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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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My opinion is based on 12 years experience working with big servers and databases of all shapes and sizes, and i highly doubt Bioware has reinvented the industry specifically for this product. Obviously you choose to question my honesty and proceed on defending a company that has already failed to deliver on their promises. Maybe it's your analysis that needs to be redone.


Finally, i've answered to your question on my post but obviously you're not interested in reading any opinion that goes against your faith. Go check it out, if you've got time in between the hundreds of posts you must make everyday defending a company in which (i assume) you don't work.


I am a costumer, an informed one at it. As such i reserve the right to like or dislike a product, suggest changes, demand quality and respect for my intellect. Doesn't mean Bioware has to take me into account, but it sure doesn't mean i have to listen to strawman arguments and keep my mouth shut.

I am an informed consumer as well. I never refuted your right to believe what you will based on your own experiences, nor did I question the validity of those experiences. The statements you are criticizing, however, are based in presented facts. If you expect us to respect opinions you base on past experience, then you could at least respect those opinions that are based in presented and documented information.

Your argument throughout this forum is the same as someone saying you can't complain about your phone company having your line full of noise for 16h a day, just because on the other 8h everything's peachy. And then proceed on telling us how the costumers are happy, everything is improving and how people ought to keep paying their bill because they're promising you a bright future.
I'm doing nothing of the sort. People have a right to complain. That said, I respond to statements, demands, and accusations that demonstrate a lack of pertinent information. As customers we all have a right to complain, but it's also important to recognize that there are circumstances, like in the case of the availability of character transfers, where those complaints will produce no change in action or result. This doubly true in instances where players make demands, which is why demands are usually nothing more than an attempt at cheap theatrics or hand-waving.

Funny how you keep telling everyone if they're unhappy they ought to leave or stop complaining, yet i wonder why you keep trolling these forums if you have nothing to complain about. CSR-wannabe (or actual) much?
When complaints cannot serve any purpose, only one course of action remains: Stop complaining or leave altogether. The ability to transfer characters will be available when it is possible to do so. No amount of complaining or threats will change this. If you feel this is taking too long, you only have the two mentioned choices available to you.


Additionally, you might want to review the definition of the term "trolling," as my communications on these forums definitely do not qualify as such. As to the insinuation regarding my job, I am an information professional. The spread of factual information is my passion and my ethical responsibility. So, too, is the identification of false, unrepresentative, and/or unsubstantiated information.

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Please enlighten us to the "promises" they failed to deliver on.


And I expect to see the words "We promise to" in the statements you quote. Because "we expect to", "we plan to", or "we hope to" are not promises.


Go watch the 1.2 promotion trailer and then come back to me. The fact that you "make up" for a "mistake" does not erase the original "mistake". It merely mitigates it.

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Go watch the 1.2 promotion trailer and then come back to me. The fact that you "make up" for a "mistake" does not erase the original "mistake". It merely mitigates it.
And you still fail to elaborate on the promises you are speaking about. We have watched the trailer. We have followed the developers statements and interviews. We still have no idea what you are talking about. So please, share with us your information.
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I am an informed consumer as well. I never refuted your right to believe what you will based on your own experiences, nor did I question the validity of those experiences. The statements you are criticizing, however, are based in presented facts. If you expect us to respect opinions you base on past experience, then you could at least respect those opinions that are based in presented and documented information.


If you show me "facts" that go against my own gaming experience, expect me to refute them. Specially if i've spent countless days discussing them with people from other servers experiencing the same issues. You can waste whatever amount of bits you wish trying to convince me that black is red and yellow is purple. I've seen this all before and honestly, amuses me how i still have the patience to sit here and try and convey my opinions in a civilized manner, while having my honesty, my character and my eyes questioned at every turn.


I'm doing nothing of the sort. People have a right to complain. That said, I respond to statements, demands, and accusations that demonstrate a lack of pertinent information. As customers we all have a right to complain, but it's also important to recognize that there are circumstances, like in the case of the availability of character transfers, where those complaints will produce no change in action or result. This doubly true in instances where players make demands, which is why demands are usually nothing more than an attempt at cheap theatrics or hand-waving.

