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lame, just lame!


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So you enter the NC or alder WZ and start the match and immediately as soon as 1 team has 2 points captured the other team just gives up completely and stacks on the one they have and collect defender points.


I understand possibly doing this on alder once you get to a point you need a 3 cap to win but as soon as 1 team has 2? ***, really?


NC can go back and forth with some effort but giving up as soon as a team gets 2, again really?


I know that the no reward thing for losses didn't go well (yes I didn't care for it) but this is just getting way out of hand. Happens more in 10-49 but is spreading to 50 bracket fast.

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I hate to say this but its probably because most of the real pvpers are long gone :/ or youre having a run of bad luck.


It isn't all the time, less frequent in the 50 bracket and more common in 10- 49.

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I hate to say this but its probably because most of the real pvpers are long gone :/ or youre having a run of bad luck.


They're gone, which means we can no longer outclass the better geared faction. The die-hards, RPers, and raiders are left. Suffice to say, they don't care much about PvP -- only the goodies they get after participating.

Edited by TurokDarkstar
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Face it, you are a PVPer, you are a second class citizen. Bioware doesn't care about your experience, they are not putting the priority on fixing PVP at all. You might as well suck it up and take what you can because it isn't getting better any time soon.
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Face it, you are a PVPer, you are a second class citizen. Bioware doesn't care about your experience, they are not putting the priority on fixing PVP at all. You might as well suck it up and take what you can because it isn't getting better any time soon.


Bioware is supposed to fix "lame" players? :confused:





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i agree its not as fun as having to go all the way thru the Voidstar which allows for a chance at least


now with it currently it may be faster but its not alot of fun there


You dont even get that. Void star has more bugs and exploits gong, I hardly finish a full run anymore.

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Face it, you are a PVPer, you are a second class citizen. Bioware doesn't care about your experience, they are not putting the priority on fixing PVP at all. You might as well suck it up and take what you can because it isn't getting better any time soon.


Sees post.... Looks at familiar feedback what a pvper is....realises this was seen 10 minutes ago.


Adds another mark on the "people to camp" list.

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Must just be on your server, OP. On the 2 servers I play on, both 10-49 and 50 brackets fight it out and try to retake the node up until the end.


Must be, who knows it's just what i'm seeing.

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Depends on the group. I've been in plenty of "fight to the death" groups, which is very cool. I've also been in my share of "why am I the only guy here trying to take this" groups as well. Its just like the que, what and who am I going to get.
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