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Male or Female Agent?


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Females playing male agents who love the voice, unite! :cool:


Add me, too! The AI male voice is just dead sexy. I love hearing him speak.


Level 26 now and just finished the ambush at the abaondoned windfarm on Tattooine. And uh... I think he's learning not to hit on just any pretty face. Ohhh... the plot thickens.

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Hehe, I fell for that fully knowing it was a trap. It's more fun that way. I still kicked her ***.


I'm usually 50/50 rolling male and female characters. My bounty hunter is female, my consular is male, so is my smuggler, guess I'm a little off balance.

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Hehe, I fell for that fully knowing it was a trap. It's more fun that way. I still kicked her ***.


I'm usually 50/50 rolling male and female characters. My bounty hunter is female, my consular is male, so is my smuggler, guess I'm a little off balance.


i ESCAPED out of the scene where

your agent gets stabbed by the holographic assassin. That was definitely an 'oh crap' moment. So what happens? Do you recover and it sounds like you go on to kick her *****? Do you find youself waking up in a kolto tank?


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I am a guy but I went female sniper because there is nothing hotter then a vengeful LS cyborg brunette with a really big gun.:eek:

The only thing that would have made it better ,would have been some girl on girl with Kaliyo.:o

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i ESCAPED out of the scene where

your agent gets stabbed by the holographic assassin. That was definitely an 'oh crap' moment. So what happens? Do you recover and it sounds like you go on to kick her *****? Do you find youself waking up in a kolto tank?




You just have a debuff that says "poisoned" and you start the fight with less health. Easy enough to still nuke her down.


Edited by chuixupu
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Hehe, I fell for that fully knowing it was a trap. It's more fun that way. I still kicked her ***.


I'm usually 50/50 rolling male and female characters. My bounty hunter is female, my consular is male, so is my smuggler, guess I'm a little off balance.


I did the same. I see my agent as the sort of person who makes a lot of mistakes. Brains are not his strong point. *sigh* But that's okay. He makes up for it by being cute.


(I think my female agent is marginally smarter. But really, it's hard for me to see anyone who's all that bright willingly getting into that line of work.)

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Honestly I think you need SOME brains to think yourself through a lot of the situations you get yourself into. Certainly to be able to think on your feet when your'e always in a state of near crisis. Charm can only get one so far :rolleyes:
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Especially since mine doesn't seem to use his charm all that much :confused:



I play mine as very smart, so that little event didn't happen to me. Which is just as well cause the guy gets treated as a punching bag as it is.


I admit though the sequence on Corellia made me a tad squeamish. It's like 'Oh God again? Hasn't he taken enough yet??' X__x

Comes of being James Bond IN SPACE. Or...I dunno, who's a female spy?



I think it's much more easy to play a male agent as completely oblivious, because the female sounds more to me like she knows she's sexy.

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Black Widow? :cool: Come on, who didn't go see The Avengers?


I loved that movie!


But yeah, add me to the camp of female playing a male IA and mine's blue =D *swoon*

Though I'll likely play a female IA later for Vector, can't really stand Kaliyo and Temple's voice has gotten on my nerves a bit.

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Honestly I think you need SOME brains to think yourself through a lot of the situations you get yourself into. Certainly to be able to think on your feet when your'e always in a state of near crisis. Charm can only get one so far :rolleyes:


I like to think in the case of my m!agent that it's charm and a high pain threshold. (At some level, I'm convinced he likes it. Which disturbs me so much but, yeah...just going to roll with it.)

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The voice actress for the female IA (Jo Wyatt - she also did female Hawke in DA2, which I loved) is enormously better than the male (Bertie Carvel) though. Not saying that he does a bad job, but I just can't get enough of Jo's work. She's reason enough to play a female IA (even if you're a dude).


this... the down side is the love interest. you get 1 choice, while male gets 2.


I made a female agent solely because of the voice actress.


Black Widow? :cool: Come on, who didn't go see The Avengers?


hehe, check my signature ;) I even made her a redhead, there are pictures in the picture thread on the agent forum.

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I like to think in the case of my m!agent that it's charm and a high pain threshold. (At some level, I'm convinced he likes it. Which disturbs me so much but, yeah...just going to roll with it.)


This.... So much this. Absolutely convinced he's a closet masochist.


