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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Get rid of Huttball


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Tired of being dominated by teams that have perfect setups. 2 Assassin Tanks, one by the ball spawn, one up on our top catwalk and a Immortal Juggernaut in between them.

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LEAP, PULL, SCORE then it's back to whoever spams Mouse1 the fastest to get the ball back to mid is the cold, harsh reality.

Leap doesn't work on targets under cover. That's why the guy said they are best for defending the catwalks. Classes that can pull can't leap, if the cattwalks are defended they wouldn't get past to pull because they also can't stealth by.


Have you ever played Huttball or just showed up for a match and ran around doing "l33t DPS"?

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Everyone have difrent ideas and so but i think Huttball is the most fun WZ then the new Nova cost, then the one with 3guns and most boring is voidstar.

I am SOOOOOOOO with you man. Huttball is #1 for me and Voidstarr is #99999999999999999999999999999^99999999999999

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A jedi shadow is whining about huttball...

Wonder what else i can find in these forums, rofl...


*Stealth into enemy area and w8 for pass

*sprint + run through flames

*Pull enemy ball carrier that is close to score, back into fire pit and instant kill


In voidstar and alderaan wz :

*Prevent enemy to cap turret with sap , attack + vanish, till help arrives

*Attack light defense turret with many stealthers, cause enemy cant see u and ask for help, before its to late.


What more u want? Instant teleport to enemy score line after u get ball??

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Until you learn to fix this class-biased mode. Rateds will be a complete joke if you allow this mode.




Allow the option to pick your own wz.


"Because people know these modes are unbalanced yet they still allow it.


You think the best PvP teams will take a Scoundrel over a Sage or Guardian?

Teams will be stacked with X, Y and Z classes while F and U won't dare get a spot.


We will just abuse the inbalance and there will be no one else to blame but yourselves for it. "


Yep. I like the fact that its coming from you because I've seen lads stream haha. It's ridiculous how much you and him own in that warzone.


I've played most classes and even as a marauder (I do great running the ball with my leaps and predation and CC) I hate that warzone. As a sniper and pyro powertech I just focus on holding mid and pray my team has enough competent force users to run the ball.


I've actually been forced to run the ball as a freaking sniper on multiple occasions due to lack of competent juggs/sents etc in team.


If rateds come out without the ability to choose the warzone its going to be chaos.


There is already little reason to have non force users in the team as things stand right now (bar say operative healer). I know I will get hate for this, just for the record, yes I do have a 50 mara... but my fav 2 classes to play are a sniper and powertech pyro and If I'm contructing a team as things stand right now would I really take the dps of a powertech/sniper/operative over the dps and utility of an assassin/mara? no I wouldn't. Would I take a powertech tank over a warrior tank? no.


with the game already being more in favour of force users this warzone tilts the balance even more.

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A jedi shadow is whining about huttball...

Wonder what else i can find in these forums, rofl...


*Stealth into enemy area and w8 for pass

*sprint + run through flames

*Pull enemy ball carrier that is close to score, back into fire pit and instant kill


In voidstar and alderaan wz :

*Prevent enemy to cap turret with sap , attack + vanish, till help arrives

*Attack light defense turret with many stealthers, cause enemy cant see u and ask for help, before its to late.


What more u want? Instant teleport to enemy score line after u get ball??

She isn't whining because she sucks at huttball, I've seen her and her team in action, trust me they don't.

She's whining because huttball is ridiculously stacked in favour of force classes.

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Uhm, when cross-servers come out you will see class-stacking like never before. Which AGAIN I'll say it: This has nothing to do with strategy. Please learn to read. Keep living in your delusional world that this mode is balanced though.


And I'm saying you're wrong, you just don't realize it. You don't know how to handle Juggs, Sages, or Assassins so you think the game is broken. I'm telling you, because your strategy on how to handle these classes is so poor, you're wrong and they're good but not to the point of broken.


The only classes that have the short end of the stick in huttball are DPS Ops and DPS Mercs. Literally every other class in the game brings unique utility to huttball that only they can provide and if played properly are a powerhouse in Huttball.


Do you Need a jugg or Assassin in Huttball? Yeah, probably need at least one. But there are 7 other spots you could fill in with any other class and you'd do fine as long as you played well and understand how to counter these power houses.


Just because certain classes are better at carrying the ball than others does not mean they're broken and it certainly doesn't mean they're unstoppable. It's just most people are bad at huttball and don't know what they're doing.


So once again, this post is all about strategy. Or lack of it anyway, by certain individuals.




