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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

To the biased Sents/Maras defending their OP class


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I don't see how we would be uncounterable if we played perfectly....the whole point of our defensive CD's is that everything we do is counterable. Our only real ability that places our opponent inoperable is force choke, which does minimal damage and roots us in place as well. Any other time our opponent will have control of there character. Even if a carnage marauder specs ravage so that it roots the person in place, you still have the ability to fight back or CC. A sorc playing there character perfectly would be uncounterable by a marauder because they would always be out of range of the marauders attack, but we will always be in the others persons range no matter what. So yea, your argument is pretty pointless.


What people mean by uncounterable is not that your ability cant be countered... its that no class (cept the broken tanksins) possess the toolkit required to counter enough of your abilities to bring you onto a level playing field.


Sorc vs mara can be a really fun fight. but the sorc has to fight 3 different ways for each spec the mara has, and stands no chance unless hes madness in which case you are guaranteed 20% damage reduction for 30 seconds.


Sorc vs mara knockback is countered by jump, sprint is countered by force camo, we have to save our stun for GBTF, our mez is useless it will either give you max resolve for your next leap or break instantly from dots which will again give max resolve. Mara can either get better force camo as anni, snare on sabre throw or a second leap depending on what tree they go in, they have more tools to stop a sorc running then a sorc has to run, and more tools to defend themselves then a sorc has to stop them defending themselves.

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What is there to defend about the class? Since release they have remained almost unchanged. Somehow they have gone through the cycle of being the worst class, the average class, and now the best class with nearly no changes at all.


Since the beginning of release Marauders were considered the "joke class" and anyone who rolled one near release has probably gotten messages along the likes of "lol why are you playing such a weak class. You should reroll to actually be useful", but that wasn't true as we were simply a class that did poorly in the hands of an average player compared to others.


Shortly before 1.2 came out people started to realize Marauders weren't as bad as everyone thought they were, and they were able to shine in the hands of a good player. That was cool to finally become a "viable" class one day with no changes to the class.


After 1.2 came out and many of the classes that were perceived as "overpowered" got nerfed. Then because marauders were one of the only classes to get some small nerfs and small buffs in 1.2 everyone started to call Marauders an "overpowered class". Suddenly Ravage, an ability that noone had seemed to realize exist before, was considered the most game breaking ability in the game from receiving a +15% damage buff.



The fact is we just got a minor buff in the form our non damaging abilities not costing rage(and a nerf because they don't give us fury anymore), and a 15% damage increase to a baseline uninteruptable ravage. We also received minor nerfs to our "PVP spec". Overall we came out slightly ahead, but we are still that 99% of the "joke class" we were at release.


Now all the Marauders that have been playing since when they were considered the "joke class" are suddenly worried that they are going to be nerfed into actually becoming that "joke class" simply because they got a few minor Quality of Life buffs.

Edited by Seravis
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What is there to defend about the class? Since release they have remained almost unchanged. Somehow they have gone through the cycle of being the worst class, the average class, and now the best class with nearly no changes at all.


Since the beginning of release Marauders were considered the "joke class" and anyone who rolled one near release has probably gotten messages along the likes of "lol why are you playing such a weak class. You should reroll to actually be useful", but that wasn't true as we were simply a class that did poorly in the hands of an average player compared to others.


Shortly before 1.2 came out people started to realize Marauders weren't as bad as everyone thought they were, and they were able to shine in the hands of a good player. That was cool to finally become a "viable" class one day with no changes to the class.


After 1.2 came out and many of the classes that were perceived as "overpowered" got nerfed. Then because marauders were one of the only classes to get some small nerfs and small buffs in 1.2 everyone started to call Marauders an "overpowered class". Suddenly Ravage, an ability that noone had seemed to realize exist before, was considered the most game breaking ability in the game from receiving a +15% damage buff.



The fact is we just got a minor buff in the form our non damaging abilities not costing rage(and a nerf because they don't give us fury anymore), and a 15% damage increase to a baseline uninteruptable ravage. We also received minor nerfs to our "PVP spec". Overall we came out slightly ahead, but we are still that 99% of the "joke class" we were at release.


Now all the Marauders that have been playing since when they were considered the "joke class" are suddenly worried that they are going to be nerfed into actually becoming that "joke class" simply because they got a few minor Quality of Life buffs.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a winner.


