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If SWTOR goes free to play it may save the ship from exploding


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But sadly the Star Wars fans are not enough to keep all servers busy, SWTOR as a free to play game would have at least the advantage that more people could play the game, so raising the population on the servers (which is in my humble opinion the best selling point for f2p games).


Problem is though with the connotations that F2P has, if TOR does go F2P, the server population will likely drop rather than increase. People will come to it because it is F2P, but those that do have subs, and especially those that know the roads F2P has gone down, will leave because they want no part of it.


F2P is not meant for this game, not of this caliber.

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I would quite if it went F2P. It actually ends up costing more money to regular players when a game does this.


Either you have to give them constant micro transactions, which often are as much or more then the monthly sub, to access content, or you have to pay money to even compete in the game. Imagine having a 10% chance to upgrade that purple or orange item you have with an augment slot, but if it fails the item is destroyed, but lo and behold, the cash shop has an item you can buy for 1 dollar that keeps the item from being destroyed, so it costs an average of 10 dollars of real money, and whatever you spent of in game cash to upgrade an item with an augment slot if your lucky, that is the basic F2P experience.

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Problem is though with the connotations that F2P has, if TOR does go F2P, the server population will likely drop rather than increase. People will come to it because it is F2P, but those that do have subs, and especially those that know the roads F2P has gone down, will leave because they want no part of it.


F2P is not meant for this game, not of this caliber.


People said the same thing about LoTRO (it started as sub for couple of years then went F2P. saved the game :) )

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People said the same thing about LoTRO (it started as sub for couple of years then went F2P. saved the game :) )


Add Champions Online to the list of games that did exceptionally well (and better) compared to their success--or failure--as subscription-based games.

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People said the same thing about LoTRO (it started as sub for couple of years then went F2P. saved the game :) )


Except TOR isnt failing, it does not need saving, it has not been as wildly successful as some where hoping, and that has more to do with unrealistic expectations to begin with then any failing in the game. It seems to have retained more subs then most MMO's do out of the gate, some have left and more will in the next few months, just like every MMO, even WOW went through this, then it becomes a question of if they can get more subs to come in from time to time, particularly with updates and expansions. How many extra subs they have come in will determine if the game will be viable or a huge success, right now its viable, and can live on less then half its current subs indefinitely, it will never need to go F2P, its the difference between huge success and success, not success and failure.

Edited by Sharn-
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People said the same thing about LoTRO (it started as sub for couple of years then went F2P. saved the game :) )


I wouldn't say that. I came from a very populated server and now it is almost dead. The only people on are those that are LT subers or the few that are trying to go the so-called F2P route. Point is, you can't actually play ALL the game unless you spend REAL MONEY. How is that "free"? Free to play is more scam then savior.

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As many people have said, ''F2P'' means ''P2Win'' or at the very least ''Pmorethanasubifyouwanttowinsometimes''


Have heard of World of Tanks ? It's F2P ! But you can buy an insanely powerful tank for 50$......


There is a fine line between F2P and P2Win :)


LoTRO did a great job on that. Most of the gear are cosmetic. The expansion and dungeon (optional) are paid content (or "free" via subs) You can get exp scrolls, or fast travel scrolls, but you can't buy epic loot from it (at least last I saw it)


There are standard content that players can play from 1 to max level without having to buy all the "optional dungeons" but with it, it makes life easier.

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Look most people dont even want to pay subscriptions anymore and free to play mmos are more appealing. This game will only suceed if very soon they move it to free to play, because look at what coming and you really think with the bad press this game has anyone is going to want to sub to it with better games coming out. Free to play would let people play swtor while they playing other games and raise populations so that it becomes more a sucess, the sub model is failing and that the reason why it didnt sell as many as it could off.


No it won't save it. It'll doom it. F2P is not free at all, and in pretty much every case with games going F2P you inevitably end up paying more to get the same content as you would paying a sub.


You F2P advocates are dupes.

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Games shouldnt always be about making money, greedy companys deserve to fall there corrupted foundation can only last so long.


Again a F2P dupe comment.


You think games go to a F2P model because they don't think they can make money?

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LoTRO did a great job on that. Most of the gear are cosmetic.


