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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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Guild Wars 2 for me. From day 1, SWTOR felt like the same ole same ole, but the story line kept the game interesting and fun, for a while. With Guild Wars 2, the game doesn't have the same ole same ole feeling, it actually feels like a revolutionary game. So at this point, Guild Wars 2 is the better game.
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TOR, gw2 will be a good game for it's fans, but I am burnt out on sword and board fantasy games, plus after really looking into gw2, allot stuff just rehashed from other games, nothing really that new or genre shaking.. I am sure after the newness wears off it will start popping up in thier forums.. gw2 is once again not is not a true next gen game like allot of people are thinking it will be.. I smell disapointment, from to many high expections set just like here in Tor. Edited by kevlarto
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TOR, gw2 will be a good game for it's fans, but I am burnt out on sword and board fantasy games, plus after really looking into gw2, allot stuff just rehashed from other games, nothing really that new or genre shaking.. I am sure after the newness wears off it will start popping up in thier forums.. gw2 is once again not is not a true next gen game like allot of people are thinking it will be.. I smell disapointment, from to many high expections set just like here in Tor.


This. GW2 is moderately fun, but it's hardly the revolutionary mmo that people are trying to make it out to be. It's cobbled together a lot of other aspects from other games, to mixed success. We'll see how it plays out, I guess.

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FUN FACT: Ony my server right now at 9 PM local time on a sunday, (which is pretty much the absolute gaming primetime of the week right?) there are 0 (!) lvl 50 players online and 0 (!) people on the fleet.


And total population of my faction: 22.


Go look for yourselfes, server: Senator contispex.


Rofl come on! How can i do anything but change to other released games with those numbers?:confused:

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GW2 pretty much blows SWTOR out of the water then dips it's head back in to drown it. All of the features are there and it just feels open. I spent half a day just exploring and doing what I want. I imagine there will be some grind with guild influence but at least dailies and monthlies aren't locked into the same quests every day. It simply has that effect that makes me want to rush home and play, and once I'm in I can get into the action or interact with people right away instead of trying to motivate myself to do the same string of dailies or wait for the guild to show up to do the same raid.
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They still have faster load times and the ability to dodge. Though there are things I disagree with the game such as level scaling and increased instance difficulty when teamed up it looks like a good game overall. I've only tried warrior so far and it's pretty fun.
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I haven't played GW2, although GW1 was abysmal. I have been playing Tera since last weekend and although I enjoy it, it does not have the staying power as SWTOR did through 50. In conclusion, add more end game content, tighten up the player base so that heroics have some meaning and wa-la, instant classic. SWTOR has the panache, money and IP to seriously stifle anything new out now and in the near future. If only the DEVS WOULD READ THIS! :eek: Edited by Zsavooz
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TOR, gw2 will be a good game for it's fans, but I am burnt out on sword and board fantasy games


Because lightsabers and "The Force" are different from swords and magic. Just give me a game built on a solid, responsive, technologically up to date engine that can handle WPVP, and you guys can keep your Oscar-worthy voice acting.

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Because lightsabers and "The Force" are different from swords and magic. Just give me a game built on a solid, responsive, technologically up to date engine that can handle WPVP, and you guys can keep your Oscar-worthy voice acting.


absolutely, WPVP would be an incredible thing in SWTOR, go figure.

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FUN FACT: Ony my server right now at 9 PM local time on a sunday, (which is pretty much the absolute gaming primetime of the week right?) there are 0 (!) lvl 50 players online and 0 (!) people on the fleet.


And total population of my faction: 22.


Go look for yourselfes, server: Senator contispex.


Rofl come on! How can i do anything but change to other released games with those numbers?:confused:


Free transfers are coming.

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FUN FACT: Ony my server right now at 9 PM local time on a sunday, (which is pretty much the absolute gaming primetime of the week right?) there are 0 (!) lvl 50 players online and 0 (!) people on the fleet.


And total population of my faction: 22.


Go look for yourselfes, server: Senator contispex.


Rofl come on! How can i do anything but change to other released games with those numbers?:confused:



Re-roll. Or just play on a better server until transfers come out.

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Played 5 hours of the GW2 beta this weekend and honestly it was rather disappointing. The game is poorly optimized and this dynamic events are just WAR's public quests. The PvP is fun but can get very redundant. Idk I think if Bioware can release some viable World PvP/RvR before GW2 comes out they have nothing to worry about. Also from all the bugs I experienced with GW2 it is atleast 5 months from release.
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TOR, gw2 will be a good game for it's fans, but I am burnt out on sword and board fantasy games, plus after really looking into gw2, allot stuff just rehashed from other games, nothing really that new or genre shaking.. I am sure after the newness wears off it will start popping up in thier forums.. gw2 is once again not is not a true next gen game like allot of people are thinking it will be.. I smell disapointment, from to many high expections set just like here in Tor.


But... a laser sword in a science fantasy setting is okay? To be fair I myself was looking for a good science fantasy WoW alternative, which is why I got SWTOR in the first place. Hey, I don't see Star Ocean making an MMO.

Edited by Agemnon
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well its not Arena Net's fault people over hype the games. in fact with every new mmo that comes out people over hype it the n are disappointed by it. Myself seeing as i never played WoW don't over hype things and take them at face value. less stress and almost no disappointment. i'm not looking for something to kill wow or anything like that, and neither was ANet as they have mentioned many times before their not looking to kill any mmo out there. they want to make they game their happy with and their players are happy with, that's what makes the best game.


