who say: keep them out of melee , HOW MANY LEAPS/JUMPS DO THEY HAVE???

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Dont let them in melee range? How many leaps and jumps do they have? you push them back , they leap back at you, snare you and ur dead.


Its very hard for mercs to keep them back, again I ask those of you who say: keep them out of melee , HOW MANY LEAPS/JUMPS DO THEY HAVE???


Stop just reading what you want to read.


Rapid shot + Combustible gas cylinder + sweltering heat.


Heat free slow effect... i think you're missing something.


umm... people dont understand especially if coming from a class than can take some punishment in melee how to play Pyros.... u cant have disregard for your position like you do as a bodyguard. Dont enter battles you know you cant win. Play from max range and keep moving. Rapid shot rapid shot rapid shot.. keep your gas dots up and keep slows on everyone... What do you mean you dont have a way to deal with melee.... If melee jump at you... drop shock dart... rapid shot kite drop dots rail shot rapid shot kite etc..... they may be able to jump to you again... thats when u drop the knockback. then rapidshot rail... when u get them down to 30-40ish percent health.. u can stop running and drop unload rail powershot...etc... i say we have excellent defense against melee classes.. Just dont try and be fkn superman


People are giving you suggestions. If these do not work for you, look to your spec and keybindings, because they are working for others.

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Mercenary is not a viable PvP class at the moment, especially one-on-one and will always get owned by Jedi's 95% of the time. (Of course, people who don't know mercenaries/commandos will blindly say "L2Play" or "L2Adapt" when they clearly have no clue what they're talking about.) Fact is most of their abilities are channeled. Jedi's have multiple ways to interrupt you. End of story. Your best bet is to only attack other players if you're with somebody else. Anybody else who says "I'm tearing it up in PvP" is probably facing terribad players who couldn't even fight their way out of a paper bag.


Right now, sentinels are the way to go. I have 2 lvl 50's, commando and sentinels and I consider both my mains. Offically "the only thing they did was buff Master-strike." Off the record, sentinels are the most OP class in the game especially watchman despite the nerf. My sentinel pretty much dispatches anything with ease and their defensive CD's are super long-and I don't even have full BM. I hardly even PvP with commando anymore after their double-nerf.


Roll sentinel. I heard sages are good too. Hope this helps.

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I would say its a L2P issue as well. I play a sent and yea in 1v1 we rock in good hands. But i have to say BH in general are one of the classes i find the most challange in pvp. Them and dam inquis lol stupid lightning.


But yea mercs are alot like sents they take awhile to get the full grasp of , But when you do your deadly . So my suggestion would be to switch up your fight style and see if you find a niche.

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Dont let them in melee range? How many leaps and jumps do they have? you push them back , they leap back at you, snare you and ur dead.


Its very hard for mercs to keep them back, again I ask those of you who say: keep them out of melee , HOW MANY LEAPS/JUMPS DO THEY HAVE???


Force Leap is a 15 second Cooldown if I remember correctly. Concussion Charge is 20 seconds talented and with the 2 piece bonus (pre-1.2 it was 15 seconds). No decent Jug/Mara will start a fight against anyone with a knockback by leaping (Jugs can get away with it sometimes because they get a few seconds of knockback immunity after leap). If you Cryo, they just pop their CC breaker, and if that isn't up they can Force Camo and get closer. Only once you've used your knockback will they use leap, at which point your dead. If a Marauder wants to kill a Commando he's going to do it unless that Commando is guarded and being healed.

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Dont let them in melee range? How many leaps and jumps do they have? you push them back , they leap back at you, snare you and ur dead.


Its very hard for mercs to keep them back, again I ask those of you who say: keep them out of melee , HOW MANY LEAPS/JUMPS DO THEY HAVE???


Im not sure about PT's but sith warriors ability http://www.torhead.com/ability/6X4UAzp/force-charge says 15 seconds... im sure they may be able to spec into a faster one. after dropping incendiary then thermal detonator, then rail... even if they jump... u pop electro dart... start pew pewing and running for the slow effect.. even if he jumps at you, you have your knockback after that... if you are dropping dps and paying attention to your unload/powershot/rail dart combos you really should be droppin mofos left and right.

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But now sentinels/mara are supermans right?


So your just upset your not the FTOM anymore and sent/mara are?


Again, your class can beat sent/mara if you are paying attention. I am sorry that your ranged class got out meleed by a melee class. These things tend to happen.

