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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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Checking out the forums on different sites has really made me giggle. What you'll see is the same thing that has been seen of TOR. Here are some examples.


1) Person A - The performance issues are horrid.

Person B - It's beta! God! What is it with you people?! It will get better. It. Is. Beta.


2) Person A - I played for an hour and I love this game already!

Person B - Well I played for an hour and I don't like it at all.

Person A - You played for an hour! Are you kidding me? You're basing whether or not you like this game from 1 hour of play?! You at least have to play 10 times longer than that before you can decide whether you like it! It only makes sense.


3) Person A - I've seen these problems before from other developers and I doubt this will end up much different any time soon.

Person B - Arenanet is not <insert developer here> and they won't let these same things happen! They are top notch!


4) Person A - It has some strong points but ultimately I don't think it's going to live up to its hype at least not for a time well after launch.

Person B - Then just go away and stay out of my game! I'm sure this game will be better without people like you!


5) Person A - The combat just still feels like so many other MMOs. A couple neat things here and there but at it's core it ultimately feels similar. I thought it was going to be different.

Person B - It is! You can dodge out of red circles!

Person A - I can manually do that in other games. I'm still essentially 'locked-on' and attacks are homing in on me.

Person B - It's an MMO. What did you expect? If you want a fail action game pretending to be an MMO go play Tera!



So very very true but in this case we have the pre-purchase QQ "I hate the game and I can't get a refund!!!! Class action law suit!!!! it's pure gold glad I have me /popcorn.

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So very very true but in this case we have the pre-purchase QQ "I hate the game and I can't get a refund!!!! Class action law suit!!!! it's pure gold glad I have me /popcorn.


Lol no doubt. I don't have anything against Arenanet or Guild Wars. I just find it entertaining that the game so many people claimed was going to be the end-all MMO is having the same forum war that we see here and what makes it even more entertaining is that the game isn't even out yet and I have seen so many posts of people wanting their pre-order money back. Seriously, it's like people never learn. Shocking.

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I can't wait till 1.3 comes out. So excited to see more people quit after they see BW put in more useless legacy contents. Thanks again BW for the free month, I've been having a blast not loggin on to play your pos game.
You took the time out of an otherwise lackluster day just to mingle with the community and deuce in the punch bowl. How sweet. :eek: Edited by GalacticKegger
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Trust me GW2 will not kil this game. They said the same thing about Rift in the Warhammer forums. What will kill this game is bad patches, bad "balance" fixes, bad development, and overall lose of excitement for the game. GW2 will have a minor impact.


Eh Warhammer is down to just one server now and Rift has 32 so I think they were right....

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Eh Warhammer is down to just one server now and Rift has 32 so I think they were right....


To be fair, Warhammer was fail by itself. It didn't need help from another MMO. Rift could have never launched and Warhammer would have still went down to a single server. Honestly, a game with 32 servers can't be claimed to be the death of another MMO. That's really stretching it.

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Lol no doubt. I don't have anything against Arenanet or Guild Wars. I just find it entertaining that the game so many people claimed was going to be the end-all MMO is having the same forum war that we see here and what makes it even more entertaining is that the game isn't even out yet and I have seen so many posts of people wanting their pre-order money back. Seriously, it's like people never learn. Shocking.


Has the drama started over there already?!

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Lol no doubt. I don't have anything against Arenanet or Guild Wars. I just find it entertaining that the game so many people claimed was going to be the end-all MMO is having the same forum war that we see here and what makes it even more entertaining is that the game isn't even out yet and I have seen so many posts of people wanting their pre-order money back. Seriously, it's like people never learn. Shocking.


Funny that even Anet knew their game sucked- was a pretty brilliant way to make their money back though 'force people to pay before they've seen/tried the game themselves... in full'.


Gutsy- I get a feeling Anet's going to suffer a huge publicity backlash for their extremely shady decision to do that though.

Edited by fungihoujo
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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


i told u sooooooooooooo

no i will play and if u think they are going to do 1.3 in under 1 month u are dreaming good bye:D

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I don't care if Bioware took 6 months to get 1.3 out. I love this game. The stories are interesting, the quests are fun, even if having 4 each on each faction makes me bang my head and space bar through them. "yes, yes, you want me to kill Sandpeople for the eleventy-billionth time'.


Why are people in such a big hurry in these games? End game? This is a MMO. THERE IS NO END GAME! Period. Nada. Zip. Zero. I don't care if you finished every single daily, quest, story, character, class, what have you. There is ALWAYS something to do. Ever hear of Everquest? It wasn't named that cause it sounded cool. It was named that because it was forEVER QUESTing.


Don't like repetition? Play a console game and resell it for another.


Damn. This generation nowadays is FULL of impatient people. The 200 or 300 million that went into this game wasn't just the game itself. A lot of that money went to the voice actors. If this game was just like any other MMO, it might have cost them 30 maybe 50 million to make and advertise.


Seriously. If you're bored or don't like this game, find another to keep you occupied. No one is making you play this game. More patches are coming. Hell, I want more interaction with my companions like yesterday, but I'm not sitting here, throwing a fit and threatening to leave a game I enjoy because Corso won't tell me about his grandfather Skippy who wrestled mountain lions on Alderran or something.


Patience, grasshopper! Good things come to those who wait.

