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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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As long as I see Bioware listening and responding to the issues in game and continue to put out "I'm sorry" shinys like free month and pets to apologies when they realize the goofed up, I'll stick with them till they get the track record set right. I can live with mistakes, it's the attitude that counts after making them.


i disagree with you about the free time and the free so called pet. in my opinion bioware should have kept that mini pet thats some thing that i will never use. that useless crap is not going to make me happy and since i did not get the 30 days oh well. i could really give a rats *** about what bioware puts in the game.


in my opinion if 1.3 is just as bad as what 1.2 turned out to be then that will cause me to cancel my sub. This legacy is absolutely horrible. The xp of the legacy does not match the xp you gain on missions and monster kills. I believe if i get 500 xp killing a monster then i should get 500 xp legacy.


The crafting system got new things but they did not fix it with all your companions can craft different things for an example if mako is doing arms tech and your droid can craft armor and both have 2 different collection skills. im not sure where you all bioware ban wagon jumpers are getting that bioware is doing great. I agree they are putting a lot of stuff in the game but what they add is horrible for some and every one else just pretends to like it.


By the way in my opinion the free time should have went only to the players that had the founder title and if you had the founder title with a level 50 then you got the free pet with a white or purple crystal of you choice and you would have received a token by in game mail the same way the titles do.

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I assume you mean by the end of May? No I probably wont quit, but that's probably because I wont be playing much in May due to exams :p


Honestly though, I know they said expect content to roll out month and after month...but I don't let myself believe these things until it happens. Over hyping and setting overly high expectations leads to disappointment.


My guess it maybe end of May, but most likely mid-end June. Once it's on the PTS we'll have a better idea of when it's coming out.


I have to be honest though, as many have said before - if you're not enjoying the game pre 1.2, you wont LOVE the game post 1.2. And likewise if you're not somewhat enjoying the game pre 1.3, you wont love it post 1.3.


There's a few specific things that people have continuously asked for, and thats Server merge/transfer and some type of LFG tool.


LFG tool is coming, if this tool generally makes your game from boring to enjoyable there may be a problem. You should just join a guild who runs FP's or PvP or Ops often. LFG Tool will definitely make things better, but if you're considering quiting - I would reccommend just quit until 1.3 comes, and then re-sub.


Secondly the Server transfers will come eventually, and maybe merges. Until then - Id also just say un-sub if you're not having fun. And when you can transfer your 50's to a better server, then the game could become much more fun.

Servers transfers is tbh the one thing that I would say, can turn a boring game into an amazing game.

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I already un-subbed. There is just too much missing from this game and the Development team is clueless. The fact that tab targeting still hasn't been fixed speaks volumes about the ineptitude of the Devs. I can be standing right in front of an enemy player in a WZ, hit tab, and I'll target someone 30 yards away. It doesn't help things either that trying to click on an enemy player is just as difficult. Its frustrating to give up a cap in Voidstar or Alderaan simply because the game's targeting mechanics are so broken. When a Dev team can't even handle the simple things, how can we expect them to handle the more difficult things like PvP balance and PvE endgame OPs?
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and since i did not get the 30 days oh well. i could really give a rats *** about what bioware puts in the game.


This legacy is absolutely horrible. The xp of the legacy does not match the xp you gain on missions and monster kills. I believe if i get 500 xp killing a monster then i should get 500 xp legacy.



I'm pissed off at bioware and the game and how they're handling a lot of stuff but THOSE are your beefs with the game? Some people just puzzle me. They extended time so slowpokes could catch up and even included legacy level 6. The pet is not handled by the people who are handling the other stuff so... Ah forget it, logic is lacking so much I don't even know what to say anymore.



Anyway, my server's still dead, there's still no grouping tool, there's nothing Bioware can do before the free time runs out I'm afraid I'll play this game again in 1 or 2 years if at all.

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If I was customer service I'd flag everyones "JUST GO!" comments as spam. The don't like it, leave has done nothing but take subs away from this game. I don't want to see the game eventually scraped from Biodrone fanboyz that think anytime you put out an honest opinion or complaint that your calling their mom names....


