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The SWTOR hate.


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No, what I am stating is that, certain types of MMOs with greater graphical requirements like SWTOR and AIon, etc... require much larger bandwidth than your typical online game, like WAR, WoW, etc...


Some ISPs simply will not allow you Bandwidth that large.


Turn down your specifications, and I assure you, you will be able to play just fine.


Are you sure you want to blame people's bandwith?


Really really sure?


That's from Chicago to San Diego.

Here's to a local server,



I get about 12-15 fps in a warzone. What settings i play at doesn't matter (can't really tell the difference between them as they all look horrible)


I would tell you my computer spec's but you've deemed it irrelevant. I guess my 4meg/sec upload isn't enough to play swtor.


btw, WoW on ultra settings in raids i average about 50-60fps.

Edited by Offended
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Hahaha, what?


Watch a few Youtube vids for GW2 here are the posts you will get:


1.OMG WoW KillER, CAnCellling NAO!






Guess what, that is done round the clock.


Want proof? 6mil Pre-orders.


Funny thing is, this formula has been tried three times before, didn't work, evidently,


Basically, 'nuff said.

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Are you sure you want to blame people's bandwith?


Really really sure?


That's from Chicago to San Diego.

Here's to a local server,



And just to laugh and dance together, here's my bandwith:




So funny, isn't it? Clearly my ISP.

Edited by Samvan
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Watch a few Youtube vids for GW2 here are the posts you will get:


1.OMG WoW KillER, CAnCellling NAO!






Guess what, that is done round the clock.


Want proof? 6mil Pre-orders.


Funny thing is, this formula has been tried three times before, didn't work, evidently,


Basically, 'nuff said.


Indeed. I remember those exact comments for the RIFT trailer.

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I enjoy the game. I enjoy it tremendously. That being said, I don't care how this game does financially. That isn't my job. I also know it isn't going anywhere. Warhammer Online has way less people playing it and it isn't shut down. Less people online in this game means that it runs more smoothly for my guild. We have fun together. It's BioWare's job to make sure people keep playing this game, not mine.


Your post, quite literally, pains me to read. I like The Old Republic, but you need to remember that MMO games need players to be fun.


When's the last time you've played Warhammer Online? It's a gosh darn wasteland. EA should put it out of its misery already. The game is boring without a decent amount of players. Almost no RvR going on.

Edited by ShakesthatQuake
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No I didn't, I got a lag-fest.


But what I got in WvWvW, was freeze/move/freeze/audio death/Dcon'ed, Ilum wasn't nearly that bad.


Doesn't sound good for GW2 RvR then, which is a shame because it's the only decent RvR on the horizon, barring Planetside 2.


I'm not sure even the Devs know when, if ever, SWTOR will have any RvR back in it. :(

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Are you sure you want to blame people's bandwith?


Really really sure?


That's from Chicago to San Diego.

Here's to a local server,



I get about 12-15 fps in a warzone. What settings i play at doesn't matter (can't really tell the difference between them as they all look horrible)


I would tell you my computer spec's but you've deemed it irrelevant. I guess my 4meg/sec upload isn't enough to play swtor.


btw, WoW on ultra settings in raids i average about 50-60fps.


Very well, that's evidence I can work with.


It still doesn't explain the fact that there are clearly a lot of people that also don't get these FPS issues you experience, apart from in Ilum.


If it was truly the game, would we not all be experiencing the same thing?

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Newsflash: GW2 is a generic fantasy garbage compared to SWTOR.


Yeah they pretty much lost me when they started adding "Mega Lazorz " and Dranei technology....there was a lot of promise during that first beat event and none of that crap was there.

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Hell I pre-ordered GW2 and haven't found official forums yet. Mind sharing a link? The one given by the devs shows forums aren't open yet.


Arenanet does not have official forums. Nor will they.


They decided a long time ago watching what happened over at Blizzard (since the founders came from there) that they would never put time and resources into what amounts to just a location for people to come and b**** about their hard work. It's going to occur, but they aren't going to subsidize it, was their mentality.

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Watch a few Youtube vids for GW2 here are the posts you will get:


1.OMG WoW KillER, CAnCellling NAO!






Guess what, that is done round the clock.


Want proof? 6mil Pre-orders.


Funny thing is, this formula has been tried three times before, didn't work, evidently,


Basically, 'nuff said.

Many people did exactly the same with SWTOR (like the WoW killer nonsense). Sure, there where more people who also had doubts, but most of that doubts were very well justified. SWTOR has many flaws, and many of them are known for a long time. Sure, GW2 might also have its flaws, but it is amazing how little of those have been found yet (I watch quite a few stuff and follow many websites on this, still I hardly found any reason why I should be worried with GW2). Haven't seen that with any MMO so far, mostly people who say bad things about GW2 have either not played it or just have no clue or say stupid stuff like it is generic fantasy (even if it would be generic fantasy it would not make it bad... do people even know what generic fantasy means I wonder some times?).

