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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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oh and while on the subject of guild wars 2 and pvp.considering i never did ilum before it got revamped as a pve daily area cuz i wasnt 50 at the time


isnt that pretty much what the whole world vs world vs world whatever its called thing that gw2 has goin on.or it something else,cuz thats kinda what i figured it was

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Its ok that the game wasn't for him, every game will have people not liking it. I mean, look at The Witcher 2, there was that one professional reviewer that gave the game a 4.5 out of 10, despite everyone else giving it a 8.5/10 or higher. It is ok that he doesn't like it.


But what isn't ok is his trolling trying to say that the graphics are comparable to a PS2 game, when clearly that is not true, very far from it.


There is a difference between not liking something and stating the fact of why you don't like it as compared to what he is doing and making things up.


I already know he didn't play Guild Wars 2 already, that is clearly a lie.

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not trolling. Im just giving an opinion. crazy, right?


graphics are better in swtor

art style is better in swtor


my opinion. not trolling. not fanboyism. just my opinion.


When you said GW2 has ps1 graphics that was your objective and realistic opinion too right?

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well im still experiencing content in this game and I play 4-5 hours a day.


and after seeing gw2 in action. It is extremely dissapointing and i have a feeling a lot of original GW players are gonna feel the same. Furthermore the guild wars brand wasnt very popular amongst the gaming community. Guild wars was always under the radar as far as mmos were concerned. The issue now is GW2 has been OVERHYPED just like every mmo that comes out and after getting an extensive example, can not live up to expectations. It will have a decent playerbase though, but nothing spectacular


I'm not so sure. I played the SWTOR beta and was so enamored with the game. I've taken 3 characters to 50 and now that the rose colored glasses are off... there are key features and mechanics in this game that are just cumbersome and tedious.


I think GW2 will be the oposite. A lot of people are playing the early levels and expecting AMAZING dynicamic content in an area that you will spend 1-2 hours on (at the most -- although you can revist and have the game scale you down). I think as people play GW2 more through the rest of the 80 levels of content they will start enjoying it more. It's really hard to judge a game with 80 character levels in just 3 days.


What really draws me to GW2 is that every feature seems to have been designed for the players enjoyment. you can tell they sat around and thought of ways to make traditional MMO mechanics more enjoyable. When you don't have a 15 dollar/month reoccuring subsciption to worry about holding onto you can really take a lot of the tedious bull-crap out that no one seems to enjoy -- IE pvp gear grinds, endgame raiding/flashpoint grinds, systems that encourage alting (even if you don't like to have alts), slow/restrictive travel systems, etc


The design philosophies seem very different. Frankly I've not seen a lot of information on what the SWTOR dev teams design philosophy is. Especially when it comes to PvP (something i focus on in this game). The changes they make, and lack of communication around them, has really hurt their reputation with me. I'm hopeful for GW2 because they talk a lot about what their intentions are and why they are doing it differently.

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not trolling. Im just giving an opinion. crazy, right?


graphics are better in swtor

art style is better in swtor


my opinion. not trolling. not fanboyism. just my opinion.


you can say they are better, but to say it is comparable to a PS2 game is where you're showing your trolling and fanboyism.


If you just said that the graphics are better in SWTOR as compared to Guild Wars 2, that would be alright, since they are very close to each other, just a difference in art style. But when you create a lie by stating that it looks like a PS2, that is where you crossed the line from stating an opinion to becoming a fanboy and trolling.

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GW2 will bring lots of PvPer from other MMO together. And YOU PvEers can stay were u r . We dont need u anyway.


You do realize that GW2 is not only a PVP game?.. and when I think of it, there is actually more PVE content in GW2 than PVP content.

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Its ok that the game wasn't for him, every game will have people not liking it. I mean, look at The Witcher 2, there was that one professional reviewer that gave the game a 4.5 out of 10, despite everyone else giving it a 8.5/10 or higher. It is ok that he doesn't like it.


But what isn't ok is his trolling trying to say that the graphics are comparable to a PS2 game, when clearly that is not true, very far from it.


There is a difference between not liking something and stating the fact of why you don't like it as compared to what he is doing and making things up.


I already know he didn't play Guild Wars 2 already, that is clearly a lie.

why would i lie about playing the game? Im giving my opinion based off my experience. I also mentioned that i was a fan of the original guild wars. GW2 is a disappointment to me.

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You do realize that GW2 is not only a PVP game?.. and when I think of it, there is actually more PVE content in GW2 than PVP content.


i dont really care how much pve content the game has


it depends on how they treat there pvpers.pvpers get the back seat in sw tor,and they got the backseat in world of warcraft


wtb an mmo with good pvp

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LOL, seriously, don´t even start to compare SWTOR graphics to GW2 graphics, anyone stating TOR as graphics winner should check his glasses... :eek:


umm, I going to Guild Wars 2 because it has the better PvE of all MMOs, imo. I want to play that better PvE MMO.

