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Constructive Criticism 101


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There are enough negative/nonconstructive threads/posts on this forum. Maybe it's time for another positive/constructive one. I know if I were someone working on a big project such as this, I would get a little disheartened at the number of negativity and nonconstructive posts. I also know I would be a bit relieved that there are a few customers out there who do enjoy the game. Yes, I realize there are a few positive posts, but they often get drowned in the 'If X doesn't happen then I'll unsub' or 'Do this NOW!' or 'Anyone else tired of this game?' threads.


So, here's your chance to say something constructive. I realize I just baited myself for so-called trolling. But, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I'll let the administrators decided how to handle 'trolls'.


Constructive Criticism 101: Say what you like about the game, say what you don't like about the game, and offer suggestions/solutions/improvements (edit): or what you would like to see in the game in future content that hasn't already been announced.


Please keep in mind that everyone has their own opinion. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a 'troll', 'hater', 'fangirl/boi', 'biodrone' or whatever. We are all gamers. We are all people. We all have a voice that wants to be heard. And, I would hope this thread would be the place people can go to to state their opinion without being harassed. If you disagree with someone, say why and move on. Please, don't resort to name calling. Remember: Opinion does not equal fact. Opinions are subjective knowledge based on a person's individual experiences.

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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What I like about this game are the story lines. I write as a hobby, so one of the aspects I really look at when considering staying with a game for a long time are characters (how believable they are) and story line (how attention grabbing and holding it is). I am looking forward to seeing what BW has in store for the future in regards to the story lines already in game as well as the new ones they may have planned.


What I don't like is how the non-class story lines get really dull after doing them 3+ times.


Suggestion/Solution/what I would like to see: I would like to see are new planets that will give players options to continue on after their starting worlds. I understand this may be a bit difficult to do with the main class story lines. And, if BW does come up with a solution for this, I can see this change happening far into the future.


Anyway, that is all I have for now. Due to classes, I haven't been able to get log into the game and check out the new content. Post your thoughts. :)

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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Personally, I feel like there are too many servers. There are plenty of players, but they're all spread across the tons of servers, so it leads to a lower server population. Plus hey, they can always add more servers if it get to the point where it's TOO crowded.


Also, I would suggest they temporarily lower the cost of war hero gear. If there was Ranked PvP the cost would be totally understandable, but since there isn't, it's 10k regular commendations for just the main hand alone.

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Nice post. Well, how often do you hear in life that you are doing a good job? When things are ok in SWTOR, people are playing and it goes unnoticed. There are so many things that are problematic with this game, but obviously the story has been great, I love the space battles, I like the companion pieces and crafting that goes along with it. The Legacy tree could be great, we will see. I do love some of the graphics (unfortunately I had to scale them back because of the server issues).


And most of all, just swinging that lightsaber!

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lol I've just seen you around so much and you've always got something positive to say. It's refreshing. :]


:D Thanks! I try. It's quite therapeutic actually.


Nice post. Well, how often do you hear in life that you are doing a good job? When things are ok in SWTOR, people are playing and it goes unnoticed. There are so many things that are problematic with this game, but obviously the story has been great, I love the space battles, I like the companion pieces and crafting that goes along with it. The Legacy tree could be great, we will see. I do love some of the graphics (unfortunately I had to scale them back because of the server issues).


And most of all, just swinging that lightsaber!


Thanks! :D How often do you hear you are doing a good job? Not often, which is sad. Because if all you hear is 'You did this, this, and this wrong' it won't be long until you think, 'Well what in the Great BBQ Pit am I doing right?' So, in my opinion, it's good to hear what is going well along side what isn't going well.

