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Article - SWTOR: BioWare Reponds To Criticism, Server Merges Still Possible

'Everything on the table' as BioWare looks at ways to combat low server populations in Star Wars: The Old Republic.




They've also commented on server transfers, which I certainly prefer - and stated that they're actively working on it.


I have a level 50 inquisitor, a 40 gunslinger, and several others abandoned on dead servers (2 people on fleet... seriously).. for the most densely populated server I could find. I never even have a queue, but I finally am able to pug groups and experience content.. I'd rather queue to play and know I'll actually see another player, rather than play alone.


Yeah i do agree with him that merging servers during 1.2 would have been a problem because alot of people came back to check out 1.2 since they gave people who unsubbed a free week or weekend , but that only lasted a couple of days and winthin a week after 1.2 my old server went right back to where it was the day before 1.2.

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In summer we might not even need it. A lot of people whether college or grade school have tons of free time in the summer. Vacations etc there will be a ton more people online then. I think they are waiting so we dont see 2 hr queues come June.


i was always under the impression from past games that summer is actualy the slowest time for mmo's, sure kids are out of school but school doesnt stop them from playing games at peak time anyways. during the summer people are out doing things, not indoor playing video games. Thats why major mmos almost never release right before or during the summer time and im kind of surprised that gw2 is going to try it.

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i was always under the impression from past games that summer is actualy the slowest time for mmo's, sure kids are out of school but school doesnt stop them from playing games at peak time anyways. during the summer people are out doing things, not indoor playing video games. Thats why major mmos almost never release right before or during the summer time and im kind of surprised that gw2 is going to try it.
This is generally my experience as well.
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i was always under the impression from past games that summer is actualy the slowest time for mmo's, sure kids are out of school but school doesnt stop them from playing games at peak time anyways. during the summer people are out doing things, not indoor playing video games. Thats why major mmos almost never release right before or during the summer time and im kind of surprised that gw2 is going to try it.


Summer is when everything picks up. Kids out of school not having to go to bed early or get up late. Lots of adults with vacation time. College students normally are off for the summer months too. You really saying people playing this game would take a break go outside and do something they arent forced to do (work/school).

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once again


You will be paying to go to the server of your choice don't be fooled people. "Free" transfers will be limited to a list bioware will limit these transfers to. The fact that every sub isn't being offered free one time server transfer per character over xxlvl, is simply them telling me to cancel my subscription. The game is pretty damn good, dont get me wrong, but bioware must have thier head's up thier #*@, with GW2 and Diablo3 coming out it's gonna be very easy for those of us on the fence about staying and "dealing with" the server population issues to just cancel. Use your brain tho, it's called "spin" if you aren't media savy. By simply putting the word "free" out there in the article, that key word can be latched onto and argued by morons to divert the attention away from the subject matter, despite not arguing about what is actualy being given free.


Why would I be upset that I have to pay? After paying the box initial fee of 49.00 usd and then an additional fee of 14.95 usd per month since launch, I am then to pay an additional fee to continue playing the game on a server that I can actualy do flashpoints on an alt at current lvl or the heroic quests on any given planet at current lvl? So after paying once to aquire, and a monthly fee to continue to enjoy, i must then pay an additional fee to simply play said game as it was originaly sold to me as.....a massive multi player on line game....I say the better business buruea will have another case against bioware soon in addition to mass effect 3, bait and switch, false advertising, any smart lawyer will be able to make a name for themselves here

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i was always under the impression from past games that summer is actualy the slowest time for mmo's, sure kids are out of school but school doesnt stop them from playing games at peak time anyways. during the summer people are out doing things, not indoor playing video games. Thats why major mmos almost never release right before or during the summer time and im kind of surprised that gw2 is going to try it.


This was my experience, too. Though in theory kids have more time because class is out there are more things to distract them. I say this as a former GL on two different servers. We always had problems filling raid slots once summer vaca started.

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This was my experience, too. Though in theory kids have more time because class is out there are more things to distract them. I say this as a former GL on two different servers. We always had problems filling raid slots once summer vaca started.


So you had an easier time when people have work/school/etc than not? I mean do you think people leave for 5 months out of the year to go on vacation? Seriously every game has higher populations in the summer months.

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So you had an easier time when people have work/school/etc than not? I mean do you think people leave for 5 months out of the year to go on vacation? Seriously every game has higher populations in the summer months.


It was quite the phenomenon. School year start and guild attendance was at a high. The only time school really interfered was during semester finals and maybe spring break. Summer comes along a "bam" everyone is off doing something else.


It boiled down to what else was there to do on a cold, wintery night but do homework? Nah, play games... ;)

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So you had an easier time when people have work/school/etc than not? I mean do you think people leave for 5 months out of the year to go on vacation? Seriously every game has higher populations in the summer months.
I have to agree with Veluthurk, I've always had more difficulty running content during the summer. In WoW, City of Heroes, EQ2, and WAR, the population seems to be quieter. It may just be a matter of players continuing to play the same hours a week as usual, but varying that time throughout the day. This would account for a significant lessening of the population during what would normally be peak hours. Or it is possible that people actually play MMORPGs less during these summer months, for a variety of reasons.


In any case, if you do some searching you'll see that it's not just player perception. Those working in the industry have noted several times over the years that activity appears to drop over the summer months.

