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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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I know right. I mean, I don't know about you, but I just can't abide a gaming company who puts out patches every week or so to fix errors. Why? you ask. Well, hello! It cuts into my game time. I mean. Pfh. How dare they. :p


Sorry. I couldn't help myself. :jawa_evil:


when was the patch to fix companions not registering their impants and ear pieces? Its been in game for a long time now and while not game breaking it is another good example of why people are losing confidence in this game.

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when was the patch to fix companions not registering their impants and ear pieces? Its been in game for a long time now and while not game breaking it is another good example of why people are losing confidence in this game.


In a hurry so if I'm wrong cos I don't have the info in front of me, feel free to clobber me, but I believe the issue was introducted 2 patches ago, supposedly fixed next patch (and wasn't).


And, for the record, I'm cool with it and other bugs at this point. We'll see where things are in another 5 or 6 months before I get all uptight.

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when was the patch to fix companions not registering their impants and ear pieces? Its been in game for a long time now and while not game breaking it is another good example of why people are losing confidence in this game.


Did you put in a bug report about this whether in game or on the appropriate forum? How widespread is this problem? In other words, have other people mentioned this same bug? If so, then BW/EA is aware of it and will get to it when they get to it, if they aren't already working on a solution. In the mean time, they are issuing patches to fix bugs/issues what have you that they have found solutions for. Keep in mind, they have a lot of players who report bugs so their to do list is relatively long, which mean they have to prioritize. If it isn't a 'game breaking' issue, then it is probably on the bottom of said 'list'.

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In a hurry so if I'm wrong cos I don't have the info in front of me, feel free to clobber me, but I believe the issue was introducted 2 patches ago, supposedly fixed next patch (and wasn't).


And, for the record, I'm cool with it and other bugs at this point. We'll see where things are in another 5 or 6 months before I get all uptight.


Another 5 to 6 months? Seriously? It's been four months since release. There was at least six years of development. WHERE IS THE CONTENT? I can accept bugs, I can accept imbalance, these things are part of MMOs. What I cannot accept is lack of content. If I'm paying $15/month, I want a reason to log in more than the one night per week the new raid content requires of us.

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if "raiding content" is the only thing you play a game for then i supposed youll always be let down in some way or another. especially in a new game that doesnt have much in the way of endgame content added in yet. you made it a point to get to endgame as fast as possible now youre blaming everyone else because you have little or nothing to do.


as long as you consider yourself to be just "AWESOME" and in need of continuously harder, harDER, HARDER, content-- then yes youll always be let down in some way or another. try pulling back and just having fun instead of rushing to the end all the time every time.


this behaviour and expectation is nobodies fault but your own.


ofcourse if someone like me gets to endgame and theres still nothing for me to do (no that doesnt include raids world pvp or even instances --unless theyre made soloable with my companions. i require solo content and random warzones..no premades or arena crap like wow has) then there would be a problem. i started playing on day one and my highest toon is lvl 40. ofcourse i do have all 8 slots filled with toons i play..i dont have a main or alts..i play several toons equally.

Edited by Anathar
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Another 5 to 6 months? Seriously? It's been four months since release. There was at least six years of development. WHERE IS THE CONTENT? I can accept bugs, I can accept imbalance, these things are part of MMOs. What I cannot accept is lack of content. If I'm paying $15/month, I want a reason to log in more than the one night per week the new raid content requires of us.


Yes, seriously. I still have TONS to do yet. Plus, I am patient and I don't expect an MMO to get settled in until the first year winds down.


Sorry you're not feeling the same.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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That warzone is terrible. C'mon the original 3 are WAY better. ... they need to stop pumping out material like that.


Anything is better than Huttball. Novare Coast might actually be my favourite. I used to like Alderaan the most, but Novare Coast has more open space and a more interesting capture mechanic. They need to keep pumping out material like that (which was done at no cost and within a few months of launch).

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if "raiding content" is the only thing you play a game for then i supposed youll always be let down in some way or another. especially in a new game that doesnt have much in the way of endgame content added in yet. you made it a point to get to endgame as fast as possible now youre blaming everyone else because you have little or nothing to do.


as long as you consider yourself to be just "AWESOME" and in need of continuously harder, harDER, HARDER, content-- then yes youll always be let down in some way or another. try pulling back and just having fun instead of rushing to the end all the time every time.


this behaviour and expectation is nobodies fault but your own.


ofcourse if someone like me gets to endgame and theres still nothing for me to do (no that doesnt include raids world pvp or even instances --unless theyre made soloable with my companions-- i require solo content and random warzones..no premades or arena crap like wow has) then there would be a problem. i started playing on day one and my highest toon is lvl 40. ofcourse i do have all 8 slots filled with toons i play..i dont have a main or alts..i play several toons equally.


Believe me, I'd love to. I played "the other MMO which shall not be named" for years, even in a high end competitive endgame guild because there was always something to log in for, to see, to do, and strive for.


