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Server population is dropping...


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THIS --> http://i50.tinypic.com/2195rup.gif


I like this game but the population in my server decrease everyday...




Let's do the DAY OFF and no one login for a whole day to see if Bioware wakes.

Edited by Ratito
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THIS --> http://i50.tinypic.com/2195rup.gif


I like this game but the population in my server decrease everyday...




Let's do the DAY OFF and no one login for a whole day to see if Bioware wakes.


we'll have that in a week. it's called Diablo 3

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if you read it right, it said specific servers only get free transfers. if people from dying servers are those that are allowed transfers, then they might as well close the server. whats the point in keeping a server around if its dead. And if thats the case why not just do server mergers?


Or if they mean high pop servers are allowed free xfers to low pop servers to balance out server populations...then I highly doubt high pop players would want to go to a less populated server.


And for everyone else...it seems its going to be a paid service? seriously? if they wanna charge me to xfer servers simply because my server doesnt have a low enough population then why would i stand for more greed on their part?


Exactly. The way WoW did thier server transfers is..you could for free move to select servers and those servers were low pop ones. Only if you was willing to pay could you move to the higher pop ones. If BioWare does not shut down and merge several servers, this is how it will work in TOR also is my guess. Merging servers and reducing the number is going to be a bad sign for this game. This is what happened to Rift. Sure I think TOR will survive if they merge servers, just as Rift has "survived". But the game will never grow much in subs with the current game structure.

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we'll have that in a week. it's called Diablo 3


Yep this has me worried about Tarro Blood next week. We used to be a top server at launch and we're 30 to 40 fleet during the week at peak times. It was rumored we might see some beef on the may 8th update / patch. I hope they surprise us with Ranked Warzones and news on the transfer process.


If not all light / dying servers are just going to get that much worse with people on the edge wanting to leave.

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They have responded on their plan for managing server populations here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-april-27th-2012


Why is it that players keep saying BioWare is not responding when, in fact, they are?


I havent read this so i appologise for not knowing that Bioware answered that transfers will occure at summer.

BUT LFG tool is for 1.3 and we just had the 1.2 so LFG will occure when? winter? well lets see what will happen with transfers and we will discuss it again :)

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Why is it that multiple 50+ page threads can pop up without a single word from the developers (and if they do respond, it's scripted). Meanwhile, you can't shut up the GW devs and their corny sense of humor.


GW is still in beta. Guarantee that will all change after launch when the developers drown in their new growing hubris.

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Exactly. The way WoW did thier server transfers is..you could for free move to select servers and those servers were low pop ones. Only if you was willing to pay could you move to the higher pop ones. If BioWare does not shut down and merge several servers, this is how it will work in TOR also is my guess. Merging servers and reducing the number is going to be a bad sign for this game. This is what happened to Rift. Sure I think TOR will survive if they merge servers, just as Rift has "survived". But the game will never grow much in subs with the current game structure.


I love how you are more worried about shareholders perceptions then the game you pay to play on a monthly basis. Hopefully Bioware continues to make decisions for the shareholders benefit while they ignore their subscribers. I havent even played in two weeks cause they forced me to reroll and now the content mid way is boring as **** and nothing but a chore to finish the level process to 50.

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They closed my New Thread and directed me to this one. I apologize if this post seems to be hijacking in anyway, but Bioware left me no other choice. This is the thread that was closed:

Bioware inflating online population numbers?

Last night while I was on I discovered that about half of the reported "online" republic populations on veela were Not actually online.

How did I figure this out?

Well, to start with, the total population for the republic side at that times was reporting as a total of 10. Yes, that's right; it showed that there were TEN people on the whole server (republic side)

The problem was that, when I looked at the total population, it showed that many of those 10 people were on the fleet, which was where I was. But when I looked at the fleet population, it only showed me.

To make a long story shorter, I ended up sending messages to the people that I suspected were not online, both on the fleet, and in other locations and.. Sure enough: "Player Not Found"

Four or five of the people showed up as being in the same place on both the broad and local lists, so I assume that they were actually online.

If There are actually only four or five people online when they are showing that there are actually ten, what does that say about the rest of the day's population.

I read an article where bioware said that the actual number of people who subscribe has remained the same and that people just aren’t playing with the same intensity as they did to start out with.....


Let’s stop deluding ourselves, shall we!

Implement player transfers NOW!

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Would be pretty pointless to try and fabricate the amount of people in the server. Even i don't buy that with my tinfoil hat on.