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So your just upset your not the FTOM anymore and sent/mara are?


Again, your class can beat sent/mara if you are paying attention. I am sorry that your ranged class got out meleed by a melee class. These things tend to happen.


Could you please post the name of your DPS Commando and server so I can come watch you PvP? Just send me a PM if you don't want to broadcast it, I really want to watch you take down a Marauder 1v1. Or a Tankassin, or a Pyro Powertech.

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You said:

Next you can make fun of my wheelchair and how my legs no longer work.


This made me LOL


What was the purpose of your post. If you want to be better at playing Merc then listen to what we are saying.. if not then reroll.. but if you honestly believe that you can only be successful playing the current "god" class then go for it... when that class gets nerfed what will you do then. I dont even know you but I would hope you just dont re roll. You should re-evaluate.. keep playing your merc and go eff people up.

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Have both a BH merc and a Trooper Gunnery Commando, but only play PvE since the last patch. While I am uncertain of the DPS figures, I understand that Bioware wished to see balance in all the classes, and not have one dominate.


However, I have also noticed that defensively all my characters have become squishier; be it Light or Heavy armor and varied shields. An equal opponent will leave me half-dead and healing after each encounter, and the Elites are now to be avoided as much as possibible to save resources for the End Boss. They went from challenging to almost impossible unless lucky on the rolls, and that is more frustrating than enjoyable.

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So the problem I see here, is that the OP is obviously disguising a "nerf sentinels/marauders because they're roflstomping me in pvp" message in his "Merc is bad at pvp/cool story bro" thread. And anyone who isn't on the bandwagon gets reported or is simply ignored, I mean seriously weren't Mercs the FOTM after the Operative nerfstick landed? Pointless thread is pointless.


And just so I'm clear, I play a Juggernaut, Sniper, Powertech, Sorceror, and Operative...and I don't set foot into PVP with any of them anymore. PVP in its current state is unplayable until they revamp the expertise system into something that doesn't rely solely on how much pvp gear you have to determine who wins.

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This is my feedback from playing a mercenary bounty hunter, I LOVED the bounty hunter storyline from start to finish.

However, both arsenal and pyro merc sucks HORIBBLY in pvp, they are terribad against melee classes. No interrupt (not stun) , very low survival in pvp, melee classes eat you alive in a couple of secs, mostly sentinels and guardians . . .


Think im gonna reroll a powertech I hope to Christ they are better in pvp that the lolmerc .


I love my merc in PvP. I can push or punch everyone away from me and my damage is great. I just do not jump down and engage melee classes up close. In Hutt ball I'll stay behind sandbags so force change can't get me.


I do notice that I am not melting people almost instantly with my tracer missile anymore but it was a bit crazy and anyone that says different just wants to play in some sort of ********age mode =P

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This made me LOL


What was the purpose of your post. If you want to be better at playing Merc then listen to what we are saying.. if not then reroll.. but if you honestly believe that you can only be successful playing the current "god" class then go for it... when that class gets nerfed what will you do then. I dont even know you but I would hope you just dont re roll. You should re-evaluate.. keep playing your merc and go eff people up.


I AM good at playing my Commando. I didn't come into this thread for advice. I read the OP and then responded to some of the glue sniffers in the thread spouting nonsense. I KNOW how to play my Commando, and I play it well given the toolkit we have at our disposal. I agree with the OP, DPS Commandos/Mercs are very weak in PvP. That doesn't mean we need advice or that we're playing our class poorly or incorrectly.


I do well in a warzones. I squeeze every last ounce of performance out of my class. But anyone with a halfway rational mind can look at the toolset of Commandos and realize that the tools they have available to them just can't compete with other classes in WZs. My guild has two teams ready to go when ranked Warzones come out, and neither team is fielding a Commando. I'll let you guess why (hint: it isn't because we don't have any good ones). When I can do twice as well on a fresh 50 Sentinel in Recruit gear than I can on my Commando in WZs, something is wrong. I actually target Commandos first because they're easy kills, even if they have a pocket healer.


Right now I'd say ranged in general is at a disadvantage to melee, its not just Sentinels, although they seem to get the most focus on these forums.

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We those that consider mercs are UNPLAYABLE in pvp will continue to complain until Bioware seeses the error of their ways and buffs us back so that we arent cannonfodder to mara / senti FOTM



So you think we, as mercs, should be able to beat maras/sents at both ranged and melee and that is ok?

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