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Get rid of Huttball


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I hate huttball period, I do just fine in it as a Sniper but I just hate the game itself. I would be happy if I never played this again simply because it isn't my cup of tea...or at least get a few new Huttball maps that are different.
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The only role you provided for operative is to respec to a healer - at which point I told you how easy it is to shut down an operative healer if you're not bad (interupt the big heal, knockback or just out DPS them). You can heal out to 30m with LOS, a guard is 15m - so you're usefulness depends on a guard plus a really bad enemy. As a guardian, I don't rely on any of those things to be useful. Same for an assassin, or sorc, or etc. A healing sorc might not have a lot of insta casts but they can pull the ally to them and force speed ahead of them to receive a pass or heal the BC as they run - those two functions alone outclass SRMP and EMP.


Sorry for the tone but I honestly take people who look at a game like Huttball and don't think it's so class biased that it shouldn't count seriously as is for ranked standings as someone who is either trolling or really doesn't grasp PVP mechanics.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Right. I'm the one who needs to get a clue, because I like huttball and win a lot of games...as an operative. Y'know, the class that supposedly sucks because it has no knockbacks, sprint, leap, or pull, and it's all so unfair. Yet here I am, doing just fine.


Every class and spec has their role to play, instead of QQ'ing and blaming losses on unfair abilities, people might want to learn about things like positioning and teamwork instead of thinking they are the most skilled player ever and going all Rambo in huttball. Just like any team sport you're going to have your stars that score lots of goals, but that doesn't mean that the supporting cast is any less important.


Instead of typing trying to prove your intelligence, take a second and re-read the OP.

Your class is replaceable by other classes that can do it better.

Sages can heal, pull, knockback and sprint.

You've already lost.


What can you do?

Stealth at and to the goal line? An assassin can do the same but even better. Using their shroud to block all incoming CC (save for roots) and sprinting happily over there.

AoE Blind. Give me a break, you think people won't have their trinkets ready for that, huh?

And what's that? Guardians have a better version?


Truth hurts, I know.

Edited by Xinika
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Can't believe this thread is still going >_> Scoundrels are the strongest healer in Huttball. As DPS they are pretty scary for tanks, thanks to the high yellow damage, the strong bleed and the Armorreduction-buff.


I agree that they are weaker than other classes but not by much. Do you really want to change something with the only fun and well designed warzone, just because a class isn't as good as another in this warzone? Hell, this game isn't even competitive... Also everyone has a "pass ability", even scoundrels.

Edited by Teabaker
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Can't believe this thread is still going >_> Scoundrels are the strongest healer in Huttball. As DPS they are pretty scary for tanks, thanks to the high yellow damage, the strong bleed and the Armorreduction-buff.


I agree that they are weaker than other classes but not by much. Do you really want to change something with the only fun and well designed warzone, just because a class isn't as good as another in this warzone? Hell, this game isn't even competitive... Also everyone has a "pass ability", even scoundrels.


Huttball won't be competitive in rateds.

It will be steamrolling the team that decides to gimp themselves by taking lower priority classes.

Edited by Xinika
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Huttball won't be competitive in rateds.

It will be steamrolling the team decides to gimp themselves by taking lower priority classes.


I think the game will be decided by whoever can coordinate the team the best and whoever can pass the best, not by solo ball-runners.

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People on these forums.


It's like rated pvp is a fantasy land where people won't exclude subpar classes once everyone figures out the metagame (as if most people don't have a clue already).


On topic: drop it for rateds, but keep it in unrated queues.

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I like huttball. I play a sorc, so maybe it's just a good class for it...? I get how maybe snipers don't have the most fun in a huttball match, but just about every other class I can think of seems to have no problems.


I love hutball on my sniper soooo many perches and places to snipe from.

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It's like rated pvp is a fantasy land where people won't exclude subpar classes once everyone figures out the metagame (as if most people don't have a clue already).


On topic: drop it for rateds, but keep it in unrated queues.


Scoundrels n ops have plenty of things they can do to contribute. You're all complaining over nothing.

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Instead of typing trying to prove your intelligence, take a second and re-read the OP.

Your class is replaceable by other classes that can do it better.

Sages can heal, pull, knockback and sprint.

You've already lost.


What can you do?

Stealth at and to the goal line? An assassin can do the same but even better. Using their shroud to block all incoming CC (save for roots) and sprinting happily over there.

AoE Blind. Give me a break, you think people won't have their trinkets ready for that, huh?

And what's that? Guardians have a better version?


Truth hurts, I know.

All I see is QQ. I bet you a skilled scoundrel or op can do better if not equally well. You got hots you got stuns you have more then enough tools to keep that ball carrier inside that pit or fire before it explodes. STOPN************ AND LEARN TO WORK WITH YOU'RE TEAM. Either that or unsub or quit.

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My main has been a pyro merc forever. Just as 1.2 dropped I switched over to my sniper because the merc is just boring to me. I love huttball on either of those classes. It's an amazing map that promotes teamwork.


