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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Shadows, Assassin and Troopers Oh my!


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Hey everyone just some thoughts to post on the forums.


Anyone else find Shadows and Assassin a bit over powered with all their defensive abilities, sprint, cloaking, and much much more. They are the uber class, next to sentinels and marauders, who turn my 3k crits into 3 damage. Being an operative and a fresh fifty, i am having a heck of a time trying to burst my way into peoples shields and huge chunks of health. It also doesn't help having enemy trooper healers wearing tank gear. (Don't get any bright ideas!) On Kaiburr Crystal the Imperials never win a single pvp match, except when the enemy team isn't made up of 5 shadows and 3 sentinels. So, i am just suggesting that a slight change in their defensive cool downs could even the playing field, not a massive nerf, just a small one. I am not trying to start an anger thread here, just informing everyone about the impossibility of winning on the Kaiburr Crystal server because of all of the enemies defensive cool abilities.


Anyway, what does anyone else think.


(PS. who ever thought that IA were over powered think again, how about getting stun locked by a bunch of jedi knights and consulars, then come back)

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Being an operative and a fresh fifty,

Found your problem. Here is a video of scoundrel dps (operative mirror), and see that on a few occasions he is killing tanks.


Pls use the search function on forums, you are the millionth person making a thread about fresh lvl 50 vs fully geared ppl.


Every whine on the forum can be reduced to a 1 word answer : GEAR.

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Hey everyone just some thoughts to post on the forums.


Anyone else find Shadows and Assassin a bit over powered with all their defensive abilities, sprint, cloaking, and much much more. They are the uber class, next to sentinels and marauders, who turn my 3k crits into 3 damage. Being an operative and a fresh fifty, i am having a heck of a time trying to burst my way into peoples shields and huge chunks of health. It also doesn't help having enemy trooper healers wearing tank gear. (Don't get any bright ideas!) On Kaiburr Crystal the Imperials never win a single pvp match, except when the enemy team isn't made up of 5 shadows and 3 sentinels. So, i am just suggesting that a slight change in their defensive cool downs could even the playing field, not a massive nerf, just a small one. I am not trying to start an anger thread here, just informing everyone about the impossibility of winning on the Kaiburr Crystal server because of all of the enemies defensive cool abilities.


Anyway, what does anyone else think.


(PS. who ever thought that IA were over powered think again, how about getting stun locked by a bunch of jedi knights and consulars, then come back)


Being a fresh 50 youre going to have trouble no matter what class you are. As for the other stuff I think its all situational, Im a shadow and i have different experiences/opinions on the topic.

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Found your problem. Here is a video of scoundrel dps (operative mirror), and see that on a few occasions he is killing tanks.


Pls use the search function on forums, you are the millionth person making a thread about fresh lvl 50 vs fully geared ppl.


Every whine on the forum can be reduced to a 1 word answer : GEAR.


your right about the gear thing, the problem is that if one cannot win a match, then the accommodation grind is very very slow. And while you are grinding to get battle master gear ( and when i say grind i mean it) they keep receiving the winning accommodations ( which substantially boost their accommodation amount ) and can get their battle master gear/ war hero gear faster than you, continuing the vicious cycle of not enough gear vs fully geared enemies. When looking at it on a linear rate, our accommodation growth is a lot lower compared to theirs. Why is this? I feel because they have all of these terrible terrible defensive abilities, making them almost impossible to burst down without running our of energy or health.

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your right about the gear thing, the problem is that if one cannot win a match, then the accommodation grind is very very slow. And while you are grinding to get battle master gear ( and when i say grind i mean it) they keep receiving the winning accommodations ( which substantially boost their accommodation amount ) and can get their battle master gear/ war hero gear faster than you, continuing the vicious cycle of not enough gear vs fully geared enemies. When looking at it on a linear rate, our accommodation growth is a lot lower compared to theirs. Why is this? I feel because they have all of these terrible terrible defensive abilities, making them almost impossible to burst down without running our of energy or health.


Buy recruit gear. It has expertise and costs credits. Better than nothing.

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Do you realize that almost everything that you have in your bag of tricks as an Operative ignores the bulk of a tank's defenses?


If you go concealment you can even ignore most of their armor and strike directly at their health pool -- both though internal damage and through outright armor ignore.


Welcome to SWTOR, and grats on reaching level 50! Now I say this with all sincerity and no malicious intent:


Learn how the game mechanics work before you complain on the forums. We have enough baseless whining around here already.

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Anyone else find Shadows and Assassin a bit over powered with all their defensive abilities


You got to be joking.


I am an Assassin specked into Darkness (I can't live at all unless specked into ONLY this). I can not do solo missions without Talos healing me.


In PVP, at level 46 it's common for me to be taken out by a level 20 Maurader. There's nothing I can.


Take a loot at the leaders of DPS in the PVP chart and you will always see us at the bottom no matter what. This is proof enough and should tell Bioware something.


A tank class is *NOT* supposed to be a DPS class. Their job is to pull aggro during raids. Their job is NOT to do the most DPS and be invincible. The tanking class even since WoW have a habit of wining the loudest for WHATEVER REASON when they aren't the absolute most powerful in the game. That is not supposed to be the role of a tank. They are heavy armor wearers, but *NOT* healers.. They are *not* DPS.


They are aggro drawing tanks that are melee only, wear heavy armor, and can last a long tone but NOTHING MORE. They should NOT BE A DPS HEALING CLASS ONTOP OF THEIR LONG LIFE ABILITIES.

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well if your a shadow/assassin and are not in the tank tree 31 points your doing it wrong. thats kinda the pvp tree. The upside is you don't do much damage less than a dps spec shadow/assassin. I have a guildie who has tried all the other tree's and was saying how hard it was to pvp as a shadow and i told him keep your gear dps and roll the tank tree as the left tree is the dps tree. He did so and now he's almost unstoppable. The guides say to use dps bm gear with a focus instead of a shield use combat technique and use your shield the difference is incredable. for pve as a sub 50 you can use the same gear and at 50 just get a pve tank set and a shield for when you need to tank instances. its so stupidlly easy i'm offended.
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well if your a shadow/assassin and are not in the tank tree 31 points your doing it wrong. thats kinda the pvp tree.


I am on that tree. You can't do anything in the game without that tree. I also am FORCED to use Dark Charge at all times. I can not use any of the others or I will die in one shot.


I am a light armour wearer - I am *SUPPOSED* to be a DPS class. I can stealth and RUN AWAY, but I get killed in two shots.


I HAVE NO ABILITY TO HEAL MYSELF DURING PVP. I rely on stealth and running away to keep me alive for more than 3 seconds in PVP. Even then when a dot is on me, it breaks me out of stealth easily. I can successfully run away maybe half of the time.




You will find LIGHT ARMOUR wearers at the bottom.

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Every whine on the forum can be reduced to a 1 word answer : GEAR.


Love it.


*To the people who talk about 1-49 bracket, I've seen a lvl 19 shadow kill a lvl 40 shadow :eek: I know; and countless level 10's killing lvl 30's mainly because the lvl 10

A) Was a better player

B) The oher guy had no clue what they were at (Watching a mara jumping around trying to leap to a sniper in cover while getting nuked is funny)


PvP will never be balanced around the 1-49 bracket, get to 50, get geared, read, learn and try again.

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