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Eve Online vs SWTOR


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Lets takea step back here...


All I am saying is Eve has a great SPACE COMBAT system. And the size of the Eve Universe is huge. Does the story line for Eve suck? yes..


I am just talking about Space Combat and Space "interaction" (for use of a better term). Thats all..


Eve is built around ships and ship combat. Ships are a work in progress in this game like walking around stations is a work in progress in Eve.

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SWTOR will always be geared for mass appeal and will always travel hte path of fun and as easy going as possible. Eve is more of a to get there I have to climb mt. everest covered in poisonous snakes and just before i get up and over im going to lose my 1 billion isk strategic cruiser... yeah.. .. cant compare the two.
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... It was added as a minigame...


And EVE has a horrid story, so it already loses in my eyes.


I would give credit to you if you could ACTUALLY summerise even the background story within the EVE Universe. There are too few people who know the histories of just the races they play, let alone the background that is present within the Universe.


With SWTOR the story is obvious and really the main point of the game, where-as with EVE it is something that gives role-players a purpose for their interactions. .. but the main story within the universe is very firmly within the hands of the players themselves.


You could say this means the game has no storyline at all, but you could say the same about real-life as well. Often where the story isn't quite known or understood until long after the fact.


If you bothered to do a lil research you'd realise that the lore and culture of EVE is incredbily deep and rich, just isn't really given to you in-game is all.

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I would give credit to you if you could ACTUALLY summerise even the background story within the EVE Universe. There are too few people who know the histories of just the races they play, let alone the background that is present within the Universe.


With SWTOR the story is obvious and really the main point of the game, where-as with EVE it is something that gives role-players a purpose for their interactions. .. but the main story within the universe is very firmly within the hands of the players themselves.


You could say this means the game has no storyline at all, but you could say the same about real-life as well. Often where the story isn't quite known or understood until long after the fact.


If you bothered to do a lil research you'd realise that the lore and culture of EVE is incredbily deep and rich, just isn't really given to you in-game is all.


Oh there's lore there... but they stole most of it from other sources, redacted the bible to get it, or it's very common.


That's my opinion as a player who had EVE for a while.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I know that Eve Online is in space only and pretty much a PvP and Economy based game. But I do hope SWTOR can rival Eve when it comes to the sheer size and incredible space combat system Eve has.


I know space combat is a secondary thought at launch but here's to hoping for a Eve like expansion. Yes I am getting way ahead of myself.




I blogged about this comparison myself: http://2ndanomalyfromtheleft.wordpress.com/2011/12/27/swg-pre-nge-vs-eve-vs-swtor/


Overall, they both are great games.. with huge differences. Bioware really needs to revamp the space aspect of the game because, let's face it, it is what "Sci-Fi" is all about, and this running on rails and not really "flying" your ship anywhere might work as a filler, but isn't what an MMO of this caliber should be stuck with. Note to Bioware: Check out the old Freelancer game.. THAT is what space combat should be like.


Eve Online has both the same and very opposite problem in that the combat requires so much time just to get into a decent fight and currently Eve still suffers from the "n+1" syndrome that if 10 battleships are good, 11 are better, and 12 even more so.. only it is done on a scale of hundreds. The golden standard is the 10-man gang, if Eve could somehow cause that to happen more and be the most favored combat interaction.. then Eve Online would be far more fun and exciting.

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Spreadsheets in Space-ace-ace!


I lol'd


TOR would be my Ultimate Dream Game if we just took EVE Online and added it as a "feature" to TOR. It would be TEH BSET FATUR EVAR. Of course, I know better, but still.....it would be pretty rad.


That said, I'm totally fine with the rail-shooter minigame we have right now. It's great for what it is. Besides, it's certainly possible that they might flesh out the whole "space combat" thing later on down the road.

Edited by belialle
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Lets takea step back here...


All I am saying is Eve has a great SPACE COMBAT system. And the size of the Eve Universe is huge. Does the story line for Eve suck? yes..


I am just talking about Space Combat and Space "interaction" (for use of a better term). Thats all..


As about as great as clicking on a target and then clicking attack, I love Eve but its nothing amazing when talking about combat or mining.


The only place EvE is amazing is the low sec areas and how you have freedom to do anything you want.


Given enough time you could conquer a market or run someone else out of business.

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Bioware really needs to revamp the space aspect of the game because, let's face it, it is what "Sci-Fi" is all about, and this running on rails and not really "flying" your ship anywhere might work as a filler, but isn't what an MMO of this caliber should be stuck with.


They created a simplified mini-game to give you something esle to do with your ship besides move from planet to planet and to give you alternate methods of earnng xp.


It's fine for now. The last thing we need is Bioware following a player induced tangent to go try to make space combat the center focus of the game. This is what EVE exists for and it is not the focus of SWTOR.


If you want realistic space combat, play EVE. Of course you will be stuck with a PvP centric gank the noob fest in the player base too. But hey, that's some peoples cup of tea.

Edited by Andryah
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:D Yeah you see.... the problem is.... people are comparing SWTOR to other mmo's but....... no other MMO has a heavy set storyline like SWTOR does with the implementation methods they used. So to compare it to other MMO's is kind of not really a comparison because it can not be compared to things which it is not like. The only thing it is like in some manners are "Hey! you can walk backwards and forwards! You can equip weapons! OBVIOUSLY WOW CLONE DUHHH *facebook girl meme here*)


If you press space bar on accident, all that goes out the window. Then you're just playing a quest kill/click mmo like the thousands of others.

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EVE's space combat is epic, but it's about the most inaccessible thing in gaming-- not just in MMORPGs, but in all of gaming. It's a daunting process and I doubt you'll see anyone borrowing elements from it.


I love EVE, and if I didn't work or desire a life outside of my computer, I'd still be playing it. It's for people who are very committed to their game and have a whole lot of time and a huge desire to cooperate with other people on a truly massive level... and that's just not me anymore, lol.

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I'd argue that if someone took eve's design model, and dialed it back down on the "accessibility" meter the same way wow did to everquest, we might be looking at the best scifi game ever.


That's if you could figure out a way to dial it wayyyyy down and not break it.

Edited by kalexkhan
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If you press space bar on accident, all that goes out the window. Then you're just playing a quest kill/click mmo like the thousands of others.


If it is actually on accident, you can hit escape and restart the sequence. You will miss nothing by your mistake.


On the other hand, if you are space baring on purpose, that's all on you. Which is what I suspect in your case and you are trying to crab walk your way around admitting that you just don't like the story line centric part of game design for this game. ;)

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Eve to SWTOR is like compairing apples to rocks. They are that far appart. I played Eve for about 1 1/2 years. It is a second job if you ever want to get anywhere. It is the ultimate sandbox in many respects, but has a learning curve that is incredibly steep. It is only fun if you play in groups because the PvE combat is beyond uninspired and repetative, getting the same 50 or so missions over and over again.


Eve does many thing well, but SWTOR is way more fun.

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