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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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How would making it easy for a player to find a group be a reason to leave a game. When I have two hours to play as I have a job, kids, etc. which means I don't have time to jump my toon around town spamming general chat looking for a group.


Leveling a toon after the cross server search opened up the game immensely.


Here is a thought.... How about they start with just a realm flashpoint search. Then move towards a cross server flashpoint search.


They are starting with a single-server LFG tool, it's currently going to be part of patch 1.3 I believe.


And yeah, I personally think WoW's LFG tool was great. It had some flaws, but the pros definitely outweighed the cons. But obviously there are a bunch of people opposed to that kind of tool. Hopefully a single-server tool will work. A lot will depend on the population of the server.

Edited by amantheil
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You do not know we are losing players. In fact the opposite has been stated. So for everyone like you that quits there are a couple other people who will play the game. They just expanded AGAIN into the middle east etc. They have opened APAC servers which a lot of people there were waiting for to purchase. So I mean you just saying something over and over does not make it fact.


No. I DO know. I'm not stupid. You can believe anything you like, but that certainly doesn't make it true. Ignore it, don't believe it, pretend it's not real lol...but it IS TRUE!!!!


And learn to read. I never said I was quitting.

Edited by Meluna
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Hero engine happened.


this is ruining the open world pvp, I hate the fact that they did this and its the reason they are losing players, I want to stay here but I want open world pvp like I had in swg, we need consistant open world pvpers and lots of them, I realize that no one wants to open world pvp because it cant handle 100v100 etc.


so this thread went from character transfer discussion to pvp?


Back on topic, if they have free char transfers so people in light servers can move into standard populated ones then that'll be great, help the population but wont reduce the lag on llum. In swg, I had lots of great open world pvp battles its a bit laggy but swg could handle more people then swtor it seems.

Edited by Jonoku
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No. I DO know. I'm not stupid. You can believe anything you like, but that certainly doesn't make it true. Ignore it, don't believe it, pretend it's not real lol...but it IS TRUE!!!!


How do you know? Its true because you and about 10 other vocal posters keep repeating it?

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How do you know? Its true because you and about 10 other vocal posters keep repeating it?


You are amazing. lol and all of your posts here are amazing.


And since you seem like the type of person that needs an explicit explantion ,yes amazing is actualy in place of a word i would probably get banned for posting.

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What I don't understand is why people didn't re-roll when it was obvious that, for whatever reason, their server was under populated BEFORE they invested a lot of time in building their Legacies etc.


I've got mid 30 to 40 level characters on several servers (for many reasons) and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


As an aside, the whole point of the Legacy system is that while you could feasibly max out your Legacy LEVEL using one character, to unlock all the different race/class/legacy class options you NEED to have multiple characters.


Before you point out "Legacies are PER SERVER you idiot!" I think this is the main failing of the Legacy system. If they made it so your Legacy was ACCOUNT wide, then people wouldn't be complaining as much, as re-rolling on another server would actually continue your hard work, rather than start with an entire clean slate.


Back on topic : If you are complaining bitterly that your server is underpopulated then it is within your power to put things right: RE-ROLL! Go to the opposite faction, experience things from the other side, choose a different Class/AC combo than you have before (it's impossible to have one of everything on a single server). Enjoy the game you've been enjoying so far again, and stop letting something which you have control of limit your ability to carry on.



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You are amazing. lol and all of your posts here are amazing.


And since you seem like the type of person that needs an explicit explantion ,yes amazing is actualy in place of a word i would probably get banned for posting.


Why because I dont play along with your DOOOOM!!! posts?

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Sadly this will probably be too late for my guild. I will continue to play because I love the game. My guild is on a dead server and if we have to wait until June, i fear the worst. We have already bled 20 members in the past 2 months alone. We went from raiding 16 man nightmare consistently, down to just an 8 man.


Naddist Rebels is dead and the majority of my guild, what's left of it, will not re-roll. It's a sad time on naddist rebels and if these transfers really aren't coming this may, i think my guild is done. I have a character on fatman because that is the place to be right now but my guild will not follow suit. If my guild eventually dies out, I will probably leave as well because it is the relationships you develop in mmo's that keep you playing and Bioware has waited to long to aid those servers in need.

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Sadly this will probably be too late for my guild. I will continue to play because I love the game. My guild is on a dead server and if we have to wait until June, i fear the worst. We have already bled 20 members in the past 2 months alone. We went from raiding 16 man nightmare consistently, down to just an 8 man.


