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Get rid of Huttball


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I hate huttball; but I know some do actuall enjoy it.


my solution: allow us to queue for the WZ we want. i want to play civil war, void star and novare coast; then let me choose only those for my queue. if taht means that i wait longer, so be it. do this and then everyone can play only those WZ that they enjoy.


Rift did this on day one; no reason that it cant happen here. and no reason to wait for cross server queuing. (which will help futher destroy community; but that is for another thread)

No. Have a veto option sort've. Like Starcraft, pick 1 or 2 maps you don't like and it won't put them in the map pool.
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i like the concept, the execution on the other hand favors certain classes/'team makeups over others beyond the point of simply having a well rounded team.


Some classes get the short end of the stick (like DPS ops and DPS Mercs) but in general I feel like it's really well balanced. Properly specced Sorcs, Assassins, Healing Ops, Juggernauts, Powertechs, Healing Mercs, Snipers and Mauraders do really, really well there and each one adds some utility that the other classes don't bring to the table.


That's pretty damn well balanced. DPS OPs and Mercs don't bring "nothing" to the table either, it's just their job is done better by another class. They are still far from useless though and they're totally viable in huttball. If you actually feel like your class has no utility in Huttball you need to re-evaluate your strategy.

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The only role you provided for operative is to respec to a healer - at which point I told you how easy it is to shut down an operative healer if you're not bad (interupt the big heal, knockback or just out DPS them). You can heal out to 30m with LOS, a guard is 15m - so you're usefulness depends on a guard plus a really bad enemy. As a guardian, I don't rely on any of those things to be useful. Same for an assassin, or sorc, or etc. A healing sorc might not have a lot of insta casts but they can pull the ally to them and force speed ahead of them to receive a pass or heal the BC as they run - those two functions alone outclass SRMP and EMP.


Sorry for the tone but I honestly take people who look at a game like Huttball and don't think it's so class biased that it shouldn't count seriously as is for ranked standings as someone who is either trolling or really doesn't grasp PVP mechanics.


We don't have the problems with the scoundrel healer you cite, and there are some pretty nasty imperial pre-mades on our server. The person I have in mind can keep himself and the ballcarrier up.


Here's the problem, I think... you're still thinking about this far too individually. Sure, a team of 8 players can stop a single scoundrel or ops healer from keeping a BC up and take down the BC. However, if the rest of the team is doing it's job, this becomes far easier said than done.


Try CCing or interrupting the Op healer when everyone else on his team is doing everything possible to keep that from happening. It's not so easy all of a sudden.


Again, Huttball is a profoundly teamwork oriented game. It may simply be that you, or anyone else, isn't used to such a thing.

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We don't have the problems with the scoundrel healer you cite, and there are some pretty nasty imperial pre-mades on our server. The person I have in mind can keep himself and the ballcarrier up.


Here's the problem, I think... you're still thinking about this far too individually. Sure, a team of 8 players can stop a single scoundrel or ops healer from keeping a BC up and take down the BC. However, if the rest of the team is doing it's job, this becomes far easier said than done.


Try CCing or interrupting the Op healer when everyone else on his team is doing everything possible to keep that from happening. It's not so easy all of a sudden.


Again, Huttball is a profoundly teamwork oriented game. It may simply be that you, or anyone else, isn't used to such a thing.


A thousand times this. Huttball requires so much more coordination than any other WZ, it's fantastic.

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Got a pesky healer you want dealt with in Huttball?


Call "The Exterminators".

"The Exterminators"?

They have all the tricks needed to deal with those OP healers that have been nerfed in 1.2, they tend to play:

  • Shadows/Assassins
  • Sages/Sorcerers
  • Vanguards/Powertechs
  • Commandos/Mercenaries
  • Guardians/Juggernauts
  • Sentential/Marauders
  • Gunslingers/Snipers
  • Scoundrels/Operatives

But Khaos that's all the advanced classes in the game?

Yes it is.

So how do I know who they are?

That's easy. They are the ones using the environment in Huttball to their advantage.

Ahhh. Thank you Khaos. You're the best!

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People on these forums.


