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Same-server LFG tool=Chat=waste of time


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Destroys the community?


Seriously, what community. I never see a dang thing in the general chat except LFG spam.


People talking like this game has a ton of socialization and community are seriously delusional.


Ive been playing since prelaunch, and nobody talks to anyone outside of their guild 90% of the time.


Everyone is talking on Vent, completely ignoring the game chatbox.


This game is pretty much dead community wise. Hell look at how toxic the forums are?


I play on a RPPvE server and I barely even see roleplaying on it, might as well be a regular server as far as most people are concerned.


Nobody talks at 50 in chat either because at 50 the ONLY thing you do is group up to do PvP or Ops/HM Raids.

And guess what, your in your own little vent channel for that.


The game has already become a endless gear grind at 50, just like WoW was, might as well give it a LFG tool. Not like its going to improve the fact that there is nothing to do except reroll and start at lvl 1 again anyway.


(Or you could replace "Guild" with "Immediate group of Friends" same same...)

I honestly feel for you, because the server I'm on has more players and is way more social than the last 2 servers I was on in WoW: Kirin Tor & Thorium Brotherhood - and I was on TB since launch. Guild friends as well as friends outside of our guild define my playing experience in TOR, and I have plenty of both. The only hard part is focusing on class stories with 4 players because they all have to be willing to "play well with others" and help each other out in their quests. Players not socializing isn't the game's fault because there's more than enough fun stuff for groups to do together. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Players not socializing isn't the game's fault because there's more than enough fun stuff for groups to do together.


I hate to disagree, but no....


There is Two things to do in groups. Quests, or PvP.


No mini games, no multiplayer space combat, no dynamic events.


And the problem with FPs is you can really only do them so many times before they are boring.


Ops? Great, except if you arent in a guild good luck finding 7 other people. Finding a PuG for a 16 man is pretty much impossible.


So no, the reason the game isnt social is there just isnt any reason to be after you've got to 50.


You roll an alt but since populations are low its hard to find a level up buddy that second or third reroll, and you end up just skipping heroics because its quicker then waiting an hour for a group.



I seriously doubt LFG tools will fix the game much. Its not so much an issue of finding a group, its more of an issue of nobody wants to run the same FP or heroic multiple times. There is just no fun in it after the 20th time.

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There are two sides to this. But only one valid one.


There are ppl trying to level their characters in the game atm but are TOTALLY unable to group up with others cause there simply are none around. My server is med to high and there are 2-5 ppl on the same planet as I am while leveling. Im usually the ONLY one that is flagged for LFG (always) and I have yet to get one invite.


Personally - its gamebreaking. I will not be renewing my sub cause I expect a game to get such basics right as having other ppl to play with for content in the game. I am now lvl 35 and I have yet to get a full group of 4 players to do a proper run. Im discusted every single time Im forced to leave a planet with every single of my 4 man quests (that should NOT be optional imo) still in the quest tracker.


So - no thank you. This means Im falling furher and further behind in gear and makes the rest of the game less enjoyable. Absolutly disgrace to see a developer not seeing this in advance.

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There are two sides to this. But only one valid one.


There are ppl trying to level their characters in the game atm but are TOTALLY unable to group up with others cause there simply are none around. My server is med to high and there are 2-5 ppl on the same planet as I am while leveling. Im usually the ONLY one that is flagged for LFG (always) and I have yet to get one invite.


Personally - its gamebreaking. I will not be renewing my sub cause I expect a game to get such basics right as having other ppl to play with for content in the game. I am now lvl 35 and I have yet to get a full group of 4 players to do a proper run. Im discusted every single time Im forced to leave a planet with every single of my 4 man quests (that should NOT be optional imo) still in the quest tracker.


So - no thank you. This means Im falling furher and further behind in gear and makes the rest of the game less enjoyable. Absolutly disgrace to see a developer not seeing this in advance.


This is why I always, always advocate there being zero group quests when leveling, all content in a zone should be solo-able, with the only group content while leveling is PvP and Flash Points. It really doesn't take long for an MMO to be pratically be void of people in the leveling zones to make it so that content gets left unused.

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There are two sides to this. But only one valid one.


There are ppl trying to level their characters in the game atm but are TOTALLY unable to group up with others cause there simply are none around. My server is med to high and there are 2-5 ppl on the same planet as I am while leveling. Im usually the ONLY one that is flagged for LFG (always) and I have yet to get one invite.


Personally - its gamebreaking. I will not be renewing my sub cause I expect a game to get such basics right as having other ppl to play with for content in the game. I am now lvl 35 and I have yet to get a full group of 4 players to do a proper run. Im discusted every single time Im forced to leave a planet with every single of my 4 man quests (that should NOT be optional imo) still in the quest tracker.


So - no thank you. This means Im falling furher and further behind in gear and makes the rest of the game less enjoyable. Absolutly disgrace to see a developer not seeing this in advance.