Naddist Rebels is dead and the majority of my guild, what's left of it, will not re-roll. It's a sad time on naddist rebels and if these transfers really aren't coming this may, i think my guild is done. I have a character on fatman because that is the place to be right now but my guild will not follow suit. If my guild eventually dies out, I will probably leave as well because it is the relationships you develop in mmo's that keep you playing and Bioware has waited to long to aid those servers in need.


This this this.


Is this one of those 10 people you were talking about BW fanboi? (you know who I'm referring to)


I see these posts 3-4 times a day in multiple threads. It's starting to become the majority instead of the minority.

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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Sadly this will probably be too late for my guild. I will continue to play because I love the game. My guild is on a dead server and if we have to wait until June, i fear the worst. We have already bled 20 members in the past 2 months alone. We went from raiding 16 man nightmare consistently, down to just an 8 man.


Naddist Rebels is dead and the majority of my guild, what's left of it, will not re-roll. It's a sad time on naddist rebels and if these transfers really aren't coming this may, i think my guild is done. I have a character on fatman because that is the place to be right now but my guild will not follow suit. If my guild eventually dies out, I will probably leave as well because it is the relationships you develop in mmo's that keep you playing and Bioware has waited to long to aid those servers in need.


Why would you not re-roll, for the sake of the guild and the community you have built? What you have done with your time in-game so far has been enjoyable, so why not start over? Nothing in these games amounts to anything when you eventually quit the game, so ignore your current gear, credits, crafting skill levels and re-roll now, before more of your guild quit.


Makes perfect sense to me. Can anyone explain why this isn't a logical solution? Gaming is fun, you'll have fun when you re-roll as you did when you started the game the first time. Just ignore the things in your bank, they are ultimately worthless anyway...

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This this this.


Is this one of those 10 people you were talking about BW fanboi? (you know who I'm referring to)


I see these posts 3-4 times a day in multiple threads. It's starting to become the majority instead of the minority.


Yep and in EVERY post its always some hardcore raiding guild or hardcore pvp guild quitting. This isnt a hardcore game.

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Honestly, I'm really gettin sick of the amount of groveling these fanbois are doing.


I get it. I love (d) the game too. If I was watching a game I completely WANTED to succeed (which I still do) start going down the drain, I'd probably be right there beside you.


But for you guys to be so blind as to whats going on, in the entirety of the community, on AND off the forums, is really ignorant.


Listen - I wanted this game to succeed. I had so much high hopes, especially with my love for all things Star Wars.


The truth of the matter is, sometimes you just gotta face facts and realize being optimistic can only carry you so far.


It really is mind-boggling that none of these people have noticed a dip in population, drop in morale or a huge change in the community - there really is no convincing them at this point.

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Back on topic, if they have free char transfers so people in light servers can move into standard populated ones then that'll be great, help the population but wont reduce the lag on llum.


Bioware admitted that the basic design of Ilum was primary cause of the problems. Hence they basically retired it (took away incentive to play there) until they can do a redesign.


As for open world PvP in general, this is not a PvP centric game. So you will never be happy here, based on what you have said so far. You need to find an MMO that is more cetered on PvP.

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Why would you not re-roll, for the sake of the guild and the community you have built? What you have done with your time in-game so far has been enjoyable, so why not start over? Nothing in these games amounts to anything when you eventually quit the game, so ignore your current gear, credits, crafting skill levels and re-roll now, before more of your guild quit.


Makes perfect sense to me. Can anyone explain why this isn't a logical solution? Gaming is fun, you'll have fun when you re-roll as you did when you started the game the first time. Just ignore the things in your bank, they are ultimately worthless anyway...


Most people find it rather insulting and saddening to have to start all over again. All those credits earned from legacy unlock, all the raid achievements, and all the time min/maxing gear. Nobody wants to grind 80 levels of valor again, nobody wants to lose progress made...months worth of progress. I did re-roll on fatman because i like the game, most will not because they lose their characters. I get that.

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Yep and in EVERY post its always some hardcore raiding guild or hardcore pvp guild quitting. This isnt a hardcore game.


you do not need to be hardcore to be upset at no community on what you thought was your home server. Seeing 30 people on fleet at peak is enough to make put a fist through the wall. No matter if you raid, rp, craft, or whatever....a dead server brings no sense of enjoyment to any gamers experience.