However, he used logic on the internets, and that clogs the tubes, so his entry will be disqualified by illogical assumptions from unqualified contestants. Sorry for the interruption.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a winner.


However, he used logic on the internets, and that clogs the tubes, so his entry will be disqualified by illogical assumptions from unqualified contestants. Sorry for the interruption.


Logic on the internets... /brainexplodes.

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What is there to defend about the class? Since release they have remained almost unchanged. Somehow they have gone through the cycle of being the worst class, the average class, and now the best class with nearly no changes at all.


Since the beginning of release Marauders were considered the "joke class" and anyone who rolled one near release has probably gotten messages along the likes of "lol why are you playing such a weak class. You should reroll to actually be useful", but that wasn't true as we were simply a class that did poorly in the hands of an average player compared to others.


Shortly before 1.2 came out people started to realize Marauders weren't as bad as everyone thought they were, and they were able to shine in the hands of a good player. That was cool to finally become a "viable" class one day with no changes to the class.


After 1.2 came out and many of the classes that were perceived as "overpowered" got nerfed. Then because marauders were one of the only classes to get some small nerfs and small buffs in 1.2 everyone started to call Marauders an "overpowered class". Suddenly Ravage, an ability that noone had seemed to realize exist before, was considered the most game breaking ability in the game from receiving a +15% damage buff.



The fact is we just got a minor buff in the form our non damaging abilities not costing rage(and a nerf because they don't give us fury anymore), and a 15% damage increase to a baseline uninteruptable ravage. We also received minor nerfs to our "PVP spec". Overall we came out slightly ahead, but we are still that 99% of the "joke class" we were at release.


Now all the Marauders that have been playing since when they were considered the "joke class" are suddenly worried that they are going to be nerfed into actually becoming that "joke class" simply because they got a few minor Quality of Life buffs.


This is just wrong. They were only weak in closed beta in the pre-release builds.


Since then, and especially even before 1.2, all the good players considered this the best class in the game. They certainly didn't consider Sorc the best class in the game. If you actually read comments from good players this stuff has been discussed way before 1.2 was released. But you always consider everyone that says the class is good a "bad" and just make things up to play some sort of whacked out victim.


The class not only hasn't been "unchanged" it's been getting buffed every patch too. Just a quick glance at patch notes proves the class has had buffs and has had changes, nearly all positive, especially on balance.


You don't even play any other classes. You don't even use all the Marauder abilities. You're convinced UR and Force Camo are not good skills, and claim you die constantly when you use them. Other people don't have these problems that you do, but you just call everyone else a "bad" when they tell you how to play the class correctly.


Whatever dude. I don't know what this crusade of yours is. Most of us are playing this class now anyway, we don't care about a nerf. On my server there are a lot of fresh 50 Sent/Marauders in recruit gear, in about a week or two people will be in BM. You can either get better and keep up with us, or you can be left behind. I don't really take this game's PVP seriously so I don't even care either way. Personally I think Bioware is utterly clueless about PVP, and sort of making an MMO in general. They're also lazy, so no matter what people post on here, there won't be a balance patch for another 2-3 months at least.

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I agree with some of what you're saying here, but I would like to point out that bubble is indeed castable on others, and while it may not equal the total damage reduction of Rebuke and Sabre Ward over the corse of a fight for the Sorc/Sage alone, the ability to use it on others should not be ignored in the least.


We are talking about different specs/roles here though. If a DPS sorc is targeting allies and casting their bubble every 4 seconds they will go OOM because untalented bubbles use a huge amount of force, along with all the GCD's they lose casting and re targeting. A DPS sorc would be better off tab targeting interrupts/dots then wasting time shielding people who arn't even being focused. Basically were talking about a full support sorc/sage which is pointless to compare a mara to.


In a solely dps role, team or individual, a mara is head and shoulders above any other class.

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What is there to defend about the class? Since release they have remained almost unchanged. Somehow they have gone through the cycle of being the worst class, the average class, and now the best class with nearly no changes at all.


Since the beginning of release Marauders were considered the "joke class" and anyone who rolled one near release has probably gotten messages along the likes of "lol why are you playing such a weak class. You should reroll to actually be useful", but that wasn't true as we were simply a class that did poorly in the hands of an average player compared to others.