Now as to people saying that the GW2 Beta Event sucked, well take into consideration that its still early beta, and ANet has no idea when there going to release the game its still TBA but with the hopeful release towards the middle or end of 2012. They have mentioned many times over that they will not release the game before they feel it is ready to be released. Heck they've already pushed the date back twice already. as originally they were hoping for 2010 then 2011, obviously they didn't think it was ready then, though it seems like its getting close now.


as for TSW i cant even say im going to play it. i havent even been able to get much information about it even from their site. that dosnt bode well for them in my book.

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What kind of response, are you expecting on the official "SWTOR" forum?




here it will be "Yeah TOR"

there is will be "Yeah GW2"


Neither will buy you a extra large double double at Timmies with out having the $2.00 already to pay for it.

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I played GW2 a bit this weekend and there were a couple of things that I really liked. First and foremost, SW:TOR needs to take note out of GW2's book on how to create a truly living and breathing world. The art design and the atmosphere/music/interactivity were seriously second to none. I felt that there was so much world to explore and it was truly beautiful. That's my biggest gripe with TOR. Furthermore, I loved that I could go wherever I wanted to and do whatever I wanted. Lower level areas scale you down to that level so that the content was still challenging and you can play with your friends that are lower level than you. Questing feels very organic with the dynamic events and I don't feel pigeon-holed into a specific area.


Guild Wars 2 is very poorly optimized, much like TOR and combat honestly feels incredibly clunky. I was expecting the combat to be fast and revolutionary, but instead it just feels like a clunky mess. There's just too much going on in pvp, WAY too many particle effects, and at the end of the day it just seems to be all flash with no substance.

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They're two very different games. They compliment each other and I kind of plan to play both of them.


I love the freedom in GW2 to just explore wherever I want to and come across events/quests that way. If I see crops burning off in the distance I can go investigate and get swept into a 30-45 minute event series involving Centaurs raiding farmlands, kidnapping farmers, etc. All while cooperating with dozens of other players.


The other night I was doing some small events with my friends closing portals (to the underworld supposedly) in this swamp and the next thing we know we (and probably the other 20+ players spread across the swamp) set off a massive event and this BEHEMOTH comes out of the swamp and we all have to band together to take it down. It's not scripted, it's not story, it's just spontaneous, unpredictable fun and I personally enjoy it.


There's NEVER the sense of 'oh he just stole my kill/loot'. It REALLY is cooperative and players will actually go out of their way to revive/get you up during a fight. I think the community will be nothing like SWTOR/WoW and I mean that in a good way.

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I didnt like GW2 at all. I am not a big fan of cash shops in games. Also it looks just like WoW plays just like WoW. In fact my friend thought it was the ne wow expansion I had to tell him no its GW2. The he we went "Really? Eww!".
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I didnt like GW2 at all. I am not a big fan of cash shops in games. Also it looks just like WoW plays just like WoW. In fact my friend thought it was the ne wow expansion I had to tell him no its GW2. The he we went "Really? Eww!".


Sorry but it plays nothing like WoW. The combat is action-based (dodging, flanking enemies, your attacks affect multiple enemies). SWTOR plays exactly like WoW.

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well its not Arena Net's fault people over hype the games. in fact with every new mmo that comes out people over hype it the n are disappointed by it. Myself seeing as i never played WoW don't over hype things and take them at face value. less stress and almost no disappointment. i'm not looking for something to kill wow or anything like that, and neither was ANet as they have mentioned many times before their not looking to kill any mmo out there. they want to make they game their happy with and their players are happy with, that's what makes the best game.


Now as to people saying that the GW2 Beta Event sucked, well take into consideration that its still early beta, and ANet has no idea when there going to release the game its still TBA but with the hopeful release towards the middle or end of 2012. They have mentioned many times over that they will not release the game before they feel it is ready to be released. Heck they've already pushed the date back twice already. as originally they were hoping for 2010 then 2011, obviously they didn't think it was ready then, though it seems like its getting close now.


as for TSW i cant even say im going to play it. i havent even been able to get much information about it even from their site. that dosnt bode well for them in my book.


Heh, its a catch 22 Alexis.


People over hype because they want something different from WOW (I only beta tested WOW and found it severly lacking myself) but when a game offers up something different the lemmings scream loud and hard they had this this and this in WOW.


The next BIG GAME will be one that can forget about WOW, look back the THE ENTIRE MMORPG HISTORY and put what worked in and get rid of what didnt, and then add their own concepts of course.


Till then every game, be it Rift, TOR, GW2, Tera, Aion will be FotM before release and be called a WOW killer.


As for GW2 beta event. I have no interest in GW2 and havent for well over 12 months. GW didnt interest me and neither does GW2. BUT having said that, anyone that bashs the game for bugs, lag, incomplete content during beta are idiots flat out. ITS BETA, now is the time to find the bugs, lag issues, incomplete content. If GW2 releases with the issues still, THEN YOU BASH IT, but up to the very last day of beta. Players have no right to bash the game because beta is NOT a free trial, you are actually suppose to be trying to get the game ready for release.


Thats why im so hard on TOR. I stuck up for TOR to my very last breath in beta because beta is for fixing the game. But the minute they went live with out the Legacy content, with out the social/community/interaction content they were told was missing in beta feedback. THEN they became fair game for negativity because now you really were paying to beta test, and thats wrong on every level.


Yeah, I been on TSW newsletter for over a year now and each update made me less and less and less interested in the game. Originally it sounded like a really cool and interesting concept I must admit but over time it just underwelmed and didnt live up to my expectations of where they should be going with game. I think TSW will launch and fizzle in relative silence to be honest.

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I didnt like GW2 at all. I am not a big fan of cash shops in games. Also it looks just like WoW plays just like WoW. In fact my friend thought it was the ne wow expansion I had to tell him no its GW2. The he we went "Really? Eww!".


It doesn't look or play like WoW at all. Come out from under your rock.

Edited by Dezzi
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