"So everyobody we have a lethal mission into enemy territory. You're probably going to end up brutalised and maybe even dead. The payoff probably isn't worth much to you personally.... so.... any volu-"

"I'LL DO IT! 8D"


:confused: Especially when it's a full-frontal assault. Dude you're a spy, what are you doing kicking the enemy's door in and striking action hero poses? Get your cute blue butt out of the firing line, dolt.


Another point to male agent: The (sadly now deceased) chuckle he did in combat when a TA ticked. I enjoyed that way more than the female version.


(And I thought about Black Widow but I figured it was too obvious :p )

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I miss the chuckle :( It did get a little bit annoying when it procced in healing spec, especially when there were multiple healing operatives in a group, but it was cool when you were stabbing people.

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Am I sick for laughing out loud when my male agent used the shock collar controller on the nobelman on Alderaan? His perfect English-accented sarcastic sexy voice saying "You really are an idiot", then pressing the shock collar button made me hit the escape key just so I could play that over again.


Damn that was funny. Just that look on his face and his tone dripping in disdain and contempt.


I love my agent.

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Am I sick for laughing out loud when my male agent used the shock collar controller on the nobelman on Alderaan? His perfect English-accented sarcastic sexy voice saying "You really are an idiot", then pressing the shock collar button made me hit the escape key just so I could play that over again.


Damn that was funny. Just that look on his face and his tone dripping in disdain and contempt.


I love my agent.


To be honest, anything the male agent says when he takes on that half-lazy 'I'm surrounded by idiots' drawl just makes me grin like a fool.


And yes. That accent. I'm British myself and I still love that accent of his. On the very few times I actually selected flirt options? Oh. My gosh. When his tone drops just that little bit lower. I really could listen to Carvel reading the phonebook and come out of it thinking 'best book ever'

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Hey, you know that rolling around on the table, in obvious pain, was *so* worth it for that +15 approval from Kaliyo. *headdesk*


Not going to lie. All agents have problems.

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  • 2 years later...

There is a unique perk that comes with being a male agent : Watcher Two.



You can not only flirt with her as a male agent, but have what feels like a real relationship (if you don't blow it by treating her badly and/or romancing Kaliyo).


One of the most emotiionally engaging romances in the game imho. :)


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The male agent is probably the best voice in the entire game for any scenario.

To me, it feels like one of the worst while I find the female voice one of the best. Tried a male IA and quit it about 10 levels in because I simply couldn't take my character serious whenever he opened his mouth. It felt like he had a stick so far up his backside, he could taste the wood. It felt more like the voice of some über arrogant Sith and/or holier than thou Jedi than an Imperial field agent.


I guess it's a good thing tastes differ though, else we'd all be carbon copies of one another :p

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The male agent is probably the best voice in the entire game for any scenario.


And, see, I think his 'Republic' (American) accent is terrible and throws me out of credibility, while I have a hard time even hearing Jo Wyatt in her adopted Republic accent, she's that good.

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I did not like either Male or Female voices. I also really dislike F!Inq (she sounds to me like she’s chewing gum). I guess, I just don’t dig the British accents. I ended up deleting the male Operative after a while since I like having voice I am crazy about when I play x-gender. I can take a voice I don’t like on the same gender. So, I kindda inched a Female one to Nar Shaddaa.


So far I found that the story is all about playing a quintessential Imperial servant rather than a cool spy. Using female charms is Okay, but I am starting to enjoy shooting everyone I meet in the Class story dead more than anything else, ‘cause I hate them all, so I dunno if I am going to use it.


The flirting options for the female PC started off well enough with a lowlife Zabrack, but then I got this pathetic worm Sanju Pain (with no option to shoot him in the face, alas. Well, I head-canon’d his name on top of the list of corroborators I sent Zenith’ folks’ way).


I replaced Kalyio with Treek, after Kalyio became more annoying than Treek. How many levels does it take to hammer home the idea that to call her a slime is an offence to the slime worldwide, and that she will turn you in just like everyone else? 22 was enough for me to get the picture.


I am yet to make it to Vector, but by the sound of it, he is yet another sweet unassuming kid the game seems to supply as romantic interests for all the female PC I’ve played so far. Fingers crossed the game has flirts with Jadus eventually. Or someone else red-blooded, magnificent and uber-powerful in his own right.


So, I guess, marginally, a female, the only reason being it's not x-gender for me.

Edited by DomiSotto
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