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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


GW2 is going to disapoint a lot of people for sure, and the cash shop is a show stopper for me.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


No, I actually enjoy the game. GW2 is not that impressive, if people complain that this game is to linear, GW2 is way worse. Also D3 is not even in the same game type category as TOR so it does not matter.

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Yet another "Give me more give me more or my entire guild will quit" thread. Man I can't wait for GW2 to come out so we don't have to deal with these "people" anymore.



They will be back when they see how much of a trainwreck GW2 is and we will have to deal with them again.

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No, I actually enjoy the game. GW2 is not that impressive, if people complain that this game is to linear, GW2 is way worse. Also D3 is not even in the same game type category as TOR so it does not matter.


I'm pretty upset about Diablo 3 to be honest. Diablo 1 to Diablo 2 was a HUGE improvement. More classes new locations, compaions and so on. Diablo 3 feels like Diablo 2 with shiney new paint and in some ways a step back.


Which is fine for some but I was hoping for a bit more. I'm sure I will buy it but it won't be a day 1 buy for me and I won't be hooked on it like I was Diablo 2.

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Why would you unsub if a patch isnt out by may. That just shows impatience. This is a great game that is still new. There will be bugs that will get fixed, content will eventually added and the game will get better. You cant expect everything in an mmo to be instant gratification. Hell it took WOW 7 years to get to where it is today and when wow first began it had 100s of less features and instances/end game content than what swtor has.


So if you cant wait at least 4 - 5 years for an mmo to reach its peak than maybe you need to go back to solo games where instant gratification is guarenteed. Unfortunatly thats just the nature of mmos.

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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


So true. I was excited to try Guild Wars 2 this weekend for beta, totally sucked. I mean it was so bad I couldn't get into it no matter how hard I tried. By far the worst MMO I have ever played. Having said all that, I think This game is good, but I'm bored out of my mind so if 1.3 doesn't come with some major content than I will be gone, TSW beta weekends start May 11th. Maybe that game will be good, if not then TOR is about the only game worth messing around with for now.

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Considering I have read the opposite of stellar and mixed feelings inbetween in plenty of forum posts from this one and other forums I'm not going to take your word for it. What makes me believe you even less is that I have two friends who both got into the beta this morning, played it for 2 or 3 hours, and haven't touched it since. They went right back to playing WoW and either TOR or Rift. Just a little funfact, they were both the same kind of people that were hyping it to be the second coming for MMOs.


Just so we're also clear their complaints weren't the performance issues even though the game had more than should be tolerated even for a beta test. They didn't like how the 'dynamic' events were just a different way to initiate the same old quests we've been playing for years now, the voiceover work is subpar at best, the visuals weren't as impressive as they seemed from promotional material, PvP is nothing more than an AoEfest and smacking on doors most of the time, and when they found out there are no raids except outdoor bosses that just mostly stand in one place and let you beat on them... yeah they immediately went for a refund.


As well, didn't you say that you are a RAIDING GUILD? If you are then at what point did any lackluster PvP in TOR make you decide to take your RAIDING GUILD to GW2 for it's PvP? I sure hope the PvP in that game works for you because if it doesn't you'll be saying, "Oh well at least we can raid...... ummm guys where are the raids?"


You nailed it. I took a day off work on Friday to play GW2 beta, expecting something totally different than what it is. Now I have spent the last day trying to get them to answer my emails asking for them to cancel my prepurchase so I can get my money back. I couldn't play that game no matter how bored I was of any other. Sucks too, because I wanted it to be a good game. I was shocked at how bad it really was. The quests are about as engaging as playing Pac-Man as an MMO would be, sorry Pac ole boy, you're better than that I know.

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Guys, you are missing the main point of this thread.... OP is gonna unsub in two days, this is serious business. Bioware has to do something drastic to ensure that OP continues his sub, the fate of the galaxy depends on it.
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Bioware has to do something drastic


Wish they would just start perma-banning people who threaten to quit. I mean, they are unsubbing anyway, why not throw an immediate ban their way so we don't need to hear them telling us why they alone can't have fun... ad nauseum.


BW, make it so, you know you want to, and perma-banning these people isn't going to lose you customers... they have already unsubbed or are that close to it, their voice no longer matters.

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1.3 in may? U kidding? They didnt even include ranked wz in 1.2 and u want 1.3 to be out in may? Impossible, imo why add more content if the main issues plaguing this game havent been resolved yet: low server populations, pvp imbalances, animation delays, quest bugs, etc.
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1.3 in may? U kidding? They didnt even include ranked wz in 1.2 and u want 1.3 to be out in may? Impossible, imo why add more content if the main issues plaguing this game havent been resolved yet: low server populations, pvp imbalances, animation delays, quest bugs, etc.
Server population issues are a top priority and are being actively addressed, there's nothing Bioware can really do about faction imbalance, and everything else is fixed and patched on a regular and continuing basis. Since all of your listed concerns are accounted for, why shouldn't the developers turn to new content? What more do you want?
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No, I won't unsub if 1.3 is not here in May.

I think they need to make transfers a priority. I feel bad for the people stuck on low population servers. Once they get this problem fixed then I would love to see 1.3 this summer. Demanding 1.3 by May is unreasonable at best.