When complaints cannot serve any purpose, only one course of action remains: Stop complaining or leave altogether. The ability to transfer characters will be available when it is possible to do so. No amount of complaining or threats will change this. If you feel this is taking too long, you only have the two mentioned choices available to you.


So in your opinion, people should not be able to express how they feel based on the fact that it won't change anything. And it's good to know that while you don't work for Bioware, you are so certain of that statement. Show them the way to the door, and you couldn't care less. After all, statistics say the game is great and players won't quit en masse. Just quit, don't tell us why.


Let me give you a little piece of advice. Players will put up with all sorts of abuse for a product they're paying but they require upfront info on what to expect. Bioware, like many companies before it, fails to realize this. "Technology does not exist yet" is as much info on a problem as is "Potatoe does not grow". Could you be anymore vague? Tell me "Our devs have been allocated to X and Y project and that is why we won't be able to provide you with Z at this time. We'll update you regularly on this." . Yes, you'll tell that's not the way they operate so deal with it. Well i am, by voicing my concerns in this forum, out of pure concern. Telling me "Technology does not exist yet" is the same as "we haven't got around to it". It's not like the logistics involved are anything compared to the volume of data moving around in trully complex systems these days. Honesty still has value in my book.


Additionally, you might want to review the definition of the term "trolling," as my communications on these forums definitely do not qualify as such. As to the insinuation regarding my job, I am an information professional. The spread of factual information is my passion and my ethical responsibility. So, too, is the identification of false, unrepresentative, and/or unsubstantiated information.


Information is unbiased by nature and if you have such high regard for it i'd expect to see you defend at least one position other than that formally assumed by Bioware employees. Are all press releases valuable factual information for you? If so, i guess this discussion is over.

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Information is unbiased by nature and if you have such high regard for it i'd expect to see you defend at least one position other than that formally assumed by Bioware employees. Are all press releases valuable factual information for you? If so, i guess this discussion is over.


Either they are or they aren't. People need to pick one. If you don't think BioWare's statement last week that subs have not declined is not "valuable factual information", then you can't claim that press releases are "promises", as it requires them to be "valuable factual information".


If, however, you think that BioWare's press releases are valuably factual enough to view it as a "promise", then you must also accept the statement that subs have not declined also factually valuable.


Enough cherry-picking.

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Go watch the 1.2 promotion trailer and then come back to me. The fact that you "make up" for a "mistake" does not erase the original "mistake". It merely mitigates it.


Having watched the 1.2 promo live, and several times since. The only thing that is mentioned in the promotion trailer, that is not in the game yet, is Warzone Rankings. And that was pulled at the last minuet. Or would you have rather it went live broken. Oh right I'm sure you would, that would give you something else to complain about.


p.s. From the Community News update about PVP in 1.2 dated 3.30.2012

Don’t forget, the details given here may change slightly before Game Update 1.2 reaches the live servers, as we react to feedback from testing!
Edited by RickRedOne
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There's no flaw to my theory, I simply said if they follow the "other" game's lead. I'm not a proponent for that method. However, paint me suprised if BW doesn't do the exact same thing.


DrakeAssaShin: What is being done to address low population servers?


Dallas: The Character Transfer Service, as mentioned above, will be offering free transfers from/to specific servers. This should allow the most motivated players to get onto a higher population server.


This would at least give some indication that they aren't going to be doing it that way, that they are going to offer transfers from low pop servers to some higher pop servers.

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OR my conspiracy is bioware hired a fleet of droids to spam complaints about the game on GW2 those making the swtor community think twice before switching.


On a real note swtor has failed greatly and needs to step it up

Yeah and I'm sure BW was also behind the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Russian Sleeper Cells. :rolleyes:

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So if I understand this correctly, Bioware will be doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.


Low population transfers to high pop servers? ***?


How many people on the high pop servers do you know that want to move to a low pop server? I know of exactly none.


On the other hand I know of many people who either do want to go from a low pop server to a high pop server. Or worse ... have flat out quit because of how boring the small servers are.


This isn't a little bit of whining to try and get things done ... this is a flat statement of fact: people have and are quitting over this. Of my RL friends who played this game when it started, 1 full guild has disbanded (a guild that has gamed together for years in other games) to find more activity and 1/2 of those people cancelled instead of waiting any longer for xfers. I'm pretty close to the same thing.


