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guardians.. how is this not brought up more.


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Let me start by saying i have 1100 expertise. so i am not terribly geared.


This is a log from a guardian dps speced. not only does this play have 4 defensive cd's that make him basically un-killable his sustained damage is un-***********-real.


I have edited out some of the verbossness of the combat log. all the important information remains.


[16:00:03.347] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Force Charge] [ApplyEffect : Damage] (1363* energy (1363 absorbed)) <1022>

It is probably worth mentioning that this ability also roots your for 2 seconds. So you just get to sit there and get roflstomped if your cure is on cd.


[16:00:04.805] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [impale] [ApplyEffect: Damage ] (3186* energy) <3186>

Another instant cast.


[16:00:06.004] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Force Scream ] [ApplyEffect : Damage] (2732* kinetic) <2732>

This ability gives bane a 4k dmg bubble. instant cast.


[16:00:07.858] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Vicious Throw] [ApplyEffect: Damage] (4545* energy) <4545>

THIS ability is usable every 5 seconds instant cast. 1100 expertise = -20.02% dmg reduction. meaning with 0 expertise this ability hits instant cast for 4545*1.2002=5454.909 every


I am probably going to get some learn to play submissions off of posting this. I think you can ask anyone who pvp's with me i know how to play a sage. but the fact that a good guardian can almost 100% to 0 me before i can ever get the chance to cast a single spell is silly.


This is what normally happens and it is a assuming i don't have trinket available as the thing has a 2 minute cd.


Force charge Immobile for 2 seconds. Use cure and sprint to get the **** away. 1200-2000 dmg pending crit

Force choke so much for sprinting away. 700 dmg a tick @ 3 ticks

Force Push knocked down for 1.5 seconds. not sure if this had damage associated i do not believe it does.

Force charge Immobile for 2 seconds Cure is on CD and he is ravaging me for 3k a tick. 1200-2000 dmg pending crit

Force scream now my dots are getting absorbed anyways. 3000 dmg


Total damage received when he only uses cc type abilities is 8600 damage. oh and he is also un-cc-able during this time thanks to his rage cd or whatever it is.


Given the new reduced health pools on war hero and battle master gear that is over 1/2 my hp and he hasn't only used 1 real damaging ability the rest are shortly coming.


I think it is good to mention that the only ability he has used on me that builds resolve is force choke. so even though at this point i have been cc'd for about 5.5 seconds my resolve bar isn't even reading 1/2 way.

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but how do we know there in game numbers, the logs are faked or at least modified heavily how can we trust the numbers are real?.


I play a guardian in full BM gear, and if I wanted to get numbers like that I am popping my relic and hitting a quest gear lvl 50 not someone with 1100 expertise

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[16:00:03.347] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Force Charge] [ApplyEffect : Damage] (1363* energy (1363 absorbed)) <1022>

It is probably worth mentioning that this ability also roots your for 2 seconds. So you just get to sit there and get roflstomped if your cure is on cd.


[16:00:04.805] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [impale] [ApplyEffect: Damage ] (3186* energy) <3186>

Another instant cast.


[16:00:06.004] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Force Scream ] [ApplyEffect : Damage] (2732* kinetic) <2732>

This ability gives bane a 4k dmg bubble. instant cast.


[16:00:07.858] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Vicious Throw] [ApplyEffect: Damage] (4545* energy) <4545>

THIS ability is usable every 5 seconds instant cast. 1100 expertise = -20.02% dmg reduction. meaning with 0 expertise this ability hits instant cast for 4545*1.2002=5454.909 every


No Smash/Force Sweep? What is this madness?!

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Vengeance Juggernauts are very strong and hit very hard with solid survivability. My server has had 2-3 that just sit in tank stance and dps and can get 300k+ damage and 100k+ protection in a lengthy warzone, easily. Of course, these guys always play with a 4-6 man premade so that may skew the numbers. Edited by Anbokr
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You only have 10k HP?

What class are you playing that you have 1100 expertise?


But yes, Juggs/Guardians are too strong vs light armor enemies.

But they suck a loft more vs armored enemies.

Edited by Zocat
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mother of god.. look at that sig.. you sir could be curing world hunger with the apparent free time you have.


You do realize if you have friends and spacebar the story crap -- yes, we get it... it's time to see what a sith can do -- the content in this game is laughably minimal, right? I work 40 hours a week and get paid to read game forums at work and play for a few hours each night; for the record I am far too much of a bastard to care about world hunger or curing it.

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Let me start by saying i have 1100 expertise. so i am not terribly geared.


[16:00:03.347] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Force Charge] [ApplyEffect : Damage] (1363* energy (1363 absorbed)) <1022>

It is probably worth mentioning that this ability also roots your for 2 seconds. So you just get to sit there and get roflstomped if your cure is on cd.


[16:00:04.805] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [impale] [ApplyEffect: Damage ] (3186* energy) <3186>

Another instant cast.


[16:00:06.004] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Force Scream ] [ApplyEffect : Damage] (2732* kinetic) <2732>

This ability gives bane a 4k dmg bubble. instant cast.


[16:00:07.858] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Vicious Throw] [ApplyEffect: Damage] (4545* energy) <4545>

THIS ability is usable every 5 seconds instant cast. 1100 expertise = -20.02% dmg reduction. meaning with 0 expertise this ability hits instant cast for 4545*1.2002=5454.909 every


I am probably going to get some learn to play submissions off of posting this. I think you can ask anyone who pvp's with me i know how to play a sage. but the fact that a good guardian can almost 100% to 0 me before i can ever get the chance to cast a single spell is silly.


To make my 10k HP comment a bit more clear:

Viscious Throw is only usable against targets below 30%.

You claim that the guardian takes you down from 100 to 0.

So we have to assume that you're at 100% at the start of the damage abilities.

The guardian does force leap, impale, force scream:

1363 + 3186 + 2732 = 7281 dmg


After this he is able to use Viscious Throw that means 7281 is enough to take you from 100% to 30% (or 7281 is 70% of your life). Easy math: 7281 / 0.7 = 10401


You have at most 3120 hp left which is enough to kill you with the 4545 dispatch... aeh viscious throw (but you were talking about guardians...)


So again:

What class are you playing, what gear are you wearing that you only have 10401 HP while still running around with 1100 expertise?

Edited by Zocat
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Vicious Throw only under 30% and has 6sec cd (http://www.torhead.com/ability/fz6R1xj/vicious-throw)

all hits where crits



[16:00:06.004] [@ Guardian] [@Me] [Force Scream ] [ApplyEffect : Damage] (2732* kinetic) <2732>

This ability gives bane a 4k dmg bubble. instant cast. "


no it does not if you have impale(http://www.torhead.com/ability/hzn1xsa/impale)

you will not have sonic-barrier normal (http://www.torhead.com/ability/a074iXB/sonic-barrier)

since its kinda deep in the tank tree

-Sonic Barrier absorbs ~700 damage

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