Shortly before 1.2 came out people started to realize Marauders weren't as bad as everyone thought they were, and they were able to shine in the hands of a good player. That was cool to finally become a "viable" class one day with no changes to the class.


After 1.2 came out and many of the classes that were perceived as "overpowered" got nerfed. Then because marauders were one of the only classes to get some small nerfs and small buffs in 1.2 everyone started to call Marauders an "overpowered class". Suddenly Ravage, an ability that noone had seemed to realize exist before, was considered the most game breaking ability in the game from receiving a +15% damage buff.



The fact is we just got a minor buff in the form our non damaging abilities not costing rage(and a nerf because they don't give us fury anymore), and a 15% damage increase to a baseline uninteruptable ravage. We also received minor nerfs to our "PVP spec". Overall we came out slightly ahead, but we are still that 99% of the "joke class" we were at release.


Now all the Marauders that have been playing since when they were considered the "joke class" are suddenly worried that they are going to be nerfed into actually becoming that "joke class" simply because they got a few minor Quality of Life buffs.


Someone called this logic? This is actually called SCALING, and guess what, going from the "worst" class when nobody had gear to the "best" class when everyone does, means that as gear gets better and better, mara's will get better and better, so something needs to be done sooner or later?


Just like how sorcs went from the "best" class to the "worst" class, things will only get worse as gear is upgraded.

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This is just wrong. They were only weak in closed beta in the pre-release builds.


Orly? Were you one of those weekend warriors that thinks he was a beta tester because EVERYONE was saying mara/sent were the worst class in the game hands down.


Since then, and especially even before 1.2, all the good players considered this the best class in the game. They certainly didn't consider Sorc the best class in the game. If you actually read comments from good players this stuff has been discussed way before 1.2 was released. But you always consider everyone that says the class is good a "bad" and just make things up to play some sort of whacked out victim.


I've been in a pvp guild that had some amazing pvp'ers in it from WoW (like top rated arena and ranked battleground team players) and they all kept telling me the class was garbage and i should reroll because mara/sent was only good for the heal debuff and well i should play a better class.


The class not only hasn't been "unchanged" it's been getting buffed every patch too. Just a quick glance at patch notes proves the class has had buffs and has had changes, nearly all positive, especially on balance.


What buffs has it gotten? 15% to ravage... woo one. It got some quality of life changes, no other class had to pay resources for their interrupt.


You don't even play any other classes. You don't even use all the Marauder abilities. You're convinced UR and Force Camo are not good skills, and claim you die constantly when you use them. Other people don't have these problems that you do, but you just call everyone else a "bad" when they tell you how to play the class correctly.


Who doesn't play other classes? Who doesn't use all of the marauder abilities? Oh you play a sent/mara in recruit gear, you really have the experience that someone that's been playing the class since august does? NO you don't so stop acting like you do and go back to your sorc.


Whatever dude. I don't know what this crusade of yours is. Most of us are playing this class now anyway, we don't care about a nerf. On my server there are a lot of fresh 50 Sent/Marauders in recruit gear, in about a week or two people will be in BM. You can either get better and keep up with us, or you can be left behind. I don't really take this game's PVP seriously so I don't even care either way. Personally I think Bioware is utterly clueless about PVP, and sort of making an MMO in general. They're also lazy, so no matter what people post on here, there won't be a balance patch for another 2-3 months at least.


Go back to your sorc or operative and stop telling people to learn to adapt to the changes when you obviously refuse to because oh your original class got nerfed. bad arguments are bad.

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Someone called this logic? This is actually called SCALING, and guess what, going from the "worst" class when nobody had gear to the "best" class when everyone does, means that as gear gets better and better, mara's will get better and better, so something needs to be done sooner or later?


Just like how sorcs went from the "best" class to the "worst" class, things will only get worse as gear is upgraded.


Doesn't your bubble scale better with power as it's based off healing done? So thus it scales with gear So i think your class gets better and better as it is too because all your abilities scale also...


Sorcs/sage is the worst class? What that's news to me, if you think it's the worst class you def need to learn to play.