Have to say I 110% agree with this... to call this game an MMO but come to the masses with no plausible way to actually engage grps and your server community is to say the least amateur in this day and age of the industry.


If server pops had been properly balanced in terms of numbers and factions then grping would likely of been a little easier, not great but better than it is currently.

Right now I think that the apparent incoming LFG and server transfers are merely gunna act as a fire fighting mechanism to help quell the exodus of players as more and more reach cap and become bored of sitting around waiting to do the same FP's and Wz's over and over.

All new games are quickly content deficient, that's expected as we all at some stage accelerate our playsyle as we become more aware, more profficient and better equipped... therfore MMO's will often see a sub decline while they wait for new content to be announced.. but what we are seeing in SWTOR is imo a rapid decline of players across most servers because the MMO they were expecting is nothing more than a SP RPG game and as such devlopers did not think the need for a grping tool was necessary other than a friends list and guild page... errr errr, that's sooo out of touch and coupled with the sharding and totally over the top number of servers, has made this game uninteresting, non social and definately lacking in any kind of immersion that MMO's crave to supply in order to keep the player base vibrant... something I think the majority of us already know is seriously lacking...


Star Wars is about factions fighting each other, but when do we ever see another faction player while we are questing... NEVER except in Wz's.. and even that is not necessarily true now in the attempt to reduce waiting times for a WZ to happen (another effect of low po servers).... how many players from opposite factions do you ever come across in the openworld areas on places like tattoine etc.. I have never seen anyone and rarely even when the event. that was running .... its just souless, no long term immersion except to try and get to 50 asap, get the oranges and then.... fall asleep!..


The forums have been nothing but hetefests and expletives since launch with the biggest issues - performance, server populations general boredom... simply being pushed aside until suddenly someone up above started to see the big picture.. only has instigated fire fighting actions to try to alleviate the issues and stem the flow of lost subs... al la free weekend passes, 7-day passes and the more tempting "we forgive all your hate thread 30-day passes", sudden announcemements re an LFG Tool and server xfers are now likely to late to make this game more popular.. first impressions tend to be the most important, if players dont like what they have sampled then they tend to drift iether back to what they left or onto new arrivals in the industry.....


I bet this isn't what George Lucas would of ever imagined a Star Wars MMo would look like - Releasing a game such as this, with such a cult following as it has, was imo criminal to do so in the incomplete state it is in... missing anything like stable performace, basic functionality, lifeless planets ... end result... a fast dwindling mass of servers with less tha 10% reaching anything like heavy pop... in fact I would hazard a guess and say less than 20% get above standard pop... which is a shame, because it was made out to be the WoW breaker, the mother of all MMO's... but to me its nowhere close... and its had 5 years or more to watch how the industry has developed but still managed to come up sooooo far short.. It saddens me :(

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Bioware, please close this thread! this has to be the 3,000th post this week either for or against the LFG.


i know, i know, bioware....the users here can't comprehend that their are already existing threads. yes, the possibility of using a search function escapes limited intelligence of these users...


perhaps if there was some sort of "LFThread tool" for them... XD


seriously, spamming gen chat isn't socializing. asking to get into a group, while is social, isn't socializing. the "can I play with you guys" isn't the socializing part... it's the actual playing together. and anything that helps to facilitate that better, I'm all for.

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Hello everyone!


Please be sure to see the Community Q&A from April 27 where Daniel Erickson, Lead Game Designer, briefly discusses the Group Finder and 1.3:


Lovarboy: Will we get dual spec with Game Update 1.3?


Daniel: Unfortunately, no. Game Update 1.3 is being kept a bit leaner to get the Group Finder and the next stage of Legacy in the game as fast as possible. After that we’ll be returning to some bigger updates and we’re hoping dual spec makes it for the next one.


From the February 24th Community Q&A:


deusBAAL: Will you be providing a LFG tool? What will be its features? How will it be intended to work and when can we expect it to go live?


Daniel Erickson: We are hard at work on a much more robust LFG functionality that will quickly help put groups together while still offering the flexibility to decide how you group and what sort of people you want to be grouped with. We’ll release more details as we get closer to release.


Please be sure to keep an eye on the Developer Tracker, where you can find the latest posts from developers made on the forums!

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Yes, I have. It usually goes something like this --

"Damn, it's so hard to find a tank."

"Yeah this sucks."


"I'll give it 10 more minutes, then I gtg."

"OK, me too."


I bet most WoW players have had almost this exact conversation.


And they had those conversations AFTER the implementation of cross-server LFG.

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I want to put my LFG flag up with a message for what I'm looking to group for.


I want to then go about my business questing on what ever planet.


People can then use a LFG tool to see everyone everywhere on their server who is LFG and what they are looking for. If that person is me then I can message people with an invite to group. Or people can message me with an invite to group.