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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I love almost everything about this game, what I don't love is space combat... My suggestion would be just take it off the rails and let us fly free form. That would make it 10x better!!! Also maybe add some space combat pvp :D I would never leave space, lol.
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Well, let's see. I like:


Most of the space missions (The second escort is murder, though)

Most Companions

Ability to solo most of the game

The legacy system

Class stories

Dynamic healing (Soloing seems fine. Can't comment on how groups work, though)


Taking down Skavak with Dirty Kick


What I don't like is:

Certain class story bosses

Half the Spaceship upgrades being locked in Cybtertech

A major glitch in the space missions that I seem to be the only victim of

Financial management issues

Threads begging for nerfs of ANY class

Lack of a merc/commando interrupt

and gearing in general. I have played other MMOs, but this was my first gear MMO, and often I end up behind the curve with my companion and me, making the game that much harder

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I'll focus on one particular aspect of the game which actually is something I both like and dislike: the gameplay. I really enjoy the way that combat can flow especially for the Jedi/Sith classes. I can start an attack on a target and then switch while the animation or cast is going and then start my next attack, so combat looks very active and engaging, very movie-like in my opinion. Tanking is very fun, perhaps healing can be a bit lackluster at times but that's generally how healing is, and dps is a blast. Literally.


What I don't like is the challenge level of the pve content. Sometimes it is much too eas, and sometimes for some classes specific fights can be incredibly frustrating. Specifically group content, i.e. flashpoints and operations can lack a real challenge other than brute forcing your way through it when you have the right gear and/or stats. I understand and appreciate that there has to be different levels of challenge (story mode, hard mode, nightmare) but I don't like how the more difficult modes are just more damage done/needed, more healing done/needed, etc., etc.


I would love to see harder modes require different strategies in order to succeed. Not something as simple as "stack up on the healer", but maybe adding in a couple of new mechanics to the fight, or having your Ops group have to split off into two different areas of the zone. Almost like having an entirely different boss fight for each boss. I'm sure it's much harder to create content this way, but I think the players would definitely appreciate the differences more than the current raiding model in MMOs.

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The thing that really sets it apart for me is the way choices affect the game. It's the first time I've encountered this kind of thing at this level in an MMO. Secondly, and linked with the choice aspect is the immersiveness of the storyline. Again, it's far more involved than anything I've seen in more than ten years of playing MMOs.
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I like:

the OP's idea of being constructive instead of whining like Moaning Myrtle all the time.


I dislike:

the overkill in colours and symbols the OP uses to present this great idea.



stick to one colour, cut down on symbols.



Oh yes, it's 3:30am over here and I should really get some sleep :cool:

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I do very much like the story lines presented in the game.


However, recently bouncing between my smuggler and my bounty hunter, I had something come to my attention. This is going to seem odd, but it was both a reminder of something I've seen commented on the forums and something I'd like to see changed. I hope you'all don't mind my rambling, but hopefully the points will come together in the end.


I have often seen on the forums people complaining about how, while there seems at first to be a mirror between the Imperial and the Republic, there really isn't. Usually the comments are that the Imperial side is so much better - gear, special effects, that sort of thing.


With the Light side vs Dark side AND Imperial vs Republic resulting in four possible alignments, that previously noted 'something' jumped out and jarred me.


I wish the game was not presented as good vs evil. It doesn't have to be. Good vs Evil would be Light side vs Dark side. It shouldn't have to be Imperial = evil and Republic = good. In the Republic side, there are a number of quests where you help poor orphans and families torn apart and other general help this sad story turn happy. But I have yet to encounter any corresponding stories on the Imperial side. Instead, I usually find stories that even the good choices are hurtful.


The Republic side does have occasional stories that show that some Republic members are occasionally blinded by duty and revenge, and rarely the truly evil person.


In theory, this is what the Imperial side should be as well. The common person in the empire, civilian and low to mid ranking members alike, should be focused on things that are good.


Both sides should have issues that when seen from differing view points should paint the viewing point as good and the opposing point as evil.


But I don't see these in the Imperial side.


As a person who is generally good at heart, I don't like playing the Imperial side at all because of this.


If new storylines are added to this beautiful game, would it be possible to add some that present the Imperial side in a positive light? With how dark, hurtful, and unscrupulous the Empire has been presented, it is amazing that the general populous, (npcs, not players), hasn't just tried to move to Republic planets for better lives for their families, increasing the strength of the Republic just through sheer numbers.


I hope this rambling post made sense. It does in my head, I'm just not sure if I put it into words right, and I also worry that I might try to say the same thing too many times, (teacher instinct), to try and get it across.


~ Cerilynn

Edited by Cerilynn
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I like:

the OP's idea of being constructive instead of whining like Moaning Myrtle all the time.