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This one is aimed at all the short-sighted Marauders/Sents that are fearful of a nerf, as that would mean they'd need to re-roll again (maybe to a PT as they seem to be doing quite well)


I've always said marauder/sent damage is fine, i want no changes to that, they are meant to dish out some hurt.....

What they do need is to lose the Undying rage/Guarded by the force as it is far, far too OP.


This is where all the biased Sents/Maras seem to completely miss the point, and they may say that "oh but thats been in the game since the start"......To this i say, yes it has, and it never should have been in the first place, it has no business being on any class, let alone a DPS one, but aside from that, the recent changes to expertise drastically lowering the TTK make this ability even more out of control.

5 seconds of complete damage immunity is stupid, especially given the amount of damage being thrown out now. You say the ability hasnt been changed, and maybe it hasnt theoretically, but its effectiveness has certainly increased with recent changes.

When you see em bubble it lasts 5 seconds CC noob and then you wouldn't get faced roll you are the issue with marauders being so good not them L2P.

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Doesn't your bubble scale better with power as it's based off healing done? So thus it scales with gear So i think your class gets better and better as it is too because all your abilities scale also...


Sorcs/sage is the worst class? What that's news to me, if you think it's the worst class you def need to learn to play.


Bubble scales with power, but not crit/surge/alacrity, while incoming damage scales with everything, so as gear gets better, bubble gets worse. So flat damage reduction %'s become far better.


Also I don't mean the class is the worst in the game, but as far as a DPS class doing DPS is concerned (which is what you should be comparing when you are comparing it to another DPS class) then it is sub par.


So blah blah blah NO U and L2P right back at you.

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Go back to your sorc or operative and stop telling people to learn to adapt to the changes when you obviously refuse to because oh your original class got nerfed. bad arguments are bad.


No other class had to pay resources for their interrupt? BOLD statement, powertechs everywhere would love to disagree.


15% to ravage along with the whole fact that the only ability a mara has that can be interrupted is now non interuptable. Along with other minor tweaks, none of them really negative except maybe the lessening of damage reduction in force cammo for anni, but it got replaced with something arguably just as good if not better.

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When you see em bubble it lasts 5 seconds CC noob and then you wouldn't get faced roll you are the issue with marauders being so good not them L2P.


I'll be honest here, yes CC is the counter to this, but CC'ing once they have already used it? Are you sure you should be the one telling them to L2P?

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Bubble scales with power, but not crit/surge/alacrity, while incoming damage scales with everything, so as gear gets better, bubble gets worse. So flat damage reduction %'s become far better.


Also I don't mean the class is the worst in the game, but as far as a DPS class doing DPS is concerned (which is what you should be comparing when you are comparing it to another DPS class) then it is sub par.


So blah blah blah NO U and L2P right back at you.


A sorcerers main defense is in the form of CC and kiting. Also if you have 17 points in the lightning tree(You should), and are still stuck in melee 100% of the time with an annihilation(still the best spec even after the nerfs to it) marauder you are playing wrong.


You have far more tools to get out of melee than a marauder has to get into melee.


3 second blind.

6 second root.




Force speed.

50% Slows.




Force leap

Force camo

50% Slows.

(Marauder Mez is a melee only ability, and Force choke stuns a marauder too. Neither help get into melee.)


For sorcerers It is not "We don't have the tools to get out of melee!" it's actually "We don't know how to use our tools to get out of melee". If a Marauder is able to stay in melee 100% of the fight he is outplaying you and deserves to win.

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No other class had to pay resources for their interrupt? BOLD statement, powertechs everywhere would love to disagree.


15% to ravage along with the whole fact that the only ability a mara has that can be interrupted is now non interuptable. Along with other minor tweaks, none of them really negative except maybe the lessening of damage reduction in force cammo for anni, but it got replaced with something arguably just as good if not better.


The force fade change was a wash. However, the removal of focused pursuit from the watchman tree was a significant nerf to the utility of watchman/annihilation spec. Moving that into combat made it a choice between Watchman for damage+sustain or Combat for damage + utility. Used to be watchman got everything you'd bring a sentinel for. If you weren't traiting for improved transcendence in PvP for watchman, you were doing it wrong.


15% to ravage is a consolation prize compared to the loss of focused pursuit. You're still perfectly capable of walking away from it unless they're using combat, which if they're using combat, just use a knockback already. Also note that if they're in combat, there's no sustain gameplay against them. It's all or nothing in a fight, and that can be exploited by someone who knows that Combat has an 8s cd on kick.