I agree the Bioware fanboys needs to **** and understand that we have that right to make our opinions heard. I also agree with you on when players leave the game it make the game less populated and makes the end game stuff harder to get groups and more ghost towns. I believe that the bioware fans need to understand that before the let their mouth over ride their *** and if not i look forward to a lot more leaving due to bioware fanboy being rude and hateful

Edited by Noviru
removing "Drones" - recently warned for rude
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Oh god, he broke out the "we're paying to play beta" routine.....lol. Please, give it a rest already. The game will never be finished and will always have bugs. That's normal. You don't like it, then just leave and quit complaining.


He was totally right with his comment and I am glad to see that I am not the only one who has this opinion


...and I already did what you suggested and no, you can't have my stuff, because I cast it into the virtual void of bits and bytes as a sacrifice for the MMO gods to punish bad developers and greedy publishers.

Edited by Midichlorien
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I am going to likely make a few people mad when I say that I don't want huge content patches every month. Don't get me wrong, I could definitely do with some big patches every month, but it doesn't always have to be content. Remember a few weeks back when 1.2 came out and there were all those fresh bugs? Imagine going through that every month because you want a new warzone that only a few will use, an operation that few will use, and a flashpoint that few will use.


And how about testing?


If they're pushing out content patches every month, how long will they have to test it? Will it be enough to ensure that we don't have a 1.2+ moment where there are even more bugs in it? How long will it be until they run out of ideas completely because they're trying to keep the content vacuums happy?


Am I the only one that would be happy with a nice, big, 800mb patch that did nothing but fix bugs and improve performance for the entire game? I'm starting to think that I am.

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I and 3 others have all talked on Vent... I'm fading on a month by month bases, while others have already said when their 3 months are up, they'll be canceling unless something major happens.. 1.2 was a disappointment to all 4 of us..

1) PvP is broken and there is no "US versus THEM" feel in the game..

2) Raiding is the same boring treadmill originated by WoW and carried on by others..

3) Game feels like a "lobby" based LFG instanced game.. I really don't see SOCIAL co-operation in the open world..

4) Lack of ANY dynamic world .. WAY too linear for our liking..


Anyways.. just saying

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I am going to likely make a few people mad when I say that I don't want huge content patches every month. Don't get me wrong, I could definitely do with some big patches every month, but it doesn't always have to be content. Remember a few weeks back when 1.2 came out and there were all those fresh bugs? Imagine going through that every month because you want a new warzone that only a few will use, an operation that few will use, and a flashpoint that few will use.


And how about testing?


If they're pushing out content patches every month, how long will they have to test it? Will it be enough to ensure that we don't have a 1.2+ moment where there are even more bugs in it? How long will it be until they run out of ideas completely because they're trying to keep the content vacuums happy?


Am I the only one that would be happy with a nice, big, 800mb patch that did nothing but fix bugs and improve performance for the entire game? I'm starting to think that I am.


They have said that 1.3 is less about content and more focused on core systems and more legacy unlocks, and that it wouldnt take as long for it to hit live servers as 1.2 did. (or so they hope)

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Nope. I'll unsub when I get deployed.


It's always fun to watch people that love this game and people that don't argue about it. One side calls the other blind fans, the other side calls their opponents whiney trolls..


I offer a third party! An alternative!


I offer Ron P- wait wrong subject.


Sheesh. As a Star Wars geek, I think the game is fine because it puts me into my second favorite period of Galactic History. I can accept any flaws as a trade off.


For the ''whiney trolls' - Nothing is perfect.

For the ''blind fans'' - Nothing is perfect.

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Good luck with finding something.


i believe you just dont get it. In the coming days if Bioware dont start fixing what is in the game and start putting more usefull stuff not garbage into this game this game will loose a lot more subs.


There are 4 things off the top of my head that Bioware needs to fix first instead of add more.

1) Legacy xp needs to be the same as you level xp and the prices to unlock the legacy iems needs to drop they are too high.


2) crafting system each companion should have 3 different skills where you can do all four crafting areas on 4 different companions the rest is fine


3) bugs, lag, and game performance needs a really big fix do to computer crashes, rubber banding, skills not responding well. The lag needs to be fixed when there are too many people in the area of if someone flies by on a speeder of taxi.


4) companions need better skills for healing and fighting they simply die too much or dont heal very well at all. other than that the companions are great.