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I'm hearing terrible things about GW2 so far, and it's really disappointing because I was pretty psyched about that. But Diablo III, on the other hand, I've tried out (beta weekend) and I'm 1000% sold on that one. In fact, I'm anxiously waiting for it.


So who cares about 1.3? I already unsubbed and uninstalled, now I'm just browsing the forums looking for signs of life and wondering when the server merges will start. There's enough of a fanbase that they will probably be able to sustain the game for some time, I don't see it dying anytime soon. But the buzz on the street is clear: disappointment and lack of originality. Story is great for a single player game, but it's not enough to move the meter in the MMO universe.

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No. Unlike some people, unsubbing isn't my answer to every perceived slight by the company making the game. Before SW:TOR, my big MMORPG was Anarchy Online, and it took Funcom about three years of pushing back their deadline for an engine overhaul (something quite a lot bigger than SW:TOR update 1.3) before I decided I'd had enough. And even then it was only one reason.


New stuff in updates is nice, but I don't think SW:TOR is broken, so I won't wait for every successive update to fix it and won't need to be disappointed when they don't.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?




Now go away!

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I'm hearing terrible things about GW2 so far, and it's really disappointing because I was pretty psyched about that. But Diablo III, on the other hand, I've tried out (beta weekend) and I'm 1000% sold on that one. In fact, I'm anxiously waiting for it.


Just my opinion but from having played in a few GW2 betas, there is not one terrible thing in GW2, that game is amazing in almost every aspect, i had loads of fun in the betas, I'm sticking to Swtor for now but when GW2 comes out its gonna be tough to decide.

Maybe those terrible things you heard were about Tera, very disappointed with that game, at least until around lvl 20 its a montruous boring grindfest, after lvl 20 it's a lot better, world pvp is great .

Again, just my opinion from having played both betas.


And to answer the OP's question, no i will not unsub, for the time being i'm still having fun playing this game.

Edited by skepticck
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After the disaster that is the GW2 weekend test I wouldn't be too sure.


GW2 weekend test is a mess .. but the really scary parts are the fanatical GW2 fans that believe in GW2 , even some that never been in beta.. and some of these fans also troll the MMORPG bloggers and rush to defend any critics.


I think its safe to say that GW2 will be a success to the non-mmo crowd looking for P2P (Purchase to play).. but many people forget what make a successful MMO.. its the casual players that never raid, never pvp, happily do alts after alts, enjoying stories, leveling slowly.. those are the kind of ppl that bioware will woo and retain , as end-gamers will leave any MMO no matter how much content they got.. kinda like MMO Tourist.. or MMO Locust..


GW2 VS SWTOR ? no contest , SWTOR won by large margin for casuals

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That won't make me unsub, but if they don't find and fix the issue causing many of us to crash to desktop after 1.2.1 soon, like in the next week then I will unsub. No need to pay for a game I can't play. I don't understand why they don't do a rollback, more than once WoW did this in it's early days when they screwed the pooch on an update that made the game unplayable for so many. :confused:


While I feel for you and hope BW fixes the problem you face quick, 'issue causing many of us' is little dramatic. The thread on the bug has only 116 posts. Obviously it's a rare bug. Rare or not, it's a game stopper should be fixed as soon as possible.

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Just my opinion but from having played in a few GW2 betas, there is not one terrible thing in GW2, that game is amazing in almost every aspect, i had loads of fun in the betas, I'm sticking to Swtor for now but when GW2 comes out its gonna be tough to decide.

Maybe those terrible things you heard were about Tera, very disappointed with that game, at least until around lvl 20 its a montruous boring grindfest, after lvl 20 it's a lot better, world pvp is great .

Again, just my opinion from having played both betas.


And to answer the OP's question, no i will not unsub, for the time being i'm still having fun playing this game.


I just played GW2 beta.


You spend the first hours auto attacking, it's laid out very poorly- it's quite the challenge just to figure out where to go to do what. The Interface isn't intuitive or easily customized.


Voice acting is atrocious- like, I prefer my female JK's voice acting to what I've heard in GW2- it's honestly that bad. On top of that, the dialogue was written for children... when my character flat out said to someone asking her to kill some worms, 'This is where my legend begins', I began wondering when the sparkly vampires would appear.


The graphics... not as good as you'd think- but not bad either, and I like the style of the cutscenes- HOWEVER, the style is cool while the delivery is weak and there's a cinematic disconnect- it's like having Bruce Willis all cut up and looking like a total BAMF, delivering nursery rhymes to children.... only that might actually be entertaining the first time.


Abilties are very limited- and still annoying to place- hotkey replacement doesn't show up on the hotkeys. Getting into pvp is annoying, and WvWvW doesn't bolster you completely or even give you a full set of abilities- you can't roll on another server without paying big real bucks.


Already server imbalances were massive- with one server holding the entire map. In the three hours I played- not a single pvp match popped... the entire point of GW. The pve was boring, running around quests and WAR's PQs strewn about.


The lack of healers and tanks makes the pve and pvp extremely 2 dimensional and it's basically zerg vs zerg. Dodge is pretty unreliable, and a dumb mechanic regardless for what's essentially a bad hybrid of action mmo and wow style mmo. The auto facing while moving feels awkward.



TLDR- I was expecting GW1 with all the problems it had fixed (small world, no mmo aspect due to instancing, limited customization, no Z axis)- and while somethings were fixed- like no jumping and a small instanced world... all the big things were unchanged or even made worse.

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