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No other class had to pay resources for their interrupt? BOLD statement, powertechs everywhere would love to disagree.


15% to ravage along with the whole fact that the only ability a mara has that can be interrupted is now non interuptable. Along with other minor tweaks, none of them really negative except maybe the lessening of damage reduction in force cammo for anni, but it got replaced with something arguably just as good if not better.


meh i thought phantom pre 1.2 was a sub par talent anyways and points were better spent somewhere else. and oo we take 50% less damage from AOE's and dots so it's not that amazing... I already take 30% less damage from AOE's and 4% less damage from internal/elemental

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A sorcerers main defense is in the form of CC and kiting. Also if you have 17 points in the lightning tree(You should), and are still stuck in melee 100% of the time with an annihilation(still the best spec even after the nerfs to it) marauder you are playing wrong.


You have far more tools to get out of melee than a marauder has to get into melee.


3 second blind.

6 second root.




Force speed.

50% Slows.




Force leap

Force camo

50% Slows.

(Marauder Mez is a melee only ability, and Force choke stuns a marauder too. Neither help get into melee.)


For sorcerers It is not "We don't have the tools to get out of melee!" it's actually "We don't know how to use our tools to get out of melee". If a Marauder is able to stay in melee 100% of the fight he is outplaying you and deserves to win.


Theres this little thing called resolve... 6 second root doesn't exist. Abilities aren't used to get into meelee, they are used to stay there, like mine are used to try keep you from ever getting into meelee which a good mara will manage to do anyway.


Theres also this little thing called full madness, it is far better then hybrid since they removed wraths ability to proc chain lightning so sticking 17 points in lightning is LAWL unless you are playing a full support sorc in which case you aren't the one on your team doing damage and your point is... pointless.

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meh i thought phantom pre 1.2 was a sub par talent anyways and points were better spent somewhere else. and oo we take 50% less damage from AOE's and dots so it's not that amazing... I already take 30% less damage from AOE's and 4% less damage from internal/elemental


I don't know if that was supposed to make your class look weaker or not?

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The force fade change was a wash. However, the removal of focused pursuit from the watchman tree was a significant nerf to the utility of watchman/annihilation spec. Moving that into combat made it a choice between Watchman for damage+sustain or Combat for damage + utility. Used to be watchman got everything you'd bring a sentinel for. If you weren't traiting for improved transcendence in PvP for watchman, you were doing it wrong.


15% to ravage is a consolation prize compared to the loss of focused pursuit. You're still perfectly capable of walking away from it unless they're using combat, which if they're using combat, just use a knockback already. Also note that if they're in combat, there's no sustain gameplay against them. It's all or nothing in a fight, and that can be exploited by someone who knows that Combat has an 8s cd on kick.


It seems you know your class better then 90% of the people in this thread trying to defend it. However that does just back up the claim that the best way to counter a mara/sent is to know more about the class then the person playing it.

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A sorcerers main defense is in the form of CC and kiting. Also if you have 17 points in the lightning tree(You should), and are still stuck in melee 100% of the time with an annihilation(still the best spec even after the nerfs to it) marauder you are playing wrong.


You have far more tools to get out of melee than a marauder has to get into melee.


3 second blind.

6 second root.




Force speed.

50% Slows.




Force leap

Force camo

50% Slows.

(Marauder Mez is a melee only ability, and Force choke stuns a marauder too. Neither help get into melee.)


For sorcerers It is not "We don't have the tools to get out of melee!" it's actually "We don't know how to use our tools to get out of melee". If a Marauder is able to stay in melee 100% of the fight he is outplaying you and deserves to win.


Haha the mythical 31/31/31 build! Complete with a 6 second root that doesn't exist, and about 2120 global cooldowns, half the CCs breaking on damage (making them worthless with DOTs, the main damage Sorc now does), and somehow not triggering resolve. All, incidentally, also with longer cooldowns than force leap.


Heck since you've got the Sorc having all of its possible talents, and a new made up one, might as well add Marauder Obliterate too, or maybe the Ataru speed boost, or Predation, the root on force charge, and then a new ability of some sort. There's also of course deadly throw, force crush etc.