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If it was truly our computers and ISPs, wouldn't we all be experiencing the same issues in all games?


You still haven't quite understood his point. He explained that certain games with very high graphical specs demand higher bandwidth and are more likely to be bottlenecked, and that SWtOR may be an example of one.


As for myself, I'd just ask you that, if it really were SWtOR, wouldn't everyone be having these same problems regardless of their computers of ISPs? Many have no problems - the person you're discussing with even while using a 2 year old computer! Clearly, then, there's more to it than simply saying it's SWtOR's fault.

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Doesn't sound good for GW2 RvR then, which is a shame because it's the only decent RvR on the horizon, barring Planetside 2.


I'm not sure even the Devs know when, if ever, SWTOR will have any RvR back in it. :(


I was very disappointed, I am actually looking forward to GW2, it looks great, I expect to play a Nornecromancer, but I don't have nearly the expectations others will have, and I can imagine myself defending that game from the doom-sayers as well.


But I must state, my computer is an Acer Aspire x3450, so perhaps higher range computers can handle much more than mine can, but my PC is not exactly a pushover either, it plays TOR on max, Skyrim on max, etc...

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Arenanet does not have official forums. Nor will they.


They decided a long time ago watching what happened over at Blizzard (since the founders came from there) that they would never put time and resources into what amounts to just a location for people to come and b**** about their hard work. It's going to occur, but they aren't going to subsidize it, was their mentality.


Smart move.

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Arenanet does not have official forums. Nor will they.


They decided a long time ago watching what happened over at Blizzard (since the founders came from there) that they would never put time and resources into what amounts to just a location for people to come and b**** about their hard work. It's going to occur, but they aren't going to subsidize it, was their mentality.


Yes they will They also have a very active very nasty mean spirited beta forum for us regular beta testers

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I have a 2.4 Core2Duo (Conroe) with 4GB of RAM and a 9600GT running at 1440x900 and I get 30fps average while questing. It sure drops a little on warzones or FPs but I can't ask for more on such a dated computer. With that said, I don't understand why people with much better machines are complaining so much.


Now, on the topic, as I said before somewhere on these forums, you should start to hate your own wrong expectations about the game. If you're looking forward to something don't abuse on expectations. Wait to see how things come up and just then draw your conclusions. There are some flaws in game here and there but I believe BW will fix them. Also since WoW's success, industry started to see the same number of subscriptions WoW has as the target to set any other MMO as successful and that's wrong. WoW was and is an aberration subscription number wise! Not even Blizzard thought they could get so many people in the game. Any profitable MMO is a success. The big advantage of WoW was the time it was released. There weren't so many MMO's then as there are today and with that they attracted many people. Now the market it much more fragmented. There's a lot of different MMO's of several types and different lores. One just have to pick the one he or she likes. I played WoW for many years. I grew tired of it. Now I'm enjoying SWTOR and EVE. Haters gonna hate no matter what. There's not much we can do about it. I guess the best thing we can do is play what gives us joy and let haters waste their time hating. Maybe one day they'll look back and see the precious time they wasted instead of using it to enjoy something else.

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All I'm getting from the first post, is the reason for the SWTOR hate is that GW2 is over hyped, the forums are worse and the game sucks.


Phew, good job its nothing to do with poor performance, lack of open world PvP, dead servers, nothing to do at 50, linear gameplay, boring non-story quest etc etc or I'd be really worried,

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Arenanet does not have official forums. Nor will they.


They decided a long time ago watching what happened over at Blizzard (since the founders came from there) that they would never put time and resources into what amounts to just a location for people to come and b**** about their hard work. It's going to occur, but they aren't going to subsidize it, was their mentality.

They recently decided that there will be official forums, and that they will be heavily moderated.

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But is it really free to play, or will you have to spend very real money to get better gear and unlock more capabilities?


Exactly what I am worried about, you saw what NCSoft did to Aion.


Pray NCSoft doesn't take the command over ArenaNet, or the game will be dead the day after.

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You still haven't quite understood his point. He explained that certain games with very high graphical specs demand higher bandwidth and are more likely to be bottlenecked, and that SWtOR may be an example of one.


Again, why is SWTOR an exception compared to all the other modern MMOs out there in the market?


I seriously doubt SWTOR demands higher bandwidth than all other games and therefore it's causing performance issues.


So what am I supposed to do to run a Direct 9x game PROPERLY in World PVP.


i5 2500k @ 4.3 GHz

GTX 680

100/100 internet connection with a super-speedy ISP?


It doesn't sound right.

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