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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which companions would be friends?


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Somehow, if I envisage a great big companion party, I can't help but imagine the scene late on, when the player character goes into the kitchen, stepping over various catatonically drunk soldier-type companions, trying to ignore Talos' singing, and finds Khem Val and Risha nattering in the kitchen, both slightly the worse for drink, talking philosophy and trying to make the perfect toasted cheese sandwich.


This is quality... I'd love to see it happen :D

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I'd want to keep Fourex well away from impressionable little T7. Fourex is a complete whackjob. But he's just so enthusiastic about wanting to blow things up, it's hard not to like him.


Actually, I could readily imagine Fourex talking T7 and a drunken Blizz into a nighttime raid on Korriban. They all share a certain childlike energy and are really, REALLY HAPPY TO DO WHAT YOU ASK MASTER!


"We shall land just outside their sensor range. Blizz will create a diversion by short-circuiting the local planetary shields. I will eliminate the sentries, making certain they can no longer perform their fiendish duties to the detriment of freedom-loving civilians everywhere. Meanwhile T7 will slice into and download the Dark Council's latest plans."

"T7 = ready to go."





Kaliyo would seduce then dispose of Lt. Pierce.


Elara Dorne would really, really hate Quinn. I'd pay money to watch her throw a drink in his face. Probably every other woman present, with the possible exception of Ensign Temple, would cheer.


Yuun and Vector would get hammered on membrosia then talk about comparative xenopsychology.


Khem and Qyzen would be grumpy wallflowers, nursing drinks and not talking to anyone else. Unless it's Khem with his live-in plus one (trying to avoid spoilers), at which point, yeah, toasted cheese sandwiches.

Edited by Aloro
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Elara Dorne would really, really hate Quinn. I'd pay money to watch her throw a drink in his face. Probably every other woman present, with the possible exception of Ensign Temple, would cheer.


Correction: Everyone would cheer.


I could see DS Jaesa using some idiotic line to come on to Lord Scourge, and him taking one look at her, rolling his eyes, and walking away.

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Oh, I totally would. I married Quinn and I would still laugh my head off if Elara gave him a faceful of chilled bourbon. Because really, one way or another, he has it coming.


as if he had the nerve to approach a female in any way

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as if he had the nerve to approach a female in any way


Elara's a deserter. This isn't a matter of femaleness, it's a matter of DUTY. Could Quinn really resist at least a significant glare and muttered dig while he's walking by?


I bet Kaliyo, if she isn't busy seducing and/or killing everyone in sight, might make a job pitch to any attractive-looking possible recruit who'll listen. "So get this. These Imperial guys pay me to misuse heavy weaponry and have the time of my life on every planet you can name...hey, you. Kitten. Can I call you Kitten? Nice cannon, by the way. I'm telling ya, you can blow away a lot more targets with a lot less paperwork if you come work for us."

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jorgan and torian doing..drunk men show-off stunts. you know, the kind that often end up with bodily dammage, hospital bills, destroyed brain cells, pain, and videos on youtube.


It's because they're so low-key normally those two. It's always the quiet ones.....

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It's because they're so low-key normally those two. It's always the quiet ones.....


nah, torian, being a mando, has to prove his mojo, and jorgan has hinted he can go crazy with the boys when off duity.

now i wonder what type of drunk everyone would be/would be funny being

skadge being the emotional rollercoaster-crying drunk. all those childhood abuse stories, and how he just wanted to be loved.

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Elara's a deserter. This isn't a matter of femaleness, it's a matter of DUTY. Could Quinn really resist at least a significant glare and muttered dig while he's walking by?


I bet Kaliyo, if she isn't busy seducing and/or killing everyone in sight, might make a job pitch to any attractive-looking possible recruit who'll listen. "So get this. These Imperial guys pay me to misuse heavy weaponry and have the time of my life on every planet you can name...hey, you. Kitten. Can I call you Kitten? Nice cannon, by the way. I'm telling ya, you can blow away a lot more targets with a lot less paperwork if you come work for us."


if kaliyo managed to get jorgan on my agent's team..i;d forever stop hating her ;)

but then vector might stop tollerating her...

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Ok, I started preliminary sketches for a bunch of companions at a bar together. Highlights include drunken singing, plans for a girls' night out, and a barfight. I blame you all for this.



Can't wait to see this! Drunken singing...girls night out - but mainly I would love to see the barfight! I would pay good money to see that! :D


@Crezelle - the thought of a drunken Skadge truly scares me, especially if you are right and he *is* one of those crying, emotional types. Shudders!

Edited by Taalbert
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jorgan and torian doing..drunk men show-off stunts. you know, the kind that often end up with bodily dammage, hospital bills, destroyed brain cells, pain, and videos on youtube.


Now that I'd pay to see. :D

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nah, torian, being a mando, has to prove his mojo, and jorgan has hinted he can go crazy with the boys when off duity.

now i wonder what type of drunk everyone would be/would be funny being

skadge being the emotional rollercoaster-crying drunk. all those childhood abuse stories, and how he just wanted to be loved.


Even more of a reason to let us Kill Skadge!!!! :p

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nah, torian, being a mando, has to prove his mojo, and jorgan has hinted he can go crazy with the boys when off duity.

now i wonder what type of drunk everyone would be/would be funny being

skadge being the emotional rollercoaster-crying drunk. all those childhood abuse stories, and how he just wanted to be loved.


We already know Corso is a friendly drunk (from the Simpler Life companion conversation mission).


Vette would either be a melancholy drunk or even more exuberant, if possible.


I like the suggestion of Malavai as happy drunk that someone gave with the singing.


Risha would be a lovey drunk.


Jorgan would seem completely unaffected until he fell off his stool and passed out on the floor without saying a word.


Mako would be a very giggly drunk.

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We already know Corso is a friendly drunk (from the Simpler Life companion conversation mission).


Vette would either be a melancholy drunk or even more exuberant, if possible.


I like the suggestion of Malavai as happy drunk that someone gave with the singing.


Risha would be a lovey drunk.


Jorgan would seem completely unaffected until he fell off his stool and passed out on the floor without saying a word.


Mako would be a very giggly drunk.


i can picture akavi like that scene with tali drunk from ME3,

emergency induction port.

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Risha would be that girl that runs around at a party hugging everyone and telling them what great friends they are, even though they only met 5 minutes ago.


Sadly, I have been that girl.

Edited by elliotcat
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Risha would be that girl that runs around at a party hugging everyone and telling them what great friends they are, even though they only met 5 minutes ago.


Sadly, I have been that girl.


i'm the " no, listen to ME" blabbermouth drunk XD


vector...prolly just sit there and go on about how the song of the universe is suddenly off-key, or becomes a letcher drunk ( all you femagents have seen where his hands go when its smoochy time >:3 )


i can picture bowwy, blasted off his mind, swinging from a chandelier.


blizz getting a face full of metal fist as he tries to get his drunk paws all over scorpio

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Risha would be that girl that runs around at a party hugging everyone and telling them what great friends they are, even though they only met 5 minutes ago.


Sadly, I have been that girl.


I have a friend who's like that. Except she asks to fistfight after she hugs you.

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