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Why do we need to carry hostile buffs after we die ?!


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we had this fault in another game too, until the devs made a very welcome change to it.


when you die, you should be "clean".

if that also should include the CDs, is something to debate, but hostile buffs should be removed.

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we had this fault in another game too, until the devs made a very welcome change to it.


when you die, you should be "clean".

if that also should include the CDs, is something to debate, but hostile buffs should be removed.


Some CDs should absolutely be reset, others maybe not.

The CC Break should always reset.

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we had this fault in another game too, until the devs made a very welcome change to it.


when you die, you should be "clean".


Because the code they have in place for respawning us in warzones doesn't work well.


Hence sometimes you respawn with dots, sometimes you don't, sometimes you respawn with full health/energy, sometimes you don't. It also doesn't even drop you out of combat after respawn if you have any persisting effects still out there, heh.


if that also should include the CDs, is something to debate, but hostile buffs should be removed.


God, no. All having cds reset on respawn would do is make the most unbalanced abilities even more unbalanced.

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Glad I saw this post, I was gonna start my own asking why I'm in combat in the spawn area sometimes. Good to see it's a bug and not something I'm screwing up.


So yes, please fix it!


ya, its amazing when you respawn and you are still under fire :)

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Glad I saw this post, I was gonna start my own asking why I'm in combat in the spawn area sometimes. Good to see it's a bug and not something I'm screwing up.


So yes, please fix it!


I see this the most in Voidstar, especially if you buff up and there happens to be a teammate outside of the spawn zone who is in combat.


This is very annoying as a stealth class, as I like to drop in stealthed and of course can't if I'm in combat.

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