Why do you think you know best? There are other good players who disagree with your opion, like I do I know the game as good as you do: Huttball matches are win by good passes, not by solo runners. Solo runners can only win the game against bads. Against good people they will get pulled or stunned in the fire and good premades wont let Juggs charge :/ A scoundrel can pick up the ball and pass it to a friend. That doesn't has to be a Sage or a Shadow. I mean, did you ever had a Huttball game against with two good premades against two good premades? We had this once and the game was won by passes and whoever managed to pick the ball up first (And lucky intercepts >.> ). Do you you really want that Bioware will do something stupid, like making the ball drop if you get pulled, use force speed or a charge? This would make Huttball boring and dull. Just because one aspect of one AC isn't as good as other classes you really want to change something (Scoundrel heal is still the best healer in huttball) in the best warzone?


Also I don't get why you're so arrogant. This game isn't competitive. We both kill bads. Does it make you feel that good? You can bash 95% of the other players just by changing to keybinds, google a good build and reading your abilities. I teached two friends and the results were pretty good. The duels went from 100% win for me to a pretty even number. It doesn't take much to be good in this game. So step down, go outside, chill, breath once slowly and get rid of this arrogance. We are good in a uncompetitive game of bads.

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Every class has their duty in a game of huttball, even the sniper. Set up around the top of center and rain hell on people going for the ball. Sure, they may not be the most useful when it comes to running the ball, but everyone has their job.


tl;dr huttball is fine

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Every class has their duty in a game of huttball, even the sniper. Set up around the top of center and rain hell on people going for the ball. Sure, they may not be the most useful when it comes to running the ball, but everyone has their job.


tl;dr huttball is fine


Agreed, IMO snipers are fantastic in Huttball.

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Until you learn to fix this class-biased mode. Rateds will be a complete joke if you allow this mode.




Allow the option to pick your own wz.


"Because people know these modes are unbalanced yet they still allow it.


You think the best PvP teams will take a Scoundrel over a Sage or Guardian?

Teams will be stacked with X, Y and Z classes while F and U won't dare get a spot.


We will just abuse the inbalance and there will be no one else to blame but yourselves for it. "




Some classes have an advantage in every Warzone.


I like Huttball the most, so no.


Edit: Option to pick your own WZ would be good, and seems missing. Wasn't this on the table along w/ X-server queuing for WZs at some point?

Edited by Varicite
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Why do you think you know best? There are other good players who disagree with your opion, like I do I know the game as good as you do: Huttball matches are win by good passes, not by solo runners. Solo runners can only win the game against bads. Against good people they will get pulled or stunned in the fire and good premades wont let Juggs charge :/ A scoundrel can pick up the ball and pass it to a friend. That doesn't has to be a Sage or a Shadow. I mean, did you ever had a Huttball game against with two good premades against two good premades? We had this once and the game was won by passes and whoever managed to pick the ball up first (And lucky intercepts >.> ). Do you you really want that Bioware will do something stupid, like making the ball drop if you get pulled, use force speed or a charge? This would make Huttball boring and dull. Just because one aspect of one AC isn't as good as other classes you really want to change something (Scoundrel heal is still the best healer in huttball) in the best warzone?


Also I don't get why you're so arrogant. This game isn't competitive. We both kill bads. Does it make you feel that good? You can bash 95% of the other players just by changing to keybinds, google a good build and reading your abilities. I teached two friends and the results were pretty good. The duels went from 100% win for me to a pretty even number. It doesn't take much to be good in this game. So step down, go outside, chill, breath once slowly and get rid of this arrogance. We are good in a uncompetitive game of bads.

Great post. :cool:
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got a pesky healer you want dealt with in huttball?


call "the exterminators".

"the exterminators"?

they have all the tricks needed to deal with those op healers that have been nerfed in 1.2, they tend to play:

  • shadows/assassins
  • sages/sorcerers
  • vanguards/powertechs
  • commandos/mercenaries
  • guardians/juggernauts
  • sentential/marauders
  • gunslingers/snipers
  • scoundrels/operatives

but khaos that's all the advanced classes in the game?

yes it is.

so how do i know who they are?

that's easy. They are the ones using the environment in huttball to their advantage.

ahhh. Thank you khaos. You're the best!


you sir deserve a 1up!

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Some classes have an advantage in every Warzone.


I like Huttball the most, so no.


Edit: Option to pick your own WZ would be good, and seems missing. Wasn't this on the table along w/ X-server queuing for WZs at some point?


