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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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If you read my post earlier, you'd have seen that I agree with the sentiment that monthly big patches are bad. I'm just pointing out that, while bad, Bioware really stuck their foot in it with the vague 'roll out month by month' thing. As I said there, I'd rather 'month by month' be huge bugfixing patches that help with performance.


The first line of my Response was to you


The other parts were just as a general part of this forum

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That comes from having way too many servers. The game has over 1.7 MILLION people, it's hardly dead.


Where did you get those numbers. i heard from alot of people on these posts and other sites that this population of this game has dropped alot since the end of january. i think your numbers might be from the begining of febuary not here in the month of april.


I remember back in january were at least 70% of these servers are full and a lot more were heavy at best. I do see a huge decline in population and if you want to run those numbers great continue but i think those numbers are closer to 1mill even than your 1.7 mill

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Im not even sure if 1.3 will have features required to save my sub. They gave me a month so I will log on every few days to do 3 wzs. I hate this game more and more everyday. Bioware will find a way to disappoint and over hype every time, this is coming from a Bioware fan since the neverwinter night days.
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If you read my post earlier, you'd have seen that I agree with the sentiment that monthly big patches are bad. I'm just pointing out that, while bad, Bioware really stuck their foot in it with the vague 'roll out month by month' thing. As I said there, I'd rather 'month by month' be huge bugfixing patches that help with performance.


Rakghoul Outbreak.


Bug fixing patches happen more often than once a month on average, actually. It's all documented on this site, dates and all.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Im not even sure if 1.3 will have features required to save my sub. They gave me a month so I will log on every few days to do 3 wzs. I hate this game more and more everyday. Bioware will find a way to disappoint and over hype every time, this is coming from a Bioware fan since the neverwinter night days.


dido signed


i agree all bioware does is screw up some thing with nerfs and other B.S and in the end i might as well leave and play my guild wars 1 or even join my wife on her second game Grand Fantasia. I think Sto would even be a good choice to go back too but who knows for sure. I love this game i been a star wars and trek fan since 1980 and thats why im here and that why im posting here to get this game right so people would stay not leave


I do agree that bioware is not fixing enough stuff just adding more stuff to a buggy game.

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Im not even sure if 1.3 will have features required to save my sub. They gave me a month so I will log on every few days to do 3 wzs. I hate this game more and more everyday. Bioware will find a way to disappoint and over hype every time, this is coming from a Bioware fan since the neverwinter night days.


Excellent post.


After playing the GW2 beta over the weekend - it's refreshing to see a game that is actually skill and team based, as opposed to relying heavily on gear (expertise).

Edited by brentonj
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Where did you get those numbers. i heard from alot of people on these posts and other sites that this population of this game has dropped alot since the end of january. i think your numbers might be from the begining of febuary not here in the month of april.


I remember back in january were at least 70% of these servers are full and a lot more were heavy at best. I do see a huge decline in population and if you want to run those numbers great continue but i think those numbers are closer to 1mill even than your 1.7 mill


I got that number from EA's last report.


You're taking the forum's word for this? They said that within 3 months, it would be F2P.

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After reading threads in different gaming forums about GW2, Tera and The Secret World, I don't think they are the SWTOR killers some people thought they would be.


Those games look terrible. All the people that have said they are going to destroy swtor will very quietly be sneaking back into swtor within the next 3 months with their tail between their legs.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


I'm still enjoying the game and leveling my character(s) so no, I don't feel the same. Im also new to MMO's so I'm impressed with SWTOR atm.

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Those games look terrible. All the people that have said they are going to destroy swtor will very quietly be sneaking back into swtor within the next 3 months with their tail between their legs.


Yeah, well, I'm saving quotes along with names to bring up again in 6 months. :p

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Excellent post.


After playing the GW2 beta over the weekend - it's refreshing to see a game that is actually skill and team based, as opposed to relying heavily on gear (expertise).


yeah i tried it too! what a disappointing game

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Those games look terrible. All the people that have said they are going to destroy swtor will very quietly be sneaking back into swtor within the next 3 months with their tail between their legs.


lol ive already seen a few crawl back to my guild after the beta weekends

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No because they will continue to give me free stuff. But 1.2 what a let down i will agree. I have ideas for what they could add to future patches that many people would get a kick out of. Or atleast the people on my servers fleet.


But no i dont want this game to fail since it is then only star wars mmo on the market.

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The Beta weekend is still on-going.


Also what could you possibly not like about GW2 PvP? Especially compared to the abomination that's currently Swtor.


My god, just go already. Go to your GW2. Why would you wait for them not to release 1.3 at the date that you want them to? That is a far worse excuse than liking another game more.


Why are you on this forum when you want to talk about GW2?

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Because comparing two current-gen MMO's is completely valid towards facilitating conversation? Particularly when it involves discussing the downsides of one.


Apparently telling people to "go away", however, is more productive towards improving / defending this game.


Truly shameful.

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I am going to likely make a few people mad when I say that I don't want huge content patches every month. Don't get me wrong, I could definitely do with some big patches every month, but it doesn't always have to be content. Remember a few weeks back when 1.2 came out and there were all those fresh bugs? Imagine going through that every month because you want a new warzone that only a few will use, an operation that few will use, and a flashpoint that few will use.


And how about testing?


If they're pushing out content patches every month, how long will they have to test it? Will it be enough to ensure that we don't have a 1.2+ moment where there are even more bugs in it? How long will it be until they run out of ideas completely because they're trying to keep the content vacuums happy?


Am I the only one that would be happy with a nice, big, 800mb patch that did nothing but fix bugs and improve performance for the entire game? I'm starting to think that I am.


No, you are not. There are a few of us fine with that. Generally, we are probably not your gamers that play 6 hours a day. If they had a big patch of content every month, then I would never finish most of it. I cannot play 5 hours a day and honestly refuse to do that anymore.

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i believe you just dont get it. In the coming days if Bioware dont start fixing what is in the game and start putting more usefull stuff not garbage into this game this game will loose a lot more subs.


There are 4 things off the top of my head that Bioware needs to fix first instead of add more.

1) Legacy xp needs to be the same as you level xp and the prices to unlock the legacy iems needs to drop they are too high.


2) crafting system each companion should have 3 different skills where you can do all four crafting areas on 4 different companions the rest is fine


3) bugs, lag, and game performance needs a really big fix do to computer crashes, rubber banding, skills not responding well. The lag needs to be fixed when there are too many people in the area of if someone flies by on a speeder of taxi.


4) companions need better skills for healing and fighting they simply die too much or dont heal very well at all. other than that the companions are great.


I only been hearing good like finding something else but if this Bioware **** ups continue to happen even you will be taking a low blow when i fore see this game by the end of the year either going free to play of on a really bad case of life support due to low sub numbers. If not by december i feel by at least March of 2013 for sure.


1. No opinion.


2. Fine by me, I don't really see that as gamebreaking. Good idea.


3. I think everyone would want this, but there will always be bugs of some sort. Try not to think games are perfect. There will always be problems.


4. I disagree here. The game is already pretty easy to level. If the companions don't die easy, then the game would take no skill. Yes, I did notice a difference on the quests in Ilum than the other planets. But on the whole, I really disagree with this as a need for the game.

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The subtitle to this thread should read:


And if you say you're unsubbing, is that a promise?



Because if you answered yes to this silly question, then you have unrealistic expectations and this community can do without you. So promise us that you WILL in fact unsub.

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