Even without raiding content, there is squat to do when you hit 50. You'll see, eventually.

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Believe me, I'd love to. I played "the other MMO which shall not be named" for years, even in a high end competitive endgame guild because there was always something to log in for, to see, to do, and strive for.


Even without raiding content, there is squat to do when you hit 50. You'll see, eventually.


Well, if that is the case (and I'm not agreeing nor disagreeing since I am not quite there yet) I still have numerous other characters to get TO 50. See, having played MMOs for a looooong time, I KNOW that level-cap is going to be sparse until the dust settles so I'm not silly enough to try to get there in any particular hurry. Hence, playing different classes, enjoying the journey, having fun with crafting etc.


And, if I hit 50 with all my characters and no further content has come along? Well, I'm still good because I will have had fun getting there.

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when was the patch to fix companions not registering their impants and ear pieces? Its been in game for a long time now and while not game breaking it is another good example of why people are losing confidence in this game.


The world's tiniest violin is playing for you sir.


The bug came with 1.2, which means it's been in the game an Earth shattering two weeks. The bug results in a relatively minior 5-10% loss in stats for your sidekick and has an easy workaround for the fights where this really matters.

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The world's tiniest violin is playing for you sir.


The bug came with 1.2, which means it's been in the game an Earth shattering two weeks. The bug results in a relatively minior 5-10% loss in stats for your sidekick and has an easy workaround for the fights where this really matters.


So, what you're saying is that it's totally acceptable for bugs, be they large or small, to hang around for two weeks (and probably longer) without a fix, despite a fix being claimed in recent patch notes? Cool.


And, I mean, how does this kind of stuff even happen? Companion gear slots not counting? I assume even the dev team doesn't know, since it's proving so difficult to fix.


Et tu HeroEngine?

Edited by cshouston
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The title of this thread is so stupid, I'm almost surprised its at 50 pages. Thankfully, the discussion is more of a retread of what Bioware has and hasn't delivered in this game, sprinkled with a generous amount personal attacks.


I've held off buying this game up until last month when they were offering the free trial and purchased the game and set up a subscription soon after. I don't really give a hang over nonsense such as "broken promises" over pre-release press because it's really not a smart thing to fall for that sort of hype, especially considering how development changes can happen mid-way in the development cycle either to meet a release deadline or other snags, The game is currently enjoyable and I play it.


Not sure how long I'll still be playing the game. A month or two maybe. Not sure if I want to play another alt. If I get bored or impatient with the game, I'll just unsub and make about 20 GB of free space on my hard drive. I doubt I'll make a grand proclamation that I'm no longer playing the game like the OP, since being done with a game is hardly headline material.


when was the patch to fix companions not registering their implants and ear pieces? Its been in game for a long time now and while not game breaking it is another good example of why people are losing confidence in this game.


I must admit, I have taken a hiatus from the game until this Tuesday. That bug lasting this long is quite annoying, and it is really the only in-game bug that I care about that much.

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So, what you're saying is that it's totally acceptable for bugs, be they large or small, to hang around for two weeks (and probably longer) without a fix, despite a fix being claimed in recent patch notes? Cool.


And, I mean, how does this kind of stuff even happen? Companion gear slots not counting? I assume even the dev team doesn't know, since it's proving so difficult to fix.


Et tu HeroEngine?


Bugs happen. Oh boy do bugs happen in code. I swear everyone who thinks bugs can be insta-fixed needs to spend a month or so in QA and coding. So easy to sit here at our keyboards and make disparaging comments or howl, isn't it?

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Bugs happen. Oh boy do bugs happen in code. I swear everyone who thinks bugs can be insta-fixed needs to spend a month or so in QA and coding. So easy to sit here at our keyboards and make disparaging comments or howl, isn't it?


How much did your rose-tinted glasses cost?


The point is, their decision to license an incomplete prototype engine in order to "get something running in a hurry" is biting them in the ***.


“It’s not productized yet,” we told Gordon. “There are whole sections of code that is only roughed in and not optimized for performance or security. And there are very few comments and very little documentation.”




After four months of the game being "live" it's becoming more and more apparent that they're uncomfortable with the tools at their disposal.


The way James Ohlen spinned the fact that the development team was staying on after launch as a good thing was pretty slick. The original development team is still going after launch because the game is NOT FINISHED, and they're still trying to finish and implement their original design. We're being charged a monthly fee to play a beta, essentially. I'm sure the lion's share of the blame lays with EA though.

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So, what you're saying is that it's totally acceptable for bugs, be they large or small, to hang around for two weeks (and probably longer) without a fix, despite a fix being claimed in recent patch notes? Cool.


Yes, it is acceptable. Bugs happen. They get fixed. Sometimes the fix itself is bugged, which happened in this case. You can survive a couple of weeks with a bug that is, at best, a minor irritant, has almost no impact on gameplay, and has a known work-around.