Also, my main is a PT which is supposedly one of the classes at a major disadvantage in huttball, and I'm here to tell you that this class if played correctly is a powerhouse in Huttball. It simply requires more thought than "PT SMAHS"


*2nd edit*

I want to say too, that it's probably not your fault that you think this way by the way. If no one on your server knows how to counter these classes I can totally understand why you would think this way. You're probably roffle stomping all over people and you're just being realistic. I get it, they are definitely the strategy of the month. But meta games shift, and strats change. Those classes are great at huttball, no lie.

Edited by Scoobings
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Though I personally think this zone is well designed and really interesting, I have to admit I often will just leave when I log-in to a Huttball match. On one hand it is great how team oriented the game is, on the other class balance in Huttball is a hot mess.
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She isn't whining because she sucks at huttball, I've seen her and her team in action, trust me they don't.

She's whining because huttball is ridiculously stacked in favour of force classes.

Dude non force classes have advantages and their roles in Huttball also. Powertechs/Vanguards are more OP than force users. They get Charge AND Pullback. Add stuns and interupts heavy armor and a super bubble... Yea it's stacked for force users.

What about Snipers/Gunslingers who can root regardless of resolve?

Operatives/Scoundrels can stealth and hide in end zone also. Let's not forget mobile heals.

Mercenaries/Commandos got 2 knockbacks, heals, stuns, don't get me started on the burst, multiple AoEs.


Right stacked for force users. People need to stop being stupid.

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Dude non force classes have advantages and their roles in Huttball also. Powertechs/Vanguards are more OP than force users. They get Charge AND Pullback. Add stuns and interupts heavy armor and a super bubble... Yea it's stacked for force users.

What about Snipers/Gunslingers who can root regardless of resolve?

Operatives/Scoundrels can stealth and hide in end zone also. Let's not forget mobile heals.

Mercenaries/Commandos got 2 knockbacks, heals, stuns, don't get me started on the burst, multiple AoEs.


Right stacked for force users. People need to stop being stupid.


IMO PTs are the best defenders in the game, hands down. Solid damage, Pulls for hazards, and charges for interceptions when they try to pass out of said hazards. Really, really, really good.

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IMO PTs are the best defenders in the game, hands down. Solid damage, Pulls for hazards, and charges for interceptions when they try to pass out of said hazards. Really, really, really good.

Don't forget range dmg. 3/4 of the force Advance Classes are melee fighters. NONE of them have both pull and charge and if you count force speed as a charge you're mistaken. No root, can be stunned before reaching destination and in some cases right when you start, still takes environmental dmg when passing through fire or acid, can't go up levels... Yea it's over powered.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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Yep. I like the fact that its coming from you because I've seen lads stream haha. It's ridiculous how much you and him own in that warzone.


I've played most classes and even as a marauder (I do great running the ball with my leaps and predation and CC) I hate that warzone. As a sniper and pyro powertech I just focus on holding mid and pray my team has enough competent force users to run the ball.


I've actually been forced to run the ball as a freaking sniper on multiple occasions due to lack of competent juggs/sents etc in team.


If rateds come out without the ability to choose the warzone its going to be chaos.


There is already little reason to have non force users in the team as things stand right now (bar say operative healer). I know I will get hate for this, just for the record, yes I do have a 50 mara... but my fav 2 classes to play are a sniper and powertech pyro and If I'm contructing a team as things stand right now would I really take the dps of a powertech/sniper/operative over the dps and utility of an assassin/mara? no I wouldn't. Would I take a powertech tank over a warrior tank? no.


with the game already being more in favour of force users this warzone tilts the balance even more.


People need to watch Ladi's stream more imo :p.

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BW does need to get rid of HUTTBALL


And give it it's own Q. Because I'm tiered of playing with Cough "People" cough that don't understand that this is the greatest thing to hit mmo PVP since WOW did ARENAS.

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I see a lot of people are clearly posting along the lines of "I never lose in Huttball, so my team must be imbalanced". That just means you've never faced good opposiiton which isn't really that surprising given how few people actually play Huttball well.


Huttball is inherently balanced because Tankasins are supremely overpowered in this map to the point that it automatically counters everything, including itself. If you have at least 2 of them (and you will in rated for sure, in fact it's not even hard to find 2 of them in a PUG) pretty much no one is ever going to get open, including another Tankasin. He and his receivers will just get grappled down to a pit forced to death match (PTs can also help here with Grapples). At this point Huttball devolves into a deathl match and you'd need a team that's capable of winning the death match. Now of course you can say stacking people that are better at deathmatching gives you an advantage too except that's true with every WZ too. If you can kill the other side better than they can kill you it's very hard to actually lose any WZ even if you have no idea what the WZs are.

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What he said....



What I read....



I heard reading is hard.

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