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Everyone talks about how bad our story is...


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Yet, I really enjoy it.


I mean really do.


My Shadow is 48, almost 49 - so it's not over yet - but I've enjoyed every minute of it.


I like the companions; they're a good mix of good(Iresso), bad(Zenith) and ugly(Qyzen).


I mean, it's almost as if all the companions we get are able to guide us on whatever path, light or dark.


The story - sure, it starts off slow with the "YOU MUST HEAL PEOPLE", but



It really takes off when you get into meeting with all the Children of the Emperor, the Rift Alliance stuff. The twist with Syo at the end as the First Son really took me by surprise.



So I don't understand how people can say "omg the jc story sucks". Sure, it's not as bathed in treachery as the Sith Warrior/Inquisitor stories, but to me it's a perfect mix of action, sadness, building trust, conflict and resolution.

Edited by Quirnheim
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For me the problem is about pacing. In the beginning, you had something like two conversations with Yuon before she fell ill and then you had to rush off to save her. Those short conversations did nothing to make me want to save her. And then, you go around sacrificing yourself to heal these masters and almost every time they are all, "I can't remember, you saved me, blah blah blah." Nothing happened at all. No actual progression of the story. Same story, different planet. The side quests were actually much more engaging than the main story and it should be the other way around.
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I like the JC story a lot as well.


My only complaint, after playing my knight alt, is that the story for the knight was a little less predictable and had me on the edge of my seat more. However, I like the JC story overall more - the things we get to do and the choices we make.


I also <3 Qyzen!!!!!

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The only thing I didn't like about the Consular story was

having all those annoying diplomats on my ship!



I also really like Qyzen, he's my second favorite companion out of all the ones I've experienced so far.

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Qyzen has a weird way of speaking... but he's a lizard after all.

Eeeeww...skin molting...gross!!



The story itself isnt so bad.

I like it too.

It's very much what being a Jedi is.

Having to be diplomatic and get together different people to save the galaxy.

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I didnt like the story at all. So far it's the worst I played in SWTOR.



Act I : You heal people and are supposed to loose vitality, or whatever, until you die. But it doesn't matter AT ALL, you can be full LS, people say "you looks weak !" but that's all. No penalty, or some weakness effect during storyline/act1 endfight. Then, the council doesns't seems to care to send you, all alone, and not yet a master or whatever, to almost suicide yourself saving others masters (also, they are supposed to be more powerful than you)...

Act 2 : the traitor was SO obvioius, I knew it once they mentioned there was maybe a traitor aboard. Overplayed much ?

Act 3 : same as above. No kidding syo is the traitor ? It was either him, satele, the 3rd master who appear sometimes during breifing or Yuon Par. Satele is far too important for swtor lore, the 3rd master, well it could have been him, but nobody care. Yuon Par ? She just disapear once act 1 is done. Nobody seems to care.

Ending : so, I can be or not, part of the council, but it doesn't matter. I can choose who is gonna represent the rift alliance, but I never really discuss to the 3 peoples, not because I didn't want to, but because I wasn't able to. We are not emotionaly engaged enough to care about this choice. Also, I can save or kill syo, but it doesn't matter, except for a mail.


The story is supposed to be about diplomacy, and stuff a consular would do. Sounds cool. And yet you spend more time liberating planets than truly be diplomat. Where are my conversation with the rift alliance members ? My treaties ? No. I come to balmorra, save the planet, win droids army. I go to belsavis, free the esh ka, and win an army. Go to Voss, help a choosen to fight his way through the trial, and win Voss commandos. A diplomacy is a fight. In words. Not in weapons.


Companions :

Qyzen just think about hunting. Nothing else. Except Yuon Par in the beginning, and I start to think he just want to hunt her when she'll get better.

Iresso is the random trooper with issues.

Zenith is a paranoid. And a sociopath. Nothing else.

Tharan is boring, and have a boring voice. Oh looks my ego ! I need help to show my ego to the galaxy ! Holiday is awesome. Unfortunately she dont have a large part in the story.

Nadia is cool, but having your padawan around lvl 46-47 is far too late. The JK padawan is part of the story, ours, well, she just follow around. Just like any others companions. Where is the "padawan" feel ?



Edited by Ellvaan
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I thought the first act was the worst Act one in all 8 storys.

Hey even though you were a padawan 5 minutes ago,go to *****' and fight a crazy Jedi Master by yourself,you'll be fine don't worry! x4

Oh yeah you can 'sacrifice' yourself to save them or kill them,it really DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE.


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I just love the whole "Hey padawan, I'm a Jedi master but I need you to run a kill some X for me and save Y for me"

I always feel like if it's so important, why isn't the level 50+ Master doing it?

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I've played up to the mid boss of act 1, and while it doesn't grip me as much as the other stories, it isn't really that bad. My biggest gripe with it is the first companions you get.



Qyzen Fess: Seriously? This guy is a hunter, I can't think of any reason whatsoever he should be with me. He'd be better for a bounty hunter (lots of kills!) or a sith (sort of an expy of having a BH on your payrole) but for a consular, he sucks. To get affection with him, I have to be arrogant and spoiling for a fight, two traits that do not fit well in a LS consular. About the only times redeeming feature was his loyalty to my master.


Tharan: This guy, for some reason, makes me think of Doc, but without the same level of wit. Holiday is a plus (She likes my robes :D) but in all honesty, the guy feels tacked on like Qyzen. A computer expert with a thirst for adventure sounds like he'd be better for the smuggler's storyline, than mine. Hating force persuade and 'jedi mystic nonsense'... seriously? Then why'd you join up with a CONSULAR, for crying out loud?



Apart from that, I found the story okay... maybe not as good as the other storylines, but it's okay...

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I'm enjoying it, just finished chapter one. I like the mysticism and historical slant, the dark secrets and haunting past, etc. It had some pacing issues (dragged towards the end, could have had one less master and an additional story beat to replace him or her instead) but still good.
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I've played up to the mid boss of act 1, and while it doesn't grip me as much as the other stories, it isn't really that bad. My biggest gripe with it is the first companions you get.



Qyzen Fess: Seriously? This guy is a hunter, I can't think of any reason whatsoever he should be with me. He'd be better for a bounty hunter (lots of kills!) or a sith (sort of an expy of having a BH on your payrole) but for a consular, he sucks. To get affection with him, I have to be arrogant and spoiling for a fight, two traits that do not fit well in a LS consular. About the only times redeeming feature was his loyalty to my master.


Tharan: This guy, for some reason, makes me think of Doc, but without the same level of wit. Holiday is a plus (She likes my robes :D) but in all honesty, the guy feels tacked on like Qyzen. A computer expert with a thirst for adventure sounds like he'd be better for the smuggler's storyline, than mine. Hating force persuade and 'jedi mystic nonsense'... seriously? Then why'd you join up with a CONSULAR, for crying out loud?



Apart from that, I found the story okay... maybe not as good as the other storylines, but it's okay...


My problem with that companion was that the race in general is hackneyed and his personality a jumble of cliches. It also didn't help that I felt like I was running around with a monster with an uninspired design. But your second companion? So, so awesome. Even if he is kind of a bunghole at times.

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