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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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I just want server transfers. I'm not going to quit because I enjoy the game most of the time. I just feel I would like it even better if I could access content at different times of the day, not just on prime time.
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Well i have done both i have bleeped about some of the more stupid things bioware has done. And i have defended some of the better choices they have made. I have played since beta and as long as i can log in and have fun i will keep playing.


So as long as transfers get here soon and they keep releasing new content i will stay and enjoy the game. But i have no dillusions that its going to happen every month and anyone thats played a mmo more than a year knows thats not likely in any game on the market.


So yea even if 1.2 isnt out in may i will keep playing . If i run out of things to do i will simply step away for awhile and come back when its more to my likeing. But so far thankfully that isnt the case.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


bye! dont forget to leave me your stuff....

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My guess is: 1.3 to probably 1.9 will be the usual stuff, minor improvements to catch up with other MMOs plus FPs, WZs and some operations, the really cool stuff, the new game experience or NGE is coming with 2.0


hopefully by that time they rename it to SWG 2 :D

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Kurate here from Terentek. I am personally leaving the game by may 15h if 1.3 isn't coming. Tera just came out which I will be playing but, I feel SWTOR is a state of blah right now. Don't get me wrong it was fun but, right now its just meh.


Also, good points other posters about GW2 / D3. Personally I want SWTOR to succeed but, re-n1ging(spades term) on rated warzones and cross server pvp I think is probably and should be your highest priority.






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I don't expect 1.3 until July at the earliest, with August a more realistic target. And since they've said 1.3 is going to be a bit on the lean side, I don't anticipate anything really interesting before next year.


If there's nothing really new and interesting by the end of next year, it might be time to consider cancelling. I'll take a few months after that to mull it over.


Ask me again in 2014. I'm sure the impending threat of my quitting will spur them into immediate action, yep, yep.


Now get off my lawn.

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And after 1.3 comes out in may? Would you then demand 1.4 come out in June? 1.5 in July?


Seriously, lower your expectations or just unsub now. You're expecting something that simply won't happen.

This. Alot of stuff people wanted came out in 1.2, but as soon as it was out, I saw plenty of players disregard it and be unhappy again because what they really wanted was other features, and 1.2 should have been at launch, etc.


So it's a catch 22 - come out with large updates that add features, "they should have been at launch anyway"; come out with new content, "where's the features missing from launch, and new stuff we want it all yesterday!!!".


Really, have a little faith and some patience.


I'm subbed until mid July, then I'm going on vacation and probably re-sub when I return in September, it will depend how things have evolved by then.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?

Well...this REALLY isn't a "raiding game" yes, they have raids...but it's not a "raiding game" like every other mmo out there ;)

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It is not feasible nor logical for 1.3 to be released in the next 4 weeks. Get real and grow up. To answer your question - no I will not unsub because I am not impractical.


Not for nothing but do you really think that a company that made a MMO really doesnt have stuff already created and sitting on the back burner. These patches were fluff because it fixed very little and gave us pretty much garbage that was already created pre release of the game. Same thing in Warhammer. Tomb of the vulture lord was already created and was going to be part of a expansion but they were losing subs so fast they needed something to stem the flow. Hence more unpolished crap entered the game. Exactally whats going on with this one. You are foolish to think that 1.2 was being developed the whole entire time, they were trying to work out all the bugs since release but failed thus giving us a new shiny to play with. The population totals for each planet should paint the picture on whats going on

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Let's not misunderstand each other. I take none of this personally.


I'm just appalled at the state of thought in some of the users that post on these forums. The sense of entitlement is just outrageous, especially by people who don't seem to have any inkling of how this kind of development works.


Most especially, the "Will you unsub?" threads seem like the most counterproductive and backwards threads on the entire forum. I don't buy that anyone posting any of these threads has anything but anger and resentment toward the game and an ultimate wish that this game dies and closes shop.


Since I find that to be an alien concept, I have no interest in defending them nor placating the users who post them. On the contrary, my first impulse is probably going to be to turn it around and angle it right back at them and dare them to act in the same rambunctious way in which they speak.


FYI, I'd say there's about a 90% chance that the user in question you're defending just received a free 30 days to stick around, and is already threatening to leave again. If you find that admirable behavior, that's your prerogative.


Finally, someone with a working mind on these forums!

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Finally, someone with a working mind on these forums!


All the working minds have already left the forums. They all unsubbed. The remainder is the hold outs keeping faith that 1.2 will bring back ToR and give them something they were promised at launch. Now they realize the error in sticking around hence stating they will unsub if 1.3 isnt going to fix things. So in the end you have these people who say they will unsub but wont because they will hold out for the next patch, then you have the hard core fanboys that will never quit because they are too in love with the game to see the flaws. Everyone that could of helped to fix this game have moved on to something new

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A patch that included a new warzone, operation and flashpoint is essentially just fluff?


What's your expectation for a patch that isn't your definition of fluff?


Esp when you cannot run them..lol. And no...my sub is good until Aug 17th. If I continue after that will depend on what they add between now and then.

Edited by Valkirus
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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


Only a fool doesn't worry about competitors. SWTOR is in trouble with the mass amount of games coming out in the next few months.

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All the working minds have already left the forums. They all unsubbed. The remainder is the hold outs keeping faith that 1.2 will bring back ToR and give them something they were promised at launch. Now they realize the error in sticking around hence stating they will unsub if 1.3 isnt going to fix things. So in the end you have these people who say they will unsub but wont because they will hold out for the next patch, then you have the hard core fanboys that will never quit because they are too in love with the game to see the flaws. Everyone that could of helped to fix this game have moved on to something new


Soooooo since you're still here does that mean your mind isn't working? Didn't quite think your insult through did you mate?

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Soooooo since you're still here does that mean your mind isn't working? Didn't quite think your insult through did you mate?


Wasnt a insult, its just a plain fact. I am still here because I have a free thirty days and a month left on my paid sub. I didnt even bother doing the test server because I knew the healing changes were going to devastate the Commando Healing just by reading about it. I was right and then some. I knew taking the time to go on the test server and posting my numbers was going to infurate me because I knew EA was going to go through with the changes no matter what the people voiced. Remember this is the same company that KILLLED a MMO that had about the same size subsciber base at launch. They did the same thing there, put in junk to keep people going while ignoring the testers and the potential people who could of saved the game from failure. Hence the reason why this game has little hope. Never before has a MMO needed server merges after 6 months post launch.

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I still have a lot of classes I want to level. I've barely touched the Imperial side and I have friends who have just started playing. With that said, this game needs a proper LFD for me to commit to it long-term. Eventually I'll have the classes I want leveled leveled and when that happens I don't want to spend my time spamming on the fleet.
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