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Yep and in EVERY post its always some hardcore raiding guild or hardcore pvp guild quitting. This isnt a hardcore game.


I'm done discussing anything with you. You make absolutely no sense. I'm serious. You just described probably 80% of the guilds in this game. End game content is either raiding, PvP or flashpoints/HM and even the FP/HM people are included with raiding.


I don't even know why you brought this up as a defense to your arguement..

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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Honestly, I'm really gettin sick of the amount of groveling these fanbois are doing.


I get it. I love (d) the game too. If I was watching a game I completely WANTED to succeed (which I still do) start going down the drain, I'd probably be right there beside you.


But for you guys to be so blind as to whats going on, in the entirety of the community, on AND off the forums, is really ignorant.


Listen - I wanted this game to succeed. I had so much high hopes, especially with my love for all things Star Wars.


The truth of the matter is, sometimes you just gotta face facts and realize being optimistic can only carry you so far.


It really is mind-boggling that none of these people have noticed a dip in population, drop in morale or a huge change in the community - there really is no convincing them at this point.


List then, in bullet point format if you will, WHY you think the game is 'going down the drain'. I'd be willing to bet my favourite blaster that most of your list are things you 'expect' to have in a MMO, but not things which BioWare DEFINITIVELY SAID would be in.


People simply do not have the staying power, the patience or the maturity to simply wait and see how things turn out than they used to in the first days of World of Warcraft and EverQuest. We've become impatient, selfish and ignorant of others. It sickens me.

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I'm done discussing anything with you. You make absolutely no sense. I'm serious. You just described probably 80% of the guilds in this game. End game content is either raiding, PvP or flashpoints/HM and even the FP/HM people are included with raiding.


I don't even know why you brought this up as a defense to your arguement..


Again you have a skewed perception. To you most guilds are end game raiding guilds because thats all you do. Most people in this game are not even to level 50 yet much less doing hard mode raids etc. Some people enjoy just playing the regular game and not rushing to end game then complaining noone is there to play with. You have this view everyone is focused on end game only. Thats not the case at all.

Edited by Leggomy
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Bioware admitted that the basic design of Ilum was primary cause of the problems. Hence they basically retired it (took away incentive to play there) until they can do a redesign.


As for open world PvP in general, this is not a PvP centric game. So you will never be happy here, based on what you have said so far. You need to find an MMO that is more cetered on PvP.


Why do you say that? This game WAS sold as having great PvP and one of the industries best PvP teams. I think you're greatly mistaken that the game wasn't designed with PvP in mind. Hell, they even have PvP servers.


Bioware made the MISTAKE of removing Ilum incentive BEFORE they replaced it with anything. As crappy as it was, it beat what we have now...NOTHING!

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Honestly, I'm really gettin sick of the amount of groveling these fanbois are doing.


I get it. I love (d) the game too. If I was watching a game I completely WANTED to succeed (which I still do) start going down the drain, I'd probably be right there beside you.


But for you guys to be so blind as to whats going on, in the entirety of the community, on AND off the forums, is really ignorant.


Listen - I wanted this game to succeed. I had so much high hopes, especially with my love for all things Star Wars.


The truth of the matter is, sometimes you just gotta face facts and realize being optimistic can only carry you so far.


It really is mind-boggling that none of these people have noticed a dip in population, drop in morale or a huge change in the community - there really is no convincing them at this point.


No MMO will please everyone. Ever.


Common sense suggest that people will play a game, and if they like it they continue to play. If they don't like it, they will go find something they like to play. It's a game, not real life.


Your constant negative, sometimes passive aggressive posts, are not productive. And if you feel you are entitled to make them and others are not entitled to disagree with you, you are mistaken. Please stop impressing your personal disappointments on others and expect no disagreement. Many people enjoy the game, even while acknowledging it has defects and needs improvements.

Edited by Andryah
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Here is a thought.... How about they start with just a realm flashpoint search. Then move towards a cross server flashpoint search.
This is the part that proved to be an issue. LFG wasn't an issue when it was limited to a single server. Once it was made cross-server, though, it contributed to a destabilization of the individual server communities and an economic rebalancing across the game. The latter was a real issue for servers that had boasted a server economy above the eventual mean, pulling them down to the point that players were incapable of generating the in-game funds needed to maintain basic game play (potions, equipment repairs, etc). The economy eventually self-corrected in these instance, but not before many left the game. A few of these servers were quietly merged with more populous guilds as a result.
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