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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which companions would be friends?


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Pretty sure she'd be one of the drunk chicks. She sent me out to do all this work on Nar Shaddaa while she went and got drunk with her girlfriends. I thought I was your friend, Risha! Why can't we have a ladies' night?!


the ****! even kaliyo took my agent out for girl's nights out :mad:

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the ****! even kaliyo took my agent out for girl's nights out :mad:


I know! I was so disappointed. Risha will talk to me about shoes and drinking but no fun Sex and the City In Space nights out together. I wanna be her BFF, since clearly Akaavi will not.

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I know! I was so disappointed. Risha will talk to me about shoes and drinking but no fun Sex and the City In Space nights out together. I wanna be her BFF, since clearly Akaavi will not.


ugh.... at least my agent has kaliyo for having... more crude forms of fun that i can't see vector being into ( he would probably be an akward drunksitter)

i think bowdaar would be a better wingman for barhopping, as risha is known to use holocams to blackmail.

and dude.... cruising around in a hoverlimo, windows down, screaming random things at passers by, with a wasted wookie standing out of the sunroof, waving his arms around and roaring... awww yeah


i could totally see vette and corso being a good coupple tho, old fasioned, he gets to be the prince to save a damsel in distress from a life of slavery, her peppyness keeping him on his toes...

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ugh.... at least my agent has kaliyo for having... more crude forms of fun that i can't see vector being into ( he would probably be an akward drunksitter)

i think bowdaar would be a better wingman for barhopping, as risha is known to use holocams to blackmail.

and dude.... cruising around in a hoverlimo, windows down, screaming random things at passers by, with a wasted wookie standing out of the sunroof, waving his arms around and roaring... awww yeah


i could totally see vette and corso being a good coupple tho, old fasioned, he gets to be the prince to save a damsel in distress from a life of slavery, her peppyness keeping him on his toes...


omg. That mental image is hilarious!


I would want Vette in my SATC girls group. She can be our Charlotte! She can't get with Corso though. F that, I'm not sharing.

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omg. That mental image is hilarious!


I would want Vette in my SATC girls group. She can be our Charlotte! She can't get with Corso though. F that, I'm not sharing.


it's ok. my bf named his femsniper after his cat. i told him theres no fin way i'm sharing vector with his cat.


hmm... a pub prowl group eh... blizz for entertainment and cuteness, 2v for the designated driver/drunksitter ( voicebox removed) kaliyo of course for the trip planner. temple as the wingman. vette and mako too. prolly not risha..i dun trust her lol. definately wouldnt bring ether form of jaesa.

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I just have this image of the group at a bar. Tanno and Gault and a few others are off playing poker...you know Gault's going to walk away with most of it unless Tanno catches him cheating. Jorgan is playing pool with Corso and Torian (and most likely kicking the boys' behinds). Mako and Vette and a few of the other girls are dancing with Blizz. Meanwhile my bh, trooper, and smuggler are sitting at the bar sharing war stories and laughing at their crews.
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I just have this image of the group at a bar. Tanno and Gault and a few others are off playing poker...you know Gault's going to walk away with most of it unless Tanno catches him cheating. Jorgan is playing pool with Corso and Torian (and most likely kicking the boys' behinds). Mako and Vette and a few of the other girls are dancing with Blizz. Meanwhile my bh, trooper, and smuggler are sitting at the bar sharing war stories and laughing at their crews.


I think Blizz would just sit at the bar drinking until a brawl broke out, and then he'd dive in yelling "Uteeni!!!"


Mako, Vette, and Ashara I can see having a girls night out. Mako and Vette know Nar Shadda, but Ashara doesn't, so she's probably end up drunk and tattooed by the end of the night.


This is such a good concept. SWTOR should make a commerical with all the companions like the "For Michael" commercial the PS3 did.

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I just have this image of the group at a bar. Tanno and Gault and a few others are off playing poker...you know Gault's going to walk away with most of it unless Tanno catches him cheating. Jorgan is playing pool with Corso and Torian (and most likely kicking the boys' behinds). Mako and Vette and a few of the other girls are dancing with Blizz. Meanwhile my bh, trooper, and smuggler are sitting at the bar sharing war stories and laughing at their crews.


lokin would be chatting with the older, dignified bartender, having something with a vintage. kaliyo in the back alley playing hit for hit with skadge. my second gen femtoons comparing thier men, with said men being indignant about it.

blizz being used for dwarf tossing.

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hmm... if i held a family reunuion that ended up as a kegger....


" wierd bug-man say strange things to blizz, but magic smoke makes it easy for blizz to understand! Blizz can hear universe song too now!!"


You win the internet today for that one.

Edited by Rikalonius
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When I imagine companions meeting each other, I somehow picture Corso, Jorgan and Doc in a cantina in Nar Shadaa, while Doc tells the others the following joke: "So a pirate, a Mandalorian, and an Imperial Officer walk into a bar..."


...Of course, Andronikos, Torian and Quinn are at the same bar, within hearing distance. XP


Then there's an epic shootout, which mysteriously ends up with everyone passed out at the golden Hutt fountain, either naked or wearing each other's uniforms... (What happens in Nar Shadaa stays in Nar Shadaa, right?)

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Then there's an epic shootout, which mysteriously ends up with everyone passed out at the golden Hutt fountain, either naked or wearing each other's uniforms... (What happens in Nar Shadaa stays in Nar Shadaa, right?)


with my brain dammaged operative chiss splashing around the gold water in slave gear, and her merc and scoundrel daughters drawing all over everyone with sharpies, or posing all the passed out comps so they wake up in very embarrasing positions ( imagine quinn waking up to find himself naked, spooned between pierce and broonmark)

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lokin would be chatting with the older, dignified bartender, having something with a vintage. kaliyo in the back alley playing hit for hit with skadge. my second gen femtoons comparing thier men, with said men being indignant about it.

blizz being used for dwarf tossing.


Kaliyo and Skadge - love it! I think we could put Elara at the bar as well, I have a feeling she'd enjoy a fine vintage.

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Risha and Vette grew up a bit together when Nok Drayen freed Vette from slavery. She thinks of Risha as her other big sister.


Doc and Kaliyo have a history, and I think they may just sneak off someplace together after grabbing Elara to join the party.


I could see T7 being chased around by Blizz who would be trying to take T7 apart to see how he works.


Skadge would walk up to DS Jaesa and get a Face Full of Force Lightning (We can only hope).


Quinn would disappear for a while with C2-N2. They would reappear after a while and C2 would be strangely silent...


Kira and Ashara would become sisters.


Nadia and Vector would hit it off, and he would show her how "joining" really works. ;)


Scourge would impart some words of wisdom for Xalek.


SCORPIO and 2V-R8 would also disappear for a while together. He would return talking differently and with a strange smile on his face.

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Ok, I started preliminary sketches for a bunch of companions at a bar together. Highlights include drunken singing, plans for a girls' night out, and a barfight. I blame you all for this.


Ahaha, I can't wait. Who knows, I might do the same :D.


I somehow imagine Andronikos 'monitoring' Vette or Mako while talking about his pirate life to impress them :D.

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