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Fleet is a benchmark because everyone visits it and it tends to be the highest Pop zone. Every Zone is dead on some servers. Correllia has fewer than three people on it when I do my dallies, Taris, Belsavis,Hoth, Nar Shaada, etc., almost always have fewer than 10 people. PvP Ques are over 20+ minutes at prime and hours out of prime. Sticking your hands in your ears and yelling, LA LA LA won’t change the reality – there are A LOT of incredibly low pop servers.


PS. Summer almost always results in lower population. This makes a lot of sense if you live in the North Eastern US and other countries with a Winter.

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I have to agree with Veluthurk, I've always had more difficulty running content during the summer. In WoW, City of Heroes, EQ2, and WAR, the population seems to be quieter. It may just be a matter of players continuing to play the same hours a week as usual, but varying that time throughout the day. This would account for a significant lessening of the population during what would normally be peak hours. Or it is possible that people actually play MMORPGs less during these summer months, for a variety of reasons.


In any case, if you do some searching you'll see that it's not just player perception. Those working in the industry have noted several times over the years that activity appears to drop over the summer months.


Can you show me even one place that says people have less free time in the summer than they do other times? Because everything I read says the opposite. Also everything I have experenced in every game I have ever been in. I think you guys were a very unique situation. Doesnt take a genius to figure out college/grade school players have more time in the summer than other times. Also adults get vacations etc in the summer. Just doesnt make sense what you are saying. Thats like saying more people water ski in January.

Edited by Zoggel
Minor Rude
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Fleet is a benchmark because everyone visits it and it tends to be the highest Pop zone. Every Zone is dead on some servers. Correllia has fewer than three people on it when I do my dallies, Taris, Belsavis,Hoth, Nar Shaada, etc., almost always have fewer than 10 people. PvP Ques are over 20+ minutes at prime and hours out of prime. Sticking your hands in your ears and yelling, LA LA LA won’t change the reality – there are A LOT of incredibly low pop servers.


PS. Summer almost always results in lower population. This makes a lot of sense if you live in the North Eastern US and other countries with a Winter.


Oh ya because we know gamers when given the choice would rather go outside than play MMOs or other games. :rolleyes:

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So you had an easier time when people have work/school/etc than not? I mean do you think people leave for 5 months out of the year to go on vacation? Seriously every game has higher populations in the summer months.


My experience is that generally there are more people online in winter, with the exception of the holidays. People want to spend more time outside in the summer. College students, if they have summer jobs, tend to have more rigid schedules than they do during school.

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Oh ya because we know gamers when given the choice would rather go outside than play MMOs or other games. :rolleyes:


Not all gamers are shut-ins. Many of us have multiple hobbies, enjoy the outdoors, like to exercise, enjoy the fact that the sun sets later in summer, etc.

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Needs to be sooner, I am quitting this game to play WoW and i am only quitting cause pvp on The Razor is only going on when a PVP guild is log in and rdy to go. Plus have to look all day to find a tank and healer for anything. I am very dissapointed that you are giving this to us now should have been sooner. The Razor is a dead server. And other guilds are taking ppls from other guilds to cause 1 big guild that has and knows all boss fights. Bio if u dont gives this sooner allot of ppls will quit. I truely love Star Wars but if u dont give what the people want then u have failed. Also another thing i like to see happend other than transfers is cross server pvp. I am trierd to go to Illum where there no war going on. I want to play on another server but i dont feel like lvling another 50 since i already have 2 of them.
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My experience is that generally there are more people online in winter, with the exception of the holidays. People want to spend more time outside in the summer. College students, if they have summer jobs, tend to have more rigid schedules than they do during school.


Yeah, I'm not able to comment on whether there are more or less people online during the summer because I'm not usually online much during the summer to see. :p

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Needs to be sooner, I am quitting this game to play WoW and i am only quitting cause pvp on The Razor is only going on when a PVP guild is log in and rdy to go. Plus have to look all day to find a tank and healer for anything. I am very dissapointed that you are giving this to us now should have been sooner. The Razor is a dead server. And other guilds are taking ppls from other guilds to cause 1 big guild that has and knows all boss fights. Bio if u dont gives this sooner allot of ppls will quit. I truely love Star Wars but if u dont give what the people want then u have failed. Also another thing i like to see happend other than transfers is cross server pvp. I am trierd to go to Illum where there no war going on. I want to play on another server but i dont feel like lvling another 50 since i already have 2 of them.


Yeah dude, that's my server too.

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Yeah, I'm not able to comment on whether there are more or less people online during the summer because I'm not usually online much during the summer to see. :p


I love people who play in all four seasons. Everyone is awesome here :)

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Yeah, I'm not able to comment on whether there are more or less people online during the summer because I'm not usually online much during the summer to see. :p
Very good job illustrating the dynamic. :t_smile:


EDIT And as an aside, you've made me a little depressed by the thought of how much of my past summers I've spent playing MMORPGs. I think I need to change that, beginning this year.

Edited by HeavensAgent
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Your post is 100% speculation and contradictory to Bioware's announcement. It basically makes your post a worthless wall of text.
Though it is worth noting the wall of text represents valid opinions for the post creator, specifically, to make a decision on whether to keep subscribing or leave the game. Since that decision appears very clear by the post's contents, there's only one thing left to be said: Farewell, sidiouswumpscut. I wish you the best and hope you find what you are looking for in your next game.
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I hate all of the vague date frames this company gives. I hate that they never commit on anything that involves a time frame. Hate it. Just venting, i know there is nothing i can do about it....at least i care, for now.
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