It won't make a difference when the server has 5,20 or 50 people online at the same time. All those numbers are way too low to support any kind of community to run group content, warzones etc.

It's still just plain broken.

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They have responded on their plan for managing server populations here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-april-27th-2012


Why is it that players keep saying BioWare is not responding when, in fact, they are?


Bioware is responding. but responding is not what we want. we want bioware to ACTUALLY FIX THE PROBLEM. It has been months since server population issues have started. Who cares what Bioware says will happen, if it doesn't actually happen. Even the fix they claim will happen in summer seems to be fairly modest. Free transfers between select servers? That will be a small fix, many servers need between 10x and 20x the population they currently have to function normally. Even the fix that hasn't actually occurred is not necessarily going to solve their problem. Not to mention that this fix has not even occurred yet.

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They need to do something because the game is dieing and i dont want it to, i love this game but BioWare is resting on the fact that its star wars. you level to fast end game sucks and the server populace is dropped my guild had 20 active members every day then a month or 2 before 1.2 we where lucky to get 5. I am still not seeing anything active from BioWare saying what they plan to do in order to breath fresh life into the game.
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Would be pretty pointless to try and fabricate the amount of people in the server. Even i don't buy that with my tinfoil hat on..

I'm not saying that they are purposefully inflating pop numbers, but I'm also not saying that arent, that 's why I had a question mark at the end.

I am saying that the number of people that were actually online at that time, was half of the number being reported; that part is fact.

You can take that as intentional or as a game mechanics flaw but either way it is an interesting bit of information to keep in mind when looking at the numbers; but clearly I agree with you that either way, the numbers are too low for the game to be viable.

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Well how bout when Diablo III comes out we all cancel our accounts and stop paying stupid fees. That way, they lose a whole bunch of money all at once. Then maybe instead of ignoring the problem they will finally get the hint and fix it.
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Well how bout when Diablo III comes out we all cancel our accounts and stop paying stupid fees. That way, they lose a whole bunch of money all at once. Then maybe instead of ignoring the problem they will finally get the hint and fix it.


already done that and pre-purchased diablo3 :)

..ye so BW got 31 days left to fix this for me to activate my sub again.

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Since I counted 55 standard/heavy servers at about the same time as you last night, I think it does matter. You made it look like less than half of the servers was standard or heavy, while in fact it was more than half of the EU servers.


EU English and German and French servers may as well be different regions, people don't tend to play across language server types though some do, less than half the EU English are standard or heavy that means many EU English need their populations consolidated especially since many of the "at peak time" standard servers seem to only barely qualify as Standard, that was the ENTIRE point, I couldn't care less about the other EU server languages the French and Germans almost always stay on their own language servers so how many Germans or French servers and players there are is irrelevant to the health of and play experience on EU English servers.


If I was attempting to make a point on the health of the game as a whole in the EU, subs etc then the germans and french would matter and I'd have to count them, but I wasn't so I don't need to.


I also don't see how specifically stating EU English makes anything misleading, maybe I should of repeatedly said EU English but better reading comprehension would deal with that.

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I'm posting so I can vent and am hoping that maybe, just maybe, my voice added to all these desperate cries for help to save the game will help whoever calls the shots in Austin to realize that SWTOR doesn't have many trips left around the drain before it hits the pipes.


Overall, the game may have what is considered acceptable subscribtions and people who consistently log on. Those numbers don't mean squat when they are spread so thin over the exisiting servers.


Feel free to keep reading, but my main point has been stated. If you're going to attack/ridicule anything I have to say, you're wasting your troll breath. I am, however, open to civil feedback. The following is my opinion. It's not supposed to be a solution or what I think everyone should be doing or feeling or thinking. Also, please forgive any typos or grammatical errors (that goes for you trolls, too).


It's all about triage, and from what I can tell BW is taking care of the walking wounded instead of the critical patients. We're paying for a service. The service is entertainment. The definition of "entertainment" pertaining to this game is as varied as the people who play it. But one thing we all share in common in our expectation of having an enjoyable experience is the fact that SWTOR is an MMO. We want to share our gameplay with other people. MMO's have cool, funny and annoying people. Some are jerks and trolls. Some make you feel better about yourself and wonder how they make it through the day without getting sent to the hospital. Sadly, there's not enough people on my server on the average day to fill the adjectives I just rattled off. Ok, that last statement may be an exaggeration, but sadly only a slight one.