Yeah they just know the have a ridiculous time sink in Legendary weapons, that is their real money sink, P2W. Make legendary weapons so tedious to peak that you want to break down and buy parts and xp for them. Besides the content you have to buy like a raid not included with the last expansion.


Every game that goes F2P finds ways to gouge the players.

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There is a fine line between F2P and P2Win :)


LoTRO did a great job on that. Most of the gear are cosmetic. The expansion and dungeon (optional) are paid content (or "free" via subs) You can get exp scrolls, or fast travel scrolls, but you can't buy epic loot from it (at least last I saw it).


You can buy legacies for your legendary weapons in the store. The store is also pretty much the only way to get stat tomes (they're incredibly rare otherwise).

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Point is, you can't actually play ALL the game unless you spend REAL MONEY. How is that "free"? Free to play is more scam then savior.

I never get why people bring that always up in the f2p discussions, when one day an expansion comes along for SWTOR you will also have to pay more money (and that on top of your sub). So, what am I missing? What's the big difference in f2p games there? Don't get me wrong, I prefer it when all content is free and just the convienience stuff and the cosmetic stuff is there be be bought (and even that can be found in quite a few games with a sub, but also some f2p games got that right).

Edited by Drudenfusz
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i don't mind paying if it's a good service.

atm i don't find this game to be quite worth the 15 a month. i'll probably resubscribe next month and see how i feel.


15 i think is a bit high for average mmo's. in my opinion and based on other subscription services. but i'd pay even 60 a month if it was an amazing mmo with stuff i enjoyed in it. it's not the money it's more the service that i care about.


but i'm not going to go out and have protests over it or cry at night. :cool:

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I never get why people bring that always up in the f2p discussions, when one day an expansion comes along for SWTOR you will also have to pay more money (and that on top of your sub). So, what am I missing? What's the big difference in f2p games there? Don't get me wrong, I prefer it when all content is free and just the convienience stuff and the cosmetic stuff is there be be bought (and even that can be found in quite a few games with a sub, but also some f2p games got that right).


I don't either. It is either you pay now, or pay later.


game updates - some games may bundle updates as part of expansion (1.2 could easily do this) and you could buy that as a small x-pack like LoTOR, but since we are sub base, the company release it as part of an update with no extra cost. More than likely like new Races or major expansion there will be cost. Every MMO does this.


Now F2P doing well financially because of the "up front" pay. You buy the expansion and play the content. If you want more character slots (start off with 2) then you can buy more. Need exp boost, buy it.

Sub for F2P (LoTOR have this) you get rest exp upto 1 level. Some travel points (convenience) are open up (you can buy a scroll good for X day in LoTOR) and all dungeon expansion (exception of major expansion) are included in the sub. Of course when you go free or premium, you lose access to dungeons you didn't buy. There are base dungeons you still have access too.

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Games shouldnt always be about making money, greedy companys deserve to fall there corrupted foundation can only last so long.


LOL, you thing they make them just for your enjoyment>?




If you want to make a game with your own money financing it, only to give it away,


be my guess


I hold no ill will at EAoware for trying to make money!


I just hold them in ill will for how they are spending my money on future developement of this game.


If paying a subscription is your line in sand, computer MMORPGs are not for you as so called f2P games usually end up costing more then a monthly sub for the players.

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To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if a Space Expansion came out and cost money. SWTOR could go f2p and put in an item shop, or SWTOR could simply put all those items in the next X-pac and it would amount to the same thing.


The real issue is how does a company take your money whilst keeping you happy about it.


The difference between them is that in a P2P game you pay one time you get a variety of ships to fly and can visit any part of the universe at your leisure. In a F2P game, you have to purchase each ship individually and you have to buy systems. Not sectors or even the whole galaxy. Just the solar systems. Free to Play is all about extracting as much money as you can from your players by seeing how much they truly want the features they ask for.

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i really don't understand the F2P hype. if the game is F2P then the only thing you can do is run around Hutta and maybe DK. thats it. or pay to unlock other areas.


why not just pay the $15 and have access to everything? which, by golly, is what we are already paying.


are there really millions of people who want nothing more but to be capped at level 10 running around on starter planets?


free to play is fail.

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