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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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I have played the beta, and i agree with that. GW2 is literally a copy and paste of warhammer online, Even the contribution system on the dynamics events looks like the same system of warhammer. And the worst thing about this is that people really believe that Gw2 is new and innovative.


i dont really think gw2 being "new and innovative"is going to be what sells gw2 anyway.i think the majority are just gonna buy it cuz of no sub fee


just like how i bet 90 percent of people bought swtor cuz it had the name star wars

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FACT: You saw one instance of people (who probably didn't know what they were doing) banging on a keep door for what seemed to you like 15-20 minutes.


Ok? thanks for saying what I just said, lol


And for the record, I didnt see the door actually go down, the guy got bored, I guess, and went to do something else. By the way Im not spreading falsities about the game, im commenting on what I saw of this beta weekend and on what other players are saying.


The gameplay I've seen so far is enough for me to form an opinion, weather I was the one behind the keyboard or not.

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This thread seems to be full of that. Next beta event people need to just spend the weekend playing. I was pretty certain I wouldn't like SWTor, but I followed the development anyway to get facts rather then speculate, then gave it it's fare shake when it went live. I don't like this game, but I gave it a chance and tried out all of it's content and mechanics. I definitely wouldn't lie and not play it but say I did and spread around a bunch of false information, that's just childish.


welcome to the swtor general discussion forums bro


lots of childish people round here

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whats obvious is that GW2 sucks balls and now people are finally seeing it. i wish i collected all the times people said they were going to go and play GW2 and how GW2 was going to be the next evolution of MMOs and blah blah blah, GW2 is NOT the messiah, it is NOT revolutionary to the genre, and it is NOT going to kill swtor.


that is all, thanks for this thread OP. . . i am so glad the GW2 bandwagon dorks are shut down now, SHUT DOWN!!!! HAHAHAHAHA i love it, SWTOR WILL RULE AND BECOME THE NEXT WOW!!!


after GW2 fails horribly, all that will be left is SWTOR, face it people, this is the best mmo out now and forever.

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GW2 are good game for pvper and for those who hate monthly payment business style.


its still however a fantasy sword n sorcery game.. not my cuppa tea.


i think casual mmo player will go for WoW and SWTOR for their fantasy and scifi choice.

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You read my mind. :jawa_tongue: I'm surprised anyone else even remembers that quest let alone the game's story itself.


My parents actually played the game and they said it was amazing before Sony did the patch that changed everything.


I played the trial up to 25 and wonder why on earth was i playing this...


SWG sounds a lot like Minecraft with a more realistic feel to it

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Ok? thanks for saying what I just said, lol


And for the record, I didnt see the door actually go down, the guy got bored, I guess, and went to do something else. By the way Im not spreading falsities about the game, im commenting on what I saw of this beta weekend and on what other players are saying.


The gameplay I've seen so far is enough for me to form an opinion, weather I was the one behind the keyboard or not.


I hate to break it to you, but basing your opinion on other peoples' opinions is extremely ignorant. Think for yourself. This goes for almost anything reasonable in life, not just video games.

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after GW2 fails horribly, all that will be left is SWTOR, face it people, this is the best mmo out now and forever.


hows them warzone queues lookin? i bet they'll never pop the day gw2 comes out


so i wouldnt really say gw2 is going to fail.even if it does,its not exactly a pay to play mmo.so who really cares


the only reason gw2 interests me so much is because the pvp actually looks good.not complete **** like swtor and wow

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I'm staying right here, and I'll probably be here for the long haul.


SW:TOR has something, that no other MMO has ever done. It's made me care about my character, it's made me get attached to companions, and even quest givers.....for once, in an MMO, I FEEL something, and it keeps me hooked.


Yes, for once, I'm not playing for loot, I don't care about gear rankings or any of that...no....this time it's all about the story, and my choices within that story.


I'm in my own Star Wars Movie, and it's fantastic, not to mention the people that I sometimes talk to on fleet or in planets. We all seem to share the same love for what this game is, and what it can offer gamers with our interests. it's just so nice to have a game with so much care, and love, being given to the journey...instead of the endgame. It's such a breath of fresh air....


Is GW2 a bad game? Most likely not., and if you enjoy it, good for you.


However here i am, and here I'll stay. I have to know what happens in Chapter Four. :jawa_angel:

Edited by JediElf
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i dont really think gw2 being "new and innovative"is going to be what sells gw2 anyway.i think the majority are just gonna buy it cuz of no sub fee


THIS guy knows what's up!