The problem is not only do you not know the one class you do play, you don't know any of the other classes or simple system mechanics.


This is why you have so much trouble with Sorc and they kite you so easily. But you get mad when we try to tell you ways to deal with these things.


Oh well, whatever. I don't get kited, and I eat bad Maras like you for breakfast on any of my characters.


You are now more fun than the actual game's boring and shallow PVP. Congratulations I guess. Although I am a bit surprised the mods don't give you any infractions when you're constantly telling people they're bad, I bet I get an infraction for this post even though I haven't even called you a name like you constantly do to me. I guess the swtor mods know who pay their bills and will continue to pay them for years.

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It seems you know your class better then 90% of the people in this thread trying to defend it. However that does just back up the claim that the best way to counter a mara/sent is to know more about the class then the person playing it.


Well if we're playing the class i'm pretty sure we know it better than you.

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Theres this little thing called resolve... 6 second root doesn't exist. Abilities aren't used to get into meelee, they are used to stay there, like mine are used to try keep you from ever getting into meelee which a good mara will manage to do anyway.


Theres also this little thing called full madness, it is far better then hybrid since they removed wraths ability to proc chain lightning so sticking 17 points in lightning is LAWL unless you are playing a full support sorc in which case you aren't the one on your team doing damage and your point is... pointless.


There is one thing you can still do with the hybrid. I don't really want to give this away but I don't really care about this game anymore anyway.


There's still a double dip bug on Lightning Barrage/Psychic Projection proccing off of Affliction/Weaken Mind. It's probably the only real burst the class still has left. Now while it's a low percentage possibility, since you're deep enough in the tree, situationally for burst you can also still proc CL/TW off of Lightning/Disturbance after the double dip two FLs/TTs. Obviously you'll want to pop Force Potency/Recklessness, a power adrenal of some sort/PVP expertise adrenal and a power relic for the max effect on this, also stacked with surge. I have to check combat logs for the full damage number, but I think just the two FL/TTs should be getting you a good 8k or so in under 3 seconds depending on the target.


And then of course if you're lucky you're getting the crit+20% on Disturbance/LB and then if you're extra lucky you get the CL/TW and that crits too. But even without getting this stuff, which again at least you have the possibility for, that's probably the best burst you can get for the class now.

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Theres this little thing called resolve... 6 second root doesn't exist. Abilities aren't used to get into meelee, they are used to stay there, like mine are used to try keep you from ever getting into meelee which a good mara will manage to do anyway.


Theres also this little thing called full madness, it is far better then hybrid since they removed wraths ability to proc chain lightning so sticking 17 points in lightning is LAWL unless you are playing a full support sorc in which case you aren't the one on your team doing damage and your point is... pointless.


5 second root does exist sorry for being 1 second off. Their is a talent in the lightning tree to add a 5 second root to your knockback.


Learning to use resolve is very important as a sorcer, and if you chain your CC in the wrong order you will fill the enemy resolve bar with sometimes just 1 CC(talented whirlwind fills the entire CC bar so you should never start a fight with it).


One decent order is


3 second blind + knockback/5 second root + another 3 second blind(bubble should be used twice in any fight if you prebubbled correctly)


That combo will give you 11+ seconds of CC every 20 seconds and won't even fill the entire resolve bar. Now you can use either your stun or mez at the end of it if you wish. If you start with the stun or mez you will fill their resolve bar too quickly, and they will likely overwhelm you.



All of your CC abilities except slow can be used to keep Marauders out of melee as well as give you time to leave melee.


The removal of chain lightning from Wrath procs did not destroy the hybrids single target dps. Also I will say it again. If you do not have 17 points in lightning you will lack the necessary tools to deal with Marauders effectively. If you want to do well against marauders then spec 17 into the lightning tree and learn to use your CC correctly, but don't go complaining about how you have no recourse to dealing with marauders because you don't feel like changing your spec.

Edited by Seravis
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Assasins have less cooldowns and they are melee and tank.

Powertech/Vanguards have two? defensive cooldowns and they can tank.


The list goes on, Marauders have WAY to many defensive abilities combined with that stupid damage.


And they aren't even a tank!


Assassins and power techs have a self heal which is just as good if not better than a defensive cd.

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