What I don't want to do is stand somewhere doing nothing but spamming chat. I also don't want a queue that randomly groups people. I don't want auto teleportation either. I don't want Cross server. A large part of the point of doing group stuff is to get to know the people on your server. If it's cross server then there is no reason to be nice or civil or anything other than completely self interested in group. You'll never see those people again.


A simple tab added to /who that lists everyone on the server with their LFG flag up is all that is needed.


(it'd also be nice if the flag was deactivated when you accepted a group invite...)

Edited by FITorion
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Instead of something useful, like cross server pvp queues, I'm sure they will waste time and resources on something stupid like this. The servers, save for one or two are just too small to be self contained like that. The problem are the numbers of people wanting to do the same stuff as you, not the lack of some scrubby lfg finder.
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There are two sides to this. But only one valid one.


There are ppl trying to level their characters in the game atm but are TOTALLY unable to group up with others cause there simply are none around. My server is med to high and there are 2-5 ppl on the same planet as I am while leveling. Im usually the ONLY one that is flagged for LFG (always) and I have yet to get one invite.


Personally - its gamebreaking. I will not be renewing my sub cause I expect a game to get such basics right as having other ppl to play with for content in the game. I am now lvl 35 and I have yet to get a full group of 4 players to do a proper run. Im discusted every single time Im forced to leave a planet with every single of my 4 man quests (that should NOT be optional imo) still in the quest tracker.


So - no thank you. This means Im falling furher and further behind in gear and makes the rest of the game less enjoyable. Absolutly disgrace to see a developer not seeing this in advance.

I'm right there with you. From recent developer comments it sounds like the player will be able to choose single-server or cross-server when using the LFG tool. Even on a healthy server I bet it will be really hard to get a group for level 1-49 Flashpoints if the LFG tool is single-server only. I leveled a lot of alts in WOW and absolutely loved using the cross-server LFG to do all of the dungeons while leveling. The ability to use the cross-server LFG at max level kept me playing that game longer than if it didn't have a cross-server LFG.

Edited by Aiysis
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I'm right there with you. From recent developer comments it sounds like the player will be able to choose single-server or cross-server when using the LFG tool. Even on a healthy server I bet it will be really hard to get a group for level 1-49 Flashpoints if the LFG tool is single-server only. I leveled a lot of alts in WOW and absolutely loved using the cross-server LFG to do all of the dungeons while leveling. The ability to use the cross-server LFG at max level kept me playing that game longer than if it didn't have a cross-server LFG.


Kind of.


PvP queues will be X-server.


PvE LFG will not.

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Are people really so lazy and anti-social that they can't type in general chat:



What's the stereotype of a videogamer?



Or does this really boil down to wanting a tool that distinguishes between "good" and "bad" players based on their equipment ratings? I.E. if you don't have gear rating=435 (made-up number), you won't be able to que for certain Ops?


The Tool's purpose is to bring players together who WANT to group up, nothing more. What happens beyond that is up to the players.

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Why not have an option for a cross server lfg tool if someone chooses it? The people I met on other servers in WoW were no more or less douchey than the randoms I met from my own server. I even server transferred my main once to a guild from another server I met in lfg.
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Why not have an option for a cross server lfg tool if someone chooses it? The people I met on other servers in WoW were no more or less douchey than the randoms I met from my own server. I even server transferred my main once to a guild from another server I met in lfg.


Yup, I've had experiences like that too.

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I think the very nature of a LFG tool actually encourages socialization.

I would do trade and lfg channel inquiries all the time in WoW and it was serviceable. My server had Queue times from launch all thru most of WotLK so there were plenty of people. It simply didn't compare to the LFG, especially as it was refined. I could run instances to my heart's content and got enough practice that i could lead the occasional group of players new to whatever dungeon we were doing.

A LFG tool will make it easier for new players or players new to the content to experience and learn it. I found the socialization came alot from giving advice and strategy tips to players just before a difficult boss or pull, or to assign CC duties, or simply asking "Everyone know this fight?"

Very often we'd get through it all with a fair sense of accomplishment.

You might have alot of players fresh to the content in the beginning and I'm sure veteran players will carry a bigger load than the others at first but in time as more and more players use this feature the runs will be smoother overall.


This was my experience in WoW and I think it will be the same if not better in SW:TOR.

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Kind of.


PvP queues will be X-server.


PvE LFG will not.

Unfortunately I think you're right. I didn't notice the date on the quote from Daniel Erikson that was posted in this thread by a mod was before BW said at the guild summit that the PVE LFG would be single-server only. I only care about PVE so the new LFG system will be pretty much useless for me.

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Unfortunately I think you're right. I didn't notice the date on the quote from Daniel Erikson that was posted in this thread by a mod was before BW said at the guild summit that the PVE LFG would be single-server only. I only care about PVE so the new LFG system will be pretty much useless for me.


I don't think it will be. Since the LFG is coming with 1.3, and server transfers will start before 1.3, it stands to reason that by the time 1.3 gets here, a same-server LFG is likely all that will be needed.

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