I have read over 50 pages of posts in this thread (it's been bumped or whatever it's called when it's full and a new one has to be "forwarded"). While I can only speak of my personal experience pertaining to my server, I'm fairly certain most servers are like mine. We can't know for sure what constitutes "light" or "heavy", let alone say for certain how many people are actually logged on at a given time. It doesn't matter. The only thing we do know for certain is that as things stand, our gameplay is not enjoyable because of server population. When we log on, we expect there to be other people to do things with. Maybe not immediately, but reasonably fast. Finding a group for whatever task we have at hand should preferably take less time than it does to watch a movie, if it happens at all. I know that for the poor pubs on my server, they're lucky to get their daily pvp quest done before the weekly reset.


One of the back-and-forth arguments on here has been people for and against server mergers. I don't see how merging servers would be a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I don't see how there's any other way. Who in their right mind is going to leave a server that barely has a decent population to one that is having the problems that are being discussed in this thread? I don't mean that as an insult, I just don't see the logic in it. Yes, there's going to be a few people who complain or even quit over character and legacy names along with some of the other minor snags one might run across in such a scenario. But I'd bet my monthly fee the majority of current subscribers that consitantly play who'd rather quit and give their money to charity (except that Sarah McLoughlin) than re-roll or pay for a sever transfer. We didn't create the problem and we're already paying money. They either fix the problem at a loss (financial or PR-wise, or both) or lose their revenue. I'm not trying to speak as if I understand economics, business or public relations, I'm just stating things as how I see them.


Personally, I would rather wait 5-10 minutes in a queue to log onto a server where I won't have enough time to do everything I'd like to (raid, pvp, dailies, farm/craft...) because I have so many choices as what to do. As opposed to the current situation of logging in, entering the pvp queue and commence daily quests. 6 days out of 7, I'm going to have finished either Corellia, Illum or South Belsavis before i even get a WZ pop. Queues take about 15-20 minutes at best because server-wide there's typically just enough people to have 1 WZ match going with a handful waiting for that match to end. This grind has been going on now for quite a while.


1.2 made things better for a few days, but then it was right back to the way it was. I, like many, see the potential in this game and really hope it gets unleashed. Hell, it could already have some great stuff, but we'd never know it because we can't scrape up enough people to knock it out.


If I did not enjoy pvp, I would have quit along time ago, and I really feel for the pure pve'rs. And if by some miracle you've found this post, read this far and are fairly new to the game, don't listen to all the people who say pvp is broken so bad it's unplayable. Or that certain classes are op/broken. It's pvp, it's a game. Adapt. Pvp as it stands is fine and very enjoyable. Look at it this way, if you get cc'd, that's a good time to take a bio break.


Yes, re-rolling is an alternative to server mergers, but not for me. And I bet not for alot of people. I enjoy getting acheivements (datacrons, rare finds, etc.) once. I also enjoy meeting people along those journeys. After all, that's a big draw to playing an MMO. To repeat the process that I went through to build my character up to the point he's at is just not worth my time. I'm not the best player in the world, so I'm proud of my titles, valor lvl and WH gear. I like the various and assundry (yeah, I went there) pets/vehicles/rare gear pieces I've aquired. It's a reflection of the effort I put into the game. I don't want to lose all of that because of something that was not my fault and is out of my control.


Yes, there are problems with end-game. Yes, there are problems with PvP. Yes, there are problems. But they're all problems that I've been willing to ride out in hopes that they will be fixed. But as each day and week goes by, I see the population problem getting worse. Again I'm not talking as a whole, I'm talking my server in particular. And one thing I know for sure is that when I notice something isn't right, usually that "something" hasn't been right for a while, I just didn't see it till it's about to smack me in the face. In the case of SWTOR, that "something" is the server populations.


PLEASE if you've read this far and can explain to me how the current population problem can be fixed without immediate mergers and that BW is on it, let me know. I want a reason to keep playing.




From an online interview:


Erickson (Lead Designer Daniel Erickson) said that current server merging would have resulted in large queues with the 1.2 update.


A: You knew this would happen.

B: Better to have a few irritated people waiting to log on than bleeding consistant paying customers.





An interesting article, and sadly, the fat cat at EA's attitude towards the game is pretty much dead-on as to the impression I've received over the past 5 months:


He (EA chief executive John Riccitiello) also downplayed the significance of the title (SWTOR) somewhat, noting that the company has bigger franchises that are more important to its overall business.