Instead of trying to sell me all the "new" features that Anet supposedly "invented" in their new "revolutionary" game, they should just say "Hey, no sub fee!" because seriously, that may be the most attractive feature of the whole game.

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I have played the beta, and i agree with that. GW2 is literally a copy and paste of warhammer online, Even the contribution system on the dynamics events looks like the same system of warhammer. And the worst thing about this is that people really believe that Gw2 is new and innovative.


I've not read a single post in this threat claiming Dynamic Quests are new and innovative. I have read a lot of posts from others saying they like the system. It is possible to like something that is not new or innovative. The proof? well we all like SWTOR and it wasn't really that innovative besides the voice acting... which again wasn't really innovative just a port over from Biowares single player RPGs.


I like the dynamic quest system for many reasons but not because it's an orginal thought exlusive to GW2.

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THIS guy knows what's up!


Instead of trying to sell me all the "new" features that Anet supposedly "invented" in their new "revolutionary" game, they should just say "Hey, no sub fee!" because seriously, that may be the most attractive feature of the whole game.

People talk about WvW as if it is the second coming. Watch within a MONTH of release that people will QQ how old and stale it gets.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Yeah, you better stick with your lightsaber n Forcey game.


I agree, weather a game is sci fi or baord n sword has no bearing at all on how good the game is, what matters are the mechanics and features of the game, the theme is just the paint job.

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People talk about WvW as if it is the second coming. After release watch within a MONTH of release that people will QQ how old and stale it gets.


i dont know,im just seeing if gw2 lives up to its hype.if it does,and the dodge system they got goin on isnt as bad as im thinkin.then im probably gonna end up quitting swtor


i guess it depends on how the pve content is,cuz all i ever do is pvp in swtor and its a waste of time cuz the pvp in this game is a joke like wow

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hows them warzone queues lookin? i bet they'll never pop the day gw2 comes out


so i wouldnt really say gw2 is going to fail.even if it does,its not exactly a pay to play mmo.so who really cares


the only reason gw2 interests me so much is because the pvp actually looks good.not complete **** like swtor and wow


i dont think youve read the OP, GW2 SUCKS. its copy and paste of WAR, and WAR failed. and guess what? the day GW2 launches, swtor wont even be the same game anymore, they are changing and adding new things on a monthly/ bi weekly basis because EA actually has the money to fund those dramatic changes. since launch, in 6 months weve gotten 2 new operations, a warzone, a world event ETC. all for free.


swtor will be light years (no pun intended) ahead of GW2 BY THE TIME gw2 launches.


hahahahaha, go play the beta for gw2, you'll see, gw2 is a failure in the making, i think its so funny actually, i mean seriously, its so gimmicky looking. and pvp is such a non significant portion of players.


i dont think any game developer should take pvpers seriously. why? because they are the first to complain and the first to leave and the hardest to please. you guys have the attention span of a gnat and if its not perfect right off the bat, you leave.


so GW2 WILL fail because its appealing mostly to pvpers, which will whine and complain and ultimately come back to swtor.


face it, swtor is the last man standing, this is it folks, you can either stick with swtor and be on the cutting edge, or follow some false hope into the oblivion that is GW2.

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I'm staying right here, and I'll probably be here for the long haul.


SW:TOR has something, that no other MMO has ever done. It's made me care about my character, it's made me get attached to companions, and even quest givers.....for once, in an MMO, I FEEL something, and it keeps me hooked.


Yes, for once, I'm not playing for loot, I don't care about gear rankings or any of that...no....this time it's all about the story, and my choices within that story.


I'm in my own Star Wars Movie, and it's fantastic, not to mention the people that I sometimes talk to on fleet or in planets. We all seem to share the same love for what this game is, and what it can offer gamers with our interests. it's just so nice to have a game with so much care, and love, being given to the journey...instead of the endgame. It's such a breath of fresh air....


Is GW2 a bad game? Most likely not., and if you enjoy it, good for you.


However here i am, and here I'll stay. I have to know what happens in Chapter Four. :jawa_angel:


Affection Gain: +120

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And you are playing this game because...?


because pokemon and pandas are for little kids.so wow is pretty much dead to me


regardless,if you wanna know my honest opinion.i dont feel like going back to wow,and free mmos? they have a worse community then swtor so id rather stick with this


i was thinkin about playin both swtor and gw2 and just doing world pvp cuz arenanet doesnt fail at that aspect of an mmo.but apparently they dont actually have open world pvp in gw2

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