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[Gear vs Strategy] Who would you pick to be on your rated team?


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geared gorillas or naked humans....hrm....i take naked humans.


This cracked me up, and it's exactly how I feel about the gear-oriented mind. Thanks for the laugh!


in some cases, no amount of strategy can overcome a geared out team vs a non geared out team.


example voidstar... stack 1 door. kill everybody, advance.. not hard, and gear makes it easy


I agree that at some point gear does play a massive difference and that a team in recruit gear facing a team in crit-crafted war hero gear would be an near auto-loss for the undergeared team, but have you seen the overall stat difference between BM gear and crit-crafted war hero gear?


In my opinion it's not large enough of a difference to outweigh the benefits gained by playing with strategy-oriented minds.


Example: Calling out when the resurrect door is almost open and timing deaths to ensure that the door gets aoe'd with 8-9 players and keeping 1-2 on the other side to call out when the attack switches. I don't think that team gear would easily (if at all) beat team strategy.




I pick the guy with a good computer, nice videocard and great internet connection.


Latency/Frame Rate > Gear and/or Skill


It's important to keep players with consistent problems away from a rated team, I agree.


I wouldn't want to be guilded with players that aren't running on a reasonably powerful computer, they make the guild look bad in my opinion. I only play this game for competition so generally I exclude players with bad machines from my planning.

Edited by Nukor
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Is this a serious question?


It is, I find it to be an interesting philosophy and want input on the gear-minds. I think I've got what I wanted out of this topic already but we'll see if any more gear gorrilas pipe up.

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Strategy in huttball is always better than gear as long as you pass and pass quick before you are dead plus people a are more spread out, although at times you are clumped together. The other zones are different because it is a zerg fest and the team with the better gear can win quite easily due to extra amounts of damage. Edited by Ojaix
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If the warzones were not as simple as they are I would go with strategy.But...


You don't need to be Alexander the great to figure out how every warzone works and have reliable strategies for each.Anyone who is of average intelligence will be capable of developing strategies that are effected within the limited scope of the warzones.So...


I will take the players who can win a debate VS a houseplant. SInce this is pretty much 99.9% of players (being generous perhaps but realisticly it's true) Who is also geared.


The thing is and let's not fool ourselves some warzones favor specific abilities. So if most players are at least average intelligence (and they are) Class trumps strategy so it's class + gear then strategy last.


Huttball favors mobility and 3d movement powers coupled with CC ie Inquisitor/consulars P-tech/vanguard


Civilwar favors DPS to keep the enemy disjointed and respawning,mobility to reinforce points and stealth for taking/defending points. Solo guarding a point in civil war while stealthed is a huge advantage over solo and visable/exposed to enemy stealth. Attacking a point from stealth reduces enemy response time.They do not see you until you strike no warning called out until the attackers have already struck not when they are 4-5 seconds out of contact. So Assassins and Shadows Operatives and scoundrels do very well in civil war.


So I would say when selecting a rated warzone team you need one solid strategist and the rest of the players being those who have the geared class types favored by the most warzones (who can also out debate a houseplant).

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I've always maintained that the "gear talk" is exaggerated and that hasnt changed with 1.2 so I will always pick strategy over gear.


I'm currently rocking not more than 900'ish in expertise ( a good 25 % less than many of the people I play against) and I still do great. Not saying that I wouldnt do better with +1200 expertise but I don't want to take time and credits to move around mods etc. I like my current outfit and since I'm also using one piece for PvE it doesnt have a single expertise stat on it.

Edited by MidichIorian
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If the warzones were not as simple as they are I would go with strategy.But...


You don't need to be Alexander the great to figure out how every warzone works and have reliable strategies for each.Anyone who is of average intelligence will be capable of developing strategies that are effected within the limited scope of the warzones.So...


I will take the players who can win a debate VS a houseplant. SInce this is pretty much 99.9% of players (being generous perhaps but realisticly it's true) Who is also geared.


The thing is and let's not fool ourselves some warzones favor specific abilities. So if most players are at least average intelligence (and they are) Class trumps strategy so it's class + gear then strategy last.


I'm no longer sure about the intelligence thing anymore. I mean have you been reading these forums? For the most part, at least on the forums, a sizeable percentage of the player base seems to be below average intellectually. Or they could be trolling. It's hard to tell on the internet.


Otherwise I agree with what you wrote. I'd also throw in voice comm, since it speeds everything up so much, and is pretty much standard.


The maps are so simple, and so small, yet people have so much trouble figuring out what to do. I think it's highly likely that MMO players are self selected in terms of intelligence. If you think about it, it's a huge waste of time and you're also wasting money on it. I've only known one successful person that played MMOs long term, and I think even he got bored and just started playing fighting games again. From what I hear the guy was worth millions, and he wound up just playing WoW for about a year or two since he didn't have to work for a living anymore.


It would be very interesting to see a breakdown of MMO players by income.

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This will get crushed by 3 healers, 2 tanky tanks, 3 DPS.


I doubt it. Defensive setups may work against disorganised pugs but the best rated teams will be those that can get away with stacking as much dps as possible which.


Edit: Should really move this talk to a new thread. Everyone else wants to debate gear levels lol. OP should amend his title ..

Edited by choppefett
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