I only been hearing good like finding something else but if this Bioware **** ups continue to happen even you will be taking a low blow when i fore see this game by the end of the year either going free to play of on a really bad case of life support due to low sub numbers. If not by december i feel by at least March of 2013 for sure.

Edited by Meluna
bad speeling
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i believe you just dont get it. In the coming days if Bioware dont start fixing what is in the game and start putting more usefull stuff not garbage into this game this game will loose a lot more subs.


There are 4 things off the top of my head that Bioware needs to fix first instead of add more.

1) Legacy xp needs to be the same as you level xp and the prices to unlock the legacy iems needs to drop they are too high.


2) crafting system each companion should have 3 different skills where you can do all four crafting areas on 4 different companions the rest is fine


3) bugs, lag, and game performance needs a really big fix do to computer crashes, rubber banding, skills not responding well. The lag needs to be fixed when there are too many people in the area of if someone flys by on a speeder of taxi.


4) companions need better skills for healing and fighting they simply die too much or dont heal very well at all. other than that the companions are great.


I only being hearing good like finding something else but if this Bioware **** ups continue to happen even you will be taking a low blow when i fore see this game by the end of the year either going free to play of on a really bad case of life support due to low sub numbers. If not by december i feel by at least March of 2013 for sure.


Three of those four are your personal wants.


Also, I see the free to play goalpost keeps moving when they come out with good sub numbers.


But to be honest, I don't see what your freaking problem is. The person above me laid out problems, I wished them luck in finding something they like. Get the hell over yourself.

Edited by Meluna
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Exactly this, Now this is something i dont understand there arnt fanboys and trolls there are people who like and play the game and people who dont like the game. If you dont like it enough to outright hate it and flame it why are you here as that is simply trolling.




See I disagree


I get the haters.

I dont agree with all of them but I understand them.

They fit one of 3 cases:


1) They want to love the game but can not at this particular time so come to forums to express their dissatisfaction with game. COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE and I beleive is the most common post from the so called haters


2) They hate the game but spent money on it and want to make sure EAoware understands to the extent of unhappiness they have. Understandable, I wouldnt waste my time on this one personally but I can see some feeling that way. (2nd most common posting style from the so called haters)


3) They are trolls and they troll (this applies to haters and fanbois alike). Waste of time and space but we all know they out there and its up to EAoware to remove them (BOTH THE HATERS AND FANBOI TROLLS. BOTH ARE THE PROBLEM).


I get those 3 set ups.

What I do not get and find to be the most destructive practice on this and many other forums is


"I LOVE THE GAME SO MUCH Im going to sit on the forums for hours on end argueing with people rather then playing the game I claim to love."


Sorry, these are the ones I dont get. If the game is truely that amazing to them, why are they not spending every free minute in game? I know I always have when satisfied or better with a product. If I love it, I want to play it. Simple really. If I dont but feel I could, I spend time telling developer what im looking for until time runs out and I love the changes or I move on.


In 4 months time when my time runs out. If something hasnt happened to keep me and convince me to resub. One of the main reasons for not resubing will be EAowares complete refusal to monitor and actively control the out of control fanbois that come here and post 100 posts a day insulting and belittling other players. Just because they on the side of the game (even though they not playing it appearently) doesnt give them a right to abbuse other players and personally I think it says ALLOT about a company when they are so thin skinned they can not allow paying customers the right to express their dissatisfaction with a product with out being trolled, insulted, and harrassed openly and commonly.


I get posting when your dissatisfied.

I completely dont get spending hours and hours and hours argueing with people when you claim to love the game as is. If you love it so much, why are you not playing it?

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i believe you just dont get it. In the coming days if Bioware dont start fixing what is in the game and start putting more usefull stuff not garbage into this game this game will loose a lot more subs. The bioware fan boys will be happy at the moment to see us go until their server is dead or no groups for end game events. I believe then they will open their eyes to see that this game is dieing and will only have their selves to blame for being rude, calling names, insults and other **** that they do because of us so call complainers or trolls like to tell bioware about the broken or badly implemented stuff that was not added correctly.


There are 4 things off the top of my head that Bioware needs to fix first instead of add more.