After reading threads in different gaming forums about GW2, Tera and The Secret World, I don't think they are the SWTOR killers some people thought they would be.

I need 16 character slots per server Bioware. I'm willing to let those poor people on low pop servers sit there a couple extra months if you'll give me more slots. :D

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OP - please take your silver spoon and go have fun in Diablo or GW2. Sure SWTOR could be doing some things better, but for a brand new game it's heading in the right direction. They have been making changes and adding new content.


You may want to cut/paste your QQ from this forum, substituting Diablo 3 or GW2 for SWTOR in your posts. Will save you time when you start the QQ on those forums.

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To answer your question,I can't really unsub from the game since I bought a game time card thingy that will last me until July(not June,my bad). PLus I just got this game recently. lol

But even if my game time expired in May,I still wouldn't unsub.

Edited by plotenox
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No....I am having way to much fun.


No kidding. I haven't even really played any of the new content. If you aren't trapped into the notion of having everything provided for you there is soooo much to do in this game. I've spent the last weeks since 1.2 launch gathering crafting mats for the new +41 crystal schems, enjoying the event, and doing stuff like Black Hole. I haven't even gotten to the new Operation or Flashpoint and haven't hardly spent any time in the new WZ. As soon as I'm done with my crafting I'll still have all of that to do and will have to finish gearing myself and my main companion in BM. Plenty to do in this game right now!

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I could care less about more content, I think this game has PLENTY of content. I wish they would separate the feature additions with the content additions.


The only thing holding this game back are the lopsided server populations, people are not able to enjoy the current content because some populations are so low.


I don't care if 1.3 doesn;t come out until 2013 as long as they allow server xfer/merges and x-server queues soon. Most of my friends/guilds quit not because lack of content but because there were not enough people to enjoy the content they already have.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


Anyone that has ever played an MMORPG would understand that these games, this entire genre launches exactly as this game did, and that this was the smoothest launch in the history of MMORPGs. They launch a shell, then add content over the next 5 to 10 years as the game grows and evolves (which is half the fun). THAT is what was expected by the experienced gamer. THAT is what they delivered. That is a big fat basket of Kudos to them.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:


In my business, I've come to understand that there is a percentage of the customer base that simply cannot be satisfied no matter how hard you try, no matter what you give them, and that percentage is growing larger every day. I feel that this is such a case.


For anyone that has ventured to the SWG boards recently, they will see a level of vitriol that far surpasses what we are seeing here (so I guess we know where all the angry kids went when they left here). That game has already been declared, by the armchair developers, a failure.


Best wishes to you and your guild. It is my belief that you will fit right in there and as the player base here grows with more experienced and courteous players we may see less bashing of a game we love playing and enjoy very much.


Thank you Bioware for providing a ridiculously inexpensive product that has already provided hour upon hour of fun and entertainment.

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For anyone that has ventured to the SWG boards recently, they will see a level of vitriol that far surpasses what we are seeing here (so I guess we know where all the angry kids went when they left here). That game has already been declared, by the armchair developers, a failure.


Do you mean the GW2 boards? Yes, it's a perfect example of people going in with unrealistic expectations, and then the results when reality smacks them across the face. Once again, same old thing, different MMO.


Is it too hard to go in with realistic expectations? My dad always taught: "hope for best, expect the worst". I'm hardly ever blind-sided like it seems many here are...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Do you mean the GW2 boards? Yes, it's a perfect example of people going in with unrealistic expectations, and then the results when reality smacks them across the face. Once again, same old thing, different MMO.


Is it too hard to go in with realistic expectations? My dad always taught: "hope for best, expect the worst". I'm hardly ever blind-sided like it seems many here are...


Same here along with "do what you wish in life but be prepared to accept the consequences".


Has worked very well for me. SWTOR caught me totally by surprise, I had no interest in it and got dragged over here. No expectations at all and here I am 4 months later having a ton of fun.


Oh...as for the OP, heavens no. I'm not a fan of cutting off my own nose to spite my face.

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Do you mean the GW2 boards? Yes, it's a perfect example of people going in with unrealistic expectations, and then the results when reality smacks them across the face. Once again, same old thing, different MMO.


Is it too hard to go in with realistic expectations? My dad always taught: "hope for best, expect the worst". I'm hardly ever blind-sided like it seems many here are...


EVERYONE should've seen that coming, you're correct. I think the problem, though, is BioWare's reputation coupled with a VERY beloved IP, led to unrealistic expectations. Perhaps augmented by press/hype from BW themselves (I'm looking at you, Mr. Ohlen). As far as GW2, it's because GW, for what it was, was freaking awesome. THERE was a game with balanced PVP. There was a counter for everything. People have VERY high hopes that the sequel will merge what GW did right with what certain other MMO's do right.

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Do you mean the GW2 boards? Yes, it's a perfect example of people going in with unrealistic expectations, and then the results when reality smacks them across the face. Once again, same old thing, different MMO.


Is it too hard to go in with realistic expectations? My dad always taught: "hope for best, expect the worst". I'm hardly ever blind-sided like it seems many here are...


Yes, GW2. Sorry for the confusion.


But, on a side note. You need to stop now Jeramie. This is no place to be injecting logic, reason, and rational discussion. If you continue, I will report you. ;p


Dad was a wise man btw.

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