I dislike:

the overkill in colours and symbols the OP uses to present this great idea.



stick to one colour, cut down on symbols.



Oh yes, it's 3:30am over here and I should really get some sleep :cool:


Yeah. I'll have to agree with you on that. :o That was a bit unnecessary on my part. Anyway, the original posts have been fixed. I still kept the two colors for the first post, but I got rid of the teal. It wasn't working well anyway. Thanks! :D

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Yeah. I'll have to agree with you on that. :o That was a bit unnecessary on my part. Anyway, the original posts have been fixed. I still kept the two colors for the first post, but I got rid of the teal. It wasn't working well anyway. Thanks! :D

Well done ;)

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Well its hard to list all the things I like, since I like most everything about the game.

+ Ability to solo (I solo in order to immerse myself in the story)

+ The storytelling of the classes, most companions both storywise and combatwise. Some of the stories are great (warrior, bounty hunter) some much less so (inquisitor)

+ combat system, its complex enough to keep me entertained and gives a feeling of power and maintaining balance between classes.

+ world design for the most part, it feels immersive and enjoyable

+ group content is nicely made and boss mechanics are nice for the most part

+ massive amount of details hidden in the game

+ pvp is nice and balanced too


- Mob placement on certain planets is annoying though, making travelling on certain planets a pain due to having to make long detours to find the route and then having mobs placed so that theres no way around them. Main culprits for this are Taris and Belsavis although Belsavis is not as bad. Some missions have ridiculously fast mob respawn rate for example certain belsavis dailies, making the mission a pain rather than enjoyment. There are certain similar quests on alderaan, the house of Rist for example. One insanely long unending corridor filled to the brim with mobs you cant avoid and must kill them all in order to get to the end and actually finish the quest...............

- Map and routefinding algorithm doesnt work very well on Nar Shaddaa due to the zones with multiple floors. Sometimes the game says "go to this elevator" when you need to go to mission at network access, then when I go to the marked floor and step out, the game says "go back to the elevator"! Ie. the algorithm is screwed.


Two biggest issues I have with the game that hamper my enjoyment are:


- bugs; theres still a huge number of persisting bugs, particularly in group content like flashpoints (HK bugs out basically every single time in foundry and wipes the team). Outside the flashpoints and ops, the bugs tend to be just graphical glitches, like me sitting in air etc,

The most persising and annoying graphical bug is the companion offensive stance bug that makes them have their weapons permanently drawn. This often creates issues with lightsaber companions. These graphical glitches arent as bad as the group content bugs, but they wreak havoc to my immersion.


-Inquisitor gear appearance. Drives me mad. Bioware is dead set on trying to make inquisitors appear as "wizards" from certain other games. I hate it. I want my sith inquisitor to look like a Sith, not a random mage in pink nightgown. Not to mention inquisitor PVE endgame gear is possibly the ugliest gear I have ever seen in any MMO.

For some reason for example the campaign gear must be blue and orange?? How extremely Sith-like!

This is the issue I want fixed the most. Eternity vault bugs be damned.


Related to the inq gear is Inability to maintain the best gear stats on custom gear, thanks to set bonuses not moving with the armorings as promised. I mean, 90% of geared people have columni gear, why not make the set bonus move with the armoring on that gear? Now I have to grind weeklys for a year to get the Black hole gear with the movable set bonus.. Thank fully it at least has it cause I wouldnt wear that garbage for a billion credits.

Edited by Karkais
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Nice start to this thread. I tried to make one like this awhile ago but it got so beat down that I had it removed. lol


Every game will have something good and bad in it as there is no such thing as the perfect game in my opinion. A lot depends on the kind of player you are and how the game caters to your style and needs.


For me personally, I can take a lot of what is considered bad, as long as I have other areas to make up for it. I have a lot of patience to see things through and I have a "you need to earn it" attitude. What I can forgive or look past, someone else might find it to be the deal breaker. The worst part about that today is how people have this need to tell everyone how bad something is, instead of just figuring that this game is not a good fit and move on.


