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Make Everyone A "Cyborg"


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I agree, cyborg should have been customization options available too all of the races.



I also think it would be quite neat if this could be continued upon. Add in some sort of advanced customization option where you can further customize your character with additional scars. I'd originally wanted to start my sith out as a regular looking fellow, and as he aged and became more corrupted, remove his hair and scar the living crap out of him, but you're very limited in scar choices. I'd like to be able to pick 3 of them.


Another great addition would be replacement of limbs. The option of progressing and replacing a limb with a droid limb would be a great customization option and has been a large part of Star Wars. Luke and Anakin both received new hands.


The animations would be untouched, it'd just be the options of replacing portions of models with droid parts. Arms, legs, even bottom half. It could be purely cosmetic of they could even add a gearing option in that changing out limbs for droid parts would mean that the associated gear slot would then also then take droid parts.


Lots of droid parts for customization options. Perhaps they could even add in options to go the way of Vader and Grievous and have a very large percentage of your body replaced.

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It could be introduced as a aspect of the legacy unlock when you get a human cyborg to level 50.


So get a cyborg to level 50, and then the other races get extra cosmetic options on creation that apply cyborg implant details.


Only downside to this route is that people who want a Chiss or Twi'lek for character personality/story reasons but want some cybernetic features to the character, would be forced to either play through the game with a cyborg they may have no interest in playing or feel they have to mindlessly grind legacy levels and purchase the unlock for xxxxx credits.

Edited by Tikigit
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Before i saw this post, i made one of my own. I really think this would be a good feature to add, but not through legacy or character creation. Have it be buyable items that you equip from your inventory. Nothing more, nothing less. Here's my other post.


"Great game BW, but why in the world would humans be the only race that's able to be cyborgs? Shouldn't we have cyborg Chiss, cyborg Sith PureBloods, cyborg Twileks, etc? At least let us buy Cybernetic Customization Packs or something for other races. Also, ADD CYBERNETIC LIMBS/PARTS OF LIMBS!!! Think of Anikin/Darth Vader. He's got two robotic forearms, and two robotic lower legs. It doesn't have to add any armor or skills, but could. I think that it should include ALL the cybernetic choices from ALL classes, with the addition of limbs. Maybe have a toggle for 'show cybernetics,' to toggle gear over limbs on or off. It could be an extension of the panel generically bound to 'C' or another panel. How does that sound? I'll post anything else if i think of it.




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Did you just say, "to be more realistic" everyone should be a cyborg? :rolleyes:




To be more realistic, everyone should be able to be a cyborg. Humans aren't the only ones who can lose a limb or two.


Meaning the Cyborg race option would be rendered completely redundant?


In a way, I guess it might be. Replacing the Cyborg class for cyborg customs would be better imo.

Edited by JGames
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