We aren't saying "let us freely xfer to any server, regardless of population". If the server gets full enough to approach queuing levels, then sure, stop xfers to it. But let us consolidate and let us do it SOON rather than watching the attrition continue.


If Legacy is so damned hard to xfer, then this process should have been put in place before Legacy was released.


Meh, whatever, put me in the "I have enough friends still playing for another month of subscription ... but I'm having to re-eval that condition every single month" boat.

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If they did this, the process wouldn't be finished for at least a year. You want to advocate such a task on the off-chance that your is one of the first servers they move? What if yours was the last server to move? Would you advocate they move character by hand if it meant yours wouldn't be transferred until December?


No, they need to get the technology in place to handle full-scale transfer capabilities before offering them to the population.


i just propose they at least start with the lowest pop servers and get a jump start on it. they are not moving everyone,just the worst of the worst to start.didnt they just move 20,000 people on asian pacific servers in a week? your timeline is way off. and i think i speak for everyone else youve given a jerky respone to,grow up and stop thinking you know evrything,cause ya dont !:eek:

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hope people stop making posts about it now and be happy for once.





you got what you already had coming people now relax and stop with the posts.





oh no what next to post about?




HAHAHA ok some empty promises. Yeah ok. In months. Yeah games gona be dead by then

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"Early Summer?" Sorry, too little too late.


This... the low population server issues have been going on since a month or so after launch... there is no excuse to take this long to tend to them... by the time they actually do this game is going to be a graveyard...

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This... the low population server issues have been going on since a month or so after launch... there is no excuse to take this long to tend to them... by the time they actually do this game is going to be a graveyard...
So what do you propose be done? Server transfers are the developers' top priority at the moment. Edited by HeavensAgent
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So if I understand this correctly, Bioware will be doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.


Low population transfers to high pop servers? ***?


And you're basing this assumption on what exactly?



Here's what they said in the thread where they announced it (my caps):

Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.


DrakeAssaShin: What is being done to address low population servers?


Dallas: The Character Transfer Service, as mentioned above, will be offering free transfers from/to specific servers. This should allow the most motivated players to get onto a higher population server.


They've never said it will be high-to-low, low-to-high, medium-to-low, high-to-medium, full-to-really-full or exactly what they're doing.


Basically, here's what we know.


a) there will be free transfers from some servers to other servers.


That's it. That's the list. Everything else is just speculation and guesswork.

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This... the low population server issues have been going on since a month or so after launch... there is no excuse to take this long to tend to them... by the time they actually do this game is going to be a graveyard...


Perhaps if you keep complaining about it enough times, they'll invent a time machine, go back in the past, and have them ready for now.


Seriously, constantly complaining that it should have been available at launch or they opened too many servers at launch or whatever is pointless. It's not going to change what happened previously. What's done is done...transfers will be ready when they're ready.

Edited by amantheil
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Way too long in the making, I can't stand playing on my dead server anymore and I really don't feel like leveling a new character on a high level pop server.


I've just cancelled :mad:


I might come back to check it out when they actually do implement server transfers but it'll be hard to pry myself away from D3.

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Man some people really lack reading comprehension skills. Early summer = mid-May to mid-June. June 22nd equals the summer solstice, or the day when the Sun is at the zenith in terms of equatorial alignment with the Earth...translation, middle of the summer.


So you can expect to see free server transfers anytime really in the next month and a half or so.


Thank you.

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Man some people really lack reading comprehension skills. Early summer = mid-May to mid-June. June 22nd equals the summer solstice, or the day when the Sun is at the zenith in terms of equatorial alignment with the Earth...translation, middle of the summer.


So you can expect to see free server transfers anytime really in the next month and a half or so.


Thank you.


Because when BW says something they really get it done :rolleyes:

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Because when BW says something they really get it done :rolleyes:


Man, some people really lack logical reasoning skills.


In case it isn't clear to you:


1) This thread is about discussing timeline for implentation of free server transfer.


2) Posters state that "we have to wait another few months" or "sometime in the summer" is too little too late.


3) I respond by pointing out that "another few months" or "sometime in the summer" is NOT what was stated.


4) You make the logical leap to respond with a statement that Bioware doesn't meet its planned timeline.


See the disconnect between 3 and 4, and 4 and 1?

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