1) Legacy xp needs to be the same as you level xp and the prices to unlock the legacy iems needs to drop they are too high. Really? This right here is the number one thing wrong with the game?:rolleyes:


2) crafting system each companion should have 3 different skills where you can do all four crafting areas on 4 different companions the rest is fine. So you really really don't like MMO's. Game is soloable enough:D


3) bugs, lag, and game performance needs a really big fix do to computer crashes, rubber banding, skills not responding well. The lag needs to be fixed when there are too many people in the area of if someone flys by on a speeder of taxi. Feel real bad about people that Do have them....I do not have these issue's


4) companions need better skills for healing and fighting they simply die too much or dont heal very well at all. other than that the companions are great. So you admit to being bad, and instead of fixing your issue...You want BW to buff something to further prevent you from dying?:eek:


I only being hearing good like finding something else but if this Bioware **** ups continue to happen even you will be taking a low blow when i fore see this game by the end of the year either going free to play of on a really bad case of life support due to low sub numbers. If not by december i feel by at least March of 2013 for sure.


Those are just my thoughts:D

Edited by Taorus
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They have said that 1.3 is less about content and more focused on core systems and more legacy unlocks, and that it wouldnt take as long for it to hit live servers as 1.2 did. (or so they hope)


Do you think core systems might include moving it from the aging Directx 9? >>


Regardless, I wasn't joking about thinking that a "huge patch" that is 800mb of pure bugfixes would be the most amazing thing ever.

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Why would it be out in May? 1.2 Was just released not even 3 weeks ago if i remember correctly.

The guy who made this forum needs to put 5 seconds of uninterrupted thought before he makes threads like this


Bioware said to expect big things monthly after 1.2.


: |

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No I love the game. I could care less if I ever raid. I have the guild wars beta and it's fun but this game is better imo. Both games are fun but if I'm playing a P2P game it will be this game.


You should try as many games as you can OP. That's the only way to find one you enjoy. Hang in there and hope you are having a nice Sunday.

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Then why are you still playing? Unsub noww and save some $$$ if you don't enjoy it. For the record, i don't think there are any basic, bare-bones features missing. There are bugs, yes, but that's to be expected.


I believe you are already seeing that right now with the low server population and a lot of ghost towns on a lot of servers. i will say this Mkeep up your nonsense and the others do the others do the same and you will see a lot more people unsub and you can take that to the bank cause no one is will to put up with you when we are trying to tell bioware what is wrong with the game period.

Edited by Meluna
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And it hasn't even been a month yet, and a big thing already came and gone.


"You’re going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe. It’s going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it’s going to continue to roll out month after month. It’s exciting."

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Bioware said to expect big things monthly after 1.2.


: |


Yes but i'm pretty sure it would take some time for them to make 1.3 unless we want to deal with broken things and more bugs.


And I don't understand why people are trying to make threats to Bioware and EA on what they don't have yet. "Give us (BLANK) and (BLANK) by this day or we will quit." Games take TIME to grow. I have no idea how WoW got to be as popular as it because i was 7 when it came out, but it took time to grow.


And why are people complaining about a LFG system? WoW did not have that until sometime in Wrath of the Lich King, and now its like everyone demands it. Its not that hard to type things and say "LFM blah blah blah."

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I believe you are already seeing that right now with the low server population and a lot of ghost towns on a lot of servers. i will say this Mkeep up your nonsense and the others do the others do the same and you will see a lot more people unsub and you can take that to the bank cause no one is will to put up with you when we are trying to tell bioware what is wrong with the game period.


That comes from having way too many servers. The game has over 1.7 MILLION people, it's hardly dead.

Edited by Meluna
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Yes but i'm pretty sure it would take some time for them to make 1.3 unless we want to deal with broken things and more bugs.


And I don't understand why people are trying to make threats to Bioware and EA on what they don't have yet. "Give us (BLANK) and (BLANK) by this day or we will quit." Games take TIME to grow. I have no idea how WoW got to be as popular as it because i was 7 when it came out, but it took time to grow.


And why are people complaining about a LFG system? WoW did not have that until sometime in Wrath of the Lich King, and now its like everyone demands it. Its not that hard to type things and say "LFM blah blah blah."


If you read my post earlier, you'd have seen that I agree with the sentiment that monthly big patches are bad. I'm just pointing out that, while bad, Bioware really stuck their foot in it with the vague 'roll out month by month' thing. As I said there, I'd rather 'month by month' be huge bugfixing patches that help with performance.

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