This thread really should be about "get rid of bads that don't understand huttball"


Seriously...if you see them setting up for a pass in the beginning, my job is to do what I can to slow down and/or destroy the people they are going to be passing to beforehand. If I don't kill the person, I sure can slow them down or weaken them enough for the rest of my team.


Don't derp it up and stand in the in zone when they can easily jump to you.


CC at the right time, not just CC cuz you can use it while needlessly filling resolve bars.


Control the middle. If they have their forces all in your in zone and are going to cap no matter what...just control mid and shift the flow of the game to your favor.


When you see your team focusing their carrier....find their healer and cc/interrupt them. Those few seconds of no heals can mean the game.


It's not that hard to figure out. I've seen a balanced premade beat a so called "Favored huttball class" premade on numerous occasions simply by outplaying them and working as a team better.

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Instead of typing trying to prove your intelligence, take a second and re-read the OP.

Your class is replaceable by other classes that can do it better.

Sages can heal, pull, knockback and sprint.

You've already lost.


What can you do?

Stealth at and to the goal line? An assassin can do the same but even better. Using their shroud to block all incoming CC (save for roots) and sprinting happily over there.

AoE Blind. Give me a break, you think people won't have their trinkets ready for that, huh?

And what's that? Guardians have a better version?


Truth hurts, I know.


Yep, all true and I've already acknowledged all those points. I don't have pulls, knockbacks, leaps, lolshroud, bubbles, and instead of force speed, I have two ghetto sprints (talented debilitate and evasive imperative). But just as how the best pve guilds don't stack their raids with all fotm classes the best pvp guilds don't either. They get the best players and win despite what the forum QQ'ers say.


Despite the fact that I don't have any of those awesome abilities you listed, the best jug and sin ball runners on my server ask me to join their preforms anyway. They know that I can be counted on to be in the right spot to fire off that heal they need to reach the goal line, to receive a pass and score a goal, to cc mid and get the ball to make that first pass through the acid pit, etc, etc.


Again, I acknowledge that any class can do all those things and probably with a little more flash. But at the end of the day, if you know how to play and you do your part to win games, nobody gives a damn what class you are.

Edited by HooDooMagic
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Out of all the war-zone this is the only one the i like

Some stuff need to change

I will say a D-buff on who ever have the ball will be nice now wait for it don't go crazy guys


I will say something like a 5 second timer on the Ball walker where if you don't pass it before the time run out you will blow up this will force players to pass the ball more


Second i will say have the FIRES Root you so there will be no more Force running Jedi or Sith Running pass the fire like nothing if you cant make it Root them turn the ability to force run off went you have the ball thes all

and if you have the ball make the Ball carrier Immune to Ally's force Pull and Push at same time slow the Ball carrier down by and extra 10% this is all we need and Boost up the damage the fire do in hutt-ball.

Edited by MandoArc
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1 more thing make it so you cant cloak went you on the other teams Goal zone grey out the Ability to cloak this will stop allot of thos cloakers assa and shadow from staying there waiting for easy pass
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I would gladly pay Bioware double my sub if they got rid of that awful kiddy-lite PVP nonsense...Huttball.


Seriously, there is no strategy to this wz; get the ball - pass the ball..../yawn. As a sniper there is no challenge whatsoever here.


PVP means fighting other humans, not exploiting gimmicky fotm op classes to carry a ball!

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Guardians, Shadows, VGs, Sents and Sages.


and then see:

Scoundrel and Commando.

(Excluding heals)

Isn't that like 7/8 advanced classes?


BTW I love Huttball the most even when we lose. It's fun, exciting and just when you think you're gonna touchdown someone yanks you into the fire. Good times. I also like knocking people into fire also.


Huttball. It's capture the flag on crack.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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You guys do not get it, huttball encourages class diversity on rated teams, if it gets removed from the queue ALL rated teams will only stack tanks and healers with the occasional marauder and play the SAVE OUTLAST GAME on the other maps, there would be effectively only tanks and healers in the games.
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The Problem with Huttball is that there is too much of it.


Last night my PVP went like so



Voidstar (someone must have quit, and I got added at the end of round 1)






If it wasn't dominating the rotation, I might enjoy it. Since I see it so much, I am sick of it.




Edited by G_Vega
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The Problem with Huttball is that there is too much of it.


Last night my PVP went like so



Voidstar (someone must have quit, and I got added at the end of round 1)






If it wasn't dominating the rotation, I must enjoy it. Since I see it so much, I am sick of it.

Give me Huttball ALL day. Shame my PvP toon is Republic.

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I would gladly pay Bioware double my sub if they got rid of that awful kiddy-lite PVP nonsense...Huttball.


Seriously, there is no strategy to this wz; get the ball - pass the ball..../yawn. As a sniper there is no challenge whatsoever here.


PVP means fighting other humans, not exploiting gimmicky fotm op classes to carry a ball!


If you don't fight other players maybe that's why you have such a hard time with Huttball.

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