The worst part about this game, and one that I think is a huge deal, is a lack of community. Overall we do not have the community that helps a server or a game. We lack in server forums that allow discussions, ideas, playful posting, trading, looking for posts, and all that encompasses building server relationships.


An MMO needs a strong community to help it through the rough times. There are plenty of people who really enjoy this game, I am one, but when we take to the forums, all we see is hate this, quit that, unsub...... Having server forums will still bring those type of posts but the community can police itself a bit more because we are looking to protect our home.


I really like this game, in fact, it is my favorite out there right now. I have some great people to play with and the game keeps me busy be it lvling or helping others. The storylines are awesome. It breaks up the "grind" and if there was a way to skip the side missions and only do the storyline to get to lvl 50 I would. But this is an MMO and a grind is part of the game. Yes I know I can pvp for good xp, but that is not my point.


Speaking of pvp, we lack a true in game rival with the current system. PvP needs a healthy player enemy to enhance the game. Limited chat ability and no real goals to go overt outside of warzones prevents a lot of potential fun.


Yes you could work with the other guys to be at point A to get some fighting in, but it could be much more streamlined, especially on a PvP server.

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After reading many comments about this game, some agree and others do not.


The 3 major flaws that I find in this game are:


The "chapas" system (spanish slang for commendations): you need a different kind for everything, can we think of the States or the European Union with 20 currencies and no interchangeable between them. It would be easier one currency for all and then if you want some minimum requirements for each group of equipment, material or whatever.


The craft system: Why? ... materials are in odd places (Bosses pooping exotic materials), you can learn the schematic of weapons or armor but you need to finish several times the same mission or kill the Boss in order to build such weapons or armor, for rare materials there is no vendor (before criticizing return to the first point). Everything should be able to get in many different ways and some of us might be true crafters, investing huge amounts of time and money (game money).


Endgame: we don´t need it, we need a live game. Things like the discovery of a biometric crystal mine in some planet, an archaeological site of Rakata, a planetary war where we can control the space, places like forts, cities, etc..

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There's nothing about this game I "don't like". I feel there are aspects that can be improved, but even those aspects are fun and enjoyable to me.


I particularly love the choreography and character control in this game. Fights just look cool on the screen. As for character control, Bioware has once again shown the gaming community how involved your *pixels on the screen* can be in the world. Between Mass Effect and SWTOR there aren't any other video games I can turn to and get this involved with a character.

Edited by Rhizoprionodon
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What I like about the game:

The stories- They are well written, and after playing MMO's like WoW where the story is literally just a way to introduce new bosses, I am glad we have something better. I hope Bioware continues adding to the stories as much as they can and keep them interesting.


PVP- I hated PVP in WoW. HATED IT. Even though I am usually in the upper tier in terms of deaths on my team, I am enjoying PVP in SWTOR a lot more, mainly because I can consistently do something significant. Someone planting a bomb on the door? DEUX EX MACHINMA! Stopped him!


Novare Coast- This one deserves a shout-out to Bioware. I still haven't figured out the best strategy for it yet, but I enjoy it immensely. Unlike Civil War, you can come back and win it even when you look like you are about to lose. The capping system is desirable, terrain actually plays a significant role in the battle, and it allows a number of different strategies to be used.


The Legacy System- I enjoy it. I keep rearranging my tree, and I am glad to see that Bioware's broken down the species-class barriers, at least for a price. My Mirilian Agent is 1/3 of the way to being here... Glad to see it will be expanded upon in 1.3


What I "dislike" (or at least want Bioware to build up on...)


Space Combat- It's a good "dead-mind shooter" for when I am a bit tired and just wanna blow stuff up, but I want to see this expanded on. Free-roam, maybe with a small campaign in it for extra flavor/story, and definitely space combat PVP. But mostly, I am just wanting a different ship for my Smuggler.


Character Slots- Too few. One of the things I disliked in WoW is that I only had 10 slots, not enough for me to have all the classes for both factions. I understand the "one slot for each AC" idea, but I'd like to be able to use all the kinds of AC's both sides, since I play both Empire and Republic. Maybe make further slots can be purchasable via the Legacy System.


The forums- I have no clue why I keep coming back here.


Those are my praises/criticisms from a relatively happy player.

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