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Now They Have 19k HP -Delete Sorcerer


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Try using your "range" to fight melee classes lol... cant count how many times I burned down a sorc/sage who just stood there and took it to the face like an idiot:rolleyes: The good ranged players use knockbacks, stuns, and interupts to slow us down, thus giving their team time to come in and help out.... back to that whole teamwork and not 1v1 thing, see how that worked;)


We have a winner!

Edited by darksidechemist
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First off you need to learn the definition of a hard counter, for example I bet you don't complain about tearing the **** out of heavy armor wearers. Maras are caster killers plain and simple.


umm sorcerers don't have any armor penetration, and only 1 hard hitting skill that ignores armor, in fact powertechs and juggernauts of specific specs are 2 of the harder classes to kill, in fact its downright impossible for a sorc to beat my powertech when specced pyro...


If there was any class in the game the sorc should be a counter for, it's the marauder.

Edited by Adzzy
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God dam a class that only has one role as DPS be able to kill another class ???


Looks at the Specs..

3 DPS Specs for Mara..

there is no healing at all.




A good marauder will heal the same or outheal a dps sorcs bubbles and offheals with their bleeds. Oh, and not to mention they will be up at the top of damage charts. I'm not saying marauders don't have counters, because they are not the be all end all everyone says they are, but to say they don't have heals is ignorant. A marauder will do a lot of healing if you keep the bleed train rolling.

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Sorcerers/Sages were probably the best, strongest class in the game before 1.2: their healing and DPS output were both massive and had unrivalled utility (okay, maybe tank Shadows/Assassins aside).


They still can put out great numbers, they still have millions of ways to incapacitate players (on my level 18 Sorc I already have three, I suppose there's more to come, snares, roots etc.). They are more than useful, they are very, very good if played well.


The problem here is that Sentinel/Marauder cooldowns are out of this world. I duelled a Sentinel friend yesterday night; first he Pacified me during Master Strike then put up Guarded by the Force after putting his bleeds on me. And he still had Force Camouflage to turn to... Meanwhile I as a Vigilance Guardian had, erm, Saber Ward - which he's got, too! (and Enure but that extra health meant nothing...)


By the way, all the people who complain that melee are running rampant, play a Vigilance Guardian/Vengeance Juggernaut. We'll see how you stand on the melee vs ranged thing afterwards.

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He's wearing Rakata and you should destroy him.


^^^ This, I am in a PvP guild so when I que'ed up with them the first couple times I had to laugh when they asked how I had over 20k health. Easy be in full PvE gear my mara it in full Rakata, stam stim, and full buffs before I bothered to grind out some PvP gear recently.


The exp changes have actually forced me to get PvP gear, but at least BM gear is easy to get now. I had 10% more health and could do almost do 10% more damage pre 1.2, the big gain in PvP gear was the healing boost, and if/when you had heals. I am used to playing squishy classes that rely on CD's to survive. Try running WZ's in garbage gear and it will make you a better player. (I made my mara within the first couple weeks of the game going live and never got into the valor grind just in case any were wondering.)


I find PvP only stats dumb and they are just another time sink in the end. There should only be one ultimate set of gear that you can acquire from PvE or PvP. This way I can PvP and not be a gimp, while others can PvE and not be a wasted Ops slot. Gear is way to easy to get in this game. I do not even have time to grow attached to pieces before I replace them.


One last thing I never see mentioned here is the "buff" change that 1.2 brought too. I can buff myself with every class buff so every one of my toons is Ops buffed to begin with, it can be a huge advantage. Making "super" companions is another dumb idea. Companions have way to much influence on the outcome of world PvP battles. Not only do I have to be geared, but I have to have my companion geared too, and have the right companion out. I prefer to run a healer companion for PvE, but prefer a dps companion for PvP. Here is an easy fix, how about make companion abilities only effect PvE mobs since healing already takes a hit once PvP starts?


So much QQ on these forums, it is almost funny. If healers had their way no one would ever die in a WAR zone. People DIE in war, healing someone while they are in the middle of combat is FANTASY. Short time to kills benefit number mismatches as skilled players can over come number disadvantages sometimes. Please go play GW2 since you will be forced to play a DPS class and cannot be a "pure" speced healer. You will not be able to LEVEL as a healer either, enjoy. If your team protects their healers then healers will still win WZ's 9 times out of 10.

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I don't disagree on any particular point.


But how do you get 18k health on a sorcerer? I'm in 100% BM gear and I only have ~15,400 health on my sage, no more than 16,600 with a Rakata Fortitude Stim.


I have x2 War Hero -in place of Mystic for the shorter bubble lock out- x3 Master and the rest is all Master. I use Fort Stim and the rest would be WZ buffs.


If you use http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/ you will discover that in full WH I will have +21k HP.

Edited by Cempa
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If you have all of your control skills/abilities -meaning you did not need to use them- you either are coming from rez point, its a blow out match or you are in a PuG group in terms of level and intensity of competition.


In any tough match I will be in combat for most of the time, non stop combat and I will always have one or two of my control/cc abilities on CD, I have to or I would be dead.


In tough matches the pro Marauder will pick the right moment to Camo---->run to the guy in light armor and absolutely shred them.


All the Marauder needs to do is watch for the massive animation of Knock Back and then take a bee line to me and before the 20sec CD is up I am just about to bite the dust.


Name on class that can do that other than Marauder? Don't start lining up the planets to try and prove your point, explain it as I did, mid battle and tough fight people using CDs as they are available!

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I love people who think Sorcs can actually kite a good marauder.


Heres the truth of it boys & girls, you cant kite a marauder, for every stun, snare and slow a sage has a mara can match it with abilities to spare.


Maras kill Sages & Sorcs, only difference between a bad sage and a good sage is how long it takes to die.

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I love people who think Sorcs can actually kite a good marauder.


Heres the truth of it boys & girls, you cant kite a marauder, for every stun, snare and slow a sage has a mara can match it with abilities to spare.


Maras kill Sages & Sorcs, only difference between a bad sage and a good sage is how long it takes to die.


pretty much


I don't disagree on any particular point.


But how do you get 18k health on a sorcerer? I'm in 100% BM gear and I only have ~15,400 health on my sage, no more than 16,600 with a Rakata Fortitude Stim.



And to all the ppl that think a mara can not get 19k hp, its called augmented gear. +18 Endurance augments per piece x 7 (7pieces of gear can have augment slot for duel wield classes) = 1260hp above base war hero gear.


So yea when you can get buffed with a trooper/bh buff 19k hp is not that hard to achieve. My sage has 18k hp with 1200 expertise. (5 pieces of warhero)



Edited by Stavroz
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