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Has this game turned you "off" to MMOs in general?


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In order for normal people to play GW2, they are going to have to learn to deal with the obnoxious people who will be playing that game. It's playerbase is going to be a cesspool; the worst parts of COD, League of Legends, and 4chan all rolled into one.


GW2's playerbase is going to sink that game faster than its developers ever could.


I don't see how, Guild Wars seems relatively good, been running for 7 years. Guild Wars 2 had over 1 million people pre-order. About the same number as TOR's susbscription numbers too

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I think SWTOR has a huge potential. My only fear is that BW seems to suffer a lot from the "last minute" syndrome. We're in 2012, hundreds of MMOs came out in the last 10 years... Some of the things they are doing seems to simply repeat the mistake of most. How could they not predict that server merge and character transfer was going to be an important item. Why are they working on that now? This should have been part of the plans from day one.


There's a lot of good, great and amazing in the game. There's also a lot of botch, not very thought out and "did you even QA that?" items in the game. Especially on the art side of things. I mean come on, not a single person in the game think that the end game armor sets are nice. Yet, 1.2 was a huge slap on the face of people... No one was asking for anything complicated, all they JK needed was a nice Robe with armor parts on it... not some manga brand armor that doesn't even remotely look Star Wars.


One of the biggest downfall of the game is how they want everyone to hang out in their own fleet station.


Why not make Nar Shadaa a hub for both faction to interact at a minimum level. There's more ambience, lore and things happening there. Star Wars is all about these unique locations and yet, we end up in probably the most dull one of all, the station where nothing is happening. Things are so badly placed that it's not even worth hanging out in the fleet cantina.


There's an important lesson that other devs often talked about and that was the flow. CCP has been working on walking in space stations for years. Their first prototype was beautiful but after extensive testing, they noticed that a lot of it didn't really made sense and that people would end up staying in one spot, leaving all the rest empty. So they went back to the drawing boards. SWG had it right when it came to the social aspect but we all know this so...


Even the first Kotor had it right... The first part of the game occurs in Cantinas.


It's a cold game and that's where it is suffering a lot. There's no area for dueling where a lot of people can gather and have some fun. I doubt roleplayers are having a blast roleplaying and if they do, cool and I'm mistaken. Legacy was suppose to help the community, instead it turned the entire process into a grind that most are currently ignoring. Why would I spend 2 months grinding dailies for a mail box in my ship? This is a matter of taste though and I agree that some think that grinding for these items is standard and ok.


In the end, this game is on a balance and it can go both ways... right now, it's slowly going into the wrong direction and 1.2 was not the amazing savior. It was good but was it enough?

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Nope, gonna be putting some serious time into the Guild Wars 2 beta this weekend



Got another GW2 beta weekend access, so I´ll give it a shot!

Only problem is the medieval fantasy setting (again...) so I might wait a few weeks more for The Secret World which I already preorderd (contemporary Horror/Survival setting, no classes, no levels, yeah!)


So the fight decision for me is between GW2 and TSW -

TOR already shelfed until 2.0 earliest... but I´ll play some of my 30 free days up to the TSW release date

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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