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Hood Clipping post 1.2: You guys haven't noticed it?


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Easy fix, low priority, waiting for major patch to maybe implement it.


It's not about how easy it is to fix the game, it's what priority level they think it's at for them to implement fixes.


They tend to also hold back on fixing things unless it's game breaking, exploits, and bugs that prevent people from playing the game. Visual preferences is not high on their priority list, hence my complaint about the splash screen still appearing upon being loaded into an area is still not fixed.


The problem with priority systems, it rarely works out as intended.


Nonsense, self-plug, nonsense. Your logic is completely and utterly derailed by the fact that this was caused by a fix to Miraluka clipping. A graphical error that hurt one race. Now the "fix" has bugged multiple races. All they would really have to do is revert the changes. The functional models are already there. If possible use new models for Miraluka and old models for everyone else. They looked better anyway.

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Yeah, the argument that this is allegedly too low a priority to bother fixing is instantly disproven just by looking at TOR's past patch notes. You'll find more difficult fixes for more insignificant problems in the past.


I believe the reason this bug has been around for so long is that the devs somehow weren't aware of it until recently, (if at all). Devs on other forum threads incorrectly assumed we were reporting the issue of "certain helmets make our characters appear bald", and apparently the issue of hoods isn'tt important to players who are decked out in Rakatan or Champion or whatever it is most end-game players wear. I'd have expected a 100-page thread about this bug, considering how ugly it is.


I guess female avatars and Jedi are more concerned about fashion than Sith Lords, and the clipping doesn't affect them...

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Yeah, the argument that this is allegedly too low a priority to bother fixing is instantly disproven just by looking at TOR's past patch notes. You'll find more difficult fixes for more insignificant problems in the past.


I believe the reason this bug has been around for so long is that the devs somehow weren't aware of it until recently, (if at all). Devs on other forum threads incorrectly assumed we were reporting the issue of "certain helmets make our characters appear bald", and apparently the issue of hoods isn'tt important to players who are decked out in Rakatan or Champion or whatever it is most end-game players wear. I'd have expected a 100-page thread about this bug, considering how ugly it is.


I guess female avatars and Jedi are more concerned about fashion than Sith Lords, and the clipping doesn't affect them...


Bear in mind, it's an issue for those of us in Rakata gear too nowadays, since we're generally expected to wear at least one piece of augmented legacy gear. I picked the Sorcerer's Vestments 'cos they look bloody awesome on my SI, and I was fed up of gigantic shoulders making me look like I could spontaneously take flight at any given moment. Unfortunately, now I've got hood clipping to live with, or go back to singing Free Bird every time I go raiding.


EDIT: Yes, I know I could just equip a lower robe instead, but it's only a temporary fix. Sooner rather than later I'll start kitting myself out in campaign gear, and then the entire issue returns as I start wearing more and more legacy armour with the set bonuses ripped out, and in the interim? Well, the point of this legacy change was to encourage people to choose a look appropriate to themselves rather than be a carbon copy of everyone else. This means we should be able to wear any legacy set we want without being visually penalized.

Edited by Dionius
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I find it kind of funny, it seems like Bioware is forever tweaking headgear and hoods and how they display with each other and on different races. xD


I would not be surprised if they did something about this in 1.3, but even if they do I wouldn't count on it being prominently mentioned. I had no idea that 1.2 would fix my Miraluka's hood clipping issue, and after a more recent mini-patch I was surprised to find that my Companion's hood didn't show up anymore due to the headband he was wearing (and had been wearing for months). And one day I logged in to find that headgear that had shown up on my Miraluka before no longer did.


I hope the next such "surprise" hood/headgear adjustment is a good one for those of you with this hood clipping problem. :)

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  • 1 month later...
Cannot believe that this has been an issue for so long. This is my first SI, going full dark-side, and it really breaks the immersion to have the back of my skull poking out through the hood through half the game.
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I have to be at very specific angles to see it on my characters. It's not a huge deal for me mainly because I work very hard to get my characters out of hoods as soon as I can anyway (at least until we get the hood up/down feature back - if ever).
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  • 4 weeks later...

Agreed, 5 months later and its still messed up, at least for human Male Jedi Knight Guardians with Body Type 3.


Today I was exited to see that they had fixed the issue, but disjointed to see that it is still an issue with my Character type. Bald With the hood pulled really really far back. It just looks silly.


I bought an upgradable trooper helm in April and I think my Knight is going to be wearing if for a very long time.

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