Et tu HeroEngine?


Name one major game, that does not have bugs. It has nothing to do with the engine.

Edited by Kthx
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Name one major game, that does not have bugs. It has nothing to do with the engine.


You, unsurprisingly, missed the point. If the engineers at BioWare had designed their own engine and were intimately aware of its ins-and-outs, there would probably be fewer overall issues. Deciding to take the cheap route and licensing an unfinished and untested engine just because it was made by some executive's friends is quite possibly ruining this game. I would not want to be one of the programmers over there trying to figure out a new engine with next to no commenting or documentation.

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Yes, it is acceptable. Bugs happen. They get fixed. Sometimes the fix itself is bugged, which happened in this case. You can survive a couple of weeks with a bug that is, at best, a minor irritant, has almost no impact on gameplay, and has a known work-around.




Name one major game, that does not have bugs. It has nothing to do with the engine.


i seem to remember skyrim winning gamespots game of the year last year. so that must have been bug free yes???




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You, unsurprisingly, missed the point. If the engineers at BioWare had designed their own engine and were intimately aware of its ins-and-outs, there would probably be fewer overall issues. Deciding to take the cheap route and licensing an unfinished and untested engine just because it was made by some executive's friends is quite possibly ruining this game. I would not want to be one of the programmers over there trying to figure out a new engine with next to no commenting or documentation.


You seem to have litteraly no clue the type of work that goes into a game engine.

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How much did your rose-tinted glasses cost?


The point is, their decision to license an incomplete prototype engine in order to "get something running in a hurry" is biting them in the ***.


How about we don't get into slamming one and other and just talk. :)





After four months of the game being "live" it's becoming more and more apparent that they're uncomfortable with the tools at their disposal.


The way James Ohlen spinned the fact that the development team was staying on after launch as a good thing was pretty slick. The original development team is still going after launch because the game is NOT FINISHED, and they're still trying to finish and implement their original design. We're being charged a monthly fee to play a beta, essentially. I'm sure the lion's share of the blame lays with EA though.


Of course the game is not finished. It's an MMO. It had better not be finished. Perhaps you meant "polished"? As for the monthly fee...again...this is a work in progress. ALL MMOs are. ALL OF THEM. That's a good thing. If paying a monthly fee for a work in progress (an MMO) is a problem for you, I can understand that. This type of game, ongoing fixes, new bugs, bugs squashed, new content, nerfs, etc. is not for everyone. And that's cool. But it is how MMOs are.

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How much did your rose-tinted glasses cost?

The way James Ohlen spinned the fact that the development team was staying on after launch as a good thing was pretty slick. The original development team is still going after launch because the game is NOT FINISHED, and they're still trying to finish and implement their original design. We're being charged a monthly fee to play a beta, essentially. I'm sure the lion's share of the blame lays with EA though.


Wouldn't be surprised by this assuming it is true. After having its deadline extended so much during development, its possible, if not likely, that EA decided to lock the launch date even if the game was not 100% finished or bug-free.


While it is true for most games, I understand that the addition of a subscription fee makes it a bit harder to excuse.

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You, unsurprisingly, missed the point. If the engineers at BioWare had designed their own engine and were intimately aware of its ins-and-outs, there would probably be fewer overall issues. Deciding to take the cheap route and licensing an unfinished and untested engine just because it was made by some executive's friends is quite possibly ruining this game. I would not want to be one of the programmers over there trying to figure out a new engine with next to no commenting or documentation.


Well, assuming you are correct (and I'm not sure that you are)....hindsight is always a lovely thing.


It is beginning to seem to me that, and I mean no offense here, this is not the game for you. Look, I know how frustrating it is to really, really WANT a game to be what you would like but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way or, it takes longer than you'd like it to.

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How much did your rose-tinted glasses cost?


The point is, their decision to license an incomplete prototype engine in order to "get something running in a hurry" is biting them in the ***.






After four months of the game being "live" it's becoming more and more apparent that they're uncomfortable with the tools at their disposal.


The way James Ohlen spinned the fact that the development team was staying on after launch as a good thing was pretty slick. The original development team is still going after launch because the game is NOT FINISHED, and they're still trying to finish and implement their original design. We're being charged a monthly fee to play a beta, essentially. I'm sure the lion's share of the blame lays with EA though.


Oh god, he broke out the "we're paying to play beta" routine.....lol. Please, give it a rest already. The game will never be finished and will always have bugs. That's normal. You don't like it, then just leave and quit complaining.

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Oh god, he broke out the "we're paying to play beta" routine.....lol. Please, give it a rest already. The game will never be finished and will always have bugs. That's normal. You don't like it, then just leave and quit complaining.


Oh shut up. You're generalizing my comment. There's a difference between an unfinished MMO, and the fact that an MMO "is never finished".

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