Can't allow people to pick warzones in rated otherwise people will design their team for one warzone. For instance, an amazing team in huttball would probably not be terribly strong in the other warzones. You need to make them que for every single warzone, so that way teams aren't crafted just for Huttball etc.

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Until you learn to fix this class-biased mode. Rateds will be a complete joke if you allow this mode.




Allow the option to pick your own wz.


"Because people know these modes are unbalanced yet they still allow it.


You think the best PvP teams will take a Scoundrel over a Sage or Guardian?

Teams will be stacked with X, Y and Z classes while F and U won't dare get a spot.


We will just abuse the inbalance and there will be no one else to blame but yourselves for it. "


I thought u liked huttball and sacrificing ppl to the fire gods...

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I wouldn't say get rid of hutball (I like it personally), but the map needs reworking to combat certain class abilities. Classes that can pull players to them, use force speed or leap to team mates they have a huge advantage over other classes in huttball. Not to mention jugs can leap to team mates and to enemy players. So they can effectively jump two large distances.
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I agree with OP.


They need to make huttball separate when rated warzones come out. Make it a TWL type ladder system or something but keep it out of rated or just let us choose which zone we want to play.


Huttball is just to class bias.

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I don't get this. As a warlock or a mage were u running a flag in wsg? No the druid was. To add to that if you wanted to grab it and give it to the carrier, you had to drop it. Every class can PASS the ball. If you want to be a "running back" of a huttball team, roll a class fit for it.


If you feel completely useless in huttball, you're doing it wrong.


Mercs - can spec for 2 knockbacks.. Amazing for defense, not to mention the ability to burst a ball handler. Or if you're a healer, hold mid down.


Op - Concealment blow up those sorcs trying to run ahead of the ball handler. Protect your catwalks! Trust me good ones can do this very effectively. Heal spec is the most mobile healer so I don't think people complain about them in huttball..


Sniper - Roots. Not affected by resolve. Need I say more? I will. A sniper is probably the best defender in the game. If you have good positioning you can rain down damage while those pesky warriors cant charge you.. Back to roots. Roots will be one of the most abused abilities in ranked mark my words. Chain roots can lock someone down that already has full resolve and essentially force them to pass or die. Most good huttball teams will have a sniper.


It seems like everyone wants to be the ball handler when only ONE person can hold the ball at a time. What good is a running back in football without his offensive linemen?


One more point to the people who want to disable friendly pulls, charges, speed boosts on a carrier. You would have to disable enemy leaps, pulls and knock backs or noone is scoring without the pass to a stealthy at the goal line strat. As it is now competent teams against each other rarely score over two points per side so this change is just unnecessary. Why do you want to turn it into a game of who has the best tank and the most heals?

Edited by SLRPSJ
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I don't get this. As a warlock or a mage were u running a flag in wsg? No the druid was. To add to that if you wanted to grab it and give it to the carrier, you had to drop it. Every class can PASS the ball. If you want to be a "running back" of a huttball team, roll a class fit for it.


If you feel completely useless in huttball, you're doing it wrong.


Mercs - can spec for 2 knockbacks.. Amazing for defense, not to mention the ability to burst a ball handler. Or if you're a healer, hold mid down.


Op - Concealment blow up those sorcs trying to run ahead of the ball handler. Protect your catwalks! Trust me good ones can do this very effectively. Heal spec is the most mobile healer so I don't think people complain about them in huttball..


Sniper - Roots. Not affected by resolve. Need I say more? I will. A sniper is probably the best defender in the game. If you have good positioning you can rain down damage while those pesky warriors cant charge you.. Back to roots. Roots will be one of the most abused abilities in ranked mark my words. Chain roots can lock someone down that already has full resolve and essentially force them to pass or die. Most good huttball teams will have a sniper.


LEAP, PULL, SCORE then it's back to whoever spams Mouse1 the fastest to get the ball back to mid is the cold, harsh reality.

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Not to this extreme.


To what extreme? The only class that really gets truly shafted in Huttball is DPS OP. Literally every other AC has some kind of great utility / Advantage from the WZ Huttball.


I mean, that sucks for DPS OPs but that hardly warrants the removal of huttball, and their disadvantage really just boils down to the fact that the class is kind of lack luster in general.

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