Edited by Dotro
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Adding my voice...


This morning they changed the PvP daily...not sure if the new format is the issue, but the PvP queue is DOA...2+ hours in queue now. Not hard to figure it out, though. There are 15 people in fleet. My mission log is full of heroic 4s that I never could complete. I had to solo all the heroic 2s. I cannot get FP groups and I've been trying for 2-3 weeks now. I have effectively reached the end of the content I can reasonably consume, so it's only a matter of time before I stop playing.


Doesn't make much sense to try and save face by avoiding server merges if it kills your game off. It's bizarre because SWTOR is truly the 1st game I have seen that *could* compete with WoW.


Sigh. I posted this and it's not even under my name. The character name is from a completely different account. No Armelle...*shakes head*. Such a waste of potential.

Edited by Armelle
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Adding my voice...


This morning they changed the PvP daily...not sure if the new format is the issue, but the PvP queue is DOA...2+ hours in queue now. Not hard to figure it out, though. There are 15 people in fleet. My mission log is full of heroic 4s that I never could complete. I had to solo all the heroic 2s. I cannot get FP groups and I've been trying for 2-3 weeks now. I have effectively reached the end of the content I can reasonably consume, so it's only a matter of time before I stop playing.


Doesn't make much sense to try and save face by avoiding server merges if it kills your game off. It's bizarre because SWTOR is truly the 1st game I have seen that *could* compete with WoW.


Sigh. I posted this and it's not even under my name. The character name is from a completely different account. No Armelle...*shakes head*. Such a waste of potential.


potential is in the eye of the beholder. The beholdee, Bioware, screwed the pooch, ain't no way out of it.

Edited by Zsavooz
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The most unpopulated Servers in the US based on torstatus.com


  1. Keetael
  2. Krayiss Obelisk
  3. Khoonda Militia
  4. Infinity Gate
  5. The Courageous
  6. Firkrann Crystal
  7. Cho Mai
  8. Anturi Reach
  9. Whitebeam Run
  10. Veela
  11. Hedarr Soongh
  12. Kinrath Spider
  13. Ki-Ta Kren
  14. Hanharr
  15. Firaxan Shark
  16. Zez-Kai Ell
  17. Master Dorak
  18. Nathema
  19. Rwookrrorro
  20. Sedyn Kyne
  21. The Deadweight
  22. Thendys Noori
  23. Gardens of Talla
  24. Fort Garnik
  25. Telos Restoration Project
  26. Axial Park
  27. Colonel Tobin
  28. Crevasse City
  29. The Crucible Pits
  30. Eidolon Security
  31. The Defenestrator
  32. Davik's Estate
  33. Bondar Crystal
  34. Terentatek
  35. Naddist Rebels
  36. The Constant
  37. Infinite Empire
  38. Mandalore the Indomitable
  39. Death Wind Corridor
  40. The Twin Spears
  41. Rakata Mind Prison
  42. Saber of Exar Kun
  43. Port Nowhere
  44. The Maw
  45. Shadowtown
  46. Black Vulkars
  47. Vulkar Highway
  48. Prophecy of the Five
  49. The Corsair
  50. The Bastion
  51. Belgoth's Beacon
  52. Anchorhead
  53. Wound in the Force
  54. ICE Breaker
  55. Daragon Trail
  56. Kathol Rift
  57. Kath Hound
  58. Sword of Ajunta Pall
  59. Iron Citadel
  60. Warriors of the Shadow
  61. Nadd's Sarcophagus
  62. Darth Malak
  63. Thana Vesh
  64. Master Gnost-Dural



The most underpopulated servers in Europe


  1. Niman
  2. Tassaa Bareesh
  3. Ahto City
  4. Scepter of Ragnos
  5. The Kumumgah
  6. The Shadow Runner
  7. Tott Doneeta
  8. Ula Vii
  9. Senator Contispex
  10. Kai-kan
  11. The Exile's Crystal
  12. Chuundar
  13. Uthar Wynn
  14. Trayus Academy
  15. Hex Droid
  16. The Ravager
  17. Eye of Ashlanae
  18. Dxun Battle Circle
  19. The Arkanian Legacy
  20. Sith'ari
  21. Basilisk Droid
  22. Ludo Kressh
  23. Kellian Jarro
  24. Sluis Shipyards
  25. Bloodworthy
  26. Starstorm One
  27. Flames of the Crucible
  28. Rogue Moon
  29. Hydian Way


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