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Novarre Coast - too much flat terrain = no skill zerg


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You would think that after huttball, the devs would make more interesting maps with multiple levels, instead we got this map that basically resembles ilum.. Come on, could you put some buildings and some interesting terrain to make room for more tactics?
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are you kidding? Novarre coast is super unflat. Theres cliffs and hills at each of the 3 bunkers. and on top of that, all the shrapnel to LoS behind? If you think it's flat then check again next time. just push somebody back. If it's downhill, you just capped the node.
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Novarre coast is super unflat.


My thoughts exactly.


If this is flat, then Alderaan Civil War is flat and in a straight line leaving no player choice whatsoever.


The only way I see this one improving is if there would be more objectives and more players. Maybe 5 objectives and 12 players per team, and ofcourse a larger map to go with that. And ofcourse if you make bigger maps there's room for more height differences.


But adding more levels to a map like this (mostly looking at size) would not be beneficial.

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I love Novrare because it resembles Ilum, that is open world pvp.


Huttball is a fun, innovative, highly unbalanced warzone, where consulars / inquisitors are busted powerful.


Hutball favors classes in different way. Some classes have the easy leap up the catwalks while others have to **** with the fans and/or run around the long ways. Some classes have a pull back ability to snare the runner back down etc etc..


The overall design of that WZ is hideous IMO. It reminds me of smear the **** we used to play as kids.

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