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umm, I going to Guild Wars 2 because it has the better PvE of all MMOs, imo. I want to play that better PvE MMO.


have you actually seen the pve in gw2? i was watching a video of one of those dungeon type things they had,and it didnt really impress me very much.it looked like your basically doing a heroic in wow


so i wouldnt really say that the game has the best pve of all mmos

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you can say they are better, but to say it is comparable to a PS2 game is where you're showing your trolling and fanboyism.


If you just said that the graphics are better in SWTOR as compared to Guild Wars 2, that would be alright, since they are very close to each other, just a difference in art style. But when you create a lie by stating that it looks like a PS2, that is where you crossed the line from stating an opinion to becoming a fanboy and trolling.


you know ps2 had good graphical games right? its ok to look like that.


Its funny that you can use the terms fanboy/trolling now because GW2 fanboys have been trolling SWTOR forums since launch. All I can say is thanks for funding our mmo.

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While I don't dislike the Gw2 graphics....I do believe the rumors that the vast majority of the models textures and art assets were jobbed out to the Korean NCsoft team


they were for sure. just look at the character models.

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I'm too spoiled with voice acting to enjoy GW2 =/


I hate to say it but after a while the voice acting in SWTOR is more of a hassle.


Now that I have a few 50s I find myself space barring through EVERYTHING -- even other classes stories I've not seen. When beta hit I was the first to defend how amazing the voice acting was... now I really see things from the other perspective and it's not that great... it might even be more of a detriment to the game in the future.

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You do realize that GW2 is not only a PVP game?.. and when I think of it, there is actually more PVE content in GW2 than PVP content.


How many times u can run EV or any other FP before its gets boring 10, 20 or 100? what next? 4 WZ? 7out of 10 is Huttball. PvPers dont give a S@#$t how much PvE content is there. Its just something to help with lvling or spend time looking for good PvP.

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You have to be trolling, seriously. There was even a picture that showed the skills of SWTOR as compared to the Skills of WoW, and they were nearly identical, SWTOR has the same exact combat and game play as WoW, the only difference that SWTOR has is the storyline and the voice acting. The graphics are way better in GW2 then WoW, extremely better.


You can tell me this



Looks just like



If you are wanting to spin it into everything being like WoW then by that you are saying everything is just like everything just with a different spin and art on it. Yap...but the thing is, people WANT more of the same with a little bit of change and revolutionary things. Not full blown out EVERYTHING revolutionary.


Until we get a chair like the matrix where we can plug into any mmo of our choice and control WHAT WE WANT in the game with our minds...there isn't going to be ANYTHING LESS than hotkey binds, keyboard controls, uses with the mouse, and hotbars.


It is in players' head because that is what they want to believe everything is like WoW. "omg...I use w,s,a,d to move...***" wow clone. "omg...why is there an inventory" wow clone. "omg...there is seriously a skill tree and abilities?!" wow clone. "dude...wth! I have to mission and search for objectives!?" wow clone. "there is pvp!?" wow clone. "why are there hotkey bindings and slots and all that stuff ..GAH!" wow clone.


You see? THATS the people's problem. People see everything, EVERY MMO as..a wow clone. Because they are so ignorant, arrogant, and know nothing else that those type of people just say EVERYTHING is taken from WoW. Well you know what? WoW isn't a good game, but they did some things right. They took things from Everquest that they saw were very good, put their own spin on it, made it look better and all good looking for that time and people LOVED that. That's why they went to that game.


Now...companies don't make their mmos to kill wow, as some would say. It is the PEOPLE that say it will. Every mmo that has come out has since had one or two little revolutionary things in it. Listen everyone, there isn't going to be that ONE MMORPG that has EVERYTHING revolutionary in it. It's not going to happen. People need to stop looking at one game to kill another in the mmo franchise and they have to start looking at these games that all have their own little revolutionary systems that the next game that comes out borrows and takes from that. That is what we then start arguing about. Mine is beetter thann yoouurrrss. Such children! The whole reason why companies come out with mmorpgs is NOT to "kill wow" it is to give variety, choice, and make their game fun.


No games kill each other. No games TRY and kill each other. It's all competing, variety and choice. Nothing is trying to kill one another. Companies are just trying to make amazing games that feel amazing, look amazing, and everybody has their OWN SAY in what mmo they want to play. Whether it be an anime world, sci fi world, in space, fantasy, any genre. That's what companies are doing. Giving players what they want. Take off your little tin foil hats boys and girls. They aren't all plotting all these chaotic things just to make YOU unhappy....


Nobody is saying you HAVE to stay here. Nobody is saying you HAVE to go to the most popular mmo or stay at one you have more gripes about than positives. If you choose to do that...that's kind of...well insane really? Do you